355 resultados para lymphocyte and humoral alterations
Micronuclei and nuclear alterations tests were performed on erythrocytes of Oreochromis niloticus (Perciformes, Cichlidae) in order to evaluate the water quality from Paraiba do Sul river, in an area affected by effluents from an oil shale processing plant, located in the city of Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil-SP. Water samples were collected on 2004 May and August (dry season) and on 2004 November and 2005 January (rain season), in three distinct sites, comprising 12 samples. It was possible to detect substances of clastogenic and/or aneugenic potential, as well as cytotoxic substances, chiefly at the point corresponding to the drainage of oil shale plant wastes along the river. The highest incidence of micronuclei and nuclear alterations was detected during May and August, whereas the results obtained in November and January were insignificant. This work shows that the effluent treatment provided by the oil shale plant was not fully efficient to minimize the effect of cytotoxic and mutagenic substances in the test organism surveyed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Investigamos a imunidade humoral e celular em 18 pacientes com sindrome de West, 12 com sindrome de Lennox-Gastaut e 19 controles. Os exames realizados foram os seguintes: percentagem de linfócitos Ô e  no sangue periférico, niveis séricos de IgG, IgA e IgM, sensibilização cutânea com o DNCB, PHA intra dérmica, teste de inibição de migração de leucócitos e transformação blástica de linfócitos em presença de PHA. Detectamos deficiência de imunidade celular em 28 crianças, (18 com sindrome de West e 10 com sindrome de Lennox-Gastaut) e baixos níveis de imunoglobulinas em apenas 6. A depressão imunitária mostrou-se mais intensa nas crianças que apresentam sindrome de West.
The present work evaluated the efficacy of mebendazole (MBZ) treatment against infections with the monogenean helminths Anacanthorus penilabiatus, gill parasites of young cultivated pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus. A short-term bath treatment using 100, 200 and 500 mg MBZ/l of water for 10 and 30 min and a long-term-bath using 1, 10 and 100 mg MBZ/l of water for 24 h were utilized. Seven days after, fish were sacrificed and parasites counted. Concentrations of 500 and 200 mg MBZ/l for 10 and 30 min showed reduced efficacy (0.0 and 0.7%) and (14.2 and 11.0%), respectively. Nevertheless, 100 mg MBZ/l (10 min) and 10 nag MBZ/l (24 h) showed better efficacy (79.6 and 8 1.4%, respectively). Treatments for 24 h provoked increases in hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration and leukocyte number when compared to those untreated fish. Mebendazole treatments also provoked alterations in the defense blood cells especially in lymphocyte and thrombocyte numbers, when the fishes were submitted to 10 and 30 min baths.
The present work evaluated the efficacy of mebendazole (MBZ) treatment against infections with the monogenean helminths Anacanthorus penilabiatus, gill parasites of young cultivated pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus. A short-term bath treatment using 100, 200 and 500 mg MBZ/1 of water for 10 and 30 min and a long-term bath using 1, 10 and 100 mg MBZ/1 of water for 24 h were utilized. Seven days after, fish were sacrificed and parasites counted. Concentrations of 500 and 200 mg MBZ/1 for 10 and 30 min showed reduced efficacy (0.0 and 0.7%) and (14.2 and 11.0%), respectively. Nevertheless, 100 mg MBZ/1 (10 min) and 10 mg MBZ/1 (24 h) showed better efficacy (79.6 and 81.4%, respectively). Treatments for 24 h provoked increases in hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration and leukocyte number when compared to those untreated fish. Mebendazole treatments also provoked alterations in the defense blood cells especially in lymphocyte and thrombocyte numbers, when the fishes were submitted to 10 and 30 min baths.
