98 resultados para intraindividual and interindividual associations
Purpose of reviewPhysical exercise can be both beneficial and harmful for the gastrointestinal tract in a dose-effect relationship between its intensity and health. Mild-to-moderate intensity exercises play a protective role against colon cancer, diverticular disease, cholelithiasis and constipation, whereas acute strenuous exercise may provoke heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and even gastrointestinal bleeding. This review focuses on mechanisms involved in those symptoms and their associations with type of exercises in humans.Recent findingsOne quarter to one half of elite athletes are hampered by the gastrointestinal symptoms that may deter them from participation in training and competitive events. Vigorous exercise-induced gastrointestinal symptoms are often attributed to altered motility, mechanical factor or altered neuroimmunoendocrine secretions. Training, lifestyle modifications, meal composition, adequate hydration and avoidance of excessive use of some medications are the recommendations.SummaryStrenuous exercise and dehydrated states would be the causes of gastrointestinal symptoms referred by 70% of the athletes. Gut ischemia would be the main cause of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and (bloody) diarrhea. The frequency is almost twice as high during running than during other endurance sports as cycling or swimming and 1.5-3.0 times higher in the elite athletes than the recreational exercisers.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A relação linear entre intensidade do exercício e taxa de aumento da atividade neuromuscular avaliada pela eletromiografia permite a estimativa do limiar de fadiga, que seria a intensidade que poderia ser mantida indefinidamente sem aumento dos sinais eletromiográficos ao longo do tempo. Levantou-se a hipótese de que a percepção subjetiva de esforço teria comportamento semelhante ao da ativação neuromuscular e que um limiar de esforço percebido (LEP), identificado de forma semelhante ao limiar de fadiga eletromiográfica, poderia coincidir com a velocidade crítica (VCrit). Treze indivíduos de ambos os sexos (23,0 ± 2,5 anos), em uma piscina de 15m de extensão e 2,5m de profundidade, realizaram três testes exaustivos de corrida aquática para determinação dos parâmetros do modelo de velocidade crítica, reportando o esforço percebido (escala de Borg de 6-20 pontos), a cada 15m. Para identificação do LEP, os coeficientes de inclinação das retas do aumento do esforço percebido no tempo (ordenada) e velocidades utilizadas (abscissa) foram ajustados a uma função linear que fornecia um ponto no eixo da velocidade onde, teoricamente, o esforço percebido seria estável indefinidamente. A VCrit foi estimada pelas equações usadas no modelo de velocidade crítica. Para comparação das estimativas de VCrit e do LEP, e de suas associações, foi feita ANOVA para medidas repetidas (p < 0,05) e calculada a correlação de Pearson. Os dados obtidos para a determinação da VCrit atenderam aos critérios adotados para a validade do modelo; a VCrit e o LEP não apresentaram diferença estatística (0,23 ± 0,02m/s x 0,24 ± 0,03m/s) e foram significativamente correlacionados (r = 0,85). Esses resultados sugerem que o LEP parece representar a intensidade máxima de exercício em que variáveis fisiológicas e psicofísicas encontrariam estabilidade, e que esse índice pode ser utilizado na determinação da VCrit.
Rodents from and and semi-arid deserts are faced with the problem of water conservation. The physiological responses of small rodents to such conditions have been intensively investigated over broad geographically disjunct areas. Despite the presence of xeric habitats in South America since the late Tertiary, some studies suggest that sigmodontine South-American desert rodents do not display the same diversity of physiological responses at the species level as those observed in other desert-dwelling species of rodents. In this paper, we analyzed the physiological responses to water deprivation, at the interespecific and interindividual level, among eight species of sigmodontine desert-dwelling rodents from different geographical areas within South-American deserts. Using randomization tests, we found no significant phylogenetic signal for resistance to water deprivation or for individual variability in this response. Contrary to our initial predictions, we observed that sigmodontine rodents from arid/semi-arid habitats (Monte Desert) had significantly lower rates of body mass loss per day (higher tolerances to water deprivation) than species from the hyperarid deserts. We showed that sigmodontine rodents from South America showed a remarkable diversity of physiological mechanisms for coping with water shortage resulting from different evolutionary adaptive strategies. This diversity, however, displays a rather unexpected pattern in terms of its geographical distribution. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ainda que aranhas Thomisidae sejam comumente encontradas em flores, as associações desses aracnídeos a espécies de plantas e às suas características florais foram pouco registradas na região neotropical. Observações do hábito das plantas, visitantes florais, e também das características florais, tais como antese, odor, forma, cor e recursos da flor, foram assinaladas para espécies floridas de uma área de cerrado presentes em uma trilha de 2 km de extensão. Misumenops argenteus e Misumenops pallens representaram 62,86% das aranhas habitantes de 22 espécies de plantas floridas. As plantas Senna rugosa (Fabaceae), Styrax ferrugineus (Styracaceae) e Banisteriopsis campestris (Malpighiaceae) abrigaram, individualmente, cerca de 10 a 17% do total das aranhas e, nestas plantas, a antese diurna; flores de coloração atrativa a abelhas, como amarela (S. rugosa), branca (S. ferrugineus) e rosa (B. campestris) e as anteras poricidas, bem como a visita das flores por abelhas reforçou a evidência de síndrome de polinização para melitofilia. Este é o primeiro levantamento de espécies de aranhas Thomisidae associadas a plantas do cerrado brasileiro.
