175 resultados para soft tissue lesions
A left paravertebral mass discovered incidentally on routine examination in a 39-year-old woman is described. Computerized tomography studies revealed a 7 × 6 cm, well circumscribed, noncalcified soft tissue mass with lobular borders abutting the left inferior pulmonary vein and descending aorta. It was not possible to determine the exact anatomic location of the mass based on the imaging studies as both peripheral lung tumors and posterior mediastinal lesions may exhibit the imaging findings described here. At thoracotomy, the mass was seen to be well circumscribed, focally attached to the pleura but without involvement of lung parenchyma, and situated in the left posterior mediastinum. On histological examination, the lesion showed the classical features of myxopapillary ependymoma. Immunohistochemical studies confirmed this impression by demonstrating strong positivity of the tumor cells for S-100 protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein, and CD99 and negative staining with other differentiation markers. A review of the literature with a discussion of the histologic and radiologic differential diagnosis of these lesions is presented. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Congenital epulis (CE) of the newborn is a rare benign soft tissue tumor that presents at birth. It occurs usually as a single mass with various sizes, although some multiple lesions have also been reported. The lesion is more common in female neonates and normally affects the maxillary alveolar ridge. Rare recurrence and no malignant alteration have also been reported. This condition may interfere with respiration, feeding or adequate closure of the mouth. A decisive diagnosis is made by histopathologic analysis as other newborn lesions can be incorrectly diagnosed as CE. This article presents a case report of a female infant who presented a fibrotic mass in the primary lateral incisor and canine region of the maxillary alveolar ridge. The lesion was not causing feeding or respiratory problems. After a watchful waiting procedure and no spontaneous regression, the lesion was excised under local anesthesia and confirmed by histopathologic analysis as CE.
Aim: To evaluate the influence of a sub-epithelial connective tissue graft placed at the buccal aspect of implants installed immediately after tooth extraction on the dimensional changes of hard and soft tissues. Materials and Methods: In six Labrador dogs a bilateral partial- thickness dissection was made buccal to the second mandibular premolar. At the lingual aspect, full-thickness flaps were elevated. The teeth were extracted and implants installed immediately into the distal socket. A connective tissue graft was obtained from the palate and applied to the buccal aspect of the test sites, whereas contra-laterally, no graft was applied. The flaps were sutured to allow a non-submerged installation. After 4 months of healing, the animals were sacrificed, ground sections were obtained and histomorphometric analyses were performed. Results: After 4 months of healing, all implants were integrated (n = 6). Both at the test and at the control sites bone resorption occurred: 1.6 mm and 2.1 mm, respectively. The difference was not statistically significant. The coronal aspect of the peri-implant soft tissue was wider and located more coronally at the test compared with the control sites. The differences were statistically significant. Conclusions: The application of a connective tissue graft placed at the buccal aspect of the bony wall at implants installed immediately after tooth extraction yielded a minimal preservation of the hard tissues. The peri-implant mucosa, however, was significantly thicker and more coronally positioned at the test compared with the control sites. