89 resultados para wastewater pumping station


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The number of the cities with canalized water and sewage treatment stations has increased lately and consequently having in mind the great concern on environment preservation and the quality of the water used by society. However, these stations are nowadays causing another kind of problem: a huge quantity of sludge as residue. Due to the implication of the residue on the environment and, consequently, to human life quality, performing of an accurate investigation about the components of such sludge, as well as the thermal stability of this residue in the environment become necessary. This paper presents a study on sludge from water and sewage treatment station, as well as the thermal characterization of residue. Such study was performed through FTIR, atomic absorption, thermoanalytical (TG/DTG, DTA) techniques, that made it possible to observe that the main components of the sludge are clay, carbonates and organic substance, presenting a low rate of metals and a unique thermal behavior since the sludge from the treatment station has a higher thermal stability.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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(Triagem de plantas nativas do Brasil para atividades antimicrobiana e de Danos no DNA I. Mata Atlântica . Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins). Oitenta e oito espécies nativas do estado de São Paulo foram coletadas numa região de Mata Atlântica e ensaiadas quanto a sua atividade antimicrobiana e capacidade de causar danos no DNA. Dos 114 extratos submetidos aos ensaios para atividade antibacteriana, apenas os extratos de folhas e galhos de Aspidosperma ramiflorum (Apocynaceae) apresentaram uma atividade fraca contra Escherichia coli. No ensaio antifúngico com Candida albicans, não foram observados extratos ativos. Por outro lado, no ensaio de bioautografia com Cladosporium sphaerospermum e C. cladosporioides 12% dos extratos apresentaram atividade. Contudo, nesse ensaio, somente o extrato dos ramos de Psychotria mapoureoides (Rubiaceae) inibiu fortemente o crescimento de ambas espécies do fungo. O ensaio para danos no DNA com cepas mutantes de Saccharomyces cerevisiae apresentou 17.5 % de extratos ativos. A maioria dos extratos ativos (55 %) apresentou resultados seletivos para danos dependentes da topoisomerase II como mecanismo de reparo do DNA e somente 20 % foram seletivos para o mecanismo da topoisomerase I.


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A destruição dos habitats naturais e a extinção de espécies têm crescido muito a partir da última metade do século XX. Nesse contexto, o aumento do número de espécies ameaçadas tem proporcionado maior uso da reintrodução como estratégia de conservação no combate à atual taxa de extinção. O presente trabalho focaliza um estudo de 16 meses realizado com cervos-do-pantanal reintroduzidos na Estação Ecológica de Jataí. Os animais foram marcados com rádio-colares e monitorados diariamente entre dezembro de 1998 e abril de 2000, tendo suas atividades de deslocamento e uso do espaço acompanhadas por triangulação. Os animais exploraram várzeas dentro da unidade de conservação e também uma área de várzea pertencente a uma propriedade particular localizada na fronteira oeste da estação. Durante o período de estudo, a maioria dos cervos reintroduzidos utilizou a área de várzea particular mais intensivamente que as várzeas da unidade de conservação. A preferência demonstrada por essa área confirmou sua importância ecológica, evidenciando a necessidade de proteção por meio de sua incorporação aos limites da Estação Ecológica de Jataí.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Um biodigestor anaeróbio de duas fases foi utilizado para se analisar a produção de metano com diferentes cargas de entrada de manipueira. A fase acidogênica foi realizada em processo de batelada e a metanogênica em biodigestor anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente e leito fixo com alimentação contínua. As cargas orgânicas de entrada variaram de 0,33 a 8,48 gDQO (Demanda Química de Oxigênio)/L.dia. A maior porcentagem de metano encontrada foi de 80,9%, com carga orgânica de 0,33g e a menor, 56,8%, obtida com 8,49gDQO/L.d. A maior taxa de redução de DQO foi de 88,89%, obtida com carga orgânica de 2,25g e a menor, 54,95%, com 8,48gDQO/L.d. Analisando-se os dados apresentados verificou-se que a biodigestão anaeróbia pode ser conduzida, pelo menos, de duas maneiras, ou seja, para produção de energia (metano) ou para redução de carga orgânica. A carga orgânica de entrada deve ser calculada em função do objetivo a ser alcançado com a biodigestão anaeróbia.