A comparative study was made regarding the clinical and hematological alterations caused by isolates of Babesia bigemina from southeastern, northeastern and northern Brazil in experimentally infected Nelore calves. Eighteen calves between 7 and 9 months of age, without antibodies against Babesia sp and raised free from ticks, were used. Three animals were previously inoculated with 2.0×109 parasitic erythrocytes (PE) for each stabilate. The other 15 calves were subdivided into three groups, with five animals each, that were subinoculated with 1.0×1010 PE of the respective isolates. The clinical and hematological alterations were evaluated by the determination of parasitaemia, haemogram, plasmatic fibrinogen, reticulocyte count, descriptive analysis of the bone marrow and erythrocytic osmotic fragility, for 30 days, totalizing seven moments of observation. The follow-up of the immunological response by the indirect fluorescent antibody test was carried out daily until the 10th day after inoculation (DAI) and after that, on the 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th DAI. A mild clinical manifestation of the disease was observed. The laboratory findings revealed low levels of parasitaemia; decrease of the erythrogram values; absence of reticulocytes, initial decrease in the total count of leukocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes with a posterior elevation of the number of these cells; hypercellularity of the erythrocytic series and decrease of the myeloid: erythroid relation which was more accentuated between the 8th and 12th DAI, and an increase of the erythrocytic osmotic fragility in the groups inoculated with the Southeast and Northeast isolates. None of the three isolates of B. bigemina gave rise to the clinical characteristic form of the disease, although they induced an humoral immune response.
Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has lead to a dramatic decrease in the morbidity of patients infected with HIV. However, metabolic side effects, including lipodystrophy and dyslipidemia, have been reported in patients treated with antiretroviral therapy (HAART). The aim of this study was to analyze the clinical and metabolic alterations and the cytokines TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-10 and TNF-II receptors profile in the serum of treated HIV-1-infected individuals with or without lipodystrophy. Eighty-four adult patients were analyzed, 42 females and 42 males, their mean age was 37 years old, and they received HAART for at least 15 months. These patients were ambulatory outpatients from the Infectious and Parasitary Disease Area of Botucatu School of Medicine, UNESP. Subsequently the individuals were distributed into 2 groups, G1: 42 HIV-infected individuals with lipodystrophy, and G2: 42 HIV-infected individuals without lipodystrophy. Among the antiretrovirals used, stavudine was more associated to the lipodystrophy group and zidovudine to the group without lipodystrophy. CD4, CD8, viral load, glucose, albumin, and the circulating lipid did not present any difference in the group comparison, except for triglyceride that was elevated in the lipodystrophy group and HDL which was present in low concentration in more patients of G1. The cytokines TNF-α, TNF-RII, and IL-10 profile presented high levels in the lipodystrophy group; also it was positively correlated with this group. On the other hand, IL-2 and IFN-γ presented low levels in this group. High levels of TNF-α and its receptor seem to be associated to the development of lipodystrophy in patients receiving HAART.
Objective: To analyze cytologically the buccal mucosa of smoking and nonsmoking volunteers to determine what cellular changes are induced by cigarettes and alcohol consumption. Study Design: In order to evaluate cellular changes induced by smoking and alcohol consumption, exfoliative cytology was used for the analysis of mucosal smears obtained from the buccal mucosa of 25 smokers and 25 nonsmokers. The number of cigarettes consumed, duration of smoking, presence or absence of alcohol ingestion, ingested alcohol dose and frequency of consumption, and most frequently used type of alcoholic beverage were determined using a questionnaire. Three smears from each individual stained by the Papanicolaou method were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively under a light microscope by 2 experienced examiners in terms of inflammatory and dysplastic alterations and of the degree of epithelial maturation. Results: Although numerous alterations were observed in smokers they corresponded up to only Papanicolaou class II and were not significantly different from nonsmokers (Mann-Whitney and χ 2 tests, p < 0.05). A higher proportion of inflammatory cells (polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells) were obtained from smokers as compared to nonsmokers, while the proportion of bacteria was similar in the 2 groups. Conclusion: The findings indicate that even after a short period of cigarette use and alcohol consumption, inflammatory alterations were detectable on exfoliative cytology of the buccal mucosa in a young group, demonstrating the usefulness of cytology for early detection in smokers. © The International Academy of Cytology.
