62 resultados para modeling of porous media


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Semi-automatic building detection and extraction is a topic of growing interest due to its potential application in such areas as cadastral information systems, cartographic revision, and GIS. One of the existing strategies for building extraction is to use a digital surface model (DSM) represented by a cloud of known points on a visible surface, and comprising features such as trees or buildings. Conventional surface modeling using stereo-matching techniques has its drawbacks, the most obvious being the effect of building height on perspective, shadows, and occlusions. The laser scanner, a recently developed technological tool, can collect accurate DSMs with high spatial frequency. This paper presents a methodology for semi-automatic modeling of buildings which combines a region-growing algorithm with line-detection methods applied over the DSM.


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When the food supply flnishes, or when the larvae of blowflies complete their development and migrate prior to the total removal of the larval substrate, they disperse to find adequate places for pupation, a process known as post-feeding larval dispersal. Based on experimental data of the Initial and final configuration of the dispersion, the reproduction of such spatio-temporal behavior is achieved here by means of the evolutionary search for cellular automata with a distinct transition rule associated with each cell, also known as a nonuniform cellular automata, and with two states per cell in the lattice. Two-dimensional regular lattices and multivalued states will be considered and a practical question is the necessity of discovering a proper set of transition rules. Given that the number of rules is related to the number of cells in the lattice, the search space is very large and an evolution strategy is then considered to optimize the parameters of the transition rules, with two transition rules per cell. As the parameters to be optimized admit a physical interpretation, the obtained computational model can be analyzed to raise some hypothetical explanation of the observed spatiotemporal behavior. © 2006 IEEE.


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The osseointegration of porous titanium implants was evaluated in the present work. Implants were fabricated from ASTM grade 2 titanium by a powder metallurgy method. Part of these implants were submitted to chemical and thermal treatment in order to deposit a biomimetic coating, aiming to evaluate its influence on the osseointegration of the implants. The implants were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Electron Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Raman Spectroscopy. Three coated and three control (uncoated) implants were surgically inserted into thirty albino rabbits' left and right tibiae, respectively. Tibiae samples were submitted to histological and histomorphometric analyses, utilizing SEM, optical microscopy and mechanical tests. EDS results indicated calcium (Ca) and phosphorous (P) at the surface and Raman spectra exhibited an intense peak, characteristic of hydroxyapatite (HA). Bone neoformation was detected at the bone-implant interface and inside the pores, including the central ones. The mean bone neoformation percentage in the coated implants was statistically higher at 15 days, compared to 30 and 45 days. The mechanical tests showed that coated implants presented higher resistance to displacement, especially after 30 and 45 days.


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The advance in the graphic computer's techniques and computer's capacity of processing made possible applications like the human anatomic structures modeling, in order to investigate diseases, surgical planning or even provide images for training of Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD). On this context, this work exhibits an anatomical model of cardiac structures represented in a tridimensional environment. The model was represented with geometrical elements and has anatomical details, as the different tunics that compose the cardiac wall and measures that preserves the characteristics found on real structures. The validation of the anatomical model was made through quantitative comparations with real structures measures, available on specialized literature. The results obtained, evaluated by two specialists, are compatible with real anatomies, respecting the anatomical particularities. This degree of representation will allow the verification of the influence of radiological parameters, morphometric peculiarities and stage of the cardiac diseases on the quality of the images, as well as on the performance of the CAD. © 2010 IEEE.


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This paper presents a comparative analysis between the experimental characterization and the numerical simulation results for a three-dimensional FCC photonic crystal (PhC) based on a self-assembly synthesis of monodispersive latex spheres. Specifically, experimental optical characterization, by means of reflectance measurements under variable angles over the lattice plane family [1,1, 1], are compared to theoretical calculations based on the Finite Di®erence Time Domain (FDTD) method, in order to investigate the correlation between theoretical predictions and experimental data. The goal is to highlight the influence of crystal defects on the achieved performance.


