511 resultados para Fruticultura.


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It was studied the effect of passion fruit genotypes on Dione juno juno (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) development. The experiment was carried out in a laboratory, under controlled conditions (temperature: 26 ± 1° C, RH = 60 ± 10% and photophase of 14 hours). Newly-hatched larvae were fed with leaves from different passion fruit genotypes: Passiflora edulis Sims., P. alata Dryand., P. serrato-digitata L., P. edulis f. flavicarpa Deg. ('Sul Brasil'), P. edulis f. flavicarpa, P. edulis f. flavicarpa ('Maguary FB-100') and P. foetida L. Fifty larvae from eggs collected in the field were used per genotype. Larvae were kept on passion fruits branches inside PVC tubes until pupation. Daily observations were performed and branches were replaced whenever necessary. The following parameters were evaluated: duration and viability of larval and pupal phases, larval and pupal weight and adult longevity. The experiment was arranged in randomized blocks design with seven treatments and ten replications. Data were subjected to an ANOVA and means were compared by Tukey test at 5% of probability. The least adequate genotypes for D. juno juno development were P. alata, P. serrato-digitata and P. foetida, showing a high level of antibiosis, while P. edulis, P. edulis f. flavicarpa, 'Maguary FB-100' and 'Sul Brasil' were the most suitable.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The consumer market demands food without pesticide residues. Therefore, this study focused on evaluating the control of green mold in Pera orange trees with biocontrol agents (Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis (QST 713)), associated or not with heat treatment. The fruit was obtained in packinghouse before processing, being washed and disinfected with the use of Sodium Hypochlorite. Fruits submitted to these treatments were stored from 11 to 28 days at temperature of 10 °C and RH 90%±5 or for eight days at 20 °C and 90%±5. In general, the heat treatment reduced the disease severity determine by the area under the disease progress curve in the fruit and the incidence of natural postharvest disease in Pera oranges. On the other hand, biocontrol agents did not control the disease, showing that the organisms tested did not present curative activity against the green mold.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The experiment aimed to verify the effect of maturation stage on the quality of minimally processed peaches. Fruits were used in two stages of maturity, on time corresponding to the background color yellow-green, and mature, which corresponds completely to the background color yellow. The minimum process consisted of washing, sanitizing, enzyme peel, cut lengthwise and removed the stone fruits. Halves obtained were immersed in water chlorinated to 10 mg L-1 of water and left on standing to drain the excess liquid. Afterwards, it was proceeded the packaging of the halves in containers of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and with transparent lid, and the storage at 3 ± 2 ° C and RH = 65% for 12 days, with assessments every three days. The variables evaluated were appearance, weight loss, firmness, soluble solids, titratable acidity, soluble and reduced sugars, ascorbic acid, total and soluble pectin, coloring and activity of polyphenoloxidase. The storage of minimally processed peaches 'Aurora-1' mature harvested was limited mainly by the loss of freshness and firmness, and because they have darker appearance, and lower levels of reduced sugars and ascorbic acid. Peaches 'Aurora-1', harvested at the maturity stage on time, had better quality and longer duration of their minimally processed products.


