102 resultados para limits to growth


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We report the results of a search for supersymmetry (SUSY) with gauge-mediated breaking in the missing transverse energy distribution of inclusive diphoton events using 263 pb(-1) of data collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in 2002-2004. No excess is observed above the background expected from standard model processes, and lower limits on the masses of the lightest neutralino and chargino of about 108 and 195 GeV, respectively, are set at the 95% confidence level. These are the most stringent limits to date for models with gauge-mediated SUSY breaking with a short-lived neutralino as the next-to-lightest SUSY particle.


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We report results of a search for supersymmetry (SUSY) with gauge-mediated symmetry breaking in di-photon events collected by the do experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in 2002-2006. In 1.1 fb(-1) of data, we find no significant excess beyond the background expected from the standard model and set the most stringent lower limits to date for a standard benchmark model on the lightest neutralino and chargino masses of 125 GeV and 229 GeV, respectively, at 95% confidence. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Propomos que uma evolução de idéias científicas seja usada como instrumento de aprendizagem de conteúdos específicos e, em particular, para ressaltar como os conteúdos se articulam entre as disciplinas. Como exemplo, apresentamos um estudo sobre a proposta do demônio de Maxwell e discussões sobre sua exorcização, isto é, um estudo sobre a compreensão da natureza de um ser inteligente que atua dentro de um sistema físico e de como seria essa atuação. Estão envolvidos nesse problema fenômenos relacionados com várias teorias - Termodinâmica, Física Molecular, Mecânica Estatística, Teoria da Informação - dentro das disciplinas de Física, Química, Biologia, Computação. Entre diversas questões epistemológicas e conceituais aí contidas, será enfatizada a questão do objeto limitado de uma eoria científica, isto é, da limitação de seu significado aos fenômenos por ela compreendidos. A delimitação dos fenômenos estudados e as teorias e técnicas caracterizam a compreensão que vai realizar sua emergência concreta nos laboratórios. Essa compreensão vai dar também a possibilidade de atuação interdisciplinar.


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Some individuals of the species Arenaeus cribrarius (Lamarck, 1818) bear a characteristic pink abdomen, which is notably different from the usual white coloration. The incidence of this chromatic alteration was determined for a single population and its relation with other individual variables were examined. The individuals were monthly collected from May, 1991 to April, 1993, in Ubatuba, São Paulo, with the aid of a shrimp fishery boat provided with double-rig trawling nets. All specimens were sexed, measured (CW = carapace width), distributed in 10-mm size classes and classified according to growth phase (juvenile and adult), molting condition and development stage of gonads. The occurrence of pink-colored morphs was also recorded. From a total of 2,096 collected individuals, only 60 females (nine of those ovigerous) presented a pink-colored abdomen, which represents 2.9% of the whole sample and 5.2% of the females. Almost all of them were intermolt individuals (96.6%) and 63.3% showed mature gonads. According to published data, size at the onset of functional maturity in A. cribrarius females is around 60 mm CW, from which the incidence of pink morphs and ovigerous crabs were recorded. The obtained results suggest that such a chromatic alteration is associated to sexual maturity in these females. This characteristic may enhance the attraction potential for mating, shortly after the puberty molt.


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A biologia de caranguejos de água doce tem sido pouco enfocada na literatura carcinológica, especialmente em relação ao crescimento das espécies da família Trichodactylidae. Este estudo visa determinar as curvas de crescimento em tamanho e peso, bem como a longevidade e a idade na muda pubertária dos caranguejos de água doce Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson, 1861. As amostras foram obtidas mensalmente na Represa Municipal de São José do Rio Preto (São Paulo), de outubro/1994 a setembro/1996. Os indivíduos tiveram o sexo determinado, sendo também mensurados (LC = largura do cefalotórax) e pesados (PE = peso úmido). O crescimento dos indivíduos foi determinado pelo método de distribuição dos exemplares em classes de tamanho, sendo utilizado o programa FiSAT para a determinação das curvas através do ajuste não linear dos dados pelo modelo de Bertalanffy. Foram analisados 962 exemplares (534 machos e 428 fêmeas) e as curvas de crescimento em tamanho foram expressas pelas equações LC Machos = 61,7[1-e-0,97(t+0,041)] e LC Fêmeas = 57,1[1-e-1,41(t+0,031)], enquanto o crescimento em peso foi melhor representado por PE Machos = 65,2[1-e-0,97(t+0,041)]3,08 e PE Fêmeas = 44,9[1-e-1,41(t+0,031)]2,82. O tamanho assintótico dos machos (61,66 mm) foi pouco superior ao das fêmeas (57,09 mm), ocorrendo o inverso para a longevidade, estimada em 2,4 e 2,7 anos, respectivamente. O tamanho máximo estimado com base em 95% do tamanho assintótico foi de 58,6 mm para os machos e 54,2 mm para as fêmeas, valores muito próximos dos maiores tamanhos registrados na natureza para cada sexo (55,8 mm). A muda da puberdade dos machos ocorreu com idade superior à das fêmeas (tMachos = 1,2 anos e tFêmeas = 0,9 anos). Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho são inéditos na literatura carcinológica, sendo de grande valia no manejo populacional e preservação desta espécie, que vem sendo intensamente explorada e usada como isca na pesca esportiva.