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Aim: To evaluate the influence of the width of the buccal bony wall on hard and soft tissue dimensions following implant installation. Material and methods: Mandibular premolars and first molars of six Labrador dogs were extracted bilaterally. After 3 months of healing, two recipient sites, one on each side of the mandible, were prepared in such a way as to obtain a buccal bony ridge width of about 2 mm in the right (control) and 1 mm in the left sides (test), respectively. Implants were installed with the coronal margin flush with the buccal alveolar bony crest. Abutments were placed and the flaps were sutured to allow a non-submerged healing. After 3 months, the animals were euthanized and ground sections obtained. Results: All implants were completely osseointegrated. In respect to the coronal rough margin of the implant, the most coronal bone-to-implant contact was apically located 1.04 ± 0.91 and 0.94 ± 0.87 mm at the test and control sites, respectively, whereas the top of the bony crest was located 0.30 ± 0.40 mm at the test and 0.57 ± 0.49 mm at the control sites. No statistically significant differences were found. A larger horizontal bone resorption, however, evaluated 1 mm apically to the rough margin, was found at the control (1.1 ± 0.7 mm) compared to the test (0.3 ± 0.3 mm) sites, the difference being statistically significant. A thin peri-implant mucosa (2.4-2.6 mm) was found at implant installation while, after 3 months of healing, a biological width of 3.90-4.40 mm was observed with no statistically significant differences between control and test sites. Conclusions: A width of the buccal bony wall of 1or 2 mm at implant sites yielded similar results after 3 months of healing in relation of hard tissue and soft tissues dimensions after implant installation. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pachydermodactyly is a rare and benign form of acquired digital fibromatosis characterized by the expansion of soft tissue around proximal phalanges and interphalangeal joints. The etiology remains unknown, although it is suggested that repetitive mechanic trauma like the interlacing or rubbing of the fingers can lead to skin thickening. We report a case of a young man with skin thickening around interphalangeal joints and compulsive finger manipulation habit. The histopathology disclosed hyperkeratosis, discrete papillomatosis, mild increase of fibroblasts and dermal mucinosis. The lesions regressed partially, after finger manipulation was stopped.
Leishmaniasis is a disease emerging or re-emerging worldwide distribution (Sousa, 2008), a major impact on public health. The canine visceral leishmaniasis is an infectious parasitic zoonosis of worldwide distribution (Troncarelli, 2009), caused by a flagellate protozoan called Leishmania chagasi (Costard, 2009). Osteomyelitis can develop when the parasite reaches the bone tissue of the host via blood or continuity of adjacent soft tissue infection (Baltenperger, 2004). The histopathology of the lesions has 100% specificity when viewing the amastigote form of the parasite (Feitosa et al., 2000). A dog breed poodle, female, five years, with chronic lameness four months ago was attended by a veterinary, proceeded to the general clinical examination, radiographic evaluation of the hindquarters and the laboratory tests of enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and indirect immunofluorescence (RIFI) for Leishmania sp. On examination, besides the enlargement of lymph nodes, the animal showed pain on flexion and extension of hind limbs. In radiographic lytic bone lesions were observed in bilateral ischial board and greater trochanter of the femur, suggestive of osteomyelitis. In specific laboratory tests for diagnosis of leishmaniasis ELISA reagent and RIFI reagent 1:40. As recommended by the Ministry of Health, the animal was euthanized. No macroscopic findings were reported during the necropsy, usually associated with leishmaniasis. The ischium bone fragments were sent for histopathological examination. There was intense proliferation of mononuclear inflammatory cells, mainly macrophages and lymphocytes. Amastigotes of Leishmania sp, were identified in the cytoplasm of some macrophages and bone tissue. In endemic areas for canine leishmaniasis, dogs with a history of intermittent lameness, and radiographic lytic bone lesions suggestive of osteomyelitis should be directed to realization of the histopathology and serologic tests for the differential diagnosis of Leishmania sp. Even without evidence of cutaneous or visceral lesions, usually associated with this disease.
