680 resultados para Irrigação por gotejamento.
Estudou-se a vascularização arterial em nove fêmeas adultas de cateto, incluindo uma jovem e uma gestante, e em seis fêmeas de queixada (três jovens e três adultas). Para este estudo as artérias foram injetadas com solução de látex Neoprene 650 corado e após fixação de formol foram dissecadas. O material foi obtido na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) - Campus Palotina e na Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus de Ilha Solteira. As artérias responsáveis pela irrigação sangüínea dos ovários, tubas uterinas e útero são as artérias útero-ováricas, que emitem as artérias uterinas e ováricas, e as artérias vaginais, estando presentes em todas as amostras, porém variando suas origens. As artérias ováricas emitiram ramos para os ovários, tubas uterinas (ramos tubáricos) e extremidades craniais dos cornos uterinos (ramos tubo-uterinos) e as artérias uterinas enviaram ramos para os cornos uterinos, corpos uterinos e porções craniais da cérvix uterina. As artérias vaginais enviaram ramos para a cérvix e a vagina.
Trabalhamos com 36 gatas adultas, SRD, obtidas através de doações. em 30 desses animais foram injetados em seus vasos arteriais látex Neoprene 650 corado, para o estudo sistemático da origem e distribuição das artérias destinadas ao útero e tuba uterina. Seis desses animais foram utilizados para injeção de Acetado de Vinil, Método de Diafanização de Spaltholz e Radiografia de Contraste, para ilustrar nosso trabalho. Observamos que os vasos que se destinam à tuba uterina e ao útero provêm das artérias ováricas, artérias uterinas e suas colaterais (artéria vesical caudal e ramo uretral). em todas as observações (100%), a artéria ovárica tem sua origem na aorta e emite um ramo em 56,67% das observações para a tuba uterina, e, em 43,33% das vezes, para o corno uterino e tuba uterina. em todas as observações (100%), a artéria uterina tem sua origem na artéria vaginal, como um único vaso, e emite 1-4 ramos para a cérvix uterina, 1-2 ramos para a cérvix e corpo uterino, 1-4 ramos para o corpo uterino, 1-19 ramos para o corno uterino, 1 ramo para o corno uterino e tuba uterina e 1 ramo para a tuba uterina. A artéria vesical caudal e o ramo uretral auxiliam na irrigação da cérvix e corpo uterino, quando estes seguem para a uretra e bexiga, respectivamente. Encontramos anastomoses entre os ramos da artéria uterina e entre estes e os ramos da artéria ovárica.
The aim of this study was to try the forecast of corn (Zea mays L.) sowing dates, the understanding of the quantitative effect of water deficits on that crop and crop yield decrease on a basis of a climatic model of water deficit forecast. This model was applied at Cambara (lat. 23 degrees 00'S, long. 50 circle 02'WGr, altitude 450 m), PR, Brazil. The model estimates yield decrease, in relation to potential values, as a function of the sowing dates which determine flowering and grain filling dates, highly critical times in relation to water deficit. The estimates were done from expected values of water deficit, at the 80% probability level and accumulated degrees-days, using several climatological data. Results show that the first ten days of November are the best corn sowing date under dry or irrigated conditions. Under these same conditions, the worst time showed to be August. Estimates of total needs of supplementar irrigation get values of 126 e 226 mm, respectively to the corn sowed at the first ten days of November and August.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The aim of this work was to observe the interaction between soil moisture and irrigation time intervals on the germination of sugarcane cv. RB785148 sets in semi-controlled conditions. One-bud sets of the variety RB785148 were germinated in ceramic pots filled with soil under a transparent PVC cover using soil humidity levels of 22, 25 and 30%, that were restored at intervals of 7, 14 and 21 days. The experiment was carried out at three different periods of the year: May-June/94; Oct.-Nov./94; and Mar.-Apr./95. The results indicate that the germination decreased mainly in function of the decrease in soil humidity, whereas irrigation interval have no statistical effect on germination. An interaction between humidity level and irrigation interval was observed. A variation of the timecourse of the germination could be observed when the results of the experiments installed at different dates were compared.
