158 resultados para synsedimentary faults


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The Precambrian crystalline basement of southeast Brazil is affected by many Phanerozoic reactivations of shear zones that developed during the end of the Neoproterozoic in the Brasiliano orogeny. These reactivations with specific tectonic events, a multidisciplinary study was done, involving geology, paleostress, and structural analysis of faults, associated with apatite fission track methods along the northeastern border of the Parana basin in southeast Brazil.The results show that the study area consists of three main tectonic domains, which record different episodes of uplift and reactivation of faults. These faults were brittle in character and resulted in multiple generations of fault products as pseudotachylytes and ultracataclasites, foliated cataclasites and fault gouges.Based on geological evidence and fission track data, an uplift of basement rocks and related tectonic subsidence with consequent deposition in the Parana basin were modeled.The reactivations of the basement record successive uplift events during the Phanerozoic dated via corrected fission track ages, at 387 +/- 50 Ma (Ordovician); 193 +/- 19 Ma (Triassic); 142 +/- 18 Ma (Jurassic), 126 +/- 11 Ma (Early Cretaceous); 89 +/- 10 Ma (Late Cretaceous) and 69 +/- 10 Ma (Late Cretaceous). These results indicate differential uplift of tectonic domains of basement units, probably related to Parana basin subsidence. Six major sedimentary units (supersequences) that have been deposited with their bounding unconformities, seem to have a close relationship with the orogenic events during the evolution of southwestern Gondwana. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Diamonds obtained from small scale mining near Jequitai and surrounding villages are extracted from Tertiary conglomerates and Quaternary gravels of the Rio Jequitai. Eocretaceous conglomerates, which are locally poorly diamondiferous, cover parts of the Serra da Agua Fria and Serra do Cabral. They are of no economic importance. Analyses of neotectonic, post-Miocene features support a transpressive regime that gave rise to N-S to N25° E transcurrent faults, and WNW normal faults. The main evidence for neotectonic processes are inclined Tertiary sediments, drainage captures, striated laterites of Miocene age, and tilting of blocks that form the Rio Jequitai graben. Diamonds in the Tertiary terraces derived from the Eocretaceous conglomerates, which were affected by neotectonic processes, followed by erosion and concentration during redeposition of sediments.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Araguaia-Tocantins geosuture, which separates the Araguaia Fold Belt (AFB) from the Archean Amazonian Craton, was active in the late Middle Proterozoic. The Baixo Araguaia Supergroup was deposited, consisting of the Estrondo Group (lower quartzites with intercalated schists), Xambioá Formation (schists), and Canto da Vazante Formation (upper feldspathic schists); and the Tocantins Group consisting of the Couto Magalhaës Formation (phyllites, quartzites, slates, limestones, and metacherts) and Pequizeiro Formation (upper chlorite schists); and associated mafic-ultramafic bodies. The deformational history includes four regional phases of deformation within this supracrustal sequence: recumbent folds with vergence to the west; refolding with a N-S trend; an intense crenulation episode; and late thrusting from east to west. Metamorphism is of intermediate or intermediate-high pressure type with garnet, biotite, chlorite, and sericite isograds succeeded by a slightly or non-metamorphosed zone, from east to west. Rocks surrounding sparse gneissic-cored domes contain isograds of staurolite, kyanite, and fibrolite. These isograds are believed to be associated with the 1100 Ma Uruaçuano event. The Brasiliano Orogeny strongly affected the AFB with displacements due to transcurrent reactivation of great and old faults of the basement, slight folding in the supracrustal sequence, intrusion of small granite bodies, and development of domes with associated normal faults. The area underlain by the Estrondo Group was uplifted at this time, causing the deposition of the Rio das Barreiras polymictic conglomerate of the central area. K-Ar and Rb-Sr analyses date this thermo-tectonic event at 550 ± 100 Ma. The Archean basement is exposed in the cores of domes as a granite-gneiss association, the Colméia complex, which shows thermo-tectonic features that may be interpreted as polycyclic imprints (Jequié, Transamazonian?, Uruaçuano, and Brasiliano Events). © 1989.


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Migmatites, high-grade gneisses and granitoids represent the most important Precambrian rocks of Sao Joao da Boa Vista region. Structures are interpreted as due to low-angle oblique non-coaxial ductile shear, developed under conditions of amphibolite facies. Transcurrent ductile shear zones and associated drags modify the foliation and lineations orientations. A first phase of migmatization related to anatexis seems to be developed before or early during the thermo-tectonic process. A second one is syntectonic, and represents the main regional phase. Joints and faults represent the brittle features, the faults marked by cataclastic rocks and intense retrometamorphism along the main zones. -from English summary