ObjectiveTo study the buccal dimensional tissue changes at oral implants following free gingival grafting, with or without including the keratin layer, performed at the time of implant installation into alveolar mucosa.Material and methodsThe mandibular premolars and first molars were extracted bilaterally in six Beagle dogs. In the right side of the mandible (Test), flaps were first elevated, and the buccal as well as part of the lingual masticatory mucosa was removed. An incision of the periosteum at the buccal aspect was performed to allow the flap to be coronally repositioned. Primary wound closure was obtained. In the left side, the masticatory (keratinized) mucosa was left in situ, and no sutures were applied (Control). After 3months of healing, absence of keratinized mucosa was confirmed at the test sites. Two recipient sites were prepared at each side of the mandible in the region of the third and fourth premolars. All implants were installed with the shoulder placed flush with the buccal alveolar bony crest, and abutments were connected to allow a non-submerged healing. Two free gingival mucosal grafts were harvested from the buccal region of the maxillary canines. One graft was left intact (gingival mucosal graft), while for the second, the epithelial layer was removed (gingival connective tissue graft). Subsequently, the grafts were fixed around the test implants in position of the third and fourth premolars, respectively. After 3months, the animals were euthanized and ground sections obtained.ResultsSimilar bony crest resorption and coronal extension of osseointegration were found at test and control sites. Moreover, similar dimensions of the peri-implant soft tissues were obtained at test and control sites.ConclusionsThe increase in the alveolar mucosal thickness by means of a gingival graft affected the peri-implant marginal bone resorption and soft tissue recession around implants. This resulted in outcomes that were similar to those at implants surrounded by masticatory mucosa, indicating that gingival grafting in the absence of keratinized mucosa around implants may reduce the resorption of the marginal crest and soft tissue recession.
A heterogeneous group of 159 tumours was studied for the presence of S-100 protein by the immunoperoxidase technique in order to determine whether this marker may be of value in facilitating immunocytochemical diagnosis. Among cases of melanocytic and pigmented lesions, S-100 was widely distributed and demonstrated the strongest degrees of reactivity. S-100 protein was identified in virtually all nerve sheath tumours such as schwannomas, neurofibromas, myxoid sheath nerve tumour and also in some tumours of controversial histogenesis such as granular cell tumours. The great majority of carcinomas did not express S-100, with only two cases of breast carcinoma displaying focal S-100 staining. In a miscellaneous group of tumours S-100 was demonstrated in chordomas, myoepitheliomas and Wilms' tumour with Schwann cell differentiation. Despite its presence in a wide array of cell types, S-100 protein continues to be an extremely useful marker especially for soft tissue and peripheral nervous system tumours.
The aim of this study is to evaluate through a literature review, the soft tissue response in contact with zirconia abutments, including case reports comparing prosthetics rehabilitations with zirconia and titanium abutments upto 3 years of follow-up as well as the factors that should be considered on implant's abutment selection. Metallic abutments can provide grayish color when in contact with thin soft tissues which may lead the implant prosthetic treatment to failure. In this context, the abutments of zirconia stand out because there is an excellent linking between esthetics and the health of peri-implant soft tissues. A consult of the published researches was made on the PubMed database from 2000 to September 2012. The including criteria were: literature reviews, clinical studies and case reports in English that focused on the response of the soft tissue in contact with zirconia implant abutments. The studies that were not in English and did not match the tackled issue were excluded. A total of 32 articles were found. According to the search strategy, just 16 articles were selected for this review. Three studies affirmed that zirconia abutments have an excellent soft tissue response; one study showed increased gingival recession with zirconia abutments and nine studies do not stand out any difference on biological behavior between titanium and zirconia abutments. Three studies affirmed that zirconia abutments provide natural gingival appearance, anatomic contour and greater esthetics. The use of zirconia abutments is recommended for anterior regions because of their greater optical properties and esthetic results and more studies should be performed and analyzed longitudinally regarding their biological response. The zirconia abutments have been established to be essential in order to achieve great esthetic results in cases of thin peri-implant soft tissues and in regions where the three-dimensional placement of implants is more superficial.