O trabalho teve objetivo estudar a variabilidade temporal da temperatura do ar, precipitação pluviométrica e umidade relativa do ar na cidade de Botucatu-SP, Brasil, utilizando técnicas geoestatísticas. Os dados de precipitação pluviométrica, temperatura do ar e umidade relativa do ar utilizados no presente estudo são provenientes da Estação Meteorológica da Fazenda Lageado, da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas-UNESP. As observações foram realizadas no período de 1988 a 2007, referem-se ao total mensal de precipitação pluvial expressa em altura de lâmina d'água (mm), médias mensais de temperatura em ºC e umidade relativa em %. Os dados foram avaliados por meio da estatística clássica e geoestatística. As variáveis climáticas tiveram sua dependência verificada por variogramas, apresentando dependência temporal maior que 76%. A série temporal de umidade relativa do ar foi a que apresentou maior alcance (8,67 meses) e, conseqüentemente, maior estabilidade climática. O conhecimento da distribuição temporal das variáveis climáticas é importante para o estudo e realização do zoneamento agroclimático, bem como para o dimensionamento do sistema de irrigação das culturas.
In order to calculate the daily stress degree of a bean crop submitted to four water regime applications, cover crop and air daily measurements temperatures were accomplished by using a hand-held infrared thermometer. The treatments did not present crop water stress except the control (without irrigation). The highest yield was obtained by the treatment that received less irrigation frequency, and among the treatments that had the same number of irrigation. The largest yield was obtained with the one that received larger amount of applied water. The largest irrigation frequency did not result in larger productivity. The methodologies used for the irrigation planning were efficient for the replacement of soil water. The daily stress degree index was effective in determining crop water stress; and it was reliable presenting negative values in good water soil condition.
The work was realized at the Laboratório de Ensaio de Equipamentos de Irrigação do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Universidade Estadual Paulista FCA- UNESP de Botucatu - SP, it aims evaluated in bench, the flow of a microsprinkler flow with dynamic nominal 43L h-1, before and after the use of gray water. In the first phase were 25 new emitters were separated and performed tests with clean water, at pressures from 50 to 300 kPa. In a second phase the emitters have been submitted 1000h operating with gray water. At the end of this time, the emitters were submitted again into conditions of initial essay, to evaluate the new costume water effect on medium flow from microsprinkler. At the end we can see that the average flow of the emitters, after use, has declined compared to the emitters discharge before use in 6,6%, the coefficient of variation after use was 5,1%, increased in proportion the coefficient of initial production was 4,3%, the R 2 fell from 0.9946 to 0.9898 and the microsprinkler continued with a high rating, according to the ABNT and ASAE.
With the objective of obtaining dry matter curves, and nitrogen and potassium accumulation in Piel de Sapo melon (Cucumis melo L.) hybrid Sancho, an experiment was conducted in Mossoró - RN in a randomized blocks design with three repetitions. Treatments consisted of doses in kg ha-1 of nitrogen: 0, 91, 140 and 184 and potassium: 0, 174, 260 and 346; which were applied by fertigation in depths of 281, 349 and 423mm. Stems, leaves and fruits were harvested 5 times at 28 to 70 days after transplantation, in intervals of 10 days for analyses of aerial dry matter, nitrogen, and potassium accumulation. Doses higher than 140 and 260 kg ha-1 of N and K respectively, did not induce greater accumulation of these nutrients increasing levels throughout the plant cycle. Nitrogen doses of 91 and 140 kg ha-1, potassium doses of 174 and 260 kg ha-1 as well as depth of 348mm provided higher accumulation of potassium in the plant.