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Um dos resíduos gerados no processamento da mandioca (Manihot esculenta) é a manipueira, passível de tratamento por biodigestão anaeróbia. Este trabalho objetivou estudar o processo de partida de um biodigestor tipo plug-flow, tratando manipueira de duas maneiras: diminuindo-se gradativamente o tempo de retenção hidráulica (TRH) até se chegar ao tempo pré-estabelecido, quatro dias; ou mantendo-se o TRH fixo em quatro dias e aumentando-se gradativamente a concentração do afluente. O biodigestor, com capacidade 1980 mL, foi mantido a temperatura de 32ºC ± 1. Empregou-se como substrato manipueira e ajustou-se o pH entre 5,5 e 6,0. A primeira etapa foi caracterizada empregando-se TRH de 16,6; 13,6; 11,6 e 9,6 dias e 3,1; 2,0; 2,3 e 2,9 g DQO L-1 d-1 de carga orgânica, respectivamente. Na segunda etapa manteve-se TRH fixo, 4 dias, porém cargas orgânicas de 0,48, 0,86, 1,65 e 2,46 g DQO L-1 d-1. Determinaram-se no afluente e efluente, sólidos totais (ST) e sólidos voláteis (SV), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), alcalinidade e acidez volátil. Na primeira etapa, melhores resultados foram observados trabalhando com TRH 9,6 dias e carga orgânica 2,9 g DQO L-1 d-1, quando houve redução de DQO, ST e SV de 60%, 44% e 60%, respectivamente. Na segunda etapa o TRH de 4 dias apresentou melhores resultados empregando-se carga orgânica de 0,86 g DQO L-1 d-1, houve redução de 71%, 58% e 79% de DQO, ST e SV, respectivamente. A partida do biodigestor plug-flow tratando manipueira, pode ser realizada tanto diminuindo-se o TRH, quanto mantendo-o fixo e aumentado-se a concentração do afluente.


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Nowadays, natural gas is viewed as the solution to the problem of energy supply for Latin America, Europe and North America for the next few decades; Brazil is increasingly becoming dependent upon the Bolivian natural-gas supply - many industries and some entrepreneurs are deciding to construct industrial cogeneration systems and new thermal power-stations burning natural gas because of its low environmental impact and attractive price. However, natural gas is a finite resource: this will cause, in the future, an increase of its unit price. This paper details questions involved in the energy generation and presents solid-waste burning as a possible alternative fuel for the future, especially in the context of cogeneration practice in which the thermal and electric energy are used primarily for the industries located in an industrial district. Two cogeneration schemes are proposed for the burning of municipal solid wastes, associated or not with natural gas, and their technical and economic feasibilities are examined. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The stabilization of swine wastewaters from swine confined housing by the combination of a upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and waste stabilization ponds is a viable alternative to minimize the environmental impact caused by inadequate disposal of swine wastewaters. In the present study, the polluting load of pre-decanted swine wastewater treated with a series of two 0.705 m(3) UASB reactors and then in parallel in aerated and non-aerated stabilization tanks was investigated from January to July, 2000. Physicochemical and microbiological analyses were made adopting standard methods (Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, 19th ed., American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, 1995). COD values decreased as the wastewater ran through the integrated biodigestion system dropping from about 3492 +/- 511-4094 mg l(-1) +/- 481 to 124 +/- 52-490 mg l(-1) +/- 230, while nitrate and nitrite levels increased in stabilization tanks, ranging respectively from 4 +/- 0 to 20 mg l(-1) +/- 3 and 3 +/- 1 to 11 mg l(-1) +/- 24. Although the removal of Escherichia coli was more than 97% +/- 6, the effluents of the treatment system still contained unacceptable levels of E. coli (1.6 x 10(3)-1.2 x 10(6) 100 ml(-1)) according to WHO guidelines for use of wastewater in agriculture and aquaculture. These results indicate the necessity of changes on operational characteristics of the treatment system such as an increase of the hydraulic retention time in UASB reactors or in stabilization tanks. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The cassava processing industry generates wastewater named manipueira with a high organic content. Although considered a pollutant, manipueira can be used as substrate for fermentative processes including the cultivation of Geotrichum fragrans. This aerobic microorganism isolated from cassava wastewater has cyanide resistant respiration. Under cassava wastewater cultivation, G. fragrans produced fruit aroma volatile compounds. This study evaluated volatile compounds produced by G. fragrans in cassava liquid waste. The waste had a sugar composition composed of dextrin (2.6%), maltose (1.4%), sucrose (32.1%), glucose (38.3%), and fructose (25.6%). The average value of total sugars was 58.2 g l(-1), composed of 38.0 g l(-1) reducing and 20.2 g l(-1) non-reducing sugars. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) average value was 60 000 mg l(-1). G. fragrans used sugars (fructose and glucose) for energy generation reducing the COD value of the cassava wastewater by 40%. Biomass production of G. fragrans cultivated for 12 h in natural cassava liquid waste was 12.8 g l(-)1. The volatile compounds identified in the cassava liquid waste after 72 h cultivation were: 1-butanol, 3-methyl 1-butanol (isoamylic alcohol), 2-methyl 1-butanol, 1-3 butanodiol and phenylethanol; ethyl acetate, ethyl propionate, 2-methyl ethyl propionate and 2-methyl propanoic. The effect of substrate supplementation with glucose (50 g l(-1)), fructose (50 g l(-1)) and aqueous yeast extract (200 ml l(-1)) did not affect the qualitative and quantitative profiles of volatile compounds. These results indicate that the carbon (C) source utilized by microorganism was glucose or fructose, while nitrogen (N) supplementation was not necessary because the agent did not exhaust all the nitrogen of the wastewater. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, electrochemical and photo-assisted electrochemical processes are used for color, total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) degradation of one of the most abundant and strongly colored industrial wastewaters, which results from the dyeing of fibers and fabrics in the textile industry. The experiments were carried out in an 18L pilot-scale tubular low reactor with 70% TiO2/30% RuO2 DSA. A synthetic acid blue 40 solution and real dye house wastewater, containing the same dye, were used for the experiments. By using current density of 80 mA cm(-2) electrochemical process has the capability to remove 80% of color, 46% of TOC and 69% of COD. When used the photochemical process with 4.6 mW cm(-2) of 254nm UV-C radiation to assist the electrolysis, has been obtained 90% of color, 64% of TOC and 60% of COD removal in 90 minutes of processing; furthermore, 70% of initial color was degraded within the first 15 minutes. Experimental runs using dye house wastewater resulted in 78% of color, 26% of TOC and 49% of COD in electrolysis at 80 mA cm(-2) and 90 min; additionally, when photo-assisted, electrolysis resulted in removals of 85% of color, 42% of TOC and 58% of COD. For the operational conditions used in this study, color, TOC and COD showed pseudo-first-order decaying profiles. Apparent rate constants for degradation of TOC and COD were improved by one order of magnitude when the photo-electrochemical process was used.


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The red Fe2+-phenanthroline complex is the basis of a classical spectrophotometric method for determination of iron. Due to the toxicity of this complexing agent, direct disposal of the wastewaters generated in analytical laboratories is not environmentally safe. This work evaluates the use of the solar photo-Fenton process for the treatment of laboratory wastewaters containing phenanthroline. Firstly, the degradation of phenanthroline in water was evaluated at two concentration levels (0.1 and 0.01%, w/v) and the efficiencies of degradation using ferrioxalate (FeOx) and ferric nitrate were compared. The 0.01% w/v solution presented much higher mineralization, achieving 82% after 30 min of solar irradiation with both iron sources. The solar photo-Fenton treatment of laboratory wastewater containing, in addition to phenanthroline, other organic compounds such as herbicides and 4-chlorophenol, equivalent to 4500 mg L-1 total organic carbon (TOC) resulted in total degradation of phenanthroline and 25% TOC removal after 150 min, in the presence of either FeOx or ferric nitrate. A ratio of 1: 10 dilution of the residue increased mineralization in the presence of ferrioxalate, achieving 38% TOC removal after 120 min, while use of ferric nitrate resulted in only 6% mineralization over the same period. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.