65 resultados para radioterapia, fisica medica, dosimetria, caratterizzazione rivelatore, matrice di rivelatori a ionizzazione


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The Quality Control services for diagnostic imaging is essential to ensure that their activities occur as planned. Procedures are aimed at a positive cost-benefit to the institution and risk-benefit to the patients. And this requires trained and skilled professionals working with high technology equipment. The company PhyMED Consultores em Física Médica e Radioproteção Ltda., a Pioneer in the field of Medica Physics in Rio Grande do Sul, is dedicated to providing consulting services in healthcare. Physicists are experienced working in many areas of diagnostic imaging


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AC Biosusceptometry (ACB) is a low-cost biomagnetic tool that has been successfully applied on pharmaceutical research to evaluate performance of solid dosage forms. The aim of this work was to evaluate the Horn & Shunck method to access tablet disintegration. To evaluate the HS results was record on video a test with a objet moving in a rail with a constant velocity. The desintegration was recorded on video and ACB, which used have seven pairs of detection coils and a pair of excitation coils to mensure the magnetic ux variation. The signals were ampli ed and digitalized to create images, which were restored by Wiener lter, while the video images are converted to gray scale, both are normalized and binarized and had the optical ow estimation calculated by Horn & Schunck (HS) algorithm. All signals and images are processed and developed algorithm on Matlab. During the tests the ve tablets (500mg ferrite, 375mg excipients, compression 10 to 50 kN) were on a becker between of the ACB system and of the video system, and only touching the surface of the water. With all OF maps calculated was realized the sum of the resultants of each, to get a disintegration process resultant for each compression. Whit that was possible observed the disintegration behaves. For the compression force study the HS components of each sequence was sum, take mean and normalized for sequence's max modulo, therefore can be observed a high growing on less compression tablets. We can conclude the HS algorithm is viable to tablets disintegration data collection and whit that was possible to create a tablets disintegration analyzes protocol, which would be useful on desintegration kinetics study


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In this paper, we will show the types of Lorentz transformations, from the most described in books, special Lorentz transformation that relates two inertial systems whose relative velocities are directed along an axis of the respective bases systems. However, we will see a peculiarity that goes unnoticed in this transformation, although they have reported in many books a parallel between the transformation inertial systems, due to the fact that the speed is parallel to an axis, it is actually a semi-parallel processing. The next transformation that we will see is one in which a system moves with a relative speed that has arbitrary direction with respect to a given system, we will show that this transformation may be appointed as non-rotational Lorentz transformation. Before obtain, the later type of transformation, the rotational Lorentz transformation, which is the interface between Special Relativity and General Relativity, we will describe the systems to be rotated, not just inertial systems, show what the characteristics are that define the non-rotational and rotational transformations. The in last topic of this chapter we will also show how the idea of Thoma’s theorythat uses this transformation to create what he defines as the proper coordinate axes of the particleused to obtain the factor 1/2 electron spin. In the last chapter we show how the Lorentz invariants are obtained, quantities measures that are also in different Lorentz reference, with the focus on mass that has erroneously been described in many books, that varies according to the agreement reference system


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The discovering process of new morbid genes and new target proteins for drugs have been shown to be very costly and laborious. Having in view cutting costs and speeding up this process, we propose, in this work, a new method to determine the gene druggability score and morbidity score, the probabilities of the protein encoded by the gene have the characteristics that make it a new target for drugs and in case of an alteration in that gene, we observed a phenotype that characterizes a genetic based illness. To determine these characteristics, we built, analyzed and determined the characteristics of the topology of the integrated molecular interactions network among human genes containing physical interactions between proteins, metabolic interactions and interactions of transcriptional regulation, and included other data such as level of gene transcription and cellular localization of the protein encoded by the gene. We tested our model in training sets and achieved results equal or better than the ones achieved by similar methods in the literature. Finally, with the purpose of investigating whether the assigned scores resembles the potential druggabilities and morbities of the previously unclassi ed genes, we looked for evidences in biomedical literature supporting the potential druggability and morbidity status of genes with the 10 highest scores. We found clear evidences for 73% and 90% of potential druggable and morbid genes respectively


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O alumínio está presente de forma marcante em nosso cotidiano, com várias possibilidades de contaminação para o ser humano e animais, através da ingestão de alimentos ou aditivos presentes nos alimentos ou, também, através do uso de medicamentos. Por apresentar uma forte carga elétrica, um forte poder de polarização e características similares com elementos da hidroxiapatita, o alumínio age como um competidor de nutrientes na matriz óssea, Por isso, ele pode ser causa danos à saúde dos seres vivos, como a osteoporose. Diante disso, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivos estudar a influência de diferentes níveis de alumínio na dieta de codornas poedeiras, sobre as características físicas e químicas de seus ossos. A densidade e a porosidade óssea foram determinadas pelo método de imersão em água, utilizando o princípio de Arquimedes. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que concetrações até 20 mg de alumínio por kg de ração fornecida causa uma diminuição na densidade óssea e volta a aumentar para concetrações maiores que este limiar. A porosidade óssea, segue o inverso da densidade. Ela aumenta com concetrações até 20 mg de alumínio por kg de ração fornecida e volta a diminuir para concetrações menores


