45 resultados para pessoa cristã
The present monography consists in a translation of the play “Il signor Pirandello è desiderato al telefono”, by the Italian writer Antonio Tabucchi. This translation is still unpublished in Brazil. The introduction emphasizes the relevance of this translation in the Brazilian literary context, due to its goal of dissemination of a piece that, besides presenting the contemporary author’s characteristics, shows the aspects of two important writers in the 20th century, Fernando Pessoa and Luigi Pirandello. The introduction also brings some biographical and bibliographical data about the involved authors. In the development section, before the translation itself, there is a selection of comments about the translated play, with the objective of contributing to the constitution of the Brazilian reader’s context. In our conclusion, there are the last comments about the translation and the importance of the monography to its writer
Enquanto arte, a dança circular sagrada, pode contribuir para a aproximação dos indivíduos, nela pode-se observar a estimulação da participação de todos, proporcionando presença, comunicação, espontaneidade, dedicação, afetividade, segurança, percepção, entre outros fatores que contribuem no processo educativo e nas relações interpessoais, no autoconhecimento, na disciplina, na autonomia. A dança circular pode ser caracterizada como dança de roda, muito semelhante a das brincadeiras de criança, ela recebe a titulação de “sagrada” pelo fato de que sua origem faz remissão aos cultos e aos ritos sagrados. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como a dança circular pode intervir no cotidiano e na construção das relações sociais de um jovem, a partir de um estudo e de um apontamento das observações realizadas e suas análises. Como proposta metodológica pensamos na pesquisa bibliográfica uma vez que realizaremos a partir das leituras e do levantamento de informações e dados de como são construídas as relações e como a mesma pode afetar o homem
This paper presents methodology for an integrated treatment of three variable phenomena in Brazilian portuguese: (i) encoding of first-person plural into the forms nós (we) and a gente (the people), (ii) verbal agreement with the pronoun nós and (iii) verbal agreement with the pronominal form a gente. Based on the theoretical framework provided by Labovian sociolinguistics (LABOV, 1966, 1972), the methodology is applied to a sample of Brazilian portuguese spoken in the countryside of São Paulo State (GONÇALVES, 2007). The results indicate that distinct factors predominate in the choice of the alternative forms of each phenomenon: in the verbal agreement with a gente, linguistic factors are the most prominent; in the verbal agreement with nós, social factors are the most salient; and in the use of nós/a gente both linguistic and social factors prevail.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
In this work we studied the urban movement of an important avenue of the city of Guaratingueta, in the Vale do Paraíba, State of Sao Paul, which is the Avenida João Pessoa, located in the Pedregulho neighborhood. Through literature review on this topic, we could contribute to the understanding of car culture in Brazilian cities.Through research on the history of this neighborhood, and said avenue, interviews with the passers-by and also via site visits, we analyzed the situation of urban traffic of Avenida João Pessoa. One of the main intentions of the study was to propose guidelines for the improvement of urban traffic of Avenida João Pessoa
Sexuality and sex education for visually impaired people are still a few subjects studied in the field of Education. The aim of this study was to investigate sexuality and sex education of the visually impaired, through an interview with an adult woman, blind from birth, for further analysis of thematic content. It is a descriptive-qualitative case study. The following categories were described in the results: (1) Concept of sexuality, (2) Sexual Education, (3) Sexuality and Disability, (4) Social issues and prejudice. The data confirm other studies showing the existence of social prejudice, sexual myths, no sex education or sex education with superficial information and difficulties predominantly psychosocial and not organic in relation to sexuality. We conclude that sexuality and sex education are important issues that should be considered in the general education of people with disabilities.
The paper demonstrates the magnitude of the constitutional statement of the dignity of the human person subscribed to the Federal Constitution of 1988 as a fundamental principle. Next, it brings reports on quality of life of residents of Vila Esperança, in the municipality of Cubatão (SP), from an ethnographic approach, descriptive and photographic documentation. We could conclude that the Brazilian legal system is organized hierarchically, so the Principle of Human Dignity cannot be disregard. The vital guarantee of a minimum vital floor is essential for poor people to expand the possibilities for the full exercise of human dignity.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
The objective of this work is to answer the question posed in the title, based on the texts of D. W. Winnicott. To this effect we addressed the origins of the concept of transitional object in the author’s work, the chronology of its first appearances, direct references to the topic and a discussion of a clinical case. Winnicott rarely referred to a person as being another person’s transitional object, and when he did so, he situated this experience in the field of pathology, and when referring to it, used such terms as “comforter object”, “fetish object” and “regressive object”. In contrast, the concept of transitional object is linked to an experience indicative of mental health, of transition between fusion and mother-baby separation, and of the personal and symbolic use of objects of the sensory field. Maintaining this conceptual specificity enables us to discriminate nuances in the evolution of the use of material objects by the child, and helps to guide anamnesis, diagnosis and the therapeutic process.
A educação cristã na atualidade tem gerado novas vertentes e abordagens de ensino, entre elas a Educação por Princípios. Com origem nos Estados Unidos, essa abordagem chegou ao Brasil em 1988, e já possui um número considerável de escolas que aderem a essa perspectiva, porém, ainda não é conhecida no contexto educativo. A partir deste pressuposto, o seguinte trabalho tem como objetivo ampliar a compreensão da Educação Cristã por Princípios, seu histórico, sua filosofia, seus métodos de ensino e a aplicabilidade dos princípios no currículo escolar. Para isso foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa qualitativa seguindo a metodologia de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise documental. Concluiu-se que alguns dos pontos da abordagem apresentada dificilmente poderiam ser inseridos na escola regular, por esta ser laica. Entretanto, os sete princípios básicos que caracterizam a Educação por Princípios trariam grandes contribuições, principalmente por resgatar valores de convivência social
Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR
The objective of thisstudy was to verify, using the Ecological Development Theory (EDT), as the practice and swimming learning for People With Disabilities (PWD) causes changes to both the practitioner and in other environments experienced by it as well as the other environments influence the learning to swim. The study included 16 PWD, students linked university extension project, Department of Physical Education of UNESP Bauru, taught by coordinators LAPEF, which aims to includes wimming in the PWD ofevery day life, students linked to an institution of Bauru-SP, three employees of the institution and two swimming project teachers.Interviews with the families of the students were made, with the institution s employees, with the project teachers and analyze thes wimming lessons applied in the project for one semester. Based on the results we can say that the practice and learnings wimming for PWD causes changes to both the practitioner and for other environments experienced by her (home, institution) and also, what other environments experienced by PWD influence in practice and process of learning to swim. Using the terminology of EDT, we conclude that theme so system (home activities institution) influences in the microsystem (swimming lessons) and the microsystem influences the mesosystem, so the activity was significant and temporal persistence influencing the development of PCD.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS