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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the context of Bayesian statistical analysis, elicitation is the process of formulating a prior density f(.) about one or more uncertain quantities to represent a person's knowledge and beliefs. Several different methods of eliciting prior distributions for one unknown parameter have been proposed. However, there are relatively few methods for specifying a multivariate prior distribution and most are just applicable to specific classes of problems and/or based on restrictive conditions, such as independence of variables. Besides, many of these procedures require the elicitation of variances and correlations, and sometimes elicitation of hyperparameters which are difficult for experts to specify in practice. Garthwaite et al. (2005) discuss the different methods proposed in the literature and the difficulties of eliciting multivariate prior distributions. We describe a flexible method of eliciting multivariate prior distributions applicable to a wide class of practical problems. Our approach does not assume a parametric form for the unknown prior density f(.), instead we use nonparametric Bayesian inference, modelling f(.) by a Gaussian process prior distribution. The expert is then asked to specify certain summaries of his/her distribution, such as the mean, mode, marginal quantiles and a small number of joint probabilities. The analyst receives that information, treating it as a data set D with which to update his/her prior beliefs to obtain the posterior distribution for f(.). Theoretical properties of joint and marginal priors are derived and numerical illustrations to demonstrate our approach are given. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We estimate the attainable limits on the coefficients of dimension-6 operators from the analysis of Higgs boson phenomenology, in the framework of a SU L(2) × U y(1) gauge-invariant effective Lagrangian. Our results, based on the data sample already collected by the collaborations at Fermilab Tevatron, show that the coefficients of Higgs-vector boson couplings can be determined with unprecedented accuracy. Assuming that the coefficients of all blind operators are of the same magnitude, we are also able to impose mere restrictive bounds on the anomalous vector-boson triple couplings than the present limit from double gauge boson production at the Tevatron collider.


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The effect of feed restriction (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50%) from 8 until 14 days post-hatching on performance, total mortality incidence and sudden death syndrome (SDS) rate was studied in male broilers during winter and summer.Ad libitum fed broilers had a better performance, but a higher total mortality rate (13.00% in winter, 3.67% in summer) and SDS (3.67% in winter, 0.67% in summer). All restricted groups had a lower mortality level in winter than the control group with a non linear response influenced by feed restriction. Birds submitted to 40% feed restriction showed the lowest mortality incidence (2.67%) followed by groups submitted to 30% (4.67%), 50% (5.33%) and 10% and 20% (7.67%) feed restriction. Birds fed ad libitum had the highest SDS incidence (3.67%, against .33, 1.00, .67, 1.33 and 1.33% at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50% feed restriction, respectively), but differences were not significant. In summer, incidences of total mortality and due to SDS were low and not influenced by feed restriction, either during the restrictive period itself (8 to 14 days) or during the total period of raising (1 to 49 days). In both seasons, the feed restricted birds showed compensatory gain only until three weeks post-restriction period. At 49 days, body weight and weight-gain were lower in feed restricted birds, but feed :gain ratio rate was improved. This resulted in better productivity index in winter, but not in summer. The feed restriction at 30 to 40% for seven days during the second week may decrease mortality in male broilers raised in winter without lowering productivity if the restriction is followed by at least three weeks of full feeding.


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We derive bounds on Higgs and gauge-boson anomalous interactions using the LEP2 data on the production of three photons and photon pairs in association with hadrons. In the framework of SU(2)L ⊗ U(1)Y effective Lagrangians, we examine all dimension-six operators that lead to anomalous Higgs interactions involving γ and Z. The search for Higgs boson decaying to γγ pairs allow us to obtain constrains on these anomalous couplings that are comparable with the ones originating from the analysis of pp̄ collisions at the Tevatron. Our results also show that if the coefficients of all blind operators are assumed to have the same magnitude, the indirect constraints on the anomalous couplings obtained from this analysis, for Higgs masses MH ≲ 140 GeV, are more restrictive than the ones coming from the W+W- production. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Atrophic gastritis patients have intestinal bacterial overgrowth which could produce menaquinones. The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction between a diet low in phylloquinone and minidoses of warfarin in subjects with and without bacterial overgrowth. Subjects with atrophic gastritis (indicated by serum pepsinogen ratio) and healthy volunteers were studied while fed a restrictive phylloquinone diet and while receiving a minidose of warfarin. Coagulation times, serum osteocalcin, serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin, plasma phylloquinone, plasma K-epoxide, plasma undercarboxylated prothrombin (PIVKA)-II and urinary gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) were measured. At baseline, there were no differences between groups for any variable measured. Comparisons between baseline and post intervention in both groups, showed significant increases in circulating levels of K-epoxide, PIVKA II and undercarboxylated osteocalcin. However, no differences were observed when comparisons were made between groups. Our data do not support the hypothesis that bacterial synthesis of menaquinones in patients with bacterial overgrowth due to atrophic gastritis confers considerable resistance to the effect of warfarin.


