83 resultados para physician


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Objective: to study the impact of chronic arthritis on health related quality of life by means of two self-reported tools: the parents' version of the Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) and the Childhood Health Questionnaire PF50® (CHQ). Methods: both tools were filled in after proper instructions by 36 parents, during 1-2 clinic visits. The Disability Index (CHAQ) and the Physical and Psychosocial scores (CHQ) were compared to the core set of outcome measures, namely 1) physician's global assessment, 2) parents' global assessment, both scored by 10 cm visual analogue scale, 3) number of joints with active arthritis, 4) number of joints with limited range of motion, 5) erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Results: there was significant difference for all measures of disease activity, being higher in the polyarticular as compared to oligoarticular except for erythrocyte sedimentation rate, parents' global assessment, and psychosocial score. This leads to different parents' perceptions of disease activity and outcome. The responsiveness of the outcome measures during two follow-up visits of patients receiving active treatment indicated better responsiveness of physicians' global assessment among the subjective measures, and intermediate responsiveness of the self-reported measures in comparison to the number of active and limited joints, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Conclusions: the responsiveness of two health related quality of life tools indicates their relative sensitivity for assessing clinical improvement during active treatment in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis patients. Copyright © 2003 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.


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The present work intends to clarify and to enhance the legal aspects of the death for the physician. Physicians, as a result of normative attribution, and of the practical circumstances, normally, certify the death in proper document. The legal consequences of the death are focused, with its importance and correlation with the medical declaration of the death. The physician must be more conscientious of his professional act, and, therefore, be more diligent and always zealous with his practices, because of its effects.


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In Brazil since October 1996 there have been guidelines for research involving human subjects. Now human subjects know when their treatment is part of research. Deceit is no longer tolerated. But is not enough to say we offer an explanation to the potential subject and we offer a choice before he or she is confronted with an informed consent form. As in all professional activity, scientific investigation needs social controls. In Brazil, the ultimate responsibility of an investigation lies on the investigator, but in every institution where research is carried out there is a Committee for Ethics in Research. All Committees are subordinated to the National Commission of Ethics in Research, which is submitted to the Brazilian Institute of Health. During 2005 around 17,000 protocols involving 700,000 human subjects were revised by 475 Committees distributed all over the country. Approximately 7,000 people are now working in these Committees.


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The purpose of this study was to identify the drugs most often prescribed for hypertension at the Municipal Health Care Center of the town of Rincäo, State of São Paulo, Brazil, and the principal interactions arising from their association with other drugs, both anti-hypertensives and those in other classes. The study included 725 hypertensive patients registered at this health care center who were regularly seen by a physician every three months. Data were collected on age, sex, occurrence of diabetes, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and overweight, to obtain a profile of the hypertensive population of the area. Control records of all patients were available at the pharmacy in the health care center, where patients obtained their drugs once a month. Of the 725 patients, 38% were male and 62% female. Most (57%) were between 50 and 70 years of age, 21% used tobacco and 43% led a sedentary lifestyle. Single-drug therapy accounted for 33% of the prescriptions, multidrug therapy for 66%. In addition to anti-hypertensives, 50% of the patients took drugs of other therapeutic classes. Of those receiving multidrug therapy, 34% used three or more anti-hypertensives and 66% used only two of these drugs. Drug interactions were detected in as many as 47% of the prescriptions. Captopril was the drug that showed most interactions with others (54%), followed by hydrochlorothiazide (27%), furosemide (14%), propanolol (4%), and nifedipine (1%). The analysis revealed that drug consumption by the patients investigated is high, with a concomitantly high number of episodes of drug interaction.


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This article describes a survey of prescriptions dispensed in drugstores and pharmacies in the city of Araraquara in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in May 2006. Their contents were assessed for compliance with the laws in force on drug prescription and dispensing. A total of 1,335 prescriptions were examined: 40 (3%) were unsigned, 212 (15.9%) did not contain the prescribing physician's stamp, 170 (12.7%) were undated. There were prescriptions containing corrections (4.6%), and written in code (4.4%). Only 58.8% were legible and easy to understand; nevertheless all of them were dispensed. Some did not specify the name of the patient (7.2%). On how to use the medication prescribed, not a single prescription contained all the information required by law. Specifically, 7.6% lacked information on dosage, 54.3% on presentation, 33.6% on how to take the drug, and 51.2% on duration of treatment. The data show a general failure to comply with the laws on drug prescription and dispensing. Incomplete information on the drugs and their correct use could lead to irrational use and errors in medication. The lack of prescribers' signature and stamp, date of emission and name of patient can lead to fraudulent and counterfeit prescriptions. Thus, the data found point to the need for capacitation of prescribing and dispensing professionals and the importance of the role of professional associations in guiding their members.


