613 resultados para Plantas Forrageiras


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INTRODUCTION: Microsporum canis is the most common cause of canine and feline dermatophytosis and thus has an important zoonotic role. OBJECTIVES: the aim of this study was to determine the antifungal action of medicinal plant extracts and of eucalyptus oil against pathogenic fungus Microsporum canis. METHODS: the extracts were prepared by mixing 300 g of previously washed leaves with 450 mL of distilled water. Then the material was triturated, filtered, sterilized and conserved at 10 + 2 oC. Fifteen milliliters of sterilized medium Sabouraud dextrose (Difco) at a temperature of 55 + 1 oC was added in Petri dishes containing the extracts in one, two, three, four and five mm concentrations. The fungus was inoculated once the medium was solidified. The inoculated dishes were maintained in B.O.D. incubator at 36 ± 0,5 oC until the fungus developed in the controls. RESULTS: the extracts from Punica granatum, Mangifera indica and Eucalyptus spp reduced the growth of fungus, but the extracts from Cymgopogom nardus, Tagetes minuta, Ruta graviolens, Cyperus rotundus, Annona moricata and Calendula spp leaves and flowers boosted the growth of fungus. The other extracts and the eucalyptus oil neither show any fungicidal action nor encourage mycelium growth. CONCLUSIONS: the use of most tested extracts and eucalyptus oil is not suitable for the treatment of Microsporum canis dermatophytosis due to lack of inhibitory effects. The extracts from Cymgopogom nardus, Tagetes minuta, Ruta graviolens, Cyperus rotundus, Annona moricata and from of Calendula spp leaves and flowers help the development of the fungus making clear that phytotherapy should be properly used, otherwise it can worsen the problem. However; extracts from Mangifera indica, Punica granatum and Eucalyptus spp. can be used as fungistatic.


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Soybean is a crop of great importance for Brazil, and knowledge of their nutritional status allows production and high quality products. Thus, the present work aimed to evaluate the culture of the soybean cv. BRSMG 68 (Vencedora), submitted to macronutrients omission on the development, nutritional status and the visual symptomatology of nutrient deficiency. The design used was completely randomized, with seven treatments that corresponded to the complete (macro and micronutrients) solution and the individual omission of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. The treatments were applied two weeks after the emergency of the soybean. The nutrient solution was constantly oxygenated and replaced weekly, and the pH monitored daily remained around 5. After six weeks of application of the treatments, the height of the plants, number of leaves, stem diameter was evaluated, matter dry accumulated in the roots, it leaves aerial and the nutritional state and the characterization of the visual symptoms. The macronutrient deficiency promoted a decrease in production of root and shoot dry mass of soybean cultivar BRSMG 68 (Vencedora) in nutrient solution, for the full treatment. The most limiting nutrient for dry matter production of soybean compared to complete treatment were N, S and K, with decreases of 90, 76 and 73%, respectively. Individual omissions resulted in morphological changes, which were translated by characteristic visual symptoms of nutritional deficiency of the respective nutrient.


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This research work aimed to determine the total period of interference of weeds prevention of lettuce cultivar Solaris. The experiment was conducted in Universidade Estadual de Londrina, in the period of autumn/ winter of 2008. The lettuce crop remained free from weed interference from emergence up to 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 e 60 days. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. The weed community was composed by Bidens pilosa, Amaranthus hybridus, Oxalis corniculata, Euphorbia heterophylla, Spinacia oleracea, Commelina benghalensis e Lepidium virginicum. It was determined dry and fresh matter of weeds, and number of lettuce leaves. Assuming a tolerance of 5% for crop production decrease, it was verified that the total period of interference prevention (TPIP) occurred up to 21 days after transplanting. Weed interference throughout the crop cycle reduced 25% of its yield.


