115 resultados para landfill gas emission measurements
We investigated the IR absorption spectrum of (CH3OH)-C-13 around the frequency of the 10R(20) CO2 laser line. We found two absorption lines which can be excited by 10R(20) and studied the FIR laser emissions excited by this pump line using a waveguide CO2 laser of 300 MHz tunability: We report two new FIR laser lines of large offset, not previously observed due to their weakness and closeness to other stronger lines. We measured the frequencies of five FIR laser lines for the first time by an accurate heterodyne technique and present the complete assignments of the IR-FIR laser systems relative to this pump line. Furthermore we present new frequency values for two FIR laser lines whose frequencies had been previously wrongly measured. Copyright (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. Ltd.
Objective: To determine the effects of storage of arterial and venous blood samples in ice water on blood gas and acid-base measurements.Design: Prospective, in vitro, laboratory study.Setting: School of veterinary medicine.Subjects: Six healthy dogs.Measurements and main results: Baseline measurements of partial pressure of oxygen (PO2), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2), pH, hemoglobin concentration (tHb), oxyhemoglobin saturation, and oxygen content (ContO(2)) were made. Bicarbonate (HCO3) and standard base excess (SBE) were calculated. Arterial and venous blood samples were separated into 1 and 3 mL samples, anaerobically transferred into 3 mL plastic syringes, and stored in ice water for 6 hours. Measurements were repeated at 15, 30 minutes, and 1, 2, 4, and 6 hours after baseline measurements. Arterial (a) PO2 increased significantly from baseline after 30 minutes of storage in the 1 mL samples and after 2 hours in the 3 mL samples. Venous (v) PO2 was significantly increased from baseline after 4 hours in the 1 mL samples and after 6 hours in the 3 mL samples. The pHa significantly decreased after 2 hours of storage in the 1 mL samples and after 4 hours in the 3 mL samples. In both the 1 and 3 mL samples, pHv decreased significantly only after 6 hours. Neither the arterial nor the venous PCO2 values changed significantly in the 1 mL samples and increased only after 6 hours in the 3 mL samples. No significant changes in tHb, ContO(2), SBE, or HCO3 were detected.Conclusions: the PO2 of arterial and venous blood increased significantly when samples were stored in plastic syringes in ice water. These increases are attributable to the diffusion of oxygen from and through the plastic of the syringe into the blood, which occurred at a rate that exceeded metabolic consumption of oxygen by the nucleated cells.
Study of consumption rate and gaseous pollutant emission from engine tests simulating real work conditions, using spark point manually controlled and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) in diverse proportion levels. The objective of this work is to re-examine the potential of the EGR conception, a well-known method of combustion control, employed together electronic fuel injection and three-way catalytic converter closed-loop control at a spark ignition engine, verifying the performance characteristics and technical availability of this conception to improve pollution control, fuel economy at low torque drive condition and to improve the engine exhaust components useful life. The pollutant emissions and consumption levels under operational conditions simulations were analysed and compared with the expected by concerning theory and real tests performed by EGR equipped engines by factory. Copyright © 2006 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
We report on the realization of a capacitive dilatometer, designed for high-resolution measurements of length changes of a material for temperatures 1.4K ≤ T ≤ 300K and hydrostatic pressure P ≤ 250MPa. Helium ( 4He) is used as a pressure-transmitting medium, ensuring hydrostatic-pressure conditions. Special emphasis has been given to guarantee, to a good approximation, constant-pressure conditions during temperature sweeps. The performance of the dilatometer is demonstrated by measurements of the coefficient of thermal expansion at pressures P ≃ 0.1MPa (ambient pressure) and 104MPa on a single crystal of azurite, Cu 3(CO 3) 2(OH) 2, a quasi-one-dimensional spin S = 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet. The results indicate a strong effect of pressure on the magnetic interactions in this system. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Photoacoustics as a tool for the diagnosis of radicular stress: Measurements in eucalyptus seedlings
In reforesting companies (cellulose industry), eucalyptus is usually cultivated in small plastic containers (50 mL). As seedlings remain for about 120 days in these containers-until transplantation-their roots become space restricted, with consequent limitations in water and nutrient absorption. These restrictions may lead to plant stress, decreasing productivity. In this work, we used the photoacoustic technique to evaluate the photosynthetic activity of Eucalyptus grandis, E. urophylla and E. urograndis seedlings subjected to this limited space availability, seeking a correlation with morphological parameters and fluorescence measurements in these seedlings. Photoacoustic, fluorescence, and morphological analysis were conducted every 15 days, from 45 to 120 days after sowing. Fluorescence and photosynthetic rate were evaluated in vivo and in situ, the latter one using the open photoacoustic technique. Data show that root dry matter diminished markedly at 90 and 120 days after sowing; this behavior showed a high correlation with the gas exchange component of the photoacoustic signal, as well as with the fluorescence ratio Fv/Fm. These results indicate that the soil volume of the container becomes insufficient for the roots after 90 days, probably leading to a nutritional deficiency in plants, which explains the decrease observed in the photosynthetic rate of seedlings. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The influence of 2 different levels of the inspired oxygen fraction (FiO(2)) on blood gas variables was evaluated in dogs with high intracranial pressure (ICP) during propofol anesthesia (induction followed by a continuous rate infusion [CRI] of 0.6 mg/kg/min) and intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV). Eight adult mongrel dogs were anesthetized on 2 occasions, 21 d apart, and received oxygen at an FiO(2) of 1.0 (G100) or 0.6 (G60) in a randomized crossover fashion. A fiberoptic catheter was implanted on the surface of the right cerebral cortex for assessment of the ICP. An increase in the ICP was induced by temporary ligation of the jugular vein 50 min after induction of anesthesia and immediately after baseline measurement of the ICP. Blood gas measurements were taken 20 min later and then at 15-min intervals for 1 h. Numerical data were submitted to Morrison's multivariate statistical methods. The ICP, the cerebral perfusion pressure and the mean arterial pressure did not differ significantly between FiO(2) levels or measurement times after jugular ligation. The only blood gas values that differed significantly (P < 0.05) were the arterial oxygen partial pressure, which was greater with G100 than with G60 throughout the procedure, and the venous haemoglobin saturation, that was greater with G100 than with G60 at M0. There were no significant differences between FiO(2) levels or measurement times in the following blood gas variables: arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure, arterial hemoglobin saturation, base deficit, bicarbonate concentration, pH, venous oxygen partial pressure, venous carbon dioxide partial pressure and the arterial-to-end-tidal carbon dioxide difference.