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There are diseases in vertebrates associated with the structure of bone tissue that directly affect the locomotor system of the animal. Being a endoskeleton, the diagnosis of these diseases becomes difficult in vivo. The characterization of the physical structure of the bone tissue of healthy animals becomes a major tool in the diagnosis comparison of live animals. Thus, the objective of this work is to determine the average value of the key physical properties of the bone structure used in the clinical diagnosis, such as: bone density, porosity, and mass attenuation coefficient of 59.6 keV photons of bone tissue and bovine and equine check variations in these values. The samples were provided by the pathology department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechny of Botucatu-SP, which are of one male equine and one female bovine animals, using the radio and metacarpus, together with these materials were supplied the historic them. They were withdrawn ten samples in cuts of 10cm over the bone . These samples were submitted to the wet method of immersion in water for the density, by the method of attenuation of gamma radiation of radioisotope 241Am, it is estimated the mass attenuation coefficient, and then were dried in the oven for determining the content moisture. In determining the porosity of the samples was tight ground, in order to obtain the density of particles. The results for the mass attenuation coefficient of gamma radiation to the levels of saturated humidity, environment humidity, dry humidity respectively 0289 ± 0039; 0286 ± 0040 and 0297 ± 0042. And the density of particles was 2.2691 g/cm3


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The Nuclear Medicine is a medical specialty which uses different radioisotopes for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The isotopes are radioactive elements which are administered in vivo and present distribution to specific organs or cell types. The knowledge of radioactivity and notions related to ionizing radiation allow to contextualize the radiological protection measures to be taken in Nuclear Medicine. So it is possible to minimize unnecessary exposure to patients, the public, and individuals occupationally exposed and the environmental. For this it is necessary to relate the physical and technological bases apply to this mode with the standards established by regulatory agencies, including the CNEN (National Nuclear Energy Commission) and ANVISA (National Agency for Sanitary Vigilance). In this scenario, it is important that the theoretical endorse the activities which are periodically audited for verification of compliance with the standards that aim to radioprotection. One role of the Medical Physicist in these services is, therefore, act as Radiation Protection Supervisor exerting numerous activities and ensuring compliance with these standards. In this context the stage in the area of Nuclear Medicine was developed in many customers of the enterprise Rad Dimenstein & Associados LTDA, among them the hospitals Israelita Albert Einstein (HIAE), Nossa Senhora de Lourdes (HNSL), Santa Paula (HSP), Cruz Azul (CRAZ), Grupo Fleury, among other clinics. Following the routine and then carrying out various activities pertaining to the Medical Physicist in the area, it was noted that the measures and actions are extremely effective and fundamental in terms of radiological protection


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This research presents a study of structural complexes formed between the bothropstoxin BthTX-I and PrTX-I and phospholipase A2 (PLA2s) inhibitor 12- methoxy-4-methyl-voachalotine (MMV) of Tabernamontana catharinensis and rosmarinic acid (Cv-RA) of Rosmarinus officinalis. For both were used cocrystallization experiments with the toxins and inhibitors. In the future, the experimental three-dimensional structures of these complexes will be obtained through the technique of crystallography. Simultaneously, construction occurred in silico of inhibitors Cv-RA and MMV and attempts of docking between these binders and protein structures. These theoretical data provide important information regarding the nature of interactions between inhibitors, toxins and structural changes induced by the protein molecule inhibitors. Therefore, the acquisition of this information has great value to identification, characterization and development (drug design) of compounds with great potential for biotechnology and drug use. Considering further and more relevant aplications, these compounds could be used to control symptoms in many cases of ophidic poisoning and also in combating of pathological processes (degenerative inflammatory diseases and auto-immune diseases, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, among others) whose causes are related to molecules belonging to the same groups of proteins which are classified bothropstoxin that were studied in this project


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Chitosan is a natural biodegradable polymer with great potential for pharmaceutical applications due to its biocompatibility, high charge density , nontoxicity and mucoadhesion. Gel formation can be obtained by the interactions of chitosans with low molecular counterions such as polyphosphates, sulphates and crosslinking with glutaraldehyde. This gelling property of chitosan allows a wide range of applications such as coating of pharmaceuticals and food products, gel entrapment of biochemicals, whole cells, microorganisms and algae. One of its main applications is the synthesis of microspheres for coating of pharmaceuticals , magnetic particles an other substances. In such a way, we can build targeted drug delivery systems. In the present work, we applied the method of spraying and coagulation. The resulting microspheres, then, were characterized by optical microscopy


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The effect of phloretin in the structure and hydration of dimiristoyl phosphatidylcholine vesicles (DMPC) was investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance technique (EPR) at the bilayer core of membrane, using 14-PCSL spin label derivative of phosphatidylcoline. The spectra obtained by pure DMPC vesicles and with addition of phloretin were simulated using the Nonlinear Least-Square program, at the tempearature between 15 oC to 50 oC. Through these simulations it was possible to analyse the membrane hydration and bilayer order, to understand the interaction between DMPC aggregates and phloretin. The results show that the phloretin decreases the membrane hydration in both gel and fluid phases. This reduction of water molecules is accompanied by increasing of the bilayer order at this micro-region