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We show that the accumulated CERN LEP-II data taken at √s = 130-206 GeV can establish more restrictive bounds on doubly charged bilepton couplings and masses than any other experiment so far. We also analyze the discovery potential of a prospective linear collider operating in both e+e- and e γ modes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Historically, the incorrect waste disposal has been related to epidemics which resulted in thousand of deaths. Despite the efforts to develop sanitary disposal methods in the 19 century, even today, uncontrolled dumps are often found in undeveloped countries. These places are responsible for environment pollution and for several diseases. The process of adequate waste disposal begins with the selection of suitable landfill areas, based on environmental characteristics. The goal of this research was to compare two methods of landfill site selection: the first one developed by IG-SMA (1999), and the other by Basílio (2001). Both methods were developed and applied in the same area - region of Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil and this fact explains the choice for them; the comparison was made by superposing maps. Despite the same geographic area, the result was very different and few areas in common were found; IG-SMA (1999) obtained more suitable areas than Basílio (2001). This has been attributed to scale, criteria and attribute differences and, as a conclusion, Basílio (2001) was considered more restrictive than IG-SMA (1999).


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No tillage management is widely used by the Brazilian farmers and technicians like a soil conservation system, which reduces the soil losses by water erosion, increasing the infiltrated and stored water in soil, warranting environmental sustainability. No-tillage system does not invert the soil; it causes the creation of a compacted layer. The samples were taken in the agricultural year 2005/2006 in an Oxisoil at Selviria (MS/Brazil). The tillage management in the last 15 years was no-tillage system with crop rotation (maize -Zea mays L./bean - Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The analyzed soil physical properties were bulk density (BS), gravimetric water content (U) and mechanical resistance to penetration (RP) at three depths: 0-0.10 m, 0.10-0.20 m and 0.20-0.30 m. The samples were taken in a mesh with 117 sampled points covering an area of 0.16 ha. It was investigated the existence of compacted soil layer, using the mechanical resistance to penetration to 0.60 m depth with soil water content at field capacity. The data shows low coefficient of variation, except the resistance penetration data. Bulk density and gravimetric water content has a normal distribution. Only resistance to penetration at 0.10-0.20 m depth layer has a normal distribution. The correlation between different properties was low. The bulk density increases with depth; the increase of the values of soil bulk density are consistent with data in other papers, indicating there are not compaction problems for the crop development at the study area. Most of the values of resistance to penetration are lower than 2 MPa, being this value restrictive for root development. The analysis of resistance to penetration profile 0 to 0.60 m shows a compacted layer between 0.20-0.30 m. This compacted layer was caused by the conventional tillage system used at this area before the use of no-tillage system. The soil bulk density has higher values at the upper area, that it shows higher values of soil compaction. Although the values of bulk density and resistance to penetration are high, the area does not show great problems of soil compaction.


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We present the first search for an electrically charged resonance W′ decaying to a WZ boson pair using 4.1fb-1 of integrated luminosity collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron pp̄ collider. The WZ pairs are reconstructed through their decays into three charged leptons (≤=e, μ). A total of 9 data events is observed in good agreement with the background prediction. We set 95% C.L. limits on the W′WZ coupling and on the W′ production cross section multiplied by the branching fractions. We also exclude W′ masses between 188 and 520 GeV within a simple extension of the standard model and set the most restrictive limits to date on low-scale technicolor models. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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Recently, a generalized passivity concept for linear multivariable systems was obtained which allows circumventing the restrictiveness of the usual passivity concept. The latter is associated with the classical SPR (Strictly Positive Real) condition whereas the new concept of passivity is associated with the so called WSPR condition and its advantage in multivariable systems is that it does not require a restrictive symmetry condition of SPR systems. As a result, it allows the design of multivariable adaptive control that, unlike some existing factorization approaches, does not imply in additional overparameterization of the adaptive controller. In this paper, we complete a previously established WSPR sufficient condition and prove that it is also necessary. We also propose some methods of passification by either premultiplying the system output tracking error vector or the system input vector by an adequate passifying matrix multiplier, so that the resulting input/output transfer function becomes WSPR. The efficiency of our proposals are illustrated by simulation utilizing a well known robotics adaptive visual servoing problem. © 2011 IFAC.


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The exponential-logarithmic is a new lifetime distribution with decreasing failure rate and interesting applications in the biological and engineering sciences. Thus, a Bayesian analysis of the parameters would be desirable. Bayesian estimation requires the selection of prior distributions for all parameters of the model. In this case, researchers usually seek to choose a prior that has little information on the parameters, allowing the data to be very informative relative to the prior information. Assuming some noninformative prior distributions, we present a Bayesian analysis using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Jeffreys prior is derived for the parameters of exponential-logarithmic distribution and compared with other common priors such as beta, gamma, and uniform distributions. In this article, we show through a simulation study that the maximum likelihood estimate may not exist except under restrictive conditions. In addition, the posterior density is sometimes bimodal when an improper prior density is used. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)