151 resultados para young adult migration
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção e composição do leite de vacas de corte das raças Charolês (C), Nelore (N), mestiças CN filhas de touros C e mestiças NC filhas de touros N, mantidas em pastagem nativa e submetidas a diferentes manejos no pré-desmame: suplementadas com farelo de arroz integral (0,7% do peso vivo) e que desmamaram aos 42 ou 63 dias pós-parto, ou não suplementadas e que desmamaram aos 63 dias. A idade das vacas variou de 3 a 12 anos, sendo agrupadas em quatro classes: primíparas, jovens, adultas e velhas. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, cujo modelo estatístico incluiu os efeitos de manejo, grupo genético e idade da vaca, período e as interações entre esses fatores. Os teores de lactose e gordura não foram influenciados pelos fatores estudados. Houve interação significativa entre idade da vaca e período para a produção de leite e entre manejo e idade da vaca para o teor de proteína. Vacas suplementadas apresentaram maior produção de leite (3,85 contra 3,25 L/dia), teor de extrato seco total - EST (12,18 contra 11,83%) e teor de extrato seco desengordurado - ESD (8,75 contra 8,57%). A produção de leite decresceu com o avanço do período de lactação, sendo a queda mais acentuada nas vacas não suplementadas. Vacas CN produziram mais leite (4,17 L/dia) do que as puras, não diferindo das NC (3,76 L/dia). Vacas N apresentaram produção de leite similar (3,76 L/dia) às C (3,11 L/dia). No entanto, as primeiras apresentaram leite com melhor qualidade, incluindo proteína (3,16 contra 2,86%), EST (12,52 contra 11,46%) e ESD (8,87 contra 8,49%). Vacas adultas apresentaram maior teor de ESD, seguidas das vacas jovens, das primíparas e das velhas, com valores de 8,86; 8,62; 8,62; e 8,54%, respectivamente.
Breeding success and nest-site characteristics were studied during the 1996-1997 breeding season in a colony of Scarlet Ibises Eudocimus ruber in south-eastern Brazil to test the hypothesis that nest-site characteristics and clutch size affect nest success. Two nesting pulses produced young, the earlier being more successful. Predation accounted for most failures during the first pulse, wind destruction during the second. A third pulse with few nests produced no young. Adult Ibises abandoned nests when they lost sight of other incubating birds. Logistic regression analysis indicated that nest success during the first pulse was positively related to clutch size, number of nests in the nest tree and in the nearest tree, and negatively to the distance to the nearest neighbour. During the second pulse there were significant negative associations between success, nest height and distance to the fourth nearest nest, and a positive association between success and nest cover. The results agree with the 'selfish herd' hypothesis, indicating that nest aggregation may increase breeding success, but the nest-site characteristics affecting success can differ over the course of one breeding season.
We performed comparative studies of the pathogenicity of six strains of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Bt-9, Bt-4, Pb-9, Pb-18, Bt-7 and B-1183) for young adult male ddY mice and growth rate of each strain under different oxygen atmospheres (aerobic, micro-aerobic and anaerobic atmospheres) at 37-degrees-C. 10(6) units of yeast cells were intravenously injected into each mouse. The pathogenicity of each isolate was determined by a scoring system based on organ culture and histopathological findings. The growth rates under different oxygen atmospheres were determined by a scoring system in which 300 fungal units per strain were counted. The strain Bt-9 showed the greatest pathogenicity, followed by Bt-4. Pb-9 and Pb-18 had on intermediate rank of pathogenicity. Bt-7 and B-1183 were the least pathogenic of the strains tested. Except for strain Bt-7 all strains showed an excellent growth under an aerobic atmosphere. Bt-4 and Bt-9 also showed excellent growth under a micro-aerobic atmosphere, followed by Pb-9, whereas the growth of Pb-18, Bt-7 and B-1183 was limited. There was a correlation between the growth rate under a micro-aerobic atmosphere and the pathogenicity of a strain. The growth rate of P. brasiliensis under a micro-aerobic atmosphere strongly correlated to its pathogenicity.
When a crown fracture involving pulpal exposure is produced, the therapeutic treatment to be applied depends to a great extent on the general histopathological condition of the exposed pulp. Hence, the objective of this study was to evaluate histopathological and bacteriological changes occurring in dental tissue and periradicular tissue of crown-fractured teeth with pulpal exposure. Twenty-four anterior teeth (central and lateral incisors) from the maxillary teeth of four young, adult Mongrel dogs were used. At 48 and 72 h after performing the crown fractures, the animals were sacrificed and the results evaluated. Both observation periods revealed the existence of an area of superficial inflammation with the formation of hyperplastic tissue towards the external surface. Intense neutrophilic infiltrate was observed below it. Mean depth of inflammation was greater at 48 h (4633.33 mum) than at 72 h (3933.33 mum), perhaps coinciding with the bigger pulp chamber opening (x1332.14 mum at 48 h vs. x479.52 mum at 72 h). Upon approaching the cervical portion, the inflammation became less. Bacterial contamination was constant in all the cases evaluated, worsening the histopathological findings with exposure time. This study demonstrates that when a crown fracture with pulpal exposure is produced, the success in treating it depends partly on how quickly therapeutic treatment is administered.