The present report describes the karyotypic findings in cells from a Wilms' tumor. The most consistent cytogenetic abnormalities detected consisted of translocations involving break and fusion of chromosomal telomeres and telomeric associations frequently affecting the terminus of the short arms of chromosomes 14 and 17.
After in vitro culture, we analyzed cytogenetically four acoustic nerve neurinomas, one intraspinal neurinoma and one neurofibroma obtained from unrelated patients. Monosomy of chromosomes 22 and 16 was an abnormality common to all cases, followed in frequency by loss of chromosomes 18 (three cases) and chromosomes 8, 17 and 19 (two cases). Trisomy of chromosome 20 was also detected in two cases. Structural rearrangements were detected at low frequencies, with del(10)(p12) being present in two cases. In addition, we observed cell subpopulations showing a certain degree of genetic instability, reflected by the presence of polyploid cells with inconsistent abnormalities, endoreduplications and telomeric associations resulting in dicentric chromosomes. It is probable that these cytogenetic abnormalities represent some kind of evolutionary advantage for the in vitro progression of nerve sheath tumors.
Currently, 60 species of harvestmen have been karyotyped and all of these are from the Nearctic and Palearctic regions. This work is the first cytogenetic report of three gonyleptid species of the suborder Laniatores: Goniosoina aff. badiuln, G. proxiinuni and G. spelaeum of the Neotropical region, from the southeastern region of Brazil. Conventional Giemsa stain chromosome preparations were obtained from embryonic cells and adult male testes. Embryo mitotic plates of G. aff. badium and G. proximum indicated 88 chromosomes, and mitotic spermatogonial plates of G. spelaeum males revealed intra- and interindividual variation of chromosome number, ranging from 92-109 chromosomes. In the three analyzed species, the mitotic chromosomes were meta- or subinetacentric with no obvious sex chromosomes being identified during mitosis. Prophase I spermatocytes of G. spelaeum also revealed intra- and interindividual bivalent number variation and furthermore indicated the presence of multivalence. The karyotypes of these three Goniosoina species exhibited the largest chromosome pair with a negative heteropycnosis in the distal region of the shortest arrn chromosomes of G. spelaeum submitted to silver impregnation evidenced this negative heteropycnotic region as nucleolus organizer region (NOR). These results, when compared with cytogenetic data of other Laniatores species from the Palearctic region, indicated that a new record for diploid chromosome number probably characterize the genus Goniosoma in the Neotropical region.
Four fish species of the family Pimelodidae were analyzed. Bergiaria westermani and two different Pimelodus species have the same diploid chromosome number (2n - 56). Despite some differences in chromosome structure, these species are highly similar in karyotype and differ from Pimelodella sp., which presents a reduction in chromosome number to 2n = 46. The data confirm the extensive chromosome variability existing in this family, characterized by intraindividual and/or population polymorphisms of a structural nature which may or may not be sexlinked, and by the presence of supernumerary chromosomes.
Lymphocytes from beta thalassaemia heterozygote patients, with normal levels of plasma folic acid cultured for 72 h in a folate rich medium, were not found to contain increased rates of sister chromatid exchanges (SCE). A wide intra and interindividual variability was found in both thalassaemic and control groups and methodological and biological factors, such as types of peripheral lymphocytes, sex, age, and smoking, alcohol and coffee drinking, as well as dietary habits, are possibly responsible for these variations.
We evaluated the prevalence and clinical associations of amenorrhea in 298 female juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) patients (ACR criteria) followed in 12 Brazilian Paediatric Rheumatology centres. Amenorrhea was observed in 35 patients (11.7%) with a mean duration of 7.2 +/- 3.6 months. The hormones were performed in 32/35 patients and none of them had FSH and LH levels above and estradiol below the normal range according to pubertal changes. JSLE patients with amenorrhea were younger (15.04 +/- 2.5 versus 17.8 +/- 3.1 years; P = 0.001), and had a shorter period of time between menarche and current age (3.4 +/- 2.9 versus 6.7 +/- 5.4 years; P = 0.001). Interestingly, the frequency, cumulative dose, number of pulses and duration of intravenous cyclophosphamide treatment were alike in patients with and without amenorrhea (P > 0.05). In contrast, patients with amenorrhea had significantly higher SLEDAI (P = 0.01) and SLICC/ACR-DI (P = 0.024) scores compared to those without this condition. Independent risk factors identified by multivariate analysis were higher SLEDAI (OR=1.059; CI=1.004-1.116; P=0.034) and SLICC/ACR-DI (OR=2.125; IC = 1.373-3.291; P = 0.001) scores. Our data suggest that in spite of imummosuppressive therapy, JSLE patients have an adequate ovarian follicular reserve and amenorrhea is particularly associated with disease activity and damage.