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Nowadays, drives that use a combination of induction motors and frequency inverters are very common, a fact due to the financial practicality and viability in purchasing and operating that system. This system modeling and simulation becomes important when it wants to evaluate the performance, to calculate and correct parameters, and it has a fundamental role in functionality and viability analysis for application of new configurations and technologies. This work is about to elaborate a simple induction motor model based in the torque versus speed characteristic, using the linearization method for application in a specific operation range to be controlled by a frequency inverter. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Coloring in drinks decreases the color stability of composite restorations, reducing their longevity. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of immersion media on color stability of seven different composite resins (Solidex - Shofu, Resilab-Wilcos, Signum - Heraeus, Epricord - Tokuyama, Adoro - Ivoclar Vivadent, Admira - Voco and Sinfony - 3MESPE). Seven resin-based composite specimens were prepared using a cylindrical teflon mold 2 mm thick and 10 mm in diameter Fifteen specimens of each resin were light-cured according to manufacturers' instructions and randomized into 3 groups (n= 5) according to immersion media: coffee, cola beverage and water A digital spectrophotometer Easy Shade (VITA) was used to evaluate the color changes at baseline and 7 days after immersion in each solution. Specimens were stored in the different staining media for 24 h/day during one week. The color differences were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey 's test (p< 0.05). Color change was observed after one week of immersion and there were statistical differences in staining, composite and interaction factors. The least staining was observed in Admira (deltaE= 3.934+/-0.814) and Resilab (deltaE= 3.993+/-0.735), followed by Adoro (deltaE= 4.044+/-1.001), Epri-cord (deltaE= 4.049+/-1.234), Signum (deltaE= 4.260+/-1.785), Solidex (deltaE=5,122+/-0.534) and Sinfony (deltaE=5.126+/-0.838). All of the composites tested except Adoro were susceptible to staining by substances present in coffee and cola, when stored in beverage for seven days. The lowest deltaE means were obtained with Admira.


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In this research report, a sintering process of porous ceramic materials based on Al2O3 was employed using a method where a cation precursor solution is embedded in an organic fibrous cotton matrix. For porous green bodies, the precursor solution and cotton were annealed at temperatures in the range of 100-1600°C using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and thermogravimetric (TG) analysis to obtain a porous body formation and disposal process containing organic fibers and precursor solution. In a structure consisting of open pores and interconnected nanometric grains, despite the low porosity of around 40% (calculated geometrically), nitrogen physisorption determined a specific surface area of 14m2/g, which shows much sintering of porous bodies. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analytical methods revealed a predominant amount of α-Al2O3 in the sintered samples. Thermal properties of the sintered Al2O3 fibers were obtained by using the Laser Flash which resulted in the lower thermal conductivity obtained by α-Al2O3 and therefore improved its potential use as an insulating material. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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The Finite Element Method is a well-known technique, being extensively applied in different areas. Studies using the Finite Element Method (FEM) are targeted to improve cardiac ablation procedures. For such simulations, the finite element meshes should consider the size and histological features of the target structures. However, it is possible to verify that some methods or tools used to generate meshes of human body structures are still limited, due to nondetailed models, nontrivial preprocessing, or mainly limitation in the use condition. In this paper, alternatives are demonstrated to solid modeling and automatic generation of highly refined tetrahedral meshes, with quality compatible with other studies focused on mesh generation. The innovations presented here are strategies to integrate Open Source Software (OSS). The chosen techniques and strategies are presented and discussed, considering cardiac structures as a first application context. © 2013 E. Pavarino et al.