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The Natividade Group is a metasedimentary sequence discontinuously exposed in the southeastern region of the Tocantins State. It rests unconformably on the Archean gneissic-granitoid complex and its associated supracrustals, as well as on granite intrusives of the Lajeado Suite (1.870 Ma). It is unconformably covered by the Monte do Carmo Formation and the Serra Grande Formation. The sequence is preserved on tilted blocks and grabens. The western portion is constituted of only detritic metasediments. The intermediate outcrops presents detritic and some carbonatic metasediments. A carbonatic sequence, with some detritic levels, is recognized at the eastern area. The sections of these different domains are interpreted as constituted of fining-up sequences due to three transgressive episodes into an ensialic paleobasin, with uplifted border to the western side and a carbonate platform to the east, which represents the western extension of the Mambui Group. The Natividade Group presents folds with variable styles and no defined vergence, which are synchronous to the regional metamorphism (lower to upper greenschist facies). Two groups of faults cut the sequence. -from English summary


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Structural, geochemical, and isotope studies were carried out on the gold deposits of the Pontes e Lacerda region (Mato Grosso state, Brazil), where rocks of the Aguapei and Rondoniano mobile belts (southwestern Amazonian craton) occur. The orebodies are hosted in metavolcanic, gneiss-granite, quartzite, tonalite, and granite units. Tectonics involve oblique overthrusting (from northeast to southwest), which led to the formation of recumbent folds and thrusts (pathways for the mineralizing fluids), upright folds, and faults with dominant strike-slip component. These unconformities represent potential sites for mineralization. During geological mapping, it was observed that the orebodies consist of quartz, pyrite, and gold, and that the hydrothermal alteration zone contains quartz, sericite, pyrite (altered to limonite), and magnetite (altered to hematite). Chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite occur only in the Onça deposit. Chemical analysis of sulfides indicates high contents of Bi, Se, and Te in sulfides and gold, suggesting plutonic involvement in the origin of hydrothermal solutions. K-Ar dating of hydrothermal sericites from gold veins yielded ages in the range from 960 to 840 Ma, which may indicate the age of original crystallization of sericite. Pb-Pb dating in galenas yielded model ages in the range from 1000 to 800 Ma for the Onça deposit, which is in agreement with K-Ar ages. Pb-isotopic ratios indicate high U/Pb and low Th/Pb for the upper-crustal Pb source before incorporation in galena crystals. The Pontes e Lacerda gold deposits yielded ages correlated to the Aguapei event and probably were formed during a Proterozoic contractional tectonic period in the southwestern part of the Amazon craton, which may characterize an important metallogenic epoch in the Pontes e Lacerda region.


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A new concept of fault detection and isolation using robust observation for systems with random noises is presented. The method selects the parameters from components that may fault during the process and constructs well conditioned robust observers, considering sensors faults. To isolate component failures via robust observation, a bank of detection observers is constructed, where each observer is only sensitive to one specified component failure while robust to all other component failures.


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This paper describes the chemical variability of the Late Precambrian Itu Rapakivi Province (IRP), State of São Paulo, SE Brazil, based on 187 selected analyses from the Itu, São Francisco, Sorocaba, Campina do Veado and Sguario/ Correa granites. The IRP has an almost uniform petrographic character conferred by the overall dominance of subalkaline biotite granites. Monzogranites (adamellites), granodiorites, quartz syenites, quartz monzonites are rare to very rare rock types and tonalites and quartz diorites are almost restricted to enclaves. Typical chemical features are the high FeO*/MgO ratio, a clustering of the K2O values between 4.5 and 6.0 wt.% and K2O/Na2O ratios which define the IRP as mildly potassic although more potassic rocks also occur. The overal Peacock Alkalinity Index is 54 defining the Province as alkali-calcic. In the Shand diagram the data cluster near the metaluminous/peraluminous boundary. Relationships between Nb, Rb and Y stress the within plate character of the IRP and the relationships between Rb, Ba and Sr reveal the importance of feldspar fractionation in magma evolution. The data also show an interbody and an intrabody chemical variability due to the variation in the composition of the crustal magma protoliths, as assigned by K/Rb relations. The presence of several magmatic cycles which built up the major intrusions reflects a magma ascent from collecting chambers successively drained and recharged, a feature in agreement with the clear link between the bodies and long lived, successively reactivated, transcurrent faults. Most of the chemical features of the IRP correspond to those of the classical Finnish rapakivi granites.


