470 resultados para Estresse oxidativo Teses


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the germination and vigor of two lots of gherkin seeds in different osmotic potentials using polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) and sodium chloride (NaCl). Seeds of the 'North' cultivar were sown in germitest paper moistened in solutions of polyethylene glycol and sodium chloride in osmotic potentials of 0, -0.3, -0.6 and -0.9MPa. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial 2x4 design (solutions x osmotic potential), with four replications. Seed vigor was evaluated by the germination test, first germination count, length and dry weight of root and hypocotyl. It is concluded that the reduction in osmotic potential from -0.3MPa induced by PEG 6000 and NaCl reduces the germination and vigor of gherkin's seeds. The osmotic stress induced by PEG 6000 produced more severe effects than saline in physiological quality of gherkin's seeds.


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The plants are subject to the conditions of multiple stresses, such as water and salt stress, which limit their development and their chances of survival. Aware of the factors that control seed germination can generate support for management strategies of weed species. The objective of this study was to evaluate the possible effects of water stress caused by PEG and NaCl solutions on germination of wild Raphanus raphanistrum and Senna obtusifolia seeds. The seeding was done with four repetitions of 50 seeds on moistened paper with solutions of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) and NaCl at osmotic potentials of 0.0, -0.2, -0.4 and -0.8 MPa. The germination test was conducted at 25 degrees C in the presence of light, evaluating the first test score to seven days after sowing, and weekly, germination (normal seedlings) until 35 days; it was also calculated the index germination rate. The results allowed the conclusion that water stress by PEG causes a greater reduction in force, speed of germination and accumulated germination of seeds of Raphanus raphanistrum and Senna obtusifolia seeds. The Senna obtusifolia was more tolerant to water stress.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the responses of sugar cane subject to water stress by photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls a, b, total a + b, ratio chlorophylls a/b and carotenoids) and verify the use of SPAD index as a cultivar differentiation tool. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, where four cultivars (IACSP95-5000, RB835054, RB928064 and SP80-3280) were grown in pots. After 65 days of planting, two treatments were implemented, i.e., with no stress (-D) and with water stress (D +). Cultivars of sugar cane respond differently in relation to photosynthetic pigments when subjected to water deficit. Cultivars IACSP95-5000 and RB928064 have less effect of drought, that is attributed to the ability of maintaining the chlorophyll and carotenoid content, as well as higher SPAD index values under this condition. Water stress affects with more intensity the cultivars RB835054 and SP80-3280 due to higher reductions in photosynthetic pigments and SPAD index. SPAD index is correlated with chlorophyll and carotenoid content in sugar cane and can be used as a technique for selecting tolerant cultivars to drought in breeding programs.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ps-graduao em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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The interview has been a widely used procedure of research in humanities. Despite the frequent use, researches are not always supported in the literature on research methodology. The aim of this study was to analyze how the interview was used in dissertations and theses in a graduate Program in Education at a university in Sao Paulo state. This study examined 167 final papers developed in to period of five years. Variables focused were: justification for the use of interview, type of interview used, guide elaboration and adaptation, kind of analysis, among others. The results showed that it is still necessary to incorporate the contents of the research methodology underlying the use of the interview to achieve the scientific rigor for this procedure.


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The Assistive Technology makes the lives of people without disabilities more practical, but for people with disabilities it can make things possible. For these individuals can provide the conditions, making their limitations are not obstacles to their social and personal empowerment, and may contribute to their effective participation in tasks that were previously impossible, such as remaining seated correctly. A segment on which the necessary assistive technology works, is the adaptation of furniture such as chairs, tables, chairs-to-wheels for individuals with disabilities, as well as cerebral palsy. The study aimed to conduct a survey and brief description of theses and dissertations produced in Brazil on furniture adapted for students with cerebral palsy. We made searching in databases of libraries of major universities and federal state national banks, theses and dissertations. Nine studies were selected for description. It was concluded that there is a considerable array of professionals, both in engineering as the field of rehabilitation, to contribute in the adaptation, creation and even the manufacture of furniture for children with cerebral palsy and that the securities most studied are the chairs and their components.


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Ps-graduao em Agronomia (Gentica e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)