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The quality assurance control program (QACP) in clinical radiology is very important to acquire, image quality, patient dose reduction and cost for the institution. The verification of the real tension on the x ray tube, it is one of many parameters that may be determined on a QACP. This act on image quality as absorbed dose in patient. Once proved the importance of this fact, this study come up with the determination of tension to any X ray tube used on medical routine, on quick, safe and low cost manner. To reach the aim of this study, the methodology consisted on measuring expose rates (ER) using different thicknesses of copper (Cu) plates like filters and relating these results with Half Layer Value (HLV). Afterwards, the HLV was associated to real tension that was acquired with kilo voltage of peak (kVp) measurers used on clinical routine. So walking in this path, when performed the ER, on any X ray tube, it’s possible acquire the HLV and consequently the real kVp, considering measures obtained before, on the methodology of kVp estimative development


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This work aims to synthesize the manganese and zinc ferrite, by the polymeric precursor method, in order to obtain materials with appropriate characteristics for the application in medical diagnosis techniques. The manganese and zinc ferrite powders with the composition of Mn(1-x)ZnxFe2O4, where x=0,23, were prepared and calcined in air at different times and temperatures. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) data show that the sample calcined at 400°C crystallize as ferrite (monophase), but in an inverted spinel structure (high content of iron occupying manganese tetrahedral site and manganese occupying the iron octahedral site). The samples calcined at temperatures between 600°C and 900°C shows the secondary phase of hematite and the sample calcined at 1100oC shows to be monophase in ferrite with normal spinel structure. The monophase powders of ferrite showed a reduction in the surface area and an increasing in the pore size for higher calcination temperatures. The magnetic analysis show that the sample calcined at 400°C presents satisfactory magnetization at room temperature, however, it behaves as diamagnetic material at low temperatures (10K). The powder containing hematite, without the partial substitution of iron ions by manganese, showed to have low transition temperature, and consequently low magnetization at room temperature. The hematite, when partially substituted, provides materials with irregular magnetization at the saturation region. The powder calcined at 1100°C shows high magnetization either at room temperature or low temperature (10K)


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Radiography is currently an important method of diagnosis, both medical, dental and veterinary. The image in this type of survey is obtained using an X-ray beam, where the radiologist can possibly view structures of interest. It isn't always possible to get the desired images due to various factors, such as equipment limitations. The Administrative Law 453/98, the State Resolution SS 625/94, and other standards require testing and quality control acceptance limits that guarantee a good performance of the equipment for the security and quality of care, giving service users greater effectiveness in exams. This study were performed in the accompaniment of testing procedures for quality control established by Administrative Law 453/98 in several X-ray equipment to make a comparison and optimization in the descriptions of the procedures used by the Institute for Electrical Energy and the University of São Paulo (IEE / USP / SP).The optimization of the procedures were performed with the aid of a current literature, the Resolution 453/98, State Resolution SS 625/94 and other international standards. On this basis it was possible to observe the importance of regular monitoring of tests for an update, following the technological development of instruments used in the service


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Imaging diagnosis is a medical specialty that uses imaging techniques to perform diagnosis. In diagnostic imaging various methods are used such as direct absorption of photons - SPA and DPA, radiographic photometry, the dual-energy radiographic absorptiometry - DEXA, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography and optical densitometry in radiographic image. The dog can be considered one of the most widely used animals in the study of bone diseases and searching for a reliable diagnosis, although not an ideal model for the study of osteoporosis, because these animals tend not to develop a decrease in bone mineral density. The objective of this study was to analyze bone density in mongrel dogs from the determination of the variation of density along the radio-ulna bone and also the mean value related to gender, weight and age of individuals. The density analysis carried out showed that for this data set, there is a significant difference in the case of gender and age of the animal and may generalize according to these variables. The only significant difference was found in the weight, which increases bone mass is related to weight gain through the growth of the animal


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This project aims the verification of doses in canines and felines to chest and coxal exams due to the transition from screen-film to computed radiography system. It also seeks a possible optimization of the new techniques employed in this new system. The study was carried out in Diagnostic Imaging service in Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo using a conventional x-ray equipment. Initially, data about the physical characteristics of animals and the technique currently used in computed radiography was collected for each of 80 chest and 16 coxal X-ray examinations. The animals were divided into different groups according to the body weight. For each group, were calculated the averages of each item: thickness of the region to be imaged, voltage, current, exposure time, current-time product, size of film used, presence or absence of bucky and focus (small or large). The techniques have been reproduced in phantoms (representative of the thickness of the animal) in order to collect the air kerma entrance. Based on the average of intermediate size M group (weights less than 5 kg for cats and from 10.1 kg and 20 kg for dogs) analysis of image quality using three devices test patterns were made consisting of the evaluation of spatial resolution, low-contrast resolution and contrast-detail. In general, the results showed the dose animals decreased with the use of computed radiography and was possible to preliminary optimization of some techniques used currently in CR