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Two stratigraphic sequences characterize the basal units of the Paraná basin. The Ordovician-Silurian sequence overlie directly the Neoproterozoic basement and consists of a 55m-thick unit of coarse-grained sandstones, diamictites, fossiliferous shales and fine-grained micaceous sandstones. The Alto Garças Formation constitutes the base of the sequence and is made of coarse-grained, massive and reddish sandstones associated with conglomeratic lenses. Diamictites with pebbles of diverse composition in siltic and arenaceous matrix were deposited during the Ordovician-Silurian glaciation. Whenever the basal sandstones are absent, the diamictites directly overlie the basement. The diamictites were previously included in the Vila Maria Formation. However our study revealed that they are part of the Iapó Formation. A transgressive event following the glaciation is marked by the deposition of the Vila Maria Formation, which is characterized by fossiliferous (mollusks, brachiopods, cryptospores and microplankton) and laminated shales and siltstones, grading upward to fine-grained micaceous sandstones with hummocky cross stratification. Layers containing trace fossils (Anthrophycus) occur at the transition between the siltstones and the sandstones. The Devonian sequence is represented by 80-170 meters thick sandstones of the Furnas Formation (lower unit) and a sucession of sandstones, siltstones and shales of the Ponta Grossa Formation (upper unit). Unlike other areas of the Paraná Basin, the Ponta Grossa Formation is characterized by coarsening-upward succession beginning with fine sandstones and grading upward to coarse and very-coarse sandstone beds. Cretaceous modifying tectonics affected the Paleozoic sequences, which are cut by a series of faults, in some cases showing displacements greater than 500 meters.


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In this article, an implementation of structural health monitoring process automation based on vibration measurements is proposed. The work presents an alternative approach which intent is to exploit the capability of model updating techniques associated to neural networks to be used in a process of automation of fault detection. The updating procedure supplies a reliable model which permits to simulate any damage condition in order to establish direct correlation between faults and deviation in the response of the model. The ability of the neural networks to recognize, at known signature, changes in the actual data of a model in real time are explored to investigate changes of the actual operation conditions of the system. The learning of the network is performed using a compressed spectrum signal created for each specific type of fault. Different fault conditions for a frame structure are evaluated using simulated data as well as measured experimental data.


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The main structural and geomorphological features along the Amazon River are closely associated with Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic events. The Mesozoic tectonic setting is characterised by the Amazonas and Marajó Basins, two distinct extensional segments. The Amazonas Basin is formed by NNE-SSW normal faults, which control the emplacement of dolerite dykes and deposition of the sedimentary pile. In the more intense tectonic phase (mid-Late Cretaceous), the depocentres were filled with fluvial sequences associated with axial drainage systems, which diverge from the Lower Tapajós Arch. During the next subsidence phase, probably in the Early Tertiary, and under low rate extension, much of the drainage systems reversed, directing the paleo-Amazon River to flow eastwards. The Marajó Basin encompasses NW-SE normal faults and NE-SW strike-slip faults, with the latter running almost parallel to the extensional axes. The normal faults controlled the deposition of thick rift and post-rift sequences and the emplacement of dolerite dykes. During the evolution of the basin, the shoulder (Gurupá Arch) became distinct, having been modelled by drainage systems strongly controlled by the trend of the strike-slip faults. The Arari Lineament, which marks the northwest boundary of the Marajó Basin, has been working as a linkage corridor between the paleo and modern Amazon River with the Atlantic Ocean. The neotectonic evolution since the Miocene comprises two sets of structural and geomorphological features. The older set (Miocene-Pliocene) encompasses two NE-trending transpressive domains and one NW-trending transtensive domain, which are linked to E-W and NE-SW right-lateral strike-slip systems. The transpressive domains display aligned hills controlled by reverse faults and folds, and are separated by large plains associated with pull-apart basins along clockwise strike-slip systems (e.g. Tupinambarana Lineament). Many changes were introduced in the landscape by the transpressive and transtensive structures, such as the blockage of major rivers, which evolved to river-lakes, transgression of the sea over a large area in the Marajó region, and uplift of long and narrow blocks that are oblique to the trend of the main channel. The younger set (Pliocene-Holocene) refers to two triple-arm systems of rift/rift/strike-slip and strike-slip/strike-slip/rift types, and two large transtensive segments, which have controlled the orientation of the modern drainage patterns. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Brasilia Fold Thrust Belt at Tapira area (SW of Minas Gerais State, Brazil) has four different litho-tectonic domains imbricated by thrust faults with vergency to the São Francisco Craton. Sm/Nd isotopic studies were undertaken and the results show different model and metamorphic ages for the thrust sheets. Rocks from the lower thrust sheet yield a metamorphic age of 543 Ma while the upper thrust sheet has a metamorphic age of 581 Ma. The TDM model ages are similar for both thrust sheets, between 1.7 and 2.2 Ga. Because of their lithologic characteristics, the thrust sheets are interpreted as having been deposited in a distal continental platform environment, their main source being Paleoproterozoic rocks of the São Francisco Craton. The upper thrust sheet rocks presents a metamorphism age of 612 Ma and a bimodal distribution of TDM model ages between 1.3 and 1.9 - 2.0 Ga, respectively. The lithologic and isotopic characteristics of this thrust sheet the rocks are interpreted as a result of deposition on a continental slope or oceanic floor environment, with mixed contributions from Paleo - and Mesoproterozoic rocks of the São Francisco Craton. In spite of the small number of analyzed samples and the uncertainties inherent to the Sm/Nd method the metamorphisms are not considered to be synchronous in the different thrust sheets. This is to be expected in a thrust belt system, in which the more metamorphosed thrust sheets are juxtaposed to less metamorphosed ones.