101 resultados para organic matter fractions


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Com objetivo de avaliar o efeito de sistemas de produção sobre a dinâmica do carbono no solo e nas frações da matéria orgânica, durante seis anos, em Jaboticabal (SP), foram testados diferentes tratamentos, a saber: semeadura convencional de milho com pousio no inverno (C-Mi-P), plantio direto de milho e pousio no inverno (D-Mi-P), convencional de milho em rotação com soja e pousio no inverno (C-Mi-P-So), plantio direto de milho em rotação com soja e pousio no inverno (D-Mi-P-So) e plantio direto de milho com uso de Mucuna aterrina (mucuna preta), Cajanus cajan (feijão guandu) e Crotalaria juncea no inverno (D-Mi-Mu, D-Mi-Gu e D-Mi-Cr) em delineamento de blocos ao acaso e parcelas subdivididas. Após 60 dias da emergência das plântulas, coletaram-se amostras de solo a diferentes profundidades (0-0,05, 0,05-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m). Avaliaram-se nas amostras os teores de C orgânico (CO) e C total nas frações: matérias húmicas (MH), solúvel em água (SA), ácido fúlvico (AF), ácido húmico (AH) e humina (HN) com dados expressos em base de terra seca em estufa (TSE). O uso do sistema plantio direto com pousio e o cultivo de leguminosas no inverno (mucuna preta e feijão guandu) foram os que apresentaram maiores valores de CO e C-HN na camada de 0-0,05 m. O tratamento C-Mi-P-So mostrou o maior valor de C-SA na camada de 0,05-0,10 m. Quanto aos teores de C-MH, os tratamentos C-Mi-P-So e D-Mi-P-So foram os que apresentaram os maiores valores nas camadas superficiais. O plantio direto de milho em monocultura e sucessão com leguminosas (mucuna preta e feijão guandu) parecem ter favorecido dois processos: migração de AF para as camadas mais profundas, reduzindo os valores de MH nas camadas superficiais do solo, e interconversões de AF em AH mais rápidas.


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The objective was to evaluate the differences between distinct types of litter material and their combinations in the dynamics of degradation on the organic matter fractions and the quality of the final compound. The treatments were established according to material used as substrate for broiler litter: treatment 1 - rice husks; 2 - sugar cane bagasse; 3 - wood shavings; 4 - wood shavings + sugar cane bagasse; 5 - rice husks + sugar cane bagasse; and 6 - Napier grass. The following variables were monitored: temperature, levels of total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), mass and volume of the pile, fibrous fraction, and levels and reductions of N, P and K during the process. Piles formed with Napier grass and sugar cane bagasse presented the highest average temperatures during composting. The greater average reductions in TS and VS were attained in piles with sugar cane bagasse (68.12 and 73.07%, for TS and VS, respectively). The reductions of greatest volume occurred in piles with sugar cane bagasse (52.08%), followed by Napier grass (50.56%). Poultry litters composed of rice husks and wood shavings presented 13.21 and 10.23% of lignin, respectively, which contributed to the lower degradation of fibrous fraction and degradability. Substrates with lower lignin content were those with greatest organic matter degradation rate and had reduced losses of N levels during the process. Composting performance is affected by the initial substrate used to compose the poultry litter.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The heavy metals when linked to organic matter have a behavior in the soil that is still little known. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of sewage-sludge-based composts when incorporated in the soil, in relation to heavy metals availability. Five composts were incorporated using sugar-cane bagasse, sewage sludge and cattle manure in the respective proportions: 75-0-25, 75-12.5-12.5, 75-25-0, 50-50-0 and 0-100-0 (composts with 0, 12.5, 25, 50 and 100% sewage sludge). The experiment consisted of 6 treatments (5 composts and a control with mineral fertilization) in randomized blocks with a split-plot design. The control and the treatment of 0% sewage sludge received inorganic nitrogen (N). All the treatments received the same amount of N (8.33 g) K (5.80 g) and K (8.11 g) per pot. Tomato plants were cultivated in 24.0 L pots in a greenhouse in Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. The concentrations of heavy metals were determined in the soil samples at day 0 after compost incorporation. The higher the sewage sludge doses, the higher heavy metal contents in the soil. Among extractants, Melhlich-1 extracted the highest amount of heavy metals, while DTPA extracted the lowest one. The residual fraction presented the highest heavy metal content, followed by Fe oxides crystalline and amorphous to Cu, Cr and Mn, and Mn oxides, and Fe amorphous to Zn, indicating strong associations to oxides and clays. There were significant positive correlations between Mn contents in the plant and Mn linked to Fe oxide amorphous and crystalline.


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A study was made of the composition of wastes collected from the pipes of the stormwater drainage system of Sorocaba, SP, Brazil (600 thousand inhabitants). A total of 10 samples weighing at least 100 kg each were sorted into 19 items to determine the fraction that can be considered natural (earth/sand, stones, organic matter, and water, the latter determined after oven-drying the samples) and the anthropogenic fraction (the remaining 15 items, especially construction and demolition wastes and packaging). Soil/sand was found to be the main item collected (52.5 % dry weight), followed by the water soaked into the waste (24.3 %), which meant that all the other wastes were saturated in mud, whose contents varied from 6.4 % (glass) to 87.2 % (metalized plastics packaging). In general, 83 % of the collected wastes can be classified as natural, but the remaining 17 % represent 2,000 kg of the most varied types of wastes discarded improperly every day on the streets of the city. This is an alarming amount of wastes that may clog parts of the drainage systems, causing troubles for all the population (like flooding) and must be strongly considered in municipal solid wastes management and in environmental education programs. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Many efforts are currently oriented toward extracting more information from ocean color than the chlorophyll a concentration. Among biological parameters potentially accessible from space, estimates of phytoplankton cell size and light absorption by colored detrital matter (CDM) would lead to an indirect assessment of major components of the organic carbon pool in the ocean, which would benefit oceanic carbon budget models. We present here 2 procedures to retrieve simultaneously from ocean color measurements in a limited number of bands, magnitudes, and spectral shapes for both light absorption by CDM and phytoplankton, along with a size parameter for phytoplankton. The performance of the 2 procedures was evaluated using different data sets that correspond to increasing uncertainties: ( 1) measured absorption coefficients of phytoplankton, particulate detritus, and colored dissolved organic matter ( CDOM) and measured chlorophyll a concentrations and ( 2) SeaWiFS upwelling radiance measurements and chlorophyll a concentrations estimated from global algorithms. In situ data were acquired during 3 cruises, differing by their relative proportions in CDM and phytoplankton, over a continental shelf off Brazil. No local information was introduced in either procedure, to make them more generally applicable. Over the study area, the absorption coefficient of CDM at 443 nm was retrieved from SeaWiFS radiances with a relative root mean square error (RMSE) of 33%, and phytoplankton light absorption coefficients in SeaWiFS bands ( from 412 to 510 nm) were retrieved with RMSEs between 28% and 33%. These results are comparable to or better than those obtained by 3 published models. In addition, a size parameter of phytoplankton and the spectral slope of CDM absorption were retrieved with RMSEs of 17% and 22%, respectively. If these methods are applied at a regional scale, the performances could be substantially improved by locally tuning some empirical relationships.


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Bioturbation of mangrove sediments by Uca uruguayensis (Nobili, 1901) and U. rapax (Smith, 1870) was compared based on the grain-size composition and organic content in surface sediment around the burrow and feeding pellets in two mangrove zones of the Sao Vicente Estuary, state of São Paulo, Brazil. For each species, 25 burrows with active crabs were selected. All pellets within a 15-cm radius of each burrow were carefully collected; samples of substrate were taken; and the crab occupant was excavated, sexed, and measured for carapace width (CW). The number of spoon-tipped setae on the second maxilliped of each species was estimated; U. uruguayensis showed more of these setae than U. rapax. For both species, the sediment post-processed by feeding activity (feeding pellets) showed a similar increase of coarser fractions and a smaller organic content. However. U. uruguayensis was more efficient in removing organic matter (88.1%) from the sediment than U. rapax (37.5%). These results suggest that different numbers of spoon-tipped setae on the second maxillipeds of the fiddler crabs do not affect the potential for grain-size selection, but result in differing abilities to remove organic matter from the sediment.


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The niche breadth of the Portunidae and their overlap on the subtidal sediments of Fortaleza bay, Ubatuba (São Paulo) was analyzed. Samples were made monthly from November/1988 to October/1989, inseven areas of the bay using a shrimp fishery boat equipped with two otter-trawls. Each area was characterized based on environmental factors such as depth, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, organic matter and granulometric composition of the sediment. The number of individuais of each species was registered to each area (resource). Levins's standardized measure (BA) and niche percentage were calculated. Five species of swimming crabs were recorded in this study: Callinectes ornatus Ordway, 1863, Arenaeus cribrarius (Lamarck, 1818), Portunus spinimanus Latreille, 1819, Callinectes danae Smith, 1869 and Portunus spinicarpus (Stimpson, 1871). The widest ecological niche occurred to C. ornatus, present in all sampled areas (generalist species). Such fact can be related to high sediment tolerance when it is compared to P. spinimanus (especialist species) which was limited to the areas with coarse granulometric fractions. Highest niche overlap was verified between C. danae and A. cribrarius may be due to greater salinity tolerance of these species. The low occurrence of P. spinicarpus and its reduced niche size in Fortaleza Bay are due to association of this species to cold water currents (ACAS) more evidente in smaler depths during summer months. One future evaluation of the portunid diet can be useful to complement informations about this important aspect of the marine ecology.


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The soil erodibility factor is represented by the integrated effect of processes that regulate the water infiltration, soil resistance and the transport of soil particles. Therefore, this study had as objective to estimate the soil erodibility in the Corrego do Tijuco watershed, São Paulo State, Brazil, for guiding farmers in decision making for application of techniques for soil conservation. The soil samples were collected in a regular spacing of 500 m, resulting in a total of 310 points in a 0-20.0 m depth in an area of approximately 8,000 ha. For the estimation of soil erodibility (K) was applied a mathematical model which takes into account the soil organic matter content, the sand and silt size fractions, the soil permeability, and the particle mean diameter for each point of soil sampling. Estimated values greater than 0.040 Mg ha h ha(-1) MJ(-1) mm(-1) were considered very high for this factor. In areas with greater degree of erodibility occurs the Argisols order predominance, that shows high susceptibility to the development of interrill erosion due to its remarkable performance in relation to textural gradient, thereby, the interrill erosion rates can be very intensive due to rapid saturation of upper horizon, increasing the erosion process. At the Latosols (Oxisols) areas were also observed high soil erodibility values that under inappropriate conditions of soil occupation, concentrating runoff of rain water, leading to appear deep gullies.