Recent studies have shown that ingestion by the army worm Spodoptera frugiperda of Cry1Ac toxin from Bt cotton promotes histochemical and ultrastructural changes in the digestive cells of the predatory pentatomid bug Podisus nigrispinus. Therefore, mindful of the changes in the midgut of the predator, which represents the first line of defence in this insect, our aim was to test the hypothesis that the consumption of Bt cotton-fed S. frugiperda by P. nigrispinus might lead to alterations in components of the immune system of P. nigrispinus. The Cry1Ac toxin level in the leaves of Bt cotton, nitric oxide, phenoloxidase activity, and total proteins were quantified by ELISA. Total and differential hemocyte counts were evaluated, and hemocyte ultrastructure analysis was undertaken. We found that ingestion of the prey fed daily with approximately 23 ± 0.70 ng g-1 Cry1Ac by wet weight of leaves, and expressed by the Bt cotton, induces small ultrastructural changes in the predator's granulocytes and plasmatocytes. However, these changes did not affect the total number and differential and humoral variables analyzed for the bug's hemocytes. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Breeder feed restriction may negatively affect broiler progeny immunity. Sources of trace minerals (TM) with higher bioavailability in breeder diets have been reported to enhance humoral and cellular immunity in broiler progeny. An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of breeder feeding programs and TM dietary sources on maternal antibody transfer and humoral immune response of progeny to a live vaccine against Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Cobb 500 breeders were fed according to 2 feed allocation programs, sigmoid late fast and sigmoid late slow, from 14 to 29 wk of age. From 56 to 62 wk of age, breeders were fed with either inorganic TM or an organic source (OTM) to replace 30% of Cu, Zn, and Mn. Progeny broilers were vaccinated intraocularly with La Sota NDV vaccine at 7 d of age. Blood samples were collected at hatching, 4, and 14 d postvaccination. Serum antibody levels against NDV were assessed by ELISA and cytokine expression by real time PCR. At hatching, late slow breeder progeny fed diets with 30% OTM had higher antibody titers as compared with progeny of breeders fed 100% inorganic TM. Similar results were observed 2 wk postvaccination. Breeder feeding programs and TM sources affected the expression level of IL-4 in NDV vaccinated broiler progeny. It was concluded that breeder feeding programs influenced humoral immune response to NDV vaccine in the broiler progeny, and 30% OTM may increase these responses. © 2013 Poultry Science Association, Inc.
Cinco jumentos, adultos foram infectados experimentalmente com cepa brasileira de Trypanosoma evansi, isolada de um cão naturalmente infectado, com o intuito de observar as alterações hematológicas, bioquímicas e histopatológicas durante a evolução da enfermidade. O curso da infecção experimental foi de 145 dias. Análise hematológica dos jumentos infectados revelou declínio nos valores de hemoglobina, hematócrito e contagem total de eritrócitos. Notou-se anemia após sucessivos picos de parasitemia. Análise bioquímica indicou aumento dos níveis de índice ictérico, globulinas séricas e diminuição dos valores séricos de albumina e glicose. Todos os jumentos infectados apresentaram aumento do baço e de sua polpa branca, aumento de linfonodos mediastínicos e congestão pulmonar. Meningoencefalite foi o principal achado histopatológico. em algumas áreas do pedículo cerebelar foram observadas desmielinização, além de vacuolização do neurópilo. O estudo mostrou que jumentos infectados com a cepa brasileira do T. evansi desenvolveram doença crônica.
