48 resultados para vacuum melting


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We discuss the use of the CP asymmetry parameter (ACP) as a possible observable of CP violation in the leptonic sector. In order to do this, we study for a wide range of values of LIE the behavior of this asymmetry for the corresponding maximal value of the CP violation factor allowed by all the present experimental limits on neutrino oscillations in vacuum and the recent Super-Kamiokande atmospheric neutrino result. We work in the three neutrino flavor framework. ©1999 The American Physical Society.


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We use the optimized linear δ expansion and functional methods to study vacuum contributions in nuclear matter up to the lowest non-trivial order which includes exchange terms. We show that well known results (MFT, RHA and HF) can be easily reproduced when appropriate limits are taken. Neglecting vacuum contributions we explicitly show that the δ expansion goes beyond the traditional loop approximation previously used to study two loop vacuum contributions in nuclear matter. We then evaluate and renormalize vacuum exchange contributions showing that they are numerically very large, as predicted by the ordinary loop approximation.


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We study the equation of state for neutron matter using the Walecka model including quantum corrections for baryons and sigma mesons through a realignment of the vacuum. We next use this equation of state to calculate the radius, mass, and other properties of rotating neutron stars.


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Using the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis effective potential for composite operators we compute the QCD vacuum energy as a function of the dynamical quark and gluon propagators, which are related to their respective condensâtes as predicted by the operator product expansion. The identification of this result to the vacuum energy obtained from the trace of the energy-momentum tensor allows us to study the gluon self-energy, verifying that it is fairly represented in the ultraviolet by the asymptotic behavior predicted by the operator product expansion, and in the infrared it is frozen at its asymptotic value at one scale of the order of the dynamical gluon mass. We also discuss the implications of this identity for heavy and light quarks. For heavy quarks we recover, through the vacuum energy calculation, the relation nij{filif)-îi(asl'n)GlivGllv obtained many years ago with QCD sum rules. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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We derive the equation of state for hot nuclear matter using the Walecka model in a non-perturbative formalism. We include here the vacuum polarization effects arising from the nucleon and scalar mesons through a realignment of the vacuum. A ground state structure with baryon-antibaryon condensates yields the results obtained through the relativistic Hartree approximation of summing baryonic tadpole diagrams. Generalization of such a state to include the quantum effects for the scalar meson fields through the σ -meson condensates amounts to summing over a class of multiloop diagrams. The techniques of the thermofield dynamics method are used for the finite-temperature and finite-density calculations. The in-medium nucleon and sigma meson masses are also calculated in a self-consistent manner. We examine the liquid-gas phase transition at low temperatures (≈ 20 MeV), as well as apply the formalism to high temperatures to examine a possible chiral symmetry restoration phase transition.


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Recent studies have been done to achieve biomedical alloys containing non-toxic elements and presenting low elastic moduli. It has been reported that Ti-Nb-Zr alloys rich in beta phase, especially Ti-13Nb-13Zr, have potential characteristics for substituting conventional materials such as Ti-6Al-4V, stainless steel and Co alloys. The aim of this work is to study the internal friction (IF) of Ti-13Nb-13Zr (TNZ) alloy due to the importance of the absorption impacts in orthopedic applications. The internal friction of this alloy produced by arc melting was measured using an inverted torsion pendulum with the free decay method. The measurements were performed from 77 to 700 K with heating rate of 1 K/min, in a vacuum better than 10-5 mBar. The results show a relaxation structure at high temperature strongly dependent on microstructure of the material. Qualitative discussions are presented for the experimental results, and the possibility of using the TNZ as a high damping material is briefly mentioned.


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The possibility to install a getter vacuum pump and its feasible in the anode of a high-power klystron amplifier is investigated in order to decrease of the pressure in the gun and consequently increasing its lifetime. The study is conducted using a 1.3 GHz, 100 A and 240 kV high-power klystron with five reentrant coaxial cavities, assembled in a cylindrical drift tube 1.2 m long. This work takes into account the specific conductance of components of gun and all important gas sources, like the degassing of the drift tube, the cavity walls, the cathode, the anode, and the collector, as well the position and pumping speed of the getter vacuum pump in anode region. © 2006 IEEE.


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It has been shown that well-behaved spacetimes may induce the vacuum fluctuations of some nonminimally coupled free scalar fields to go through a phase of exponential growth. Here, we discuss this mechanism in the context of spheroidal thin shells emphasizing the consequences of deviations from spherical symmetry. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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The critical current and melting temperature of a vortex system are analyzed. Calculations are made for a two-dimensional film at finite temperature with two kinds of periodic pinning: hexagonal and Kagomé. A transport current parallel and perpendicular to the main axis of the pinning arrays is applied and molecular dynamics simulations are used to calculate the vortex velocities to obtain the critical currents. The structure factor and displacements of vortices at zero transport current are used to obtain the melting temperature for both pinning arrays. The critical currents are higher for the hexagonal pinning lattice and anisotropic for both pinning arrays. This anisotropy is stronger with temperature for the hexagonal array. For the Kagomé pinning lattice, our analysis shows a multi stage phase melting; that is, as we increase the temperature, each different dynamic phase melts before reaching the melting temperature. Both the melting temperature and critical currents are larger for the hexagonal lattice, indicating the role for the interstitial vortices in decreasing the pinning strength. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper we analyse the vacuum polarization effects due to a magnetic flux on massless fermionic fields in a cosmic string background. Three distinct configurations of magnetic fields are considered. In all of them the magnetic fluxes are confined in a long cylindrical tube of finite radius.


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The objective of the present work was to evaluate surface of experimental alloy Ti-7.5Mo after hydrothermal treatment. Ingots were obtained in arc melting furnace under an argon atmosphere and then homogenized under vacuum at 1100ºC for 86.4 ks to eliminate chemical segregation and after cold worked discs were cutting and grinding. For surface treatment, samples were immersed in a container with NaOH aqueous solution 5M, autoclaved, washed with distilled water. Followed, samples were heat treated and they were soaking in 5xSBF to form an apatite layer on the surface. Surfaces were investigated by, scanning electron microscopy, X-Rays powder diffraction, atomic force microscopy and contact angle, in order to evaluate the wettability of the alloy surface. The results were compared with our previous studies using the group of chemical surface treatments and results shows better condition is 120 minutes in the autoclave


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The potential of clear Ga2S3-GeS2-CsCl based sulfide glasses transparent up to 11.5 μm to be used as new optical material for multispectral applications has been investigated. The addition of large amount of chlorine ions – above 40 mol.% of CsCl – into the chalcogenide vitreous network in order to produce colorless glasses results in a drastic increase of their water contamination. We report for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the purification of cesium chloride CsCl by dynamic distillations under vacuum in order to reduce water and hydroxyl group contamination before complete melting of the glass. Besides, sulfur purification by dynamic and static distillations was also performed in the implemented method. The obtained glasses were then characterized by UV-visible and infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies, by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), thermal analysis (DSC), and their refractive indices in the visible and near infrared ranges were also measured. A large improvement of the glass transmission spectrum has been achieved with an estimated reduction of about 45 times of the OH and H2O content and 60 times of the SH content. The glass thermal molding ability and chemical durability with and without protective coating have been tested to probe their potential for fabrication of complex optics.