1. The interaction between experimental protein deprivation and natural intestinal infection by Giardia lamblia was studied in terms of its effects on the intraepithelial lymphocyte (IEL) population and morphology of the jejunal mucosa of rats of different ages.2. Young, adult and old male Wistar rats received a protein-deficient diet (2% casein) or a control diet (20% casein) for 42 days. Mucosal height and the number of lymphocytes located among 500 consecutive epithelial cells (EC) along the villi or crossing the basement membrane were determined in PAS-stained jejunal fragments.3. The number of IEL increased progressively with animal age, from 14 to 25 per 100 epithelial cells, with significant differences between age ranges. However, the number of IEL did not differ between control and protein-deficient rats in any of the age groups. The proportion of lymphocytes crossing the basement membrane was approximately two-fold greater in young (2.8/100 EC) and adult (5.8/100 EC) protein-deficient animals than in their respective controls (1.6 and 2.8/100 EC). The intensity of parasite colonization was moderate, from 3 to 5/100 EC and did not differ between groups. The pattern of morphologic changes of jejunal mucosa in protozoal infection did not differ between control and protein-deficient animals in any of the three age groups.4. We conclude that intestinal infection with Giardia lamblia probably stimulated the local immune response, masking the reduction of the IEL population induced by protein deficiency. The increase in lymphocyte numbers with age may be related to prolonged antigenic stimulation promoted by infection.
An experiment was performed in order to evaluate the beta-glucuronidase activity in gastric juice and gastric mucosa of rats submitted to a protein-free diet. A group of 36 young adult male Wistar rats was fed a protein-free diet ad libitum for five weeks; a second group of 36 Wistar rats ingested a purified isocaloric 12,5% casein diet for the same period. The concentration of proteins in plasma, gastric juice and gastric glandular mucosa and the beta-glucuronidase activity in the gastric juice and gastric glandular mucosa were determined. Protein deficient rats had lower plasma protein concentrations and also lower protein concentrations in gastric juice and gastric mucosa. In these animals there was no significant change of beta-glucuronidase activity in the gastric juice, but there was a significant increase of the specific enzymatic activity in the gastric mucosa. The results suggest that protein restriction in young adult rats affects the gastric mucosa. The increase of the specific beta-glucuronidase activity might be due to heightened local catabolism or to a comparatively more severe protein depletion.
An electromyographic study of the musculus interosseus dorsalis was performed on the right hand of 25 young adult male right-handed volunteers. The electrodes, simple coaxial needles, were implanted one at the ulnar head and the other at the radial head of the muscle. The muscles were analyzed during free movements of the index and against resistance. The same movements were done in four different positions of the fore-arm and hand, without variation in the results for each one of the movements. There was no significant difference between the activities of the ulnar head and radial head. During freely performed movements, muscle activity was recorded only during abduction. During movements against resistance, muscle activity was completely nil only during adduction; during the remaining movements, however, moderate (2+), strong (3+) and very strong activity (4+) was recorded.
The participation of the levator scapulae and rhomboideus major muscles in some movements of the upper limb was analysed in 21 young adult male volunteers. A 2 channel TECA TE4 electromyograph connected with single coaxial needle electrodes was used. In abduction, elevation, adduction, flexion and circumduction participation of both muscles in free movements of the upper limb was found. In extension, however, these muscles were inactive. In the same movements analysed with load, a major intensity of action of these muscles was registered as compared with those obtained in free movements.
The participation of the trapezius (middle portion) and rhomboideus major muscles submitted to an isometric tension (holding downward dumbells of 11, 15 and 19 kg) was analysed in 40 young adult male vounteers. A 2 channel TECA TE4 electromyograph connected with single coaxial needle electrodes was used. In the initial phase of the test, holding downward, generally the trapezius and rhomboideus major muscles showed activity and no activity, respectively. In the cases where activity was present during the downward positions it was reduced gradually until complete rest.
The electromyographic study of the trapezius (pars superior) and levator scapulae mm. in the head movements was carried out in 30 young, adult male volunteers of both sexes and with no antecedent muscular or articular problems. The analysis was carried out with a two-channel TECA TE4 electromyograph and with single coaxial needle electrodes. Inactivity of the trapezius (pars superior) and levator scapulae mm. was noticed in all cases, in flexion and extension movements, whereas in homolateral and heterolateral rotation movements, these muscles showed to be inactive in most cases.