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The success in weed control by using straw depends on the management time, straw quality and quantity. The objective of this research was to evaluate the suppressor effect of black-oats and millet straw cover on the incidence of weeds and on the productivity of the soybean crop. The experiment was carried out during the years 2006 and 2007, in an area from the Farm of Education, Research and Production of FCAV-UNESP, Jaboticabal Campus, in a completely randomized block design, with four replications. Treatments consisted of different types of black oats and pearl millet straw management before soybean seeding (without management, obtained by machine cut, desiccated using glyphosate desiccation and with paraquat) and different periods of straw deposition (0, 15, 30 e 60 days before soybean seeding). The weed population and the characteristics of soybean growth and production were evaluated. The deposition of black oats and pearl millet straw provided reductions in weed density and dry mass, and this effect was more effective when the deposition occurred until 15 days prior to soybean seeding. The suppressor effect of black oats straw was more pronounced than that of pearl millet straw, regardless of the drying method, although the millet had a greater dry matter production. No significant differences were found between the drying methods and the straw effectiveness.


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This work was carried out to evaluate the effects of sugarcane straw density and positions of seeds of Euphorbia heterophylla, Mucuna cinereum, Digitaria nuda and Eleusine indica on emergence and initial development of plants. The experiment were arranged in a completely randomized design, with 15 treatments and four replications, in a factorial arrangement 3 x 5 with a additional control; the first factor was constituted by position of seeds related to the straw (under, between and on) and the second by five quantities of straw (1, 2, 4, 8 e 16 t ha -1) with a control without straw. At 15 days after sowing (DAS) it was realized evaluations of height, dry mass and emergence percentage for E. heterophylla and M. cinereum, and at 28 DAS it was analyzed dry mass and emergence percentage for D nuda e E. indica. Data obtained were submitted to F in variance analysis test and means were compared with Tukey at 5% probability. Emergence and initial development of E. heterophylla e M. cinereum were reduced with increasing of straw and were affected by seed position, but it was not inhibited in none of conditions, indicating aggressiveness of these weeds in sugarcane mechanized harvest conditions. D. nuda and E. indica emergence was not affected by seed position and coverage soil with 8 e 16 t ha -1 of sugarcane straw inhibited its emergence.


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This work aimed to evaluate the effect of cattle manure levels in the phase of implementation Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson (Eucalyptus citriodora) seedlings in field, produced from seeds collected from four mother trees. The experiment was carried out in green house, in pots filled with 5 dm 3 of Oxisol. Five cattle manure levels were applied 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 t ha -1 (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 g pot -1). All treatments received lime levels which were calculated to increase the base saturation degree to 50%. The soil fertility was evaluated after 30 days of soil incubation with manure and lime. The seeds were collected from mother trees called 2, 8, 20 and 29. Sowing was performed directly in rigid plastic containers of 50 cm 3 and seedlings were transplanted when they were around 17 cm height. The experimental design was entirely randomized, in a factorial 5 × 4 (five doses of cattle manure and seeds of four mother trees) scheme and four repetitions. Each parcel was a pot with two plants. At 90 days the height, foliar area, stalk diameter, shoot and root dry matter. The plants responded positively to application of manure, but differently for each evaluated growth characteristic linearly or quadratically. The manure levels had linear effects on growth characteristics and dry matter production of the plants from mother trees 2 and 20 moreover these plants require more cattle manure levels than ones from mother trees 8 and 29. The cattle manure promoted the best development of plants from mother trees 8 and 29, in relationship with dry matter production of shoot components was approximately 27 t ha-1, equivalent to 67.5 g pot.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Environmental disturbances in various systems and individuals can result in a tendency for fluctuating asymmetry, which consists of a non-directional deviation from symmetry of a bilateral structure in a normally distributed population. Individuals unable to exhibit plastic responses to developmental disorders that occur at random, either genetic or environmental, may exhibit slight deviations from symmetry in organs with bilateral structure such as leaves. Thus analyzing plants by the morphological pattern of symmetry of the leaves has become an effective tool to describe the developmental of plants under stress conditions. This study aimed to analyze if the pattern of symmetry can be used as a tool to investigate the stress level to which a plant is subjected, using ultraviolet-C radiation (UV-C) as source of stress. We determined the leaf symmetry deviations (sd), the average length (AL) and the maximum width of the lamina (MWL) and the fluorescence parameters of chlorophyll-a in leaves of young plants of G. max subjected to 0, 30, 60, 120 or 240 minutes per week of UV-C during four weeks, submitting the values to ANOVA and Tukey test (p <0.05). The results showed significant reductions in AL and MWL, significant increase in sd in leaves irradiated and a drop in potential quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) and in the photosynthesis performance index (IP). The analysis of leaf symmetry showed high correlation with the stress level to which plants were submitted, being an important analysis to ascertain the fitness of the plant because it is a noninvasive method and easy to perform.


