55 resultados para inovação tecnológica
The increasing technological innovation and demand for materials with better properties boosts research into new materials and new alloys. To do so, aluminum alloys are being developed, among them the AA7075-T6, having many applications in aerospace and military industries, machinery and equipment, molds for plastic injection and structures. To study and understand the properties, characteristics and especially the microstructure of the material, the metallographic preparation is essential. This paper presents new methodologies to achieve the metallography of samples of scrap alloy AA7075-T6, with emphasis on methods of polishing. For the five samples, the best results were those with specific grinding, the samples only going down on the sander. For polishing, the most effective method so far has been using the polishing cloth 16.3, of ATM enterprise, solution of diamond 3 μm, solution of diamond 1 μm, and colloidal solution of OP-S. For the etching, the reactive agent used was phosphoric acid (H3PO4) 85% P.A., as 90% in the proportion of distilled water to 10% acid. The best results were obtained in the attacks of 300 and 240 seconds, revealing the grain boundaries in most areas. Methodologies need more studies and more tests, but the results have proved to be satisfactory
Mass reduction coupled with the mechanical performance in service has been the goal of many projects related to the transport area, considering the advantages that mass reduction can bring. However, make a simple material substitution without design a new geometry to corroborate for the best component performance, often makes the replacement unviable. In this study, it was investigated the advantages of replacing the prototype BAJA SAE front suspension lower arm of Equipe Piratas do Vale de BAJA SAE - Universidade Paulista, Campus Guaratinguetá, actually produced with steel, for a new component made of carbon fiber composite. The new geometry has been developed to provide the best possible performance for this component and your easy manufacturing. The study was done using the 3D modeling tools and computer simulations via finite element method. The first stage of this work consisted on calculation of the estimated maximum contact force tire / soil in a prototype landing after jump at one meter high, drop test in the laboratory with the current vehicle, current front suspension lower arm 3D modeling, finite element simulation and analysis of critical regions. After all current component analysis, a new geometry for the part in study was designed and simulated in order to reduce the component mass and provide a technological innovation using composite materials. With this work it was possible to obtain a theoretical component mass reduction of 25,15% maintaining the mechanical strength necessary for the appropriated component performance when incited
The present work has shown the development of the comic book market in the United States and Brazil, according to Schumpeter's theory of technological innovation. Firstly was made an analysis of the Brazilian market during the years of rising inflation, after the end of dictatorship, in our country, following the trajectory of two publishers, D-arte e Circo that closed their doors due to the economic crisis. The analysis has followed until the current days, showing that the market has changed like the strategies used by publishers to keep launching comic books
The objective of this project is to publish a book of scientific dissemination aimed at the subject of intellectual or industrial property, in particular patent, and its approval process. Based on a series of weekly blog posts published by its author, Patentes Patéticas use scientific, literary journalism and humour techniques to analyze a selection of U.S. patents that stand out for their questionable utility and criticize the number of patents granted as a metric of technological innovation in a country
In the industries of wood processing (sawmills), where timber is sawn in equipment such as band saws, circular saws, trowel, thicknessers, among others, that mechanically transform this resource and use of electric motors, which are not unusually poorly scaled working or overloaded, often a factor that is not found in these industries and has fundamental importance in the production process is energy efficiency that is achieved by both technological innovation and through all the practices and policies that aim to lower energy consumption, lowering energy costs and increasing the amount of energy offered no change in generation. For both during the design of an electrical installation, both overall and in various sectors of the installation, investigations are necessary, considerations and uses of variables and factors that put into practice the theme of energy efficiency. Therefore, in this paper, these factors were calculated and analyzed for a wood processing industry (sawmill) in the municipality of Taquarivaí - SP, namely: active power, power factor, demand factor and load factor. Where they were small in relation to the literature, these events that occur when devices are connected at the same time and due to the conditions of processing the wood, where the engines have large variations in electricity consumption during the unfolding of the same, due to efforts with the load and idle moments between each machining operation in the equipment
Neste artigo, temos por objetivo apresentar resultados parciais de um projeto de pesquisa institucional em Linguística Aplicada, no qual se busca compreender como ocorre a prática inicial docente em contextos diversamente configurados de ensino/aprendizagem de língua estrangeira (presencial e virtual), bem como de que maneira esses contextos podem se favorecer mutuamente e favorecer a formação reflexiva e crítica do professor de línguas, em/para um mundo contemporâneo. É possível perceber a atitude reflexiva de uma professora de língua estrangeira em formação inicial, especialmente quanto a ensinar e aprender línguas tipologicamente próximas como o português e o espanhol. Os resultados indicam que a experiência de vivenciar a dinâmica de um contexto didático convencional de ensino de línguas (sala de aula), ao lado da experiência de ensinar sua língua materna em um contexto de configurações didáticas inovadoras (teletandem), foi especialmente importante para a formação crítica da futura professora de línguas e para a conscientização sobre a prática de ensinar línguas irmãs em tempos de inovação tecnológica.