The objective of this work was to study spatial variability of some chemical soil attributes and lettuce production (total shoot fresh matter mass - MF; commercial shoot fresh matter mass - MFC; commercial shoot dry matter mass - MCS; and head commercial diameter - DCC) offering subsidies to the protected environment mapping in nutrients management areas in lettuce culture aiming for a higher productivity with application of fertilizers. The experiment was conducted in a protective environment (greenhouse) with lettuce irrigated by drip irrigation and sampling grid with 152 points. The special dependence analysis, determined by the variogram, was obtained with the aid of the GS+ Program. Considering the need for crop nutrients through the map obtained for element P (phosphorus) it was possible to establish two distinct areas for the application of this element in plantation fertilization. Through the lettuce yield maps obtained with MFC and DCC attributes was difficult to establish distinct areas for its management with data observed in only one crop cycle. Krigagem has proved useful for mapping the attributes studied.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a variação de vazão em tubogotejadores NaanPC laranja e NaanPC azul em função de precipitados químicos, ao longo do tempo de funcionamento, quando submetidos a uma água rica em ferro, avaliando-se especificamente o coeficiente de uniformidade de Christiansen (CUC) e o coeficiente de uniformidade de distribuição (CUD). O experimento foi desenvolvido em uma bancada de ensaios para tubogotejadores no Laboratório de Ensaio de Equipamentos para Irrigação do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP, localizado no município de Botucatu – SP. O experimento foi montado em esquema fatorial 2x2x7, sendo duas doses de Fe, dois modelos de gotejadores e sete tempos de funcionamento, com três repetições, totalizando 84 parcelas experimentais. Efetuou-se a análise de variância pelo teste F. As médias das vazões dos gotejadores foram comparadas pelo teste de T de Student a 5% de probabilidade. Os resultados obtidos não apontaram diferença significativa nas diferentes doses de ferro. Entretanto, os resultados apontaram diferença significativa na interação gotejador x tempo e coeficiente de uniformidade de Christiansen (CUC).
Knowledge about irrigated agricultural area and its geographical distribution are of great importance to water resources management. Evolution of irrigated area according to the irrigation method allows an identification of rational water technologies. The aim of this work was to analyze the information presented in the agricultural census of 1995/1996 and of 2006. Brazil has an area of 4.45 million cultivated hectares with irrigation. It is noticed that according to the 1995/1996 census, the irrigated area increased 1.3 million hectares, a growth of 42%. The Southeast region surpasses the South region which had, in 1995/96, the largest irrigated area. The Northeast region is the third irrigated agricultural area with 22.12 %, while the Central-west and the Northern region together sum 14.7%. According to the agricultural census 2006 classification, sprinkler irrigation (without center pivot) method is the most used,followed by flood, center pivot, other methods, drip and furrow, representing 35.3%, 24.4%, 18.9%, 8.3%, 7.4% and 5.8%, respectively.
This study aimed to evaluate the acclimatization effects in the Eucalyptus grandis vs. Eucalyptus urophylla seedlings nursery in their initial growth in two soils types, clay and sandy. The seedlings were planted in Plantmax substrate and in rice hulls plus vermiculite, and managed, after 60 days of the mass propagation (DAE), during the rustication. There were five different frequencies of subsurface drip irrigation, restoring the soil field capacity condition: F1, F2, F3 and F4, which were irrigated once, twice, three and four times a day, respectively, and FD, kept in continue irrigation until planting at 90 DAE. In a randomized block design with four replications, plant height (HPA) were evaluated at 6 and 13 months after planting and the diameter at breast height (DAP) at 13 months after planting. Findings show that water management at hardening phase seedlings had no influence on growth in both soils.
Meteorological satellite and radar data comparative analysis allows to correlate the precipitation structures observed in both images. Such analysis would make feasible the extension of the range of ground-based meteorological radars. In addition to the different spatial and temporal resolution of these images this comparative analysis presents difficulties due to the effects of rotation and distortion, besides the different formats, projections, and coordinate systems. This work employed an approach based on a Gaussian adaptive filter in order to compare such images. The statistical results obtained from the comparison of the images are matched to those produced by other methods.
Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is widespread in the Brazilian social and economic scene. The hypothesis is that if the water supply is suppressed in just one of the five development stages of irrigated beans, it can result in yield reduction lower than 20%, allowing water economy. The objective of this study was to compare the performance of bean Carioca group IAC Alvorada yield components, with irrigation suppression in each of the five phenological phases (emergence, vegetative, flowering, grain filling and maturation) and no irrigation and irrigated in all stages. The study was conducted at Agronomical Sciences College, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil. The statistical design was the randomized block with seven treatments and four replications. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and t test at 5% probability. A rainfall event (58 mm) after planting allowed the successful emergence of seedling beans in plots where water would not be applied. The yield components were higher affect when there was irrigation's suppression at Vegetative phase and at Flowering phase. The treatments where occurred irrigation suppression at Maturation and at Emergence showed yield reduction of less than 20%, proving the hypothesis.