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Pain is a subjective condition and, thus, difficult to measure. The best tools to assess pain are the pain evaluation questionnaires, which provide either diagnostic, pain evolution or pain intensity information. To provide information which could help differentiate between nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain is one of the most important functions of these questionnaires. The questionnaires can measure pain intensity, quality of life, or sleep quality. Quality of life and sleep are two really important characteristics to assess the pain impact on patients' life. Pain intensity assessing questionnaires combine physical evaluations with questions, providing information either from the patient sensations or clinical assessment of pain manifestations as well as the underlying biological mechanisms (such as hyperalgesia or allodynia). For example, the Pain Detect questionnaire has two parts: the patient form (intuitive, with pictures and easy understandable) and the physician form. Thus, in this questionnaire, subjective information is provided by the patient and the objective one is provided by the physician. Other pain intensity questionnaires are NPSI, DN4, LANSS or StEP. Quality of life questionnaires are versatile (can be used in different pathologies). These questionnaires include functional self-evaluation questions, and other ones associated to physical and mental health. Two of such quality of life questionnaires are SF-36 and NHP. Sleep evaluation questionnaires include quantitative features such as the number of sleep interruptions, sleep latency or sleep duration as well as qualitative characteristics such as rest sensation, mood and dreams. One of the most used sleep evaluation questionnaires is PSQI, which includes patient questions and bed-partner questions, providing information from two points of view. Copyright 2009 Prous Science, S.A.U. or its licensors. All rights reserved.


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Background: Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) affect almost all patients with dementia and are a major focus of study and treatment. Accurate assessment of NPS through valid, sensitive and reliable measures is crucial. Although current NPS measures have many strengths, they also have some limitations (e.g. acquisition of data is limited to informants or caregivers as respondents, limited depth of items specific to moderate dementia). Therefore, we developed a revised version of the NPI, known as the NPI-C. The NPI-C includes expanded domains and items, and a clinician-rating methodology. This study evaluated the reliability and convergent validity of the NPI-C at ten international sites (seven languages). Methods: Face validity for 78 new items was obtained through a Delphi panel. A total of 128 dyads (caregivers/patients) from three severity categories of dementia (mild = 58, moderate = 49, severe = 21) were interviewed separately by two trained raters using two rating methods: the original NPI interview and a clinician-rated method. Rater 1 also administered four additional, established measures: the Apathy Evaluation Scale, the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Index, and the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia. Intraclass correlations were used to determine inter-rater reliability. Pearson correlations between the four relevant NPI-C domains and their corresponding outside measures were used for convergent validity. Results: Inter-rater reliability was strong for most items. Convergent validity was moderate (apathy and agitation) to strong (hallucinations and delusions; agitation and aberrant vocalization; and depression) for clinician ratings in NPI-C domains. Conclusion: Overall, the NPI-C shows promise as a versatile tool which can accurately measure NPS and which uses a uniform scale system to facilitate data comparisons across studies. Copyright © 2010 International Psychogeriatric Association.


