185 resultados para photoelectrocatalytic reduction


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Os autores padronizaram métodos para a avaliação da atividade da glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase e glutationa redutase. O princípio geral do primeiro método baseou-se na formação de metahemoglobina pelo nitrito de sódio, seguido da estimulação da via das pentoses pelo azul de metileno. Foram estudados 46 indivíduos adultos, sendo 23 do sexo masculino e 23 do feminino, não deficientes em glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G6PD), com idades variando entre 20 e 30 anos. Os resultados revelaram que a redução da metahemoglobina pelo azul de metileno para sangue total, foram de 154.50 e 139.90 mg/min (p<0.05) respectivamente para o sexo masculino e feminino. Para hemácias lavadas os valores foram de 221.10 e 207.85 mg/min (n.s.) respectivamente. Estas observações permitiram concluir que ao se empregar hemácias lavadas e 0.7 g% de concentração de nitrito de sódio, por um lado não houve diferença entre os sexos e por outro, abreviou o tempo de leitura da quantidade residual de metahemoglobina para 90 minutos. A avaliação da atividade da glutationa redutase foi feita baseado no fato de que a cistamina (agente tiol) liga-se aos grupos SH da hemoglobina formando complexos. Estes complexos são revertidos pela ação da glutationa redutase, ocorrendo conjuntamente nesta reação a redução da metahemoglobina. Foram estudados 32 indivíduos adultos, sendo 16 do sexo masculino e 16 do feminino, não deficientes em G6PD, com idades variando entre 20 e 30 anos. Os resultados revelaram valores de redução da metahemoglobina pela cistamina de 81.27 e 91.13 mg/min (p<0.01) respectivamente para o sexo masculino e feminino. Estas observações permitiram concluir que o emprego de hemácias lavadas e 0.1 molar de concentração de cistamina torna possível a leitura da quantidade residual de metahemoglobina aos 180 minutos de incubação. A atividade da glutationa redutase avaliada por meio da redução da metahemoglobina pela cistamina, foi estudada em 14 indivíduos do sexo feminino antes e após o tratamento com 10 mg por dia de riboflavina durante 8 dias. Os resultados foram de 73.69 e 94.26 mg/min (p<0.01) antes e após o tratamento. Estas observações permitiram concluir que a oferta de riboflavina, mesmo para indivíduos normais, aumenta a atividade da glutationa redutase. Foram ainda avaliados 3 indivíduos da raça negra e deficientes em G6PD, sendo 2 do sexo masculino e 1 do feminino. Houve ativação parcial da G6PD e glutationa redutase, sendo estas alterações mais intensas nos indivíduos do sexo masculino. Considerando-se a raça e as características laboratoriais observadas, foi possível sugerir que a deficiência em G6PD verificada é do tipo Africano, bem como, permitiu considerar os indivíduos do sexo feminino coin o sendo heterozigoto para esta deficiência. Por fim, a análise dos resultados em seu conjunto permitiu concluir que os métodos propostos se mostraram eficientes para avaliar a atividade da G6PD e glutationa redutase. Esta última é dependente da via das pentoses, geradora de NADPH e da riboflavina, vitamina precursora de FAD.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and radiographic outcome in 8 dogs of surgical reduction of congenital humeroulnar luxation by using the transarticular pin. Five cases were bilateral and 3 were unilateral, for a total of 13 elbows. The treatment was performed in animals between 45 and 150 days of age. Articular stabilization was achieved by using a transarticular pin driven from the caudal aspect of the olecranon into the body of the humerus or into the distal condyle and distal metaphysis of the humerus. The follow-up period was between 1 and 19 months. There were 5 postsurgical reluxations, 3 related to the insertion of the pin into the humeral condyle and 3 related to the insertion into the humeral body. These animals needed further surgery. Six animals showed near normal return to limb function and 2 had lameness. We conclude that the use of the transarticular pin is an effective and simple method for the treatment of humeroulnar congenital elbow luxation.


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Background and Objective: Rests of Malassez are clusters of epithelial cells that remain in the periodontal ligament throughout life. However, it has been reported that the number of these structures decreases with age, and some epithelial cells undergo apoptosis in rests of Malassez of young and adult rats. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the incidence of epithelial cell death and the quantitative changes in the rests of Malassez in rat molars of different ages.Material and Methods: Fragments containing the upper molars of rats aged 29, 45 and 120 d were fixed, decalcified and embedded for analysis by light microscopy. In the sections stained by hematoxylin and eosin, the number of rests of Malassez and the number of nuclei of these epithelial structures were obtained. Moreover, the nuclei exhibiting typical features of cell death were also counted in each rest of Malassez. The terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) method for detection of cell death was also carried out.Results: In all groups examined, some rests of Malassez exhibited epithelial cell nuclei with typical features of apoptosis and some of them were also TUNEL positive. From 29 to 120 d of age in rats, the quantitative analysis showed a significant decrease in the total number of rests of Malassez in the cervical, middle and furcation regions of the periodontal ligament. Moreover, a significant decrease of epithelial cell nuclei was concomitant to an increase in the frequency of cell death in the oldest rats.Conclusion: These results suggest that epithelial cell death by apoptosis may be, at least in part, responsible for the reduction in the number of rests of Malassez according to age.


