160 resultados para in vitro growth
Objetivou-se verificar qual o melhor estádio embrionário para o cultivo de embriões imaturos oriundos de frutos provenientes de hibridação entre 'Pêra Rio' x 'Poncã' , bem como o efeito de diferentes concentrações do meio de cultura MT. Os embriões em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento (globulares, torpedo e cordiforme) foram excisados e inoculados em tubos de ensaio contendo 15 mL do meio MT com diferentes concentrações (0; 50; 100 e 150% da composição original e acrescido de 50 g.L-1 de sacarose). Após a inoculação, os embriões foram incubados à 27±1ºC, fotoperíodo de 16 horas e irradiância de 32 mmol.m-2.s-1. Após 90 dias, avaliou-se o comprimento da parte aérea e do sistema radicular, massa fresca e número de folhas das plântulas. Melhor desenvolvimento dos embriões imaturos foi obtido em estádio cotiledonar e com a concentração de 150% do meio MT.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Avaliou-se o crescimento micelial in vitro das linhagens ABI-05/03, ABI-06/04, ABI-04/02, ABI-06/05 e ABI-01/01 de Agaricus bisporus em meios de cultura sólidos à base de composto. As avaliações foram realizadas por meio de medições de quatro diâmetros das colônias, a cada 48h, durante 12 dias de incubação, no escuro, a 20 e 25ºC. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com uso do teste de Tukey para a comparação das médias. Co m base nos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que: o crescimento micelial de A. bisporus é influenciado pela temperatura de incubação; a temperatura de 25ºC foi mais favorável para o crescimento micelial de todas as linhagens de A. bisporus; na temperatura de 20ºC, o melhor crescimento foi obtido com as linhagens ABI-06/05 e ABI-01/01; na temperatura de 25ºC, a linhagem ABI-01/01 apresentou crescimento significativamente maior que todas as demais.
Owing to their massive use, Staphylococcus epidermidis has recently developed significant resistance to several antibiotics, and became one of the leading causes of hospital-acquired infections. Current antibiotics are typically ineffective in the eradication of bacteria in biofilm-associated persistent infections. Accordingly, the paucity of effective treatment against cells in this mode of growth is a key factor that potentiates the need for new agents active in the prevention or eradication of biofilms. Daptomycin and linezolid belong to the novel antibiotic therapies that are active against gram-positive cocci. on the other hand, rifampicin has been shown to be one of the most potent, prevalent antibiotics against S. epidermidis biofilms. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to study the susceptibility of S. epidermidis biofilm cells to the two newer antimicrobial agents previously mentioned, and compare the results obtained with the antimicrobial effect of rifampicin, widely used in the prevention/treatment of indwelling medical device infections. To this end the in vitro activities of daptomycin, linezolid, and rifampicin on S. epidermidis biofilms were accessed, using these antibiotics at MIC and peak serum concentrations. The results demonstrated that at MIC concentration, rifampicin was the most effective antibiotic tested. At peak serum concentration, both strains demonstrated similar susceptibility to rifampicin and daptomycin, with colony-forming units (CFUs) reductions of approximately 3-4 log(10), with a slightly lower response to linezolid, which was also more strain dependent. However, considering all the parameters studied, daptomycin was considered the most effective antibiotic tested, demonstrating an excellent in vitro activity against S. epidermidis biofilm cells. In conclusion, this antibiotic can be strongly considered as an acceptable therapeutic option for S. epidermidis biofilm-associated infections and can represent a potential alternative to rifampicin in serious infections where rifampicin resistance becomes prevalent.
A mancha bacteriana do maracujá, causada pela bactéria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae, ocorre em todas as regiões produtoras do País, sendo responsável por grandes perdas econômicas na cultura do maracujazeiro-amarelo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos testar a eficiência de argila silicatada na inibição da bactéria X. axonopodis pv. passiflorae in vitro e no controle preventivo e curativo da mancha bacteriana em mudas de maracujazeiro-amarelo. A argila silicatada foi adicionada ao meio de cultura batata-dextrose-ágar fundente, nas concentrações de 0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0%; vertido em placas de Petri. Após resfriamento do meio, repicou-se a suspensão bacteriana (10(7) UFC.mL-1) com uma alça, incubando-se as placas a 28 °C por três dias, quando se avaliou o crescimento bacteriano. Posteriormente, o produto, nas mesmas concentrações citadas, foi pulverizado em mudas de maracujá 'Afruvec' de forma preventiva ou curativa. A inoculação da bactéria foi realizada através de pulverização foliar da suspensão bacteriana (10(7) UFC.mL-1), 24 h antes ou após os tratamentos curativo e preventivo, respectivamente. A severidade da doença foi avaliada com auxílio de uma escala diagramática nas quatro primeiras folhas verdadeiras contadas de baixo para cima. Nas concentrações avaliadas, a argila silicatada inibiu a bactéria in vitro e os sintomas da mancha bacteriana no tratamento curativo, enquanto no tratamento preventivo, controle significativo foi obtido a partir de 1,0% de argila silicatada. Com base nestes resultados, a argila silicada pode ser recomendada, na concentração de 1,0-2,0%, para o controle da mancha bacteriana do maracujazeiro em pulverizações foliares.