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We report on the results of a double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial comparing two preparations of ethinylestradiol and cyproterone acetate in the treatment of women of reproductive age presenting menstrual irregularities of hyper-androgenic origin. After obtaining informed consent, subjects were randomized to a 4-month treatment period consisting of one daily dose of 0.035mg ethinylestradiol + 2mg cyproterone acetate. The treatment regimen cycle consisted of one pill, once daily for 21 days, followed by a 7-day pill-free period. We compared the efficacy of two presentations of the drug combination after each treatment cycle (Visits 2, 3, 4, and 5) in establishment and maintenance of menstrual regulation, intensity of menstrual flow, and dysmenorrhea, as well as a comparison of the two presentations in terms of Global Satisfaction and Drug Satisfaction assessments performed by the patients and the investigating physician. At each study visit, drug compliance and use of concomitant medications, as well as incidence, severity and duration of adverse events were recorded. A total of 86 subjects were randomized to treatment, with 43 subjects in each treatment group. At Visit 2 and each subsequent visit, all patients in both treatment groups reported an episode of withdrawal bleeding during the 7-day hormone-free period. We observed a statistically significant (p<0.0001) decrease in the incidence of dysmenorrhea at each study visit in relation to the pretreatment assessment. There was a significant reduction (p<0.0001) in the number of subjects reporting intermenstrual bleeding at each study visit in both treatment groups. Global Satisfaction scores by the patient and physician increased significantly at each successive study visit in both treatment groups. There were no clinically significant changes in vital signs, weight, and body mass index throughout the study period in either group. The number of subjects reporting adverse events at each visit did not vary between treatment groups. The combined oral contraceptive pill containing ethinylestradiol and cyproterone acetate was found to be both effective and safe in the menstrual irregularities of hyper-androgenic origin (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and intermenstrual bleeding) assessed in this study. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora. Todos os direitos reservados.


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Context - Several paradoxical cases of infliximab-induced or-exacerbated psoriatic lesions have been described in the recent years. There is disagreement regarding the need to discontinue infliximab in order to achieve the resolution of these adverse cutaneous reactions specifically in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. Objective - To systematically review the literature to collect information on IBD patients that showed this adverse cutaneous reaction, focusing mainly on the therapeutic approach. Methods - A systematic literature review was performed utilizing Medline, Embase, SciELO and Lilacs databases. Published studies were identified, reviewed and the data were extracted. Results - Thirty-four studies (69 IBD patients) met inclusion criteria for review. There was inconsistency in reporting of some clinical and therapeutic aspects. Most patients included had Crohn's disease (89.86%), was female (47.83%), had an average age of 27.11 years, and no reported history of psoriasis (84.05%). The patients developed primarily plaque-type psoriasis (40.58%). There was complete remission of psoriatic lesions in 86.96% of IBD patients, existing differences in the therapeutic approaches; cessation of infliximab therapy led to resolution in 47.83% of cases and 43.48% of patients were able to continue infliximab therapy. Conclusion - As increasing numbers of IBD patients with psoriasis induced or exacerbated by infliximab, physicians should be aware of its clinical manifestations so that appropriate diagnosis and treatment are properly established. The decision whether to continue or discontinue infliximab should be individualized.


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The aim was to identify the perception of Oral Health Planning (OHP) of basic care (BC) dental surgeons (DSs) in João Pessoa, Paraíba State, Brazil. Seventeen BC DSs from João Pessoa were interviewed. A qualitative analysis was performed using the Discourse of the Collective Subject (DCS) methodology. DCS obtained: Impact - My work is effective when the user's need remains at the BC. Social Control - The population participates in the organization of promotional activities, but I think it doesn't have enough maturity to opine on OHP. OHP Basis and Organization - The OHP has a diverse organization and is based on user needs. It can be concluded that the knowledge of the DSs on OHP is varied. There is limited understanding about problem-solving. Social control is considered incipient and weak. It is understood that the organization of the local OHP assumes a diverse character and should be based on user demands.