This article aims to show the results of an institutional research in Applied Linguistics, which tries to comprehend how the initial teaching practice occurs in diversely figured contexts of foreign language teaching-learning (on-site and virtual), as well as how such contexts may mutually favor and encourage reflective and critical training of the language teacher in/for a contemporary world. It´s possible to notice a reflective attitude of four Brazilian foreign language (Spanish, English and Italian) teachers in initial training, especially regarding some aspects related to the teaching-learning languages process, such as roles of the participants; relevance of meaningful interaction; engaged cultures; teaching of a foreign language and mother tongue teaching as foreign one; teaching and learning typologically similar languages; constitution of the place to learn-teachIt´s possible to notice a reflective attitude of four Brazilian foreign language (English, Italian and Spanish) teachers in pre-service education, especially about some aspects of language teaching and learning process, such as the role of the participants; the relevance of significant interactions; the involved cultures; the teaching of a foreign language and the teaching of the mother tongue as a foreign language; the teaching of similar languages as Portuguese and Spanish; and the constitution of the place of teaching and learning languages. The results indicate that the experience of experiencing the dynamics of a conventional didactic context of language teaching (classroom), alongside to the experience of teaching and learning in a context of virtual educational settings (teletandem), it was especially important for the critical training of the future language teachers and to the awareness about the practice of teaching languages in times of technological innovation.
This article reports the results of a study that aimed at evaluating the effects of aging technique on cachaça samples produced and sold by small farmers in São Paulo State, Brazil. Cachaças, aged and not aged were sent by 10 cachaça producers that take part in the community project and course: São Paulo State Contest of Distillery Cachaça and Production Chain of Cachaça Meeting, organized by the Food and Nutrition Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences University, UNESP/Araraquara, SP, Brazil, in partnership with the Brazilian Service of Support to Micro and Small Enterprise of São Paulo State (SEBRAE-SP) and the Rural Union of Araraquara. The evaluation of the samples was made based on sensory tests conducted in Analysis and Quality Control of Foods and Drinks Laboratory of the Department. The survey results showed significantly higher acceptance average in the aged samples compared with not aged ones. The aging process, which was one of the topics discussed in the course, was considered as an effective way to improve the quality of cachaça, the research also confirmed the importance of the University support to improve the quality of food and drink produced in Brazil.
With the development of Digital TV, the equipments are becoming more and more modernized in order to popular- ize the information that soon might reach all Brazilian families. That way, we open a space for discussion about the many directions that the usability applied on ISDB-Tb interactivity (Brazilian System of Digital Television) can take. This paper approaches the questions connected to the concept of usability and also the subjects related to the life cycle of some technologies (existence time, obsolescence) Also talks with the definition of interactivityon Digital Television since it is responsible for the emergence of a new contingent of interacting people which goes from the computer and portable equipments users to the passive TV viewers. It’s possible to conclude that the Human-Digital TV Interaction (HDTVI) comprehends the synergy between three actants on Digital TV: the col- lective (or not) TV viewer; the interface and the issuer who can be represented by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) service.
Este artigo apresenta um recorte do processo de desenvolvimento de um modelo de Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem de um modelo de Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem para Educação a Distância através da NTDIC Televisão Digital, cujo intuito é proporcionar inclusão social e educação através dessa mídia que virá alcançar 98% da população brasileira. Caracteriza-se como um projeto de investigação centrado na inovação tecnológica educacional e na transformação social, que tem como um de seus vetores principais a construção de uma metodologia de Design Educacional contextualizado na elaboração de conteúdos e dinâmicas educativas nas formações à distância, por meio da articulação de recursos de natureza educomunicativa - envolvendo, assim, o campo de interface existente entre as ciências da Educação e Comunicação, já há uma década apontado na academia como um fato.