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The knowledge of interaction between infective larvae setting and the type of grass is important to epidemiological studies and the control of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of three species of forage grasses on pasture characteristics and the vertical distribution of infective larvae (L3) of gastrointestinal nematodes of woolless sheep on the grasses during the rainy season. Sixty non-periparturients ewes were used, naturally infected, equally distributed on 2ha paddocks sowed with Tanzania, star, and gamba grasses, managed under continuous grazing system, from October 2003 to March 2004, at Santa Bárbara farm, Barreiras-Bahia-Brazil. Data of three samples between December 2003 and March 2004 were analyzed by SAS, using split-plot design, with 10 replications. Infective larvae of Haemonchus spp. and Trichostrongylus spp. were observed on forage in all stratus of vertical layer of the grasses without a defined pattern. Pastures with different characteristics under continuous grazing system had good conditions for developing infective larvae of sheep.


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The angular leaf spot of dry bean caused by the fungus Phaeoisairopsis griseola is a very important disease on dry bean crops in Brazil. In propitious weather conditions, susceptible cultivars have significant losses due to this disease. In these conditions, fungicide usage is an important step for angular leaf spot management. Since the effects of this method of control on plant physiology are not known, this study had the following objectives: a) Verify the action of fungicide in physiological changes in dry beans (photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductivity); b) evaluate the efficacy of some fungicides for the control of angular leaf spot; and c) examine the effects of these fungicides on other agronomic parameters; weight of 100 grains, number of grains per pod and number of pods per plant. The dry bean cultivar used in this study was Perola. Four trials were conducted, two in a net greenhouse and two trials under field conditions. A spray of piraclostrobin, tebuconazol and tebuconazol+ trifloxistrobin increased photosynthesis rates, although stomatal conductivity was not changed. In addition, sprays of tebuconazol, piraclostrobin, metiram+piraclostrobin and azoxistrobin provided better levels of disease control and also higher weight of 100 grains, with the exception of azoxystrobin for this parameter.


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The fiber quality, productivity and favorable climate are considered key points for the development of the cotton crop in the Brazilian Cerrado. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of cover crops and N application in presowing on the cotton crop growth and yield. The experimental design was randomized blocks, consisting of a - three cover crops (radish, white oat and black oat) implanted during the winter period, b - four nitrogen levels (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1 of N) applied to the millet residues and before cotton sowing. In April 2008, evaluations were realized of plant development and also harvesting was performed of experimental plots of cotton plants. The results showed that the radish provides increased length of branches and cotton bolls of cotton crop, without yield increase, and the use of increasing doses of N up to 90 kg ha-1 decreased the amount of carimã per plant, increasing the number of reproductive branches and cotton yield.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of simulated chewing in the laboratory on the survival of seeds of four tropical forage legumes (butterfly pea, Clitorea ternatea; estilosantes, Stylosanthes capitata/S. macrocephala 'Campo Grande; archer, Macrotyloma axillare and perennial soybean, Neonotonia wightii) submitted to different periods of acid enzymatic digestion in vitro. Three trials were conducted to observe the percentage of destroyed seeds by the mastication; to compare the germination of the seeds (intact seeds, simulated mastication, scarification with sandpaper, mastication and scarification with sandpaper). And, finally the seeds were incubated at 39oC with hydrochloric acid and pepsin for: 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours. The percentages of not destroyed seeds in mastication (archer, 91,5; perennial soybean, 88.0; butterfly pea, 82.1, and estilo, 81.1), associated with the beneficial effects of scarification on germination (64.7, 60.0, 92.0 e 87.3%, respectively) and the effects of time of acid-enzymatic digestion (75% higher if they stay 24 hours in HCl + pepsin) associated to the hard and not permeable coats of legume seeds, allow a high potential for resistance, and to pass intact through the digestive tract of cattle, being able to germinate when defecated in the pastures. However, estilo should not be included in the feeding of cattle for this purpose, because it do not resists the acid-enzyme digestion.