A review is presented concerning Archaean granulites occurring in some old domains of the South American Platform, which was consolidated at the end of the Brazilian Cycle (900-500 Ma). The rocks occur in different geotectonic environments and show variable ages, structures and lithological associations. The most important complexes are the Atlantic Granulite Belt in the São Francisco Craton and the Goias Granulite Belt in the Central Goias Massif, both several hundred kilometres long. The former is composed of the Caraibas Complex, the Jequié Complex, the Salvador Complex and several minor granulite occurrences along the Brazilian coast in the States of Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro. The latter includes the large basic-ultrabasic complexes of Barro Alto, Tocantins and Canabrava. Both belts consist of massive or foliated rocks, banded or homogeneous and varying from acidic to ultrabasic in composition. They are the result of metamorphism affecting diversified supra- and infracrustal material. The Atlantic Granulite Belt lies between greenstone/granite terrains which show ovoid and boomerang-type dome structures. The contacts between both are either tectonic or transitional. Another occurrence of Archaean granulites comprises intercalations of palaeosomes and melanosomes within migmatites and anatectic rocks. These vary in size from small lenses to irregular complexes which may attain sizes of several hundred square kilometres. Apart from migmatites, they are associated with gneisses, schists and granitoid bodies. They are located in regions which underwent remobilization of varying intensity during the Middle and Late Precambrian. The rocks show polymetamorphism, K-feldspar blastesis, tectonic overprinting and isotopic rejuvenation. These granulites are in some cases very similar to those formed during the Middle Precambrian. In some places it is therefore quite difficult to distinguish between Early and Middle Precambrian granulites - the more so, since interpretations of radiometric age values are largely controversial. At present there is no evidence of granulitic rocks related to the Late Precambrian geotectonic cycles of Brazil. © 1979.
The perceived exertion has been a target of several investigations, many times with association with objective physiological indicators in exercise. Recently, the identification of the perceived exertion threshold (PET) was proposed in the water running, which presented no difference in relation to the critical velocity. Theoretically, both parameters would be indicators of the maximum steady state of variables such as V̇O2 and blood lactate. The objective of this work was to verify the coincidence between PET, critical power (PCrit) and an indicator of maximum V̇O2 steady state (PCrit') in cycle ergometer. Eight male participants were submitted to progressive effort test in order to determine V̇O2peak (46.7 ± 8.5 ml/kg/min) and to four rectangular tests until exhaustion for the estimation of the critical power model parameters, PET and PCrit'. The hyperbolic relation between mechanical power and time spent for the V̇O2peak to be reached in each test was used for the PCrit' estimation, considered as the asymptote in the power axis, and the portion of the anaerobic work capacity (CTAnaer) depleted up to the establishment of the V̇O2peak (CTAnaer'). In order to identify PET, the straight lines angular coefficients of the perceived exertion in time (ordinate) and the powers used (abscissa) were adjusted to a linear function that provided a point in the power axis in which the perceived exertion would be kept indefinitely stable. The parameters PCrit and CTAnaer were estimated by means of the power-time non-linear equation. In order to compare the estimations of PET, PCrit and PCrit', the analysis of variance ANOVA for repeated measurements was employed, and the associations were established through the Pearson correlation. CTAnaer and CTAnaer' were compared through the t test. PET (180 W ± 61 W), PCrit (174 W ± 43 W) and PCrit' (176 W ± 48 W) were not significantly different and the correlations were of 0.92-0.98. CTAnaer' (14,080 ± 5,219 J) was lower than CTAnaer (22,093 ± 9,042 J). One concludes that the PET predicts the intensity of PCrit and PCrit' with accuracy.
Paleogene sediments of this region represent a significant source of water for urban, industrial and agricultural activities. This basin is part of the Southeastern Brazilian Continental Rift, which occupies a large portion of this geographical area. This study aims to present the evolution of the natural Paleogene landscape, through an analysis of its stratigraphic intcrops and underground portions based on the concept of facies and facies associations. A total of nine clastic and separate lithofacies were recognized and grouped into two main facies associations. These data suggest the existence of two depositional interdigitated systems: fluvial braided fans, which were predominant in parts of the northern and central area, and another composed of lacustrine sediments found in its central-south region. The paleogeography herein outlined will help considerably in the detection of new areas for mineral and water resources prospection, as well as in urban planning projects of this region.