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A comparative study between crotoxin and gamma irradiated crotoxin was performed on the indirectly evoked twitches and tetani of sciatic nerve-extensor digitorum longus muscle of rats. Crotoxin (3 to 14 mu g/ml) decreased the amplitude of twitches and induced a slight tetanic fade, and irradiated crotoxin did not significantly affect either twitch amplitude or tetanic tension. Since gamma radiation reduced the neurotoxicity of crotoxin it may be useful for the production of anticrotalic serum. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sibutramine is a drug globally used for the treatment of obesity. The aim of this study was to investigate male reproductive disorders caused by sibutramine in adult rats. Wistar rats were treated for 28 consecutive days (gavage) with 10 mg/kg of sibutramine. Control animals received only vehicle (dimethylsulfoxide and saline). The rats were sacrificed for evaluation of body and reproductive organ weights, sperm parameters, hormone levels (luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and testosterone), testicular and epididymal histopathology, sexual behavior, fertility and in vitro contractility of the epididymal duct. Sibutramine decreased (P < .05) weights of the epididymis and ventral prostate, but not of other reproductive organs. The sperm number and transit time in the epididymal cauda were decreased (P < .001), but the daily sperm production was not altered. Moreover, morphology and sperm motility, histopathology of the testes and epididymis, sexual behavior, fertility, and serum hormone levels were not altered by the treatment. Sibutramine increased the potency of norepinephrine and, per se, increased the mechanical activity of the epididymal duct in vitro. Thus, although sibutramine in these experimental conditions did not interfere with the reproductive process of rats, it provoked acceleration of the sperm transit time and a decrease in the sperm reserves in the epididymal cauda. This alteration is probably related to the sympathomimetic effect of this drug, as shown by the in vitro assays. In humans, use of this drug might present a threat for male fertility because sperm reserves in men are naturally lower than those in rats.


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Mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of several populations of Eurysternus caribaeus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) were analysed through conventional staining, C-banding, base-specific fluorochromes, silver nitrate staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). All specimens showed 2n = 8 in their karyotypes, with a neo-XY sex system (Y is a submetacentric and X a metacentric) and three pairs of submetacentric autosomes. The analysis of constitutive heterochromatin (CH) revealed small blocks located in the centromeric region of all chromosomes which do not present positive staining under the fluorochromes CMA3 and DAPI. Silver nitrate staining revealed that the nucleolar organizer region (NORs) is associated with the sex chromosomes. The FISH technique revealed that rDNA sites in the X and Y are different in size. Data from different populations indicate that the diploid number reduction (2n = 8) observed in E. caribaeus is established and presumably has preceded the dispersion of this species. Moreover, this reduction occasioned the translocation of rDNA sites to the sex chromosomes, X and Y, an uncommon pattern in Scarabaeidae that was observed for the first time by the FISH in this work.


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No intuito de avaliar o tempo necessário para redução dos valores de OPG visando identificar o início de atuação dos anti-helmínticos, cinco grupos de novilhos, naturalmente infectados por nematódeos gastrintestinais foram tratados com moxidectina, ivermectina, fosfato de levamisol e sulfóxido de albendazol. O levamisol promoveu redução no número de ovos de nematódeos eliminados nas fezes (R-OPG) de 97,4% 24 horas após a aplicação, a moxidectina de 98,3% após 36 horas, e o sulfóxido de albendazol de 95,9% após 36 horas. Foi registrada a presença de Cooperia spp. e Haemonchus spp. com resistência a ivermectina. A contagem de OPG realizada aos sete dias pós-tratamento apresentou resultados similares aos obtidos nas contagens realizadas 10 e 14 dias após a aplicação dos anti-helmínticos avaliados, demonstrando que o intervalo adequado entre o tratamento anti-helmíntico e o exame para verificar a redução do OPG pode ser de 7 dias.


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The photoelectrochemical degradation of p-nitrophenol (PNP) was investigated using titanium dioxide thin-film photoelectrode. The effects of different supporting electrolytes, pH, applied potential and PNP concentration were examined and discussed. Complete photodegradation was obtained in perchlorate medium at pH 2 when the photoanode was biased at +1.0 V (versus SCE) during a 3-h experiment. Under these conditions, carbon removal of approximately 60% was achieved. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The consequences of introducing Cichla cf. monoculus Spix & Agassiz, Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz) and Pygocentrus nattereri Kner into lakes in the River Doce basin, Brazil, on richness, diversity and efficiency of aquatic macrophytes as natural refugia to native fishes was investigated. Samples were taken from lakes with and without alien fishes in areas with and without aquatic macrophytes. The presence of alien fishes reduced richness and diversity of the native fish community. The refugia function, which could be attributed to the clustering of aquatic macrophytes, does not exist in these lakes probably because the alien fishes exploit such habitats for reproduction. Since introductions threaten the native fish diversity of the region, studies on regional dispersion and factors that minimise the spread of alien fishes are needed.


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The chromosomes of hylids Hypsiboas albopunctatus, H. raniceps, and H. crepitans from Brazil were analyzed with standard and differential staining techniques. The former species presented 2n = 22 and 2n = 23 karyotypes, the odd diploid number is due to the presence of an extra element interpreted as B chromosome. Although morphologically very similar to the small-sized chromosomes of the A complement, the B was promptly recognized, even under standard staining, on the basis of some characteristics that are usually attributed to this particular class of chromosomes. The two other species have 2n = 24, which is the chromosome number usually found in the species of Hypsiboas karyotyped so far. This means that 2n = 22 is a deviant diploid number, resulted from a structural rearrangement, altering the chromosome number of 2n = 24 to 2n = 22. Based on new chromosome data, some possibilities were evaluated for the origin of B chromosome in Hypsiboas albopunctatus, as well as the karyotypic evolution in the genus, leading to the reduction in the diploid number of 2n = 24 to 2n = 22.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)