The bacterial spot in yellow passion fruit plants, caused by the bacteria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae, occurs in all producing areas of the country, and is responsible for great economic losses in the culture of passion fruit. This study aimed to test the efficiency of the silicate clay in the inhibition of the bacteria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae in vitro, and in both preventive and curative control of the bacterial spot in seedlings of yellow passion fruit plants. The silicate clay was added to the growth medium at concentrations of. 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0%, placed in Petri dishes. After the culture medium was cooler, the bacterial suspension was inoculates (10(7) UFC.mL(-1)) with a handle, and left incubating at 28 degrees C for three days, and then the bacterial growth was evaluated. Subsequently, the product at the same concentrations above was sprayed on seedlings of 'Afruvec' passion fruit, as preventive or curative. The inoculation of the bacteria was made by foliar spraying of bacterial suspension (10(7) ufc.mL(-1)), 24 hours before or after the curative and preventive treatments, respectively. The severity of the disease was measured comparing each four true leaves from bottom up, with a diagrammatic scale. In the concentrations evaluated, the silicate clay inhibited both bacteria in vitro and symptoms of bacterial spot in the curative treatment. In preventive treatment, significant results were obtained using more than 1.0% of clay silicates. Based on these results, the clay silicate can be recommended, the concentration of 1.0-2.0% for the control of bacterial spot of passion fruit plants, in foliar sprays.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this in vitro study was to determine the maximum inhibitory dilution (MID) of four cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC)based mouthwashes: CPC+Propolis, CPC+Malva, CPC+Eucaliptol+Jua+Roma+Propolis (Natural Honey (R)) and CPC (Cepacol (R)), against 28 Staphylococcus aureus field strains, using the agar dilution method. Decimal dilutions ranging from 1/10 to 1/655,360 were prepared and added to Mueller Hinton Agar. Strains were inoculated using Steers multipoint inoculator. The inocula were seeded onto the surface of the culture medium in Petri dishes containing different dilutions of the mouthwashes. The dishes were incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 h. For readings, the MID was considered as the maximum dilution of mouthwash still capable of inhibiting microbial growth. The obtained data showed that CPC+Propolis had antimicrobial activity against 27 strains at 1/320 dilution and against all 28 strains at 1/160 dilution, CPC+Malva inhibited the growth of all 28 strains at 1/320 dilution, CPC+Eucaliptol+Jua+Roma+Propolis inhibited the growth of 2 strains at 1/640 dilution and all 28 strains at 1/320 dilution, and Cepacol (R) showed antimicrobial activity against 3 strains at 1/320 dilution and against all 28 strains at 1/160 dilution. Data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis test, showing that the MID of Cepacol (R) was lower than that determined for the other products (p<0.05). In conclusion, CPC-mouthwashes showed antimicrobial activity against S. aureus and the addition of other substances to CPC improved its antimicrobial effect.
The chemical interaction between plants is known as allelopathy and it is related to the release of substances into the environment. The present study aimed at the evaluation of the allelopathic activity of the leaves of Leonurus sibiricus against the germination and initial growth of Raphanus sativus, Lactuca sativa, and Lepidium sativum. Chemical analyses showed the presence in the leaves of four major flavonoids (quercetin-3-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1 > 6)-beta-D-galactopyranoside; rutin; hyperin, and isoquercetrin) and of three minor flavonoidic compounds (genkwanin, 3'-hydroxy genkwanin, and quercetin). Extracts, their chromatographic fractions and pure isolated flavonoids showed different biological activities. A methanol extract of leaves of Leonurus sibiricus caused significant reduction only in the germination of Lactuca sativa, with no effects on the germinative processes of Raphanus sativus and Lepidium sativum. Some chromatographic fractions, containing the flavonoids, showed inhibitory activity on the initial stages of root growth of all tested seeds. The isolated flavonoids, at the higher concentration tested (10(-4) M) seemed to be responsible for the inhibition of the germination, as well as the radical elongation. Among pure compounds, 3'-OH-genkwanin and quercetin showed the stronger antigerminative activity at the concentration of 10(-4) M, whereas the radical elongation was reduced by rutin, isoquercetrin and 3'-OH-genkwanin. All compounds, tested at concentrations ranging between 10(-5) and 10(-7) M, showed stimulatory activities.
The knowledge of flavonoids involved in plant-plant interactions and their mechanisms of action are poor and, moreover, the structural characteristics required for these biological activities are scarcely known. The objective of this work was to study the possible in vitro phytotoxic effects of 27 flavonoids on the germination and early radical growth of Raphanus sativus L. and Lepidium sativum L., with the aim to evaluate the possible structure/activity relationship. Moreover, the antioxidant activity of the same compounds was also evaluated. Generally, in response to various tested flavonoids, germination was only slightly affected, whereas significant differences were observed in the activity of the various tested flavonoids against radical elongation. DPPH test confirms the antioxidant activity of luteolin, quercetin, catechol, morin, and catechin. The biological activity recorded is discussed in relation to the structure of compounds and their capability to interact with cell structures and physiology. No correlation was found between phytotoxic and antioxidant activities.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Bioinformatical and in vitro approaches to essential oil-induced matrix metalloproteinase inhibition
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)