67 resultados para textile effluents
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present work describes a more efficient methodology for the chlorination of water containing disperse dyes, where the chlorinated byproducts identified by mass spectra are compared. this investigation, we tested the degradation of Cl Disperse Blue 291 dye, 2-[(2-Bromo-4,6-dinitrophenyl)azo]-5-(diethylamino)-4-methoxyacetanilide) a commercial azo dye with mutagenic properties. The present work evaluates the photoelectrocatalytic efficiency of removing the Cl Disperse Blue 291 dye from a wastewater of the textile industry. We employed NaCl as a supporting electrolyte. It should be noted that photoelectrocatalytic techniques are non-conventional method of generating chlorine radicals. The by-products formed in this process were analyzed using spectrophotometry, liquid chromatography, dissolved organic carbon, mass spectral analysis and mutagenicity assays. The process efficiency was compared with the conventional chlorination process adopted during sewage and effluents treatment processes. This conventional chlorination process is less efficient in removing color, total organic carbon than the photoelectrochemistry technique. Furthermore, we shall demonstrate that the mutagenicity of the generated by-products obtained using photoelectrocatalysis is completely different from that obtained by the conventional oxidation of chloride ions in the drinking wafer treatment process. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Desenvolvimento inicial e estado nutricional do maracujazeiro em resposta à aplicação de lodo têxtil
O processo de tratamento de efluentes líquidos da indústria têxtil gera, como resíduo, um lodo de características orgânicas com concentração significativa de sódio e potássio. Objetivou-se quantificar os efeitos da aplicação do lodo ao solo, sobre o desenvolvimento inicial do maracujazeiro, e avaliou-se o crescimento e o estado nutricional das plantas. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições de cinco tratamentos, que consistiram na aplicação de lodo têxtil, nas doses de 10, 15, 20 e 30 g vaso-1 (base seca), correspondentes a 10, 15, 20 e 30 t ha-1, respectivamente, além da testemunha sem aplicação do resíduo. As mudas receberam adubação básica com N, P, K, Zn e B, nas doses de 300, 450, 150, 5, e 0,5 mg dm-3, respectivamente. A unidade experimental foi constituída por vasos com 2 dm³ de amostra de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (V = 29%). Após 100 dias da semeadura, o lodo têxtil corrigiu a acidez do solo. Entretanto, em doses superiores a 10 t ha-1, promoveu a morte das plantas. O lodo têxtil aumentou os teores de N, K, S, B, Mn e Zn, diminuiu os de Ca e Mg e não alterou os de Cu e Fe da parte aérea das mudas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Cytotoxicity of metals is important because some metals are potential mutagens able to induce tumors in humans and experimental animals. Chromium can damage DNA in several ways, including DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) which generate chromosomal aberrations, micronucleus formation, sister chromatid exchange, formation of DNA adducts and alterations in DNA replication and transcription. In our study, water samples from three sites in the Córrego dos Bagres stream in the Franca municipality of the Brazilian state of São Paulo were subjected to the comet assay and micronucleus test using erythrocytes from the fish Oreochromis niloticus. Nuclear abnormalities of the erythrocytes included blebbed, notched and lobed nuclei, probably due to genotoxic chromium compounds. The greatest comet assay damage occurred with water from a chromium-containing tannery effluent discharge site, supporting the hypothesis that chromium residues can be genotoxic. The mutagenicity of the water samples was assessed using the onion root-tip cell assay, the most frequent chromosomal abnormalities observed being: c-metaphases, stick chromosome, chromosome breaks and losses, bridged anaphases, multipolar anaphases, and micronucleated and binucleated cells. Onion root-tip cell mutagenicity was highest for water samples containing the highest levels of chromium.