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Bottom-up methods to obtain nanocrystals usually result in metastable phases, even in processes carried out at room temperature or under soft annealing conditions. However, stable phases, often associated with anisotropic shapes, are obtained in only a few special cases. In this paper we report on the synthesis of two well-studied oxides-titanium and zirconium oxide-in the nanometric range, by a novel route based on the decomposition of peroxide complexes of the two metals under hydrothermal soft conditions, obtaining metastable and stable phases in both cases through transformation. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy analysis reveals the existence of typical defects relating to growth by the oriented attachment mechanism in the stable crystals. The results suggest that the mechanism is associated to the phase transformation of these structures.


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With the objective of mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for performance and carcass traits, an F-2 chicken population was developed by crossing broiler and layer lines. A total of 2063 F-2 chicks in 21 full-sib families were reared as broilers and slaughtered at 42 days of age. Seventeen performance and carcass traits were measured. Parental (F-0) and F-1 individuals were genotyped with 80 microsatellites from chicken chromosome 1 to select informative markers. Thirty-three informative markers were used for selective genotyping of F-2 individuals with extreme phenotypes for body weight at 42 days of age (BW42). Based on the regions identified by selective genotyping, seven full-sib families (649 F-2 chicks) were genotyped with 26 markers. Quantitative trait loci affecting body weight, feed intake, carcass weight, drums and thighs weight and abdominal fat weight were mapped to regions already identified in other populations. Quantitative trait loci for weights of gizzard, liver, lungs, heart and feet, as well as length of intestine, not previously described in the literature were mapped on chromosome 1. This F-2 population can be used to identify novel QTLs and constitutes a new resource for studies of genes related to growth and carcass traits in poultry.


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Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) is known to have a high ability as a potassium extractor, and different cultivars show different potassium requirements. An experiment was run to study the potassium nutrition of soybean as related to plant characteristics. Six soybean cultivars (FT-2, Bossier, IAC-11, IAC-17, IAC-18 and IAC-19) were grown in 6 kg pots filled with the topsoil of a Dark Red Latosol (sandy loam), either with and without K fertilization. The plants were harvested 70 days after emergence. Soybean response to potassium was not related to growth habit or group of maturation. There was a different response to K. The cultivars IAC-18 and FT-2 were less tolerant to K deficiency. Potassium deficiency in the leaves was not related to top dry matter production. With K fertilization soybean plants showed small root volume and higher ratio canopy/root. With high K in soil, all of the cultivars showed higher nodulation.


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The authors admit that the conjunctive-muscular constitution of the walls of the superior venae cavae throughout the length of the intrapericardium segment and the debouchement in the right atrium, associated with the presence of a myocardium sheath can be made up of a functional device of sphincter form able to act on the control of the blood flow to the interior of the arterial chamber as well as stopping blood flow during the arterial systole. The fixation of the venous wall to the deep chamber of the serous pericardium, contributes to growth in resistance during the elevation of venous pressure, making possible the preservation of integrity of the superior venae cavae. The expansion of fasciculi of nodal fibers in the right wall of the superior venae cavae permits that the unlocked impulse in the S-A node also reaches the vascular wall contributing to the shortening and diminution in caliber of the vein.


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Morphological features of the mid-palatal suture were studied in human foetuses from 4 to 9 months of intra-uterine life. The foetuses were divided into three age groups, GI (16-23 weeks), GII (24-31 weeks) and GIII (32-39 weeks). The mid-palatal suture in GI foetuses is rectilineal in form with a wide space between the palatal processes of the maxilla. The suture has a sinuous nature in GII and GIII foetuses due to growth of the bone processes crossing the mid-line. A wide zone of cellular proliferation observed in GI narrows in GII and GIII foetuses. The imbricating nature of the suture in GII and GIII is caused by bone growth adjacent to the mid-palatal suture. Sharpey's fibres, emerging from the bone processes, run to the median region of the mid-palatal suture and are observed from GI foetuses onwards. The collagen fibres of the mid-palatal suture are orientated transversely under the oral epithelium and exhibit a regular meshwork with a predominance of sagittal fibres in the median region of the suture. These fibres are orientated transversely and obliquely at the junction with the nasal septum.