In an attempt to elucidate the effects of Sporothrix schenckii infection on the immune response, our laboratory has developed a murine model of disseminated sporotrichosis. Helper T cells can be further subdivided into Th1 and Th2 phenotypes. The differentiation of two subsets of T lymphocytes is driven by IL-12 and IL-4 cytokines, respectively. Th1 cells produce IFN-gamma that activate macrophages and promote cell-mediated immunity. In addition, we found low levels of iNOS and NO production in the initial (1st and 2nd weeks) and final (9th and 10th weeks) periods of the infection, in contrast with the period of week 4 to 7 of elevated values. The determination of IFN-gamma and IL-12 are in agreement with NO/iNOS detection, showing the presence of cellular immune response throughout the infectious process. However, the production of IL-4 shows an increase in levels after the 5th and 6th weeks suggesting a participation of Th2 response in this period as well. Regarding these results, the study demonstrated that in experimental sporotrichosis infection the cellular immune response participated throughout the period analyzed as a nitric oxide dependent mechanism. In contrast, the presence of Th2 response began in the 5th week, suggesting the participation of humoral immune response in advanced stages of sporotrichosis.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A ingestão de substâncias cáusticas constitui importante situação de emergência, tendo em vista a gravidade de suas seqüelas. OBJETIVO: Estudar as alterações morfológicas e funcionais do esôfago de coelhos submetidos à infusão esofágica com soda cáustica (NaOH). MÉTODOS: 88 coelhos foram divididos em 4 grupos: G1 (n=22) foi submetido à infusão esofágica com água destilada; G2, G3 e G4 foram submetidos a infusão esofágica com NaOH a 2%, 4% e 6%, respectivamente. Alterações morfológicas foram estudadas em 12 animais de cada grupo e as alterações manométricas, nos 10 animais restantes. Foram feitas análises do esfíncter inferior do esôfago (EIE), número e amplitude das contrações no terço distal do esôfago. Estes estudos foram realizados antes (momento 1 - M1) e aos 30 minutos, 6 horas e 24 horas após a infusão esofágica (momentos M2, M3 e M4, respectivamente). RESULTADOS: Avaliação macroscópica: G1 - sem alterações; G2 - edema, hiperemia e descamação; G3 - aumento do calibre do esôfago, úlceras, descamação da mucosa; G4 - lesões semelhantes as do G3, porém mais intensas, áreas de extensa hemorragia. Avaliação funcional: a pressão no EIE foi mais elevada em M2 no grupo 2; o número das contrações no terço distal do esôfago foi menor em G3 e G4, e a amplitude das contrações foi menor em G4. CONCLUSÕES: 1) a infusão esofágica com NaOH constitui excelente modelo experimental de esofagite cáustica no coelho; 2) a infusão esofágica com NaOH causa lesões na parede do esôfago, com gravidade proporcional a concentração da solução; 3) a infusão causou espasmo do EIE em M2 e redução do número e amplitude das contrações no terço distal do esôfago.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações histológicas e biomecânicas do diclofenaco de sódio na mucosa intestinal do rato e a associação com o uso de Imipenem. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 240 ratos Wistar distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos experimentais: GI: 60 ratos tratados com injeção IM de soro fisiológico 0,9%; GII: 60 ratos tratados com injeção IM de diclofenaco de sódio na dose de 6mg/kg de peso por 4 dias; GIII: 60 ratos tratados com injeção IM de Imipenem na dose de 30 mg/kg de peso por 4 dias; GIV: 60 ratos tratados com injeção IM de soro fisiológico e diclofenaco de sódio nas doses acima. em cada grupo os animais foram posteriormente divididos em 4 momentos de 15 animais em cada um para sacrifício, respectivamente, no 4º, 7º, 14º e 21º dias após o início do tratamento. As alterações da cavidade abdominal, assim como as características histológicas e de força de ruptura do intestino delgado foram analisadas em cada momento, em cada grupo. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas alterações histológicas e biomecânicas nos animais do Grupo I nesse estudo. Lesões ulceradas na mucosa do intestino delgado foram observadas nos animais tratados com diclofenaco de sódio, assim como diminuição da força de ruptura. As lesões ulceradas encontradas foram prevenidas pelo uso de Imipenem. CONCLUSÃO: O diclofenaco de sódio induz lesões ulceradas na mucosa intestinal do rato que podem ser prevenidas pelo uso de Imipenem.