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The cotton crop yield is directly associated with the efficient control of pests. This work evaluated the relationship of different densities of A. argillacea per plant at different cotton plant ages with seed germination of four cotton cultivars: IAC 25, Delta Opal, Fibermax 993, and Fibermax 966. A randomized block design was set up in 4x3 factorial with four replications. Densities of larvae per plant (0, 2, 4, and 6 larvae) was the major factor while plant ages (30, 60 and 90 days after emergency - DAE) the second level factor. Larvae were released on plants with 30, 60 and 90 DAE. The seeds were manually picked, for the evaluation of the germination in the laboratory using the seed viability through sand emergency method. The results showed that studied cotton cultivars differently to defoliate caused by A. argillacea larvae; the cotton development stage had more influence in the physiologic quality of the seeds than the defoliation; the germination is negatively affected when the defoliation took place at 60 DAE.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the behavior of morphological Eucalyptus platyphylla when subjected to five levels of soil salinity. The research project was conducted in a greenhouse at the experimental area of the Department of Agricultural Engineering of the FCA / UNESP, Botucatu-SP, utilizing plastic pots filled with soil containing NaCl concentrations, in sufficient quantities to raise the level of electrical conductivity. The experiment was conducted in randomized blocks in factorial scheme 5 x 4, 5 electrical conductivities (1.41, 2.50, 4.50, 6.45 and 8.33 dS m-1) and four repetitions. The results showed that soil salinity did not significantly affect the following parameters: height, green mass and dry matter of shoot, and root and leaf area of the plants.


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The jambu is a broad vegetable consumption in Northern Brazil, especially in Pará, known by the jambu and other common names is native to the Amazon region has been used and cultivated for culinary and also recently in natural medicines by their chemical properties, attributed to the spilanthol compound. Knowing the amount of nutrient uptake in plants, especially at the taken, it is important to evaluate the removal of nutrients necessary for economic fertilizer recommendations. So the goal of this project was to determine the accumulation of nutrients in plants of jambu (leaf and inflorescence) under different fertilizations. The experiment was conducted at São Manuel Experimental Farm UNESP. The statistical was arranged in the randomized block design, in a 2 x 6 factorial scheme, two sources of fertilizers (organic and mineral) and six doses of nitrogen, with four replications. We evaluated the macronutrients of accumulation N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and micronutrients of accumulation B, Cu, Fe and Zn in leaves and inflorescence. The plants responded more jambu nutrients of translocation phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), sulfhur (S), boron (B), copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) in the inflorescences and phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), manganese (Mg), sulfur (S), boron (B), copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) in leaves to organic fertilization demonstrating the effectiveness of using this source of fertilizer nutrients indicating that this was a defining characteristic in response to the accumulation of nutrients in the leaves and inflorescences jambu. Plants jambu are more responsive to fertilizer for the mineral of translocation nitrogen (N) and manganese (Mn) for both the sheet and for the inflorescences of plants jambu.