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First-principles calculations set the comprehension over performance of novel cathodoluminescence (CL) properties of BaZrO3 prepared through microwave-assisted hydrothermal. Ground (singlet, s*) and excited (singlet s** and triplet t**) electronic states were built from zirconium displacement of 0.2 Å in {001} direction. Each ground and excited states were characterized by the correlation of their corresponding geometry with electronic structures and Raman vibrational frequencies which were also identified experimentally. A kind of optical polarization switching was identified by the redistribution of 4dz2 and 4dxz (Zr) orbitals and 2pz O orbital. As a consequence, asymmetric bending and stretching modes theoretically obtained reveal a direct dependence with their polyhedral intracluster and/or extracluster ZrO6 distortions with electronic structure. Then, CL of the as-synthesized BaZrO3 can be interpreted as a result of stable triplet excited states, which are able to trap electrons, delaying the emission process due to spin multiplicity changes. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Based on the literature data from HT-29 cell monolayers, we develop a model for its growth, analogous to an epidemic model, mixing local and global interactions. First, we propose and solve a deterministic equation for the progress of these colonies. Thus, we add a stochastic (local) interaction and simulate the evolution of an Eden-like aggregate by using dynamical Monte Carlo methods. The growth curves of both deterministic and stochastic models are in excellent agreement with the experimental observations. The waiting times distributions, generated via our stochastic model, allowed us to analyze the role of mesoscopic events. We obtain log-normal distributions in the initial stages of the growth and Gaussians at long times. We interpret these outcomes in the light of cellular division events: in the early stages, the phenomena are dependent each other in a multiplicative geometric-based process, and they are independent at long times. We conclude that the main ingredients for a good minimalist model of tumor growth, at mesoscopic level, are intrinsic cooperative mechanisms and competitive search for space. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper presents numerical modeling of a turbulent natural gas flow through a non-premixed industrial burner of a slab reheating furnace. The furnace is equipped with diffusion side swirl burners capable of utilizing natural gas or coke oven gas alternatively through the same nozzles. The study is focused on one of the burners of the preheating zone. Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation has been used to predict the burner orifice turbulent flow. Flow rate and pressure at burner upstream were validated by experimental measurements. The outcomes of the numerical modeling are analyzed for the different turbulence models in terms of pressure drop, velocity profiles, and orifice discharge coefficient. The standard, RNG, and Realizable k-epsilon models and Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) have been used. The main purpose of the numerical investigation is to determine the turbulence model that more consistently reproduces the experimental results of the flow through an industrial non-premixed burner orifice. The comparisons between simulations indicate that all the models tested satisfactorily and represent the experimental conditions. However, the Realizable k-epsilon model seems to be the most appropriate turbulence model, since it provides results that are quite similar to the RSM and RNG k-epsilon models, requiring only slightly more computational power than the standard k-epsilon model. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this work is to develop a non-stoichiometric equilibrium model to study parameter effects in the gasification process of a feedstock in downdraft gasifiers. The non-stoichiometric equilibrium model is also known as the Gibbs free energy minimization method. Four models were developed and tested. First a pure non-stoichiometric equilibrium model called M1 was developed; then the methane content was constrained by correlating experimental data and generating the model M2. A kinetic constraint that determines the apparent gasification rate was considered for model M3 and finally the two aforementioned constraints were implemented together in model M4. Models M2 and M4 showed to be the more accurate among the four developed models with mean RMS (root mean square error) values of 1.25 each.Also the gasification of Brazilian Pinus elliottii in a downdraft gasifier with air as gasification agent was studied. The input parameters considered were: (a) equivalence ratio (0.28-035); (b) moisture content (5-20%); (c) gasification time (30-120 min) and carbon conversion efficiency (80-100%). (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work is to develop stoichiometric equilibrium models that permit the study of parameters effect in the gasification process of a particular feedstock. In total four models were tested in order to determine the syngas composition. One of these four models, called M2, was based on the theoretical equilibrium constants modified by two correction factors determined using published experimental data. The other two models, M3 and M4 were based in correlations, while model M4 was based in correlations to determine the equilibrium constants, model M3 was based in correlations that relate the H-2, CO and CO2 content on the synthesis gas. Model M2 proved to be the more accurate and versatile among these four models, and also showed better results than some previously published models. Also a case study for the gasification of a blend of hardwood chips and glycerol at 80% and 20% respectively, was performed considering equivalence ratios form 0.3 to 0.5, moisture contents from 0%-20% and oxygen percentages in the gasification agent of 100%, 60% and 21%. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Several countries have invested in technologies for Smart Grids. Among such protocols designed cover this area, highlights the DNP3 (Distributed Network Protocol version 3). Although the DNP3 be developed for operation over the serial interface, there is a trend in the literature to the use of other interfaces. The Zigbee wireless interface has become more popular in the industrial applications. In order to study the challenges of integrating of these two protocols, this article is presented the analysis of DNP3 protocol stack through state machines The encapsulation of DNP3 messages in P2P (point-to-point) ZigBee Network, may assist in the discovery and solution of failures of availability and security of this integration. The ultimate goal is to merge the features of DNP3 and Zigbee stacks, and display a solution that provides the benefits of wireless environment, without impairment of security required for Smart Grid applications.