480 resultados para endometrial neoplasia


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Introduction: much studies regarding risk factors associated with oral cancer. Factors such as smoking and alcohol and solar radiation are well established, but others, such as bacterial influence in the development or progression of a tumor still remain unexplained. Interest in the possible relationship between bacteria and different stages of cancer development has increased since the classification of H. pylori by the WHO as a definite carcinogen. Subsequently, links between infection and the onset of cancer in various sites in the body were discovered. Review of literature: this literature review attempts to show the influence of poor oral hygiene, with consequent bacterial accumulation as a possible important risk factor for the initiation and development of mouth cancer, and correlate the possible mechanisms by which bacteria can initiate or promote carcinogenesis. Conclusion: there is much evidence that bacteria in the oral cavity and periodontopathic are present in tumor tissue, however, still can not affirm that these bacteria initiate or promote carcinogenesis.


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Neoplasm, tumor or cancer generic synonymies are used to designate a group of diseases that affect any part of the body.Their main common feature is the abnormal cell proliferation, usually rapid, uncontrolled and unrestrained. According to World HealthOrganization (WHO) cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide. In 2005, a total of 58 million deaths, 7.6 million (or 13%) of all of them were cancer. Among the factors that favor its development, the tobacco is considered one of the main villains. Therefore, this article, we will discuss the basics and updates about oral cancer and tobacco consumption.


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Introduction: the term paraneoplastic is a clinical, biochemical, hormonal, neurological and/or associated disorder with hematologic malignancies, but not directly related to primary tumor invasion and metastasis. Paraneoplatic syndromes may be the first sign of a malignancy. Review of literature: the syndromes that are most commonly related to dentistry are of lambertt-Eaton, Gardner, Cowden disease, Peutz-Jeghers, Sjögren, multiple endocrine neoplasic, multiple neurofibromatosis of Von Recklinghausen, nevoid basal cell carcinoma, acanthosis nigrans and pemphigus paraneoplastic. Conclusion: early diagnosis of malignant neoplasms favors prognosis and paraneoplastic syndromes assist in diagnosis. It is important that surgeons-dentists know these events in order to diagnose them as soon as possible and refer these patients to specialized treatment.


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O cementoblastoma é uma neoplasia benigna que envolve dentes vitais, frequentemente os molares ou pré molares inferiores. Está associado à raiz dentária podendo provocar a sua reabsorção. Cresce muito lentamente e é assintomático, com exceção dos casos em que há expansão das corticais. Radiograficamente aparece como uma massa radiopaca, bem definida, com contorno radiolúcido, que se sobrepõe à raiz do dente. O diagnóstico final normalmente é feito pelo exame histopatológico, mas o diagnóstico clínico é facilmente realizado, através da avaliação radiográfica. Paciente leucoderma, do sexo masculino, 54 anos realizou uma radiografia panorâmica digital para uma avaliação geral. Na imagem, foi observada uma massa radiopaca, bem delimitada, medindo aproximadamente 2 cm de diâmetro envolvendo as raízes do dente 47. Para uma melhor avaliação do caso, foi realizada uma tomografia de feixe cônico, onde foi observada que a massa radiopaca estava aderida às raízes do dente 47, causando reabsorção externa das mesmas, apresentando as dimensões de aproximadamente 2,7 cm no sentido ântero-posterior, 2 cm da base da mandíbula em direção à cortical alveolar e 1,7 cm de vestibular para lingual. Foi também observada expansão da cortical óssea lingual, sem rompimento. O diagnóstico por meio da tomografia foi de cementoblastoma. Devido à idade do paciente e a ele não apresentar sintomatologia, foi proposto o acompanhamento da lesão. O paciente encontra-se em proservação há 18 meses e não houve alteração do quadro clínico.