Avaliou-se a pressão intra-ocular (PIO) e estimaram-se as correlações entre PIO e pressão de dióxido de carbono (PaCO2) e pH arterial de cinco caracarás (Caracara plancus), anestesiados com isofluorano (ISO) ou sevofluorano (SEV). Valores basais da PIO foram aferidos em ambos os olhos (M0). Cateterizou-se previamente a artéria braquial para obtenção de parâmetros hemogasométricos e cardiorrespiratórios. Anestesia foi induzida com ISO a 5V% e mantida por 40 minutos com 2,5V%. PIO e amostras de sangue foram avaliadas em diferentes momentos até o final do procedimento. Após recuperação, uma segunda anestesia foi realizada com SEV a 6% e mantida com 3,5%. Os parâmetros foram aferidos nos mesmos momentos estabelecidos previamente. A PIO decresceu significativamente (P=0,012) de M0 em todos os momentos e não houve diferença estatística entre ISO e SEV. Correlações significativas entre PIO e PaCO2 e entre PIO e pH sangüíneo foram observadas apenas para a anestesia com SEV. O pH sangüíneo decresceu paralelamente a PIO, enquanto a PaCO2 aumentou, em carcarás anestesiados com isofluorano e sevofluorano.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In the first paper of this paper (Part I), conditions were presented for the gas cleaning technological route for environomic optimisation of a cogeneration system based in a thermal cycle with municipal solid waste incineration. In this second part, an environomic analysis is presented of a cogeneration system comprising a combined cycle composed of a gas cycle burning natural gas with a heat recovery steam generator with no supplementary burning and a steam cycle burning municipal solid wastes (MSW) to which will be added a pure back pressure steam turbine (another one) of pure condensation. This analysis aims to select, concerning some scenarios, the best atmospheric pollutant emission control routes (rc) according to the investment cost minimisation, operation and social damage criteria. In this study, a comparison is also performed with the results obtained in the Case Study presented in Part I. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Plasmas generated in de discharges in aromatic compounds have been used for several years in polymerization processes. The chemical kinetics developed in such a plasma environment are extremely complicated. Therefore it is extremely important to set up optical and electrical diagnostics in order to establish the kinetics of the film growth, In this work we studied de plasmas generated ill low-pressure atmospheres of benzene for different values of gas pressure and power coupled to the discharge. The pressure range varied from 0.2 to 1.0 mbar for electric power running from 4 to 25 W, the main chemical species observed within the discharge were CH, H and C. It was observed that the CH relative concentration increases continuously with the power in the range investigated. The electron temperature varied from 0.5 to 2.0 eV with the increase of the power, for a fixed value of gas pressure. The relative dielectric constant of the plasma polymerized benzene was kept around 4.8 from 100 Hz to 10 kHz, presenting a resonance near 25 kHz. This electric behaviour of the film was the same fur different conditions of polymeric film deposition, (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. S.A.
In this work the effect of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) repairs on the axial fatigue strength of an AISI 4130 steel welded joint used in airframe critical to the flight-safety was investigated. Fatigue tests were performed at room temperature on 0.89 mm thick hot-rolled plates with constant amplitude and load ratio of R = 0.1, at 20 Hz frequency. Monotonic tensile tests, optical metallography and microhardness, residual stress and weld geometric factors measurements were also performed. The fatigue strength decreased with the number of GTAW repairs, and was related to microstructural and microhardness changes, as well as residual stress field and weld profile geometry factors, which gave origin to high stress concentration at the weld toe. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
After pointing out the difference between normal and anomalous diffusion, we consider a hadron resonance cascade (HRC) model simulation for particle emission at RHIC and point out that rescattering in an expanding hadron resonance gas leads to a heavy tail in the source distribution. The results are compared to recent PHENIX measurements of the tail of the particle emitting source in Au+Au collisions at RHIC. In this context, we show how can one distinguish experimentally the anomalous diffusion of hadrons from a second order QCD phase transition.