513 resultados para Anticorpos monoclonais


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A composição de ácidos graxos da dieta pode influenciar o desempenho produtivo e o sistema imune de frangos de corte. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do consumo de óleos ricos em ácidos graxos poli-insaturados ômega-6 (PUFAs n-6) e ômega-3 (PUFAs n-3) sobre o desempenho e a resposta imunológica de frangos de corte frente a um desafio antigênico. Foram comparadas dietas formuladas com 7% de óleo de soja (OS), linhaça (OL) ou sardinha (OP), fornecidas a 240 frangos da linhagem Cobb, divididos em 24 grupos de 10 aves cada, num arranjo experimental 3x2 (3 tipos de óleo e aves vacinadas ou não vacinadas) e 4 repetições. O óleo de soja é rico em ácido linoleico, um PUFA n-6, o óleo de linhaça é fonte de ácido alfa-linolênico, um PUFA n-3, e o óleo de sardinha, de outros PUFAs n-3, como os ácidos eicosapentaenoico e docosahexaenoico. O consumo de ração, o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar foram avaliados aos 21, 35 e 42 dias. Aos 7 e aos 21 dias de idade, metade das aves recebeu vacina contra doença de Newcastle. Quinze dias após a imunização, avaliou-se a produção de anticorpos pelo método de ELISA, expressa pela densidade óptica a 450 nm (D.O. 450nm). Apenas as aves alimentadas com ração contendo OS apresentaram maior imunidade humoral (P<0,05) após a vacinação. A resposta linfoproliferativa das aves, que expressa a imunidade celular, foi maior entre as aves vacinadas, em comparação às aves não vacinadas (P<0,05), independentemente do óleo utilizado. A fonte de óleo da ração ou a vacinação não influenciaram o ganho de peso das aves (P>0,05). Entre as aves que receberam dieta com OS, as aves vacinadas apresentaram pior conversão alimentar (P<0,05). Nos grupos que consumiram ração com OL ou OP, a vacinação não influenciou a conversão alimentar (P>0,05), considerando todo o período experimental. A utilização de óleo rico em PUFA n-6 na dieta de frangos de corte aumentou a resposta humoral, mas não influenciou a resposta celular frente a um desafio antigênico.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cancer stem cells belong to a small population of cells within the tumor with properties of self-renewal and differentiation into other cell types. In this study, the behavior of both portions, mesenchymal and epithelial, was evaluated. Six carcinosarcomas (CSs), 11 carcinomas within mixed tumors (CWMTs) grade I, 11 grade II, and 10 grade III were evaluated. In the epithelial portions of the CS and CWMTs was observed immunostaining for antibodies CD44, CD24, Oct-4 and ALDH-1. In the mesenchymal portions of the CS, in the epithelial portions of CMTs grades II and III no immunostaining for ALDH-1 was found. It was concluded that the tumor stem cells are expressed in equal proportions in the epithelial and mesenchymal portions of the CS. No immunostaining in the mesenchymal portions of well-differentiated CWMTs was seen.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR


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The oral cancer model in hamsters shows many simílarities with developmental oral cancer in humans. The proliferating capacity is one the most characteristics of neoplásica ce/Is and detection of these ce/Is allow us, throughout of its counting, to achieve an estimated tumour growing index, with a consequent repercussion about prognostic and in the treatment of those lesions. 40 golden Syrian hamsters, both genders, aged between two to six mouth and weight 150g in average were used. The left síde of tangue of each animal was painted for eight consecutive weeks, with a solution of DMBA. Tongues were removed, fixed in 10% buffered fonnal solution. The histological slides were stained by AgNOR technique and by PCNA and β-catenin immunohistochemical antibodies. Statistical analyzes were performed by ANOVA one-way test and Tukey test. We may conclude that an association between AgNOR and PCNA might indicate the higher proliferating activity of the analyzed celIs. The experimental carcinogenesis model in hamster tongue is an available methodology for immunohistochemistry study. And finally, PCNA and β-catenin immunohistochemical antibodies may be used to analyze possible premalignant areas in oral leukoplakia


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The present study compared the expression of cytokeratins CK6, CK16 and CK19 and pan-cytokeratin (PAN) in oral mucosa cells between smokers and nonsmokers in order to determine the stage of cell differentiation and to consequently infer proliferative activity and expressions indicative of a potential for malignant differentiation. Thirty smokers and 30 non-smokers seen at the clinics of FOSJC-UNESP were screened. Smears were obtained from the left lateral border of the tongue with a cytobrush and slides were processed for immunohistochemistry using the antibodies reported Conventional microscopy was used for qualitative analysis. The results were analyzed statistically by the Z test, Fisher's exact test and comparison of two proportions (plus-4 confidence interval method). The expression of CK6 (p=0.002), CK16 (p=0.003), CK19 (p=0.0001) and PAN (p=0.008) was higher in oral mucosa smears from smokers compared to non- smokers. ln conclusion, increased epithelial proliferation is observed in the oral mucosa of smokers as demonstrated by the increased expression of CK6 and CKJ6, and these cells present alterations in epithelial maturation


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)