The feasibility of the photobleaching of a textile azo dye, reactive orange 16 (C.I. 17757), in aqueous solution using titanium dioxide thin-film electrodes prepared by the sol-gel method was investigated. The best conditions for maximum photoelectrocatalytic degradation were found to be pH > 10 for Na2SO4 medium and pH < 6 for NaCl. In both situations, an applied potential of +1.0 V and low dye concentration are recommended, when 100% of color removal is obtained after 20 min of photoelectrocatalysis. The effects of side reaction pathway on the degradation rate of dye in sulfate and chloride medium were presented and the best performance are optimized to situations closed to that verified in the textile effluent. The influence of variables as applied potential, pH, supporting electrolyte and dye concentration on the kinetics of photoelectrochemical degradation also were investigated. Oxalic acid is identified by HPLC and UV-Vis spectrophotometric methods as the main degradation product generated after 180 min of photoelectrocatalysis of 4 x 10(-5) mol l(-1) dye in sodium sulphate pH 12 and NaCl pH 4.0 and a maximum reduction of 56 and 62% TOC was obtained, respectively. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, electrochemical and photo-assisted electrochemical processes are used for color, total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) degradation of one of the most abundant and strongly colored industrial wastewaters, which results from the dyeing of fibers and fabrics in the textile industry. The experiments were carried out in an 18L pilot-scale tubular low reactor with 70% TiO2/30% RuO2 DSA. A synthetic acid blue 40 solution and real dye house wastewater, containing the same dye, were used for the experiments. By using current density of 80 mA cm(-2) electrochemical process has the capability to remove 80% of color, 46% of TOC and 69% of COD. When used the photochemical process with 4.6 mW cm(-2) of 254nm UV-C radiation to assist the electrolysis, has been obtained 90% of color, 64% of TOC and 60% of COD removal in 90 minutes of processing; furthermore, 70% of initial color was degraded within the first 15 minutes. Experimental runs using dye house wastewater resulted in 78% of color, 26% of TOC and 49% of COD in electrolysis at 80 mA cm(-2) and 90 min; additionally, when photo-assisted, electrolysis resulted in removals of 85% of color, 42% of TOC and 58% of COD. For the operational conditions used in this study, color, TOC and COD showed pseudo-first-order decaying profiles. Apparent rate constants for degradation of TOC and COD were improved by one order of magnitude when the photo-electrochemical process was used.
A high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC) method with electrochemical detection (ED) was developed for the determination of benzidine, 3,3-dimethylbenzidine, o-toluidine and 3,3-dichlorobenzidine in the wastewater of the textile industry. The aromatic amines were eluted on a reversed phase column Shimadzu Shimpack C-18 using acetonitrile + ammonium acetate (1 x 10(-4) mol L-1) at a ratio 46: 54 v/v as mobile phase, pumped at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min(-1). The electrochemical oxidation of the aromatic amines exhibits well-defined peaks at a potential range of +0.45 to +0.78 V on a glassy carbon electrode. Optimum working potentials for amperometric detection were from 0.70 V to +1.0 V vs. Ag/AgCl. Analytical curves for all the aromatic amines studied using the best experimental conditions present linear relationship from 1 x 10(-8) mol L-1 to 1.5 x 10(-5) mol L-1, r = 0.99965, n = 15. Detection limits of 4.5 nM (benzidine), 1.94 nM (o-toluidine), 7.69 nM (3,3-dimethylbenzidine), and 5.15 nM (3,3-dichlorobenzidine) were achieved, respectively. The detection limits were around 10 times lower than that verified for HPLC with ultra violet detection. The applicability of the method was demonstrated by the determination of benzidine in wastewater from the textile industry dealing with an azo dye processing plant.
The motility of Spirillum volutans was used for monitoring the toxicity of effluents of a cellulose and paper industry. Results indicated that there was no correlation between organic content and the toxic effects of the residues in the effluents. The effluents from the chlorination step and from the sludge ponds presented the highest toxicity. on the other hand, the final effluent from the biological treatment basin had no toxic agent. This bioassay showed to be a simple and reliable technique that can be used for adequately monitoring the toxicity of effluents.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Channel catfish ponds are treated with salt (sodium chloride) to increase chloride concentration and prevent nitrite toxicity in fish. A survey indicated that most farmers try to maintain chloride concentration of 50 to 100 mg/L in ponds by annual salt applications. Averages and standard deviations for selected water quality variables in salt-treated ponds were as follows: chloride, 87.2 ± 37.5 mg/L; total dissolved solids (TDS), 336 ± 96 mg/L; specific conductance, 512 ± 164 μmhos/cm. Maximum values were 189 mg/L for chloride, 481 mg/L for TDS, and 825 μmhos/cm for specific conductance. Good correlations between specific conductance values and both chloride and TDS concentrations suggest that specific conductance can be a rapid method for estimating concentrations of these two variables in surface water. The maximum limit for chloride concentration in Alabama streams allowed by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management is 230 mg/L. The usual recommended upper limit of TDS for protection of aquatic life in freshwater streams is 1,000 mg/L. Based on the observed relationship between TDS concentration and specific conductance in Alabama catfish ponds, 1,000 mg/L TDS corresponds to 1,733 μmhos/cm specific conductance. It is unlikely that effluents from salt-treated catfish ponds would violate the in-stream chloride standard of 230 mg/L or harm aquatic life in streams. Nevertheless, chloride concentrations in ponds should be measured before salt application as a safe guard against excessive salt application and chloride concentrations above the in-stream chloride standard.