Foram pré-compostados, em células individuais e isoladas, cinco cadáveres de bovinos acometidos pelo botulismo com a finalidade de monitorar a presença de esporos de Clostridium botulinum e de toxina botulínica antes e após o processo de decomposição em leira estática com fonte de carbono. O diagnóstico da intoxicação nos animais foi baseado nas características clínico-patológicas, epidemiológicas ou laboratoriais. Dos cinco bovinos com evolução clínica crônica de botulismo, cujos cadáveres foram pré-compostados, três foram acometidos pela toxina tipo D, um pelo complexo CD e um dos animais foi negativo na tentativa de detecção da toxina e de esporos da bactéria nas vísceras pelo bioensaio e neutralização em camundongo. O processo de pré-compostagem foi realizado em leira estática, com o uso de material carbonáceo umidificado como substrato e esquartejamento do animal, vedado individualmente com lona plástica e sem aeração por um período de 50 dias. A temperatura das leiras foi monitorada durante o período e oscilou de 40,5-52,4ºC. Após a abertura das leiras, pôde-se constatar a completa decomposição de todo material mole, com redução significativa do seu peso (de 26,5-44,5%), restando apenas os ossos. Não foi detectado esporo ou toxina botulínica no interior dos ossos (n=5 para cada cadáver). Nas 200 amostras examinadas do homogeneizado restante (n=40 para cada cadáver), em apenas duas amostras de uma leira foram detectados esporos de C. botulinum tipo C, enquanto que todas foram negativas para a tentativa de detecção da toxina botulínica pelo bioensaio em camundongo. da forma como foi avaliado o processo de pré-compostagem de bovinos mortos pela intoxicação botulínica não contribuiu para a proliferação de C. botulinum.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar ocorrência de infecção em idosos de instituição de longa permanência (ILP) durante 13 meses consecutivos. MÉTODOS: Cinqüenta e cinco idosos foram avaliados segundo critérios de infecção e de comunicação padronizada. RESULTADOS: A idade mediana foi de 75 (66-81) anos. O conjunto de dados constituiu-se de 20.896 pacientes-dia (PD) durante o período, com um total de 76 infecções para uma taxa média de infecção de 3,2 por 1000 PD. A taxa de pacientes com infecção foi de 63,6%. As topografias prevalentes foram respiratória (50%), trato urinário (32%), pele e partes moles (12%) e gastrintestinal (7%), com taxa de infecção/1000 PD de 1,60; 1,01; 0,38; e 0,2, respectivamente. A taxa de mortalidade por infecção foi de 5%. Agentes microbiológicos foram isolados em 30,5% dos episódios infecciosos e Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus foram os mais freqüentes. CONCLUSÃO: Infecção apresentou elevada incidência nos idosos institucionalizados, porém nenhum evento extraordinário foi observado.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Lizards of the Teiidae family are large reptiles measuring up to 2 meters long. If threatened, they can demonstrate aggressive behavior by whipping their tail and occasionally biting. Here, we report a severe injury following a Teiidae lizard bite on the right index finger of a human. There was significant soft tissue damage and an avulsion fracture of the distal phalanx. He was treated with conservative wound care and prophylactic antibiotics. He developed no evidence of secondary infection and underwent delayed skin grafting.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os adipócitos da gordura orbitária de coelhos após enucleação e evisceração. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados vinte e três espécimes de gordura orbitária, provenientes de 23 coelhos com idade de 42 dias, sendo 11 submetidos à cirurgia de enucleação e 12 à evisceração. Os animais foram sacrificados 30, 90 e 180 dias após a cirurgia, avaliando-se a gordura orbitária ao microscópio óptico (aumento de 200x) e usando o programa IpWin 32. A área média celular foi calculada a partir do número de adipócitos por campo e da área de cada adipócito, tendo sido comparados os resultados dos grupos (enucleação e evisceração) usando teste estatístico não paramétrico para avaliação da área dos adipócitos. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa entre a área média dos adipócitos quando considerado o procedimento cirúrgico (enucleação e evisceração), ou quando considerado o momento de sacrifício. CONCLUSÃO: Tendo em vista que a área dos adipócitos foi semelhante e não variou significativamente após a enucleação ou a evisceração, em período de observação de até 180 dias, a diminuição de volume orbitário que ocorre nas cavidades anoftálmicas deve ser conseqüência de outros mecanismos, como mudanças na distribuição espacial da gordura da órbita.