195 resultados para small for gestational age (SGA)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
To compare clinical and laboratory characteristics, obstetric and perinatal outcomes of patients with pre-eclampsia versus gestational hypertension. A retrospective study was carried out to analyze medical records of patients diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and gestational hypertension whose pregnancies were resolved within a period of 5 years, for a total of 419 cases. We collected clinical and laboratory data, obstetric and perinatal outcomes. Comparisons between groups were performed using the test suitable for the variable analyzed: unpaired t test, Mann-Whitney U test or χ2 test, with the level of significance set at p<0.05. Were evaluated 199 patients in the gestational hypertension group (GH) and 220 patients in the pre-eclampsia group (PE). Mean body mass index was 34.6 kg/m2 in the GH group and 32.7 kg/m2 in the PE group, with a significant difference between groups. The PE group showed higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure and higher rates of abnormal values in the laboratory tests, although the mean values were within the normal range. Cesarean section was performed in 59.1% of cases of PE and in 47.5% of the GH group; and perinatal outcomes in terms of gestational age and birth weight were significantly lower in the PE group. Women with gestational hypertension exhibit epidemiological characteristics of patients at risk for chronic diseases. Patients with pre-eclampsia present clinical and laboratory parameters of greater severity, higher rates of cesarean delivery and worse maternal and perinatal outcomes.
OBJETIVOS: Determinar a frequência de retinopatia da prematuridade no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (HCFMRP-USP) e verificar a associação da retinopatia da prematuridade com fatores de risco conhecidos. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada análise prospectiva de 70 pacientes, nascidos no HCFMRP-USP, com peso inferior a 1.500 gramas, no período de um ano. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos (Retinopatia da prematuridade e Normal) para realização de análise estatística com relação a fatores de risco conhecidos. Adotou-se nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A frequência de retinopatia da prematuridade foi de 35,71% entre os pré-termos estudados. Os fatores pesquisados que apresentaram relação de risco para o desenvolvimento da doença foram: peso (p=0,001), idade gestacional (p=0,001), escore SNAPPE II (p=0,008), uso de oxigenoterapia por intubação (p=0,019) e por pressão positiva de vias aéreas (p=0,0017), múltiplas transfusões sanguíneas (p=0,01) e uso de diuréticos (p=0,01). CONCLUSÃO: A frequência de retinopatia da prematuridade foi de 35,71% entre os prétermos nascidos com menos de 1.500 g. Vários fatores de risco foram identificados nos recém-nascidos do HCFMRP-USP, sendo constatado que crianças mais pré-termos apresentam formas mais graves de retinopatia da prematuridade.
Background: Low birth weight affects child growth and development, requiring the intensive use of health services. There are conversely proportional associations between prematurity and academic performance around the world. In this study we evaluated factors involved in weight and neuropsychomotor profile in one and two years old discharged from Intensive Care Units (ICU).Methods/Design: We investigated 203 children from the ICU who were followed for 24 +/- 4 months. The research was conducted by collecting data from medical records of patients in a Follow-up program. We investigated the following variables: inadequate weight at one year old; inadequate weight at two years old and a severe neurological disorder at two years old.Results: We observed increase of almost 20% in the proportion of children which weighted between the 10th and 90th percentiles and decrease of around 40% of children below the 15th percentile, from one to two years old. In almost 60% of the cases neuropsychomotor development was normal at 2 years old, less than 15% of children presented abnormal development. Variables that remained influential for clinical outcome at 1 and 2 years old were related to birth weight and gestational age, except for hypoglycemia. Neurological examination was the most influential variable for severe neurological disturbance.Conclusion: Hypoglycemia was considered a new fact to explain inadequate weight. The results, new in Brazil and difficult in terms of comparison, could be used to identify risk factors and for a better approach of newborn discharged from ICUs.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A plasmaféresis é a técnica de tratamento de escolha para pacientes com anemia hemolítica grave. Uma de suas conseqüências é a depleção de colinesterase plasmática, o que interfere na metabolização de alguns bloqueadores neuromusculares de uso corrente na prática anestesiológica. RELATO do CASO: Paciente com 26 anos, estado físico ASA IV, gestação de 30 semanas e 3 dias, portadora de anemia falciforme, traço talassêmico e alo-imunização para antígenos de alta freqüência. Apresentou crise de falcização, sendo transfundida com derivado sangüíneo incompatível. Evoluiu com hemólise maciça, sendo admitida com hemoglobina de 3 g/dL e hematócrito de 10%, icterícia intensa, taquicardia, apatia e descoramento. Na avaliação hematológica concluiu-se ser situação de inexistência de sangue compatível para transfusão. Foi tratada com corticoterapia, imunoglobulinas e plasmaféresis. No segundo dia de internação, evoluiu com insuficiência renal aguda e edema pulmonar agudo, piora do estado geral e