448 resultados para saliva


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Purpose The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of intensity and interval of recovery on performance in the bench press exercise, and the response of salivary lactate and alpha amylase levels. Methods Ten sportsman (aged 29 ± 4 years; body mass index 26 ± 2 kg/cm2 ) were divided in two groups: G70 (performing a bench press exercise at 70 % one repetition maximum—1RM), and G90 (performing a bench press exercise at 90 %—1RM). All groups were engaged in three intervals of recovery (30, 60 and 90 s). The maximum number of repetitions (MNR) and total weight lifted were computed, and saliva samples were collected 15 min before and after different intervals of recovery. For the comparison of the performance and biochemistry parameters, ANOVA tests for repeated measurements were conducted, with a significance level set at 5 %. Results In G70, the 30 s MNR was lower than the 60 and 90 s intervals of recovery (p\0.05) and the MNR with the 60 s interval of recovery was lower than the 90 s interval of recovery (p\0.041). Similarly, in G90 with the 30 s of interval of recovery, the sets were lower than observed with the 60 and 90 s (p\0.05), and MNR with the 60 s interval of recovery was lower than the 90 s interval of recovery (p\0.05). The salivary lactate showed an increase after exercise (p\0.05) when compared with the rest period for all groups, and no effects were observed for salivary alpha amylase. Conclusions Based on this result, the sets and reps can be modified to change the recovery time. This effect is very useful to improve the performance in relationship to different fitness levels.


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The oral cavity is a complex environment where corrosive substances from dietary, human saliva, and oral biofilms may accumulate in retentive areas of dental implant systems and prostheses promoting corrosion at their surfaces. Additionally, during mastication, micromovements may occur between prosthetic joints causing a relative motion between contacting surfaces, leading to wear. Both processes (wear and corrosion) result in a biotribocorrosion system once that occurs in contact with biological tissues and fluids. This review paper is focused on the aspects related to the corrosion and wear behavior of titanium-based structures in the oral environment. Furthermore, the clinical relevance of the oral environment is focused on the harmful effect that acidic substances and biofilms, formed in human saliva, may have on titanium surfaces. In fact, a progressive degradation of titanium by wear and corrosion (tribocorrosion) mechanisms can take place affecting the performance of titanium-based implant and prostheses. Also, the formation of wear debris and metallic ions due to the tribocorrosion phenomena can become toxic for human tissues. This review gathers knowledge from areas like materials sciences, microbiology, and dentistry contributing to a better understanding of bio-tribocorrosion processes in the oral environment.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Allergies to hematophagous arthropod bites are inflammatory reactivity to arthropods salivary components. They vary in intensity and quality dependent upon the arthropod species and the individual immune response to specific proteins of the insect s saliva. Individuals who were not previously exposed show mild localized reactions not beyond those expected by pharmacological substances present in arthropods saliva. Allergic reactions are immunological in their nature and the diversity derived from hypersensitivity reactions with different levels of participation of the immune system components. Some are mainly derived from a humoral immune response, and others are based predominantly on T-lymphocyte-mediated. The majority of these undesired biological answers are self-limited, and few may cause a systemic reaction. This article intends to discuss the immunological ingredients of this evolutionary interaction.