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This study aimed to evaluate the quality of 'Palmer' mangoes previously stored at low temperatures, after their transference to the environmental condition. Fruits harvested at physiological maturity were carefully transported to the Laboratory where they were selected, standardized as the color, size and absence of injuries and treated with fungicide before they were stored at 2°C (75.7% RH), 5°C (73.8% RH) e 12°C (82% RH) for 7, 14 and 21 days. At the end of each period, the fruits were transferred to environmental condition (22.9°C; 62.3% RH), where they were kept for 1, 3, 5 and 7 days, simulating the trading period, and evaluated for the occurrence of injuries and rottenness; peel and pulp color; firmness; contents of soluble solids, titratable acidity and ascorbic acid, as well as, the activities of the enzymes peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase. The results indicated that 'Palmer' mangoes can be stored at 12°C for 21 days without damage to ripening, but with limitations due to the occurrence of decay. The storage at 2°C and 5°C was limited by the occurrence of injuries in the peel, but at the temperature of 2°C these symptoms were more severe and compromised the development of the characteristic color of the peel. However, the ripening of the pulp was not harmed, but this process occurred with less intensity than in mangoes maintained at 12°C.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate different citrus leprosis management tactics during seven seasons, based in pruning and acaricide applications, considering technical and economic aspects of each tactic. The trial was conducted from October 2003 to August 2010 in an orange plantation of Pera cv. located in the municipality of Reginópolis-SP, Brazil. The plants of citrus used were12 years old and grafted onto Cleopatra tangerine. The experimental design used was randomized blocks, in a factorial scheme, made up of factors type of pruning (A), with six levels: (1) drastic pruning, (2) intermediate pruning without leprosis lesions, (3) intermediate pruning with leprosis lesions (4) light pruning, (5) without pruning and (6) replant; acaricide applications factor (B), with three levels: (1) without acaricides applications, (2) with lime sulfur applications and (3) spirodiclofen or cyhexatin applied in rotation; pruning factor to remove leprosis symptomatic branches (C), with two levels: (1) with pruning for removal, (2) without removal pruning. The combination of factors, with respective levels (6 x 3 x 2), resulted in 36 treatments that were repeated four times, with each parcel being made up of three plants in a row. After seven years, it was observed that the types of the pruning and remove of leprosis symptomatic branches used as single management tactic, is not sufficient to leprosis control. Therefore, the results demonstrated that for leprosis management, it is essential the association between tactics, especially the control mite vector. For ensuring the citrus production economically, the use of acaricides highly efficient is essential in B. phoenicis control. The recommendation of the type of pruning should be in function of the leprosis incidence and severity in the orchard. In orchards with low leprosis incidence and severity the light pruning is more appropriate, because it is efficient and ensures greater financial balance. However, in orchards with high leprosis incidence and severity it is indicated the severe pruning for reducing or eliminating inoculum source. Between the severe prunings, the intermediate pruning with leprosis lesions is the most relevant, because the financial return will be faster. Replant is indicated only for young orchards, because does not imply in changes onto cultural practices.


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Citrus fruits are affected by diverse diseases, mainly the fungal infections, which affect productivity and quality, especially when it targets the market of fresh fruit. Among the fungal diseases that occur in postharvest, there is the green mold caused by Penicillium digitatum. The control measures are based mainly in the treatment of fruits with different combinations of fungicides in packing-house. Due to restrictions on the presence of residues of fungicides in citrus fruits and the increasing development of resistant strains of pathogens to the fungicide used, it is necessary to search for control alternatives such as biological control. Therefore, this study aimed to: (i) verify the antagonistic effect of biological control agents (BCA), being 13 isolates of Bacillus subtilis and 06 isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae against P. digitatum, (ii) study in vitro interactions between pathogen and BCA (iii) determine the effect of integration of antagonists with sodium bicarbonate and carnauba wax in the control of green mold. The results showed that the majority of the isolates, and all yeast isolates inhibited the mycelial growth of the phytopathogen. Only one isolate of B. subtilis (ACB-84) was able to inhibit the germination of P. digitatum (72% of inhibition), whereas ACB-K1 and ACB-CR1 (S. cerevisiae) were the most effective with inhibition from 78 and 85.7% respectively. The addition of sucrose (0.5%) favored the inhibition of conidia germination by the yeast isolates. The results from the in vivo control showed the viability of S. cerevisiae ACB-K1 and ACB-CR1 to control P. digitatum in 'Tahiti' lime fruits and orange 'Hamlin' fruits, respectively. The combination of sodium bicarbonate and biocontrol agents did not result in improvements in the curative control of the green mold. Carnauba wax (18% of TSS) favored the antagonistic activity of S. cerevisiae, and this effect depended on the variety of fruits in the study and of the yeast isolate used for the biocontrol.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)