instabilidade hemodinâmica. Indicada a resolução da gestação em decorrência do quadro clínico da paciente e do sofrimento fetal agudo que se sobrepôs. A paciente foi admitida na sala de operações consciente, dispnéica, pálida, ictérica, SpO2 de 91% em ar ambiente, freqüência cardíaca de 110 bpm e pressão arterial de 110 x 70 mmHg, em uso de dopamina (1 µg.kg-1.min-1) e dobutamina (10 µg.kg-1.min-1). Optou-se por anestesia geral balanceada, com alfentanil (2,5 mg), etomidato (14 mg) e atracúrio (35 mg) e isoflurano. Não se observou intercorrências anestésico-cirúrgicas. Ao final, a paciente foi encaminhada à UTI, sob intubação orotraqueal, e em uso de drogas vasoativas, tendo sido extubada após 3 horas. CONCLUSÕES: Este caso mostrou-se um desafio para a equipe, visto que a paciente apresentava instabilidade hemodinâmica e alteração do coagulograma, condições que contra-indicam a anestesia regional; além disto, a plasmaféresis potencialmente depleta os estoques de colinesterases plasmáticas, o que interfere na anestesia. Entretanto, o arsenal medicamentoso disponível permitiu o manuseio seguro desta situação.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective To assess the viability of the early diagnosis of fetal gender in material plasma before 7 weeks of pregnancy by real-time polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR), starting at 5 weeks of pregnancy.Method peripheral blood was collected from pregnant women, starting at 5 weeks of gestation. After centrifugation, plasma was separated for fetal DNA extraction. DNA was analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR for two genomic regions, one on the Y chromosome (DYS-14) and the other shared by both sexes (beta-globin), by the TaqMan Minor Groove Binder (MGB) probe assay. The results of the examinations were compared to fetal gender determined after delivery.Results A total of 79 examinations of fetal DNA in maternal plasma were performed for 52 pregnant women. Accuracy according to gestational age was 92.6% (25 of 27 cases) at 5 weeks, and 95.6% (22 of 23 cases) at 6 weeks. These results also demonstrate that fetal DNA is present at low concentrations in maternal plasma at 5 weeks (8.5 genome equivalents (GE)/mL) and 6 weeks (34.1 GE/mL) of pregnancy.Conclusion Quantitative real-time PCR and TaqMan MGB probes specific for the detection of fetal gender in maternal plasma starting at 5 weeks of gestation have good sensitivity and excellent specificity. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
OBJETIVO: comparar dois testes de rastreamento para diabetes e seus resultados com o resultado da gestação. MÉTODOS: no total, 279 pacientes foram submetidas a dois testes de rastreamento do diabetes gestacional - associação glicemia de jejum e fatores de risco (GJ + FR) e o teste de tolerância à glicose simplificado (TTG50g). O rastreamento pela associação GJ + FR caracterizou-se pela dosagem da glicemia de jejum e anamnese para identificação dos fatores de risco na primeira consulta de pré-natal. O TTG50g foi realizado entre a 24ª e a 28ª semana de gestação e caracterizou-se pela dosagem das glicemias plasmáticas em jejum e uma hora após a sobrecarga oral com 50 g de glicose. Os resultados, positivo e negativo, foram relacionados ao resultado da gestação. Foram consideradas variáveis dependentes: via de parto, idade gestacional, peso e índice ponderal ao nascimento, índices de Apgar <7 no 1º e 5º minutos, necessidade de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), tempo de permanência hospitalar e óbito neonatal. Empregou-se o teste t de Student, admitindo-se 5% como limite de significância para calcular a diferença de proporção de das médias. RESULTADOS: apenas dois resultados perinatais estudados foram diferenciados pelos testes. O TTG50g alterado esteve associado à maior proporção de cesárea (58,7 versus 34,3%) e a associação GJ + FR positiva, maior taxa de prematuridade (15,4 versus 5,4%). As demais variáveis não foram diferentes nas pacientes com testes de rastreamento positivo e negativo. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar da relação entre a prematuridade e associação GJ + FR positiva e aumento de cesárea e TTG50g alterado, seria falha crítica aceitá-los como definitivos. Entre outras explicações, múltiplos fatores intercorrentes e as características próprias dos testes de rastreamento devem ser consideradas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of maternal hydration with oral isotonic solution and water on the amniotic fluid (AF) index of women with normohydramnios. Women with a normal AF index and gestational age between 33 and 36 weeks without maternal complications were randomized into three groups [isotonic solution (Gatorade (R)), water, control]. The isotonic solution and water groups were instructed to drink 1.5 L of the respective solution and the control group was instructed to drink 200 mL water over a period of 2 to 4 h. AF index was measured before and after hydration by Doppler ultrasonography. The investigator performing the AF index measurement was blind to the subject's group. Ninety-nine women completed the study without any adverse maternal effects. The median increase in AF index after hydration was significantly greater for the isotonic solution and water groups than for the control group. There was no significant difference between the isotonic solution and water groups. Hydration with isotonic solution and water caused a 10-fold (95% CI: 2.09-49.89) and 6-fold (95% CI: 1.16-30.95) increase in the chance of a 20% increase of AF index, respectively. Maternal hydration with isotonic solution or water increased the AF index in women with normohydramnios.