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The squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignancy in the oral cavity, representing over 90% of cancers in this region. This study aimed to conduct an epidemiological study of oral squamous carcinoma cases diagnosed by the Department of Pathology, Department of Pathology and Clinical Propaedeutics in the Dentistry Faculty of Araçatuba - UNESP, in the period between 1995 and 2005. 185 cases were studied, it was observed that the oral floor and tongue were the sites most affected, with predominance in males, white race and aged between 41 and 60 years, noting that the majority of patients were smokers. Knowledge of these data is important for the dental surgeon to act preventively, contributing to early diagnosis of cancer.


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The squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a neoplasm that affect pets, production animals and exotic animals, and it’s very common in tropical countries like Brazil, once it develops a sparsely pigmented, stratified squamous epithelium and on surfaces mucosa exposed to ultraviolet action. The SCC is quite infiltrative but rarely causes metastases. Its occurrence in the nasal epithelium is widely reported in cats. This case is a chinese hamster (Cricetulus griséus), female, young, who developed a nasal nodule, and their only clinical sign was intense itching. The animal underwent surgery to perform an incisional biopsy, which was referred to the Veterinary Pathology Service of UNESP, campus of Araçatuba (SP) for histopathological evaluation. The material showed features consistent with squamous cell carcinoma well differentiated.


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Introduction: much studies regarding risk factors associated with oral cancer. Factors such as smoking and alcohol and solar radiation are well established, but others, such as bacterial influence in the development or progression of a tumor still remain unexplained. Interest in the possible relationship between bacteria and different stages of cancer development has increased since the classification of H. pylori by the WHO as a definite carcinogen. Subsequently, links between infection and the onset of cancer in various sites in the body were discovered. Review of literature: this literature review attempts to show the influence of poor oral hygiene, with consequent bacterial accumulation as a possible important risk factor for the initiation and development of mouth cancer, and correlate the possible mechanisms by which bacteria can initiate or promote carcinogenesis. Conclusion: there is much evidence that bacteria in the oral cavity and periodontopathic are present in tumor tissue, however, still can not affirm that these bacteria initiate or promote carcinogenesis.


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Histomorphometric data were obtained from cats uterine horns: either nulliparous (n = 6), primiparous (n = 6), multiparous (n = 6) and treated with contraceptive (n = 6). The material was collected after surgery, fixed in paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraplast® resin to be sliced in a microtome. The obtained sections were stained with hematoxylin - eosin and measured under a light microscope: uterine wall total thickness (μm), endometrium total height, endometrial glands diameter and glandular epithelia height, total myometrium, internal and external myometrium and vascular layer thickness. It was concluded that: 1 - contraceptive use and number of pregnancies altered the uterine structure, 2 - one pregnancy does not appear to affect the uterine lining structures as occurs in multiparous cats, 3 – there was no variation on the evaluated structures between nulliparous and primiparous cats except for inner myometrium, 4 - the total myometrium hight and the endometrium hight showed similar variations except for the contraceptive treated cats group, 5 - the outer myometrium showed marked changes in the treated cats, 6 – the less marked morphological variations were for the endometrial glands diameter and glandular epithelium hight, 7 - the presence of dilated endometrial glands was found only in treated cats.


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Lymphoma is the most prevalent neoplasia in dairy cattle. The etiology can be viral in animals affected by bovine leukemia virus (BLV) or be classified as primary. Lymphoma can affect several organs and according to the system involved, the clinical signs could manifest themselves in different ways. These tumors can be classified through macroscopic characteristics, histology and immunostaining. This classification can be used to predict prognosis and response to therapy. The aim of this case report was to immunostain and classify the tumor, for which anti-CD4, anti-CD8, anti-CD79 and anti-CD3 markers were used in addition to histopathological findings, in order to classify the tumor. The tumor was positive only for anti-CD3 marker, indicating that it is a tumor of young cells and, in association with histopathology and hematological data, it can be concluded that spleen neoplasia is lymphocytic lymphoma originated from a lymphocytic leukemia.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)