The influence of He-Ne laser radiation on the formation of new blood vessels in the bone marrow compartment of a regenerating area of the mid-cortical diaphysis of the tibiae of young adult rats was studied. A small hole was surgically made with a dentistry burr in the tibia and the injured area received a daily laser therapy over 7 or 14 days transcutaneously starting 24 h from surgery. Incident energy density dosages of 31.5 and 94.5 Jcm-2 were applied during the period of the tibia wound healing investigated. Light microscopic examination of histological sections of the injured area and quantification of the newly-formed blood vessels were undertaken. Low-level energy treatment accelerated the deposition of bone matrix and histological characteristics compatible with an active recovery of the injured tissue. He-Ne laser therapy significantly increased the number of blood vessels after 7 days irradiation at an energy density of 94.5 Jcm-2, but significantly decreased the number of vessels in the 14-day irradiated tibiae, independent of the dosage. These effects were attributed to laser treatment, since no significant increase in blood vessel number was detected between 8 and 15 non-irradiated control tibiae. Molecular mechanisms involved in low-level laser therapy of angiogenesis in post-traumatic bone regeneration needs further investigation.
The objective of the present research was to investigate the ultrastructural peculiarities of the aortic wall of the rat. Seven young adult rats were used, from which fragments of the infrarenal abdominal aorta were collected. After collection, the vascular segments were fixed and sent for analysis by scanning electron microscope. The elastic lamellae appear interposed with smooth muscular fibers; this pattern was verified mainly at the medial layer structure. Among the mural elements a well defined interrelationship was established through connective lamellae of the arterial wall. The collagen lamellae mainly provided anchoring among the elastic and smooth muscular constituents. The intimal layer showed special ultrastructural features, such as a non-continuous inner elastic lamina presented in certain sites of the vascular wall, followed by endothelial pores. This mural pattern of the abdominal aorta provided support to vascular functions such as shrinkage among the laminar composition of the arterial layers, also acting in mechanical properties of the vascular wall, such as viscoelasticity and contractility - essential actions to blood vessel hemodynamics.
BAKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Negative pressure pulmonary edema has been defined as non-cardiogenic edema, with transudation of fluid to the interstitial space of the lungs due to an increase in negative intrathoracic pressure secondary to obstruction of the upper airways. This is the case of a healthy patient who underwent general anesthesia and developed acute pulmonary edema after extubation. CASE REPORT: A 23-year old female patient, physical status ASA II, underwent gynecologic videolaparoscopy under general anesthesia. The procedure lasted 3 hours without intercurrence. After extubation the patient developed laryngeal spasm and reduction in oxygen saturation. The patient improved after placement of an oral cannula and administration of oxygen under positive pressure with a face mask. Once the patient was stable she was transferred to the recovery room where, shortly after her arrival, she developed acute pulmonary edema with elimination of bloody serous secretion. Treatment consisted of elevation of the head, administration of oxygen via a face mask, furosemide and fluid restriction. Chest X-ray was compatible with acute pulmonary edema and normal cardiac area. Electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram and cardiac enzymes were normal. The condition of the patient improved and she was discharged from the hospital the following day, asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS: Acute pulmonary edema associated with obstruction of the upper airways can aggravate surgical procedures with low morbidity, affecting mainly young patients. Early treatment should be instituted because it has a fast evolution and, in most cases, resolves without lasting damages. © Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2008.
BACKGROUND. This study aimed to evaluate clinical characteristics of epidural anesthesia performed with 0.75% ropivacaine associated with dexmedetomidine. METHODS. Forty patients scheduled for hernia repair or varicose vein surgeries under epidural anesthesia participated in this study. They were assigned to: Control Group (n = 20), 0.75% ropivacaine, 20 ml (150 mg); and Dexmedetomidine Group (n = 20), 0.75% ropivacaine, 20 ml (150 mg), plus dexmedetomidine, 1 μg.kg -1. The following variables were studied: total analgesic block onset time, upper level of analgesia, analgesic and motor block duration time, intensity of motor block, state of consciousness, hemodynamics, postoperative analgesia and incidence of side-effects. RESULTS. Epidural dexmedetomidine did not affect onset time or upper level of anesthesia (p > 0.05) however it prolonged sensory and motor block duration time (p < 0.05) and postoperative analgesia (p < 0.05), and also resulted in a more intense motor block, 1 (p < 0.05). Values of bispectral index were lower in Dexmedetomidine Group (p < 0.05). There was no difference in incidence of hypotension and bradycardia (p > 0.05). Occurrence of side-effects (shivering, vomiting and SpO 2 < 90%) was low and similar between groups (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION. There is clear synergism between epidural dexmedetomidine and ropivacaine, further this drug association does not bring about additional morbidity.