Background: There is no evidence about the integrated issue on glycemia, lipid profile, oxidative stress, and anomaly frequency of pregnant diabetic rats neonatally exposed to streptozotocin.Objective: Evaluating the impact of hyperglycemia in diabetic rats neonatally exposed to streptozotocin on maternal reproductive and fetal outcomes and the relationship with lipid profile and maternal oxidative stress.Material and Methods: Ten 90-day-old female Wistar rats were mated to obtain offspring. Some of these newborns received streptozotocin (70 mg/kg, i.p. - n5-STZ group) and the remainder given only citrate buffer (control group) on their day 5 of life. At adult life, these rats (n =13 animals/group) were mated and, at day 21 of pregnancy, they were killed to obtain a maternal blood samples for biochemical determinations. The gravid uterus was weighed with its contents and fetuses were analyzed.Results: At day 0 of pregnancy, glycemic means of n5-STZ rats were significantly greater compared to those of control rats, but presented fetuses classified as small for pregnancy age. The n5-STZ rats showed increased total cholesterol, triglycerides, MDA concentrations, lower SOD activity and increased frequency fetal visceral anomalies as compared to the control group.Conclusion: This study showed that the experimental model used led to mild hyperglycemia during pregnancy, although it did not lead to increased macrosomic fetus rates. The hyperglycemic maternal environment caused metabolic alterations, including increased triglyceride and total cholesterol concentrations, and elevated oxidative stress, contributing to increase fetal visceral anomalies.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical presentation of hydatidiform molar pregnancy in women under the age of 20 years. In addition, we sought to understand if this adolescent population manifests differences in clinical factors compared to an adult population that may affect outcome.STUDY DESIGN: We used a database from the New England Trophoblastic Disease Center to analyze clinical data from all women followed for molar pregnancy between 1970 and 2009 with complete follow-up information. This population was stratified by age and clinical parameters including presenting signs, molar histology and development of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN). Univariable and multivariable logistic regression was employed to discern clinical factors that associated with adolescent age. The Partners Human Research Committee approved this study.RESULTS: We identified 1,494 women diagnosed with hydatidiform mole (HM), of which 220 (14.7%) were adolescents defined as age <20 years. The most common presenting clinical signs were vaginal bleeding and an enlarged uterus compared to dates. Median gestational age at diagnosis was 13.4 weeks, not different from that in the adult population. Similarly, no difference in presenting human chorionic gonadotropin was observed between the adult and adolescent populations. Adolescents presented with a significant overrepresentation of complete mole (86% vs. 75%, p < 0.001) compared to adults. Complete mole was associated with a heightened risk of developing GTN (OR 2.6, 95% CI 1.9-3.5), and despite the association of complete mole with young maternal age, univariable analysis showed no difference in the rate of GTN observed between adolescents and adults (24% vs. 30%, p = 0.08). Multivariable analysis controlling for molar histology demonstrated that adolescent age was associated with a decreased risk of GTN (hazard ratio 0.67, 95% CI 0.48 0.93).CONCLUSION: Adolescents account for a substantial proportion of the population with HM. They commonly present with vaginal bleeding. Though this population develops a complete mole with a higher frequency than adults, adolescents appear to have a significantly decreased risk of developing GTN. (J Reprod Med 2012; 57:225-230)