Introdução: O Projeto de Extensão FutFEB procura estimular o interesse dos alunos do ensino médio, técnico e fundamental para seguirem carreira nas áreas de engenharia e ciência da computação. Para isso são utilizados robôs móveis simples em conjunto com material didático e audiovisual para despertar de forma lúdica, através de palestras e demonstrações práticas, o interesse dos jovens para os desafios e atrativos das carreiras tecnológicas. Essas atividades são desenvolvidas por alunos do Colégio Técnico Industrial e da Faculdade de Engenharia do Campus de Bauru. Objetivos: Propiciar condições para que os alunos do Colégio Técnico Industrial e da Faculdade de Engenharia desenvolvam atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento sobre robôs móveis autônomos funcionando como complemento e estímulo a sua formação acadêmica nas áreas de engenharia elétrica, mecânica, e computação. Assim, espera-se a criação da cultura e de um ambiente propícios para desenvolvimento de pesquisas e de inovação tecnológica, que ajudem a consolidar os Cursos Técnicos, de Graduação e PósGraduação da FEB. Métodos: O uso de robôs móveis em cursos de engenharia ou cursos visando o desenvolvimento tecnológico não é uma novidade. Inúmeros experimentos são relatados na literatura, sendo que esta abordagem tem se tornado quase que uma obrigatoriedade nos cursos de boa qualidade [Hoopes, 2003], [Martin, 1994], [Miglino, 1998]. Um dos pilares desta nova linha de ensino tecnológico é o trabalho desenvolvido por Resnick no MIT [Kafai & Resnick, 1996] que é parte importante do conhecido Projeto LEGO Mindstorms. Esta perspectiva altera significativamente o posicionamento do estudante, dando-lhe maturidade profissional e responsabilidade. Com isso espera-se formar um profissional mais capacitado tanto no aspecto de fundamentos e conceitos técnicos, como na capacidade de empreender e inovar. Também existe a expectativa de que muitos dos trabalhos desenvolvidos sejam transformados em projetos de Iniciação Científica. Resultados: toda a tecnologia utilizada no conceito Futebol de Robôs continua sendo desenvolvida e aprimorada, diversos trabalhos científicos de ponta podem ser encontrados na literatura recente, trabalhos que abordam entre outros temas, o problema da navegação autônoma dos robôs móveis. Apresenta-se a seguir trabalhos de alunos vinculados ao Projeto de Extensão FutFEB, submetidos ao Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UNESP - 2011.- Software de Mapeamento para Navegação de Robôs Móveis Autônomos.- Sensoriamento por Infra-Vermelho para Robôs Móveis Autônomos.- Sensoriamento por Ultra-Som para Robôs Móveis Autônomos.- Segmentação de Imagens Coloridas para Reconhecimento de Objetos.- Algoritmos de Subtração de Plano de Fundo em Frames de Vídeo.
El escenario de la digitalización de los medios de comunicación, especialmente la televisión terrestre, y una política para el desarrollo de contenidos audiovisuales entraron en la agenda del MERCOSUR. Cambiar de el estándar de TV fue solamente el argumento embrionario para un conjunto de acciones destinadas a dar densidad a las iniciativas conjuntas de Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay en la jóven integración polí- tica y económica del Cono Sur. Así, nos propone- mos la reflexión en torno a las políticas públicas que provocan la implementación de la televisión digital en los países miembros del MERCOSUR intentando delinear los intereses políticos, la reestructuración del mercado regional y el establecimiento de modelos, patrones y sistemas de cooperación entre los países miembros. El análisis nos permite inferir que los gobiernos con matices de de centroizquierda de MERCOSUR optaron por la integración de las políticas públi- cas para fortalecer de la hegemonía del bloque en la innovación tecnológica, el desarrollo de contenido compartido y el fortalecimiento del capitalismo inmaterial.
Pós-graduação em Agronegócio e Desenvolvimento - Tupã
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The automobile industry shows relevance inside the Brazilian industrial scenario since it contributes with the development of a significant chain of supply, distributors, workshops, publicity agencies and insurance companies in the internal market, aside from being one of the five biggest worldwide market. Thereby, the federal government decreed in Dec, 17th 2012 by Law nº 12.715 the Inovar-Auto Program. As the Adjusted Present Value (APV) is highly recommended, although not yet widespread to public politics of tax reduction, this work intends to apply the APV method on the cash flow analysis of an automobile sector's company, which has recently installed in national territory and wants to rely with governmental incentives proposed by Inovar-Auto Program. The developed work evaluates the company's current cash flow stochastically from mathematical modeling of variables such as price, demand and interest rate through probability distributions with the assist of Crystal Ball software, a Microsoft Excel Add-in, generating different scenarios from Monte Carlo Simulation. As results probabilities situations have been evaluated until the end of the Inovar-Auto's conducted period, in 2017. Beside APV others indicator such as Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and payback period were estimated for the investment project. For APV a sampling distribution with only 0.057% of risk, IRR of 29% were obtained and estimated project payback period was 4.13 years