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Uma revisão dirigida foi realizada nas bases de dados IBECS, LILACS e MEDLINE, até fevereiro/2011, para identificar intervenções farmacêuticas (IF) na atenção farmacêutica em saúde mental e os seus resultados. Para a busca utilizaram-se os descritores em saúde: Pharmaceutical Care, Pharmaceutical Services, Medication Adherence, Pharmacists, Mental Health, Mental Health Services, Mental Health Assistance, Community Mental Health Services, Mentally Ill Persons andMental Disorders. Identificaram-se 1686 publicações, das quais 21 contemplaram os critérios de inclusão. Após exploração do material, apenas cinco estudos tratavam-se de IF. Todos foram conduzidos no nível secundário de atenção, com abordagem individual, por meio do acompanhamento da terapia (3), intervenção educativa por cartas a médicos e pacientes (1), aconselhamento farmacêutico presencial e remoto e inserção de terapia com sistema transdérmico de nicotina (1). Os resultados, tais como promoção da adesão e resolução de problemas relacionados a medicamentos foram positivos para a terapêutica. No entanto, é necessário que as IF monitorem os parâmetros clínicos, as mudanças de hábitos, a melhora na qualidade de vida e os aspectos farmacoeconômicos a fim de avaliar os seus impactos. Palavras-chave:Atenção Farmacêutica. Assistência Farmacêutica. Adesão à Medicação. Farmacêuticos. Saúde Mental. ABSTRACT Pharmaceutical interventions in mental health services: a review A directed review was performed in IBECS, LILACS and MEDLINE databases, until February/2011, in order to identify the studies which developed pharmaceutical interventions (PI) in pharmaceutical care in mental health services and estimated their results. The search was carried out using the follow health science descriptors: Pharmaceutical Care, Pharmaceutical Services, Medication Adherence, Pharmacists, Mental Health, Mental Health Services, Mental Health Assistance, Community Mental Health Services, Mentally Ill Persons andMental Disorders. It was identified 1686 manuscripts, of whose 21 contemplated the inclusion criteria. After the content analysis of the eligible manuscripts, only five developed PI. All of them were conducted in the second level of health care, with individual approach, through: therapy follow-up (3), educational interventions by letters to physicians and patients (1), presence or remote pharmaceutical counseling and inclusion of therapy with nicotine transdermal patch (1). The data, such as adherence promotion and solving drug related problems, were positive for the therapeutic. However, it is necessary that the PI monitor the clinical parameters, the habit changes, the improvement in the quality of life and the pharmacoeconomic aspects, in order to assess their impacts. Keywords: Pharmaceutical Care. Pharmaceutical Services. Medication Adherence. Pharmacists. Mental Health. Mental Disorders.


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Objective: To verify, in extremely preterm infants, if disagreement between obstetricians and neonatologists regarding proactive management is associated with early death.Study Design: Prospective cohort of 484 infants with 23 0/7 to 266/7 weeks, without malformations, born from January 2006 to December 2009 in eight Brazilian hospitals. Pro-active management was defined as indication of ≥1 dose of antenatal steroid or cesarean section (obstetrician) and resuscitation at birth according to the international guidelines (neonatologist). Main outcome was neonatal death in the first 24 h of life.Result: Obstetricians and neonatologists disagreed in 115 (24%) patients: only neonatologists were proactive in 107 of them. Disagreement between professionals increased 2.39 times the chance of death in the first day (95% confidence interval 1.40 to 4.09), adjusted for center and maternal/neonatal clinical conditions.Conclusion: In infants with 23 to 26 weeks of gestation, disagreement between obstetricians and neonatologists, translated as lack of antenatal steroids and/or vaginal delivery, despite resuscitation procedures, increases the odds of death in the first day. © 2012 Nature America, Inc.


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Background and Objective: Simple Measure of the Impact of Lupus Erythematosus in Youngsters (SMILEY) is a health-related quality of life (HRQOL) assessment tool for pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), which has been translated into Portuguese for Brazil. We are reporting preliminary data on cross-cultural validation and reliability of SMILEY in Portuguese (Brazil). Methods: In this multi-center cross-sectional study, Brazilian children and adolescents 5-18 years of age with SLE and parents participated. Children and parents completed child and parent reports of Portuguese SMILEY and Portuguese Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQLTM) Generic and Rheumatology modules. Parents also completed the Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ). Physicians completed the SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI), Physician's Global Assessment of disease activity (PGA) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus International Collaborating Clinics ACR Damage Index (SDI). Results: 99 subjects (84 girls) were enrolled; 93 children and 97 parents filled out the SMILEY scale. Subjects found SMILEY relevant and easy to understand and completed SMILEY in 5-15 minutes. Brazilian SMILEY was found to have good psychometric properties (validity and reliability), and the child-parent agreement was moderate. Conclusion: SMILEY may eventually be used routinely as a research/clinical tool in Brazil. It may be also adapted for other Portuguese-speaking nations offering critical information regarding the effect of SLE on HRQOL for children with SLE. © The Author(s), 2012.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)