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To evaluate the impact of iodine-131 therapy received during childhood and adolescence and correlate it with the quality of life in these patients. Methods: We studied 19 patients diagnosed with cancer in childhood or adolescence who underwent thyroidectomy and supplemental therapy with I-131. We also recruited a control group of healthy subjects with the same demographic parameters. All patients were subjected to a scintigraphy examination of the salivary glands, and were also asked to complete a questionnaire in order to assess their overall quality of life. In addition, a more specific questionnaire for patients with head and neck cancer was also given to all study participants. Results: The quantitative and qualitative analyses of the salivary glands showed functional deficits with greater involvement of the parotid gland for volume, concentration and excretion. The right submandibular gland showed significant changes for volume in the patient group. The questionnaires made it possible to observe significant differences between the patient and control groups for symptoms such as thick saliva, dry mouth and speech problems. Conclusion: In spite of being very effective and widely used, iodine radionuclide therapy is correlated with a lower quality of life in young people.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding calcium ions and fluoride in the formulation of a whitening gel 35% hydrogen peroxide in its penetration through the dental structure, whitening efficacy and surface hardness of dental enamel. 80 teeth bovine incisors were used, which were obtained enamel and dentin disks of the buccal surface with 6mm diameter and 2mm thick (1 mm of enamel and dentin 1mm). The samples were divided into four groups stratified according to the protective substance / remineralizing added to the gel of hydrogen peroxide 35%: Group Ca - Calcium gluconate 0.5%; Group F - Sodium fluoride 0.2%; Group Ca + F - Calcium gluconate 0.5% and Sodium Fluoride 0.2%; Control group - no substance was added. The initial color of the samples and the hardness of the enamel were measured before the bleaching procedures. The specimens from each group were placed on a metallic support on which there was a simulated pulp chamber, which was filled with acetate buffer to collect and stabilize the penetrated peroxide. The respective bleaching treatments were applied 3 times, total of 30 minutes of application. The amount of peroxide which passed through the samples was determined by absorbance spectrophotometry. The hardness of the samples was measured immediately after bleaching. Next, the samples were immersed in artificial saliva for 7 days, after which the final color was evaluated. Data were statistically analyzed adopting a 5% significance level


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A large number of metal alloys are used in Dentistry for the manufacture of fixed and removable dentures. In the oral cavity, these structures are exposed to a chemically aggressive medium, like saliva and mechanical efforts, like mastication. In addition, acidic solutions containing fluoride ions are also frequently used in dental treatments to prevent dental plates and decays development. In this context, it was considered important to investigate the influence that a fourth element could exert when added to the ternary alloy Ni-Cr-Mo, largely used in Brazil. Therefore, electrochemical tests were done to evaluate the resistance to corrosion of quaternary alloy 65Ni-25Cr-5Mo-5Ta and 65Ni-25Cr-5Mo-5W in NaF solution 0,08mol / L, pH = 4.7. For greater understanding the microstructure and morphology of alloys were studied, through metallographic analysis, using optics microscopy and electron microscopy scanning. For the electrochemical tests were applied techniques traditionally used in corrosion researches, such as: potential measures in open circuit (OCP) and cyclic polarization (CP). It was found that both quaternary alloys showed very similar results. Comparing these quaternary alloys with the ternary 65Ni-25Cr-10Mo, it was found that the quaternary alloys exhibit greater resistance to corrosion, in other words, less passivation current density than the ternary alloy, showing that it is advantageous to add a fourth element in the alloy


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Os peptídeos têm sido amplamente estudados e demonstrados como uma estratégia promissora no combate a micro-organismos patogênicos, devido aos inovadores mecanismos de ação que apresentam e a menor indução de resistência nos microorganismos. Os peptídeos da família das Histatinas, naturalmente presentes na saliva humana, são os principais agentes que auxiliam na cicatrização e oclusão de feridas, re-epitelização e, além disso, dispõem de mecanismos de ação contra microorganismos, em especial, a Candida albicans. O agente etiológico da Candidiose bucal é a Candida albicans, um patógeno de origem fúngica, que acomete indivíduos de todas as idades, indivíduos imunologicamente debilitados e, especialmente, os usuários de próteses dentárias. Um importante fator de virulência da Candida albicans é a habilidade de formar biofilmes, estrutura comunitária microbiana revestida por exopolissacarídeos, capaz de aderir-se a superfícies lisas. Os biofilmes associam-se com a capacidade de causar infecções, com o desenvolvimento de resistência contra o sistema imune do hospedeiro e contra os antifúngicos. O uso indiscriminado e a exposição prolongada aos antifúngicos induz o surgimento de resistência a esses medicamentos, além disso existem cepas de Candida albicans resistentes ao tratamento com antifúngicos azólicos. Devido a isso surge a necessidade de desenvolvimento de novos alvos terapêuticos. O objetivo desse estudo consiste no desenvolvimento de análogos da Histatina-5 com algumas modificações estruturais, a fim de potencializar a ação terapêutica já comprovada dos peptídeos da família das Histatinas. A Histatina-5GH apresenta maior carga positiva que os demais peptídeos devido a troca de duas glicinas na estrutura da Histatina-5 por duas histidinas. Por sua vez, a Histatina-5SC possui o resíduo de serina C-terminal substituído por...


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)