86 resultados para hydrolyzable tannin
Estudos morfológicos foliares foram efetuados em dois genótipos de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.), do grupo Valência, completando informações contidas em trabalhos anteriores. O amendoim, importante cultura mundial, possui o Brasil como centro de origem e dispersão de suas espécies. Nenhuma pesquisa havia sido realizada em organografia nem em anatomia foliar, com genótipos em cultivo no País. O genótipo SO-53 ('Tatu') é suscetível às mais relevantes moléstias fúngicas foliares, ocupando a maior área do amendoim cultivado no Brasil. O SO-909 (PI-259747) tem sido freqüentemente citado como fonte de resistência às moléstias fúngicas foliares, em trabalhos de fitopatologia. Medições macroscópicas, com o uso de paquímetro, bem como observações microscópicas, através de fotomicroscópio, foram efetuadas. Um estudo organográfico foi executado com as folhas de plantas de campo, bem como o estudo anatômico, com o uso de lâminas semipermanentes, mediante desenhos esquemáticos e fotomicroscópio. Os idioblastos encontrados nos folíolos foram divididos em três tipos, de acordo com a presença de tanino, mucilagem ou cristal. Os mucilaginosos foram separados em dois tipos, aparecendo os longos somente na superfície adaxial do limbo foliolar, e os curtos, similares às células epidérmicas, em seção paradérmica em ambas as faces do limbo foliolar. Os pêlos foram separados em três tipos, de acordo com o tamanho: os longos, os curtos e os muito curtos. Todos têm de uma a quatro células basais e uma longa apical. As cerdas², presentes nos dois genótipos, foram classificadas em dois tipos, também conforme o tamanho: as grandes, observadas visualmente, presentes sobretudo na bainha, e as curtas, ao longo da margem foliolar, ambas multicelulares. Algumas características morfológicas, como a presença e freqüência de pêlos; a forma da terminação do sulco na inserção adaxial do pecíolo-raque; a freqüência de cerdas e a espessura da lâmina foliolar, podem ser utilizadas na caracterização dos genótipos de amendoim. A menor espessura dos folíolos e a presença de espaços aeríferos na epiderme da face abaxial do limbo foliolar podem ser correlacionadas à suscetibilidade a determinadas moléstias fúngicas foliares do 'Tatu'.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a interferência da dieta à base de sorgo em substituição à de milho na composição e no tratamento dos dejetos. Foram utilizados 24 biodigestores batelada de bancada, dos quais 12 foram abastecidos com dejetos de suínos alimentados com dieta á base de milho, e o restante, com dieta á base de sorgo. A cada 30 dias foram esvaziados três biodigestores dentro de cada dieta, em um total de quatro tempos de retenção hidráulica (TRH) 30; 60; 90 e 120 dias. Para avaliar a eficiência do processo de biodigestão anaeróbia, foram avaliadas as reduções de sólidos totais, sólidos voláteis totais, demanda química de oxigênio, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio, número mais provável (NMP) de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, além dos potenciais de produção do biogás e metano. Os resultados mostraram que os dejetos dos suínos alimentados com dietas à base de sorgo apresentaram menor eficiência no processo, principalmente nos potenciais de produção de biogás e metano. em média, os potenciais foram 8,6% menor (P<0,01) que os potenciais obtidos em biodigestores abastecidos com dejetos de suínos alimentados com dieta à base de milho. Com relação ao NMP de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, apenas foram observadas reduções significativas conforme aumentou TRH.
Foram realizados dois experimentos com o objetivo de avaliar a utilização da silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo (SGUS) de alto ou baixo conteúdo de tanino na alimentação de leitões na fase de creche. No ensaio de digestibilidade, foram utilizados 12 suínos mestiços, machos castrados (peso inicial de 15,9±1,9 kg), alojados em gaiolas para estudos de metabolismo, distribuídos em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, em que a unidade experimental foi constituída por um leitão. O método utilizado foi o de coleta total de fezes e urina. Os valores de MS, proteína, amido, MO e energia digestíveis e os de EM, na matéria natural (68,75% de MS), foram, respectivamente, 43,94; 5,45; 46,67; 63,46%; 2.700 e 2.674 kcal/kg para a SGUS de alto teor de tanino e 40,72; 5,92; 44,08; 63,75%; 2.641 e 2.608 kcal/kg, para SGUS de baixo conteúdo de tanino. O segundo experimento foi conduzido para avaliar o desempenho de leitões e a viabilidade econômica da utilização de rações com diferentes níveis de substituição do milho seco por SGUS de alto ou baixo teor de tanino. Foram utilizados 56 suínos mestiços (14,7±1,9 e 29,2±3,0 kg de pesos inicial e final) distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições e dois leitões por unidade experimental. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma ração à base de milho e farelo de soja e de outras seis com 33, 66 e 100% de substituição do milho seco por SGUS de alto ou baixo conteúdo de taninos, com base nos valores de energia digestível (ED) desses ingredientes. Não foram observadas diferenças no desempenho dos animais entre os tratamentos, entretanto, houve aumento linear no consumo diário de ração para a SGUS de baixo teor de tanino e redução linear para o custo da ração por quilograma de peso vivo ganho para a SGUS de alto teor de tanino.
Quatro éguas sem raça definida (idade e peso corporal médios de seis anos e 400 kg) foram distribuídas em delineamento experimental em quadrado latino para se avaliar o valor nutritivo e o estudo cinético do trato digestivo de grãos secos ou ensilados de sorgo de baixo e alto conteúdos de tanino na alimentação de eqüinos. Os tratamentos consistiram de dietas contendo dois híbridos de grãos de sorgo (baixo e alto níveis de tanino) e dois métodos de conservação (secos e ensilados). As dietas foram isoprotéicas (12,4% PB), com ingestão diária de MS estabelecida em 1,5% PV (relação feno:concentrado de 50: 50). Os parâmetros de trânsito gastrintestinal avaliados foram: k1 (taxa de passagem pelo intestino grosso), k2 (taxa de passagem pelo estômago), TT (tempo de trânsito), TMR (tempo médio de retenção) e TMRT (tempo médio de retenção total). Os tratamentos não afetaram os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDa) da MS e do amido, cujos valores médios foram 54,04 e 98,91%, respectivamente. Verificou-se efeito benéfico da ensilagem dos grãos de sorgo de alto conteúdo de tanino sobre a digestibilidade da PB e FDN. A CDa da PB e FDN para a dieta contendo grãos secos de sorgo de alto teor de tanino foi de 49,76 e 32,20% e para as dietas com grãos de sorgo de baixo conteúdo de tanino (seco ou ensilado) e grãos ensilados de sorgo de alto teor de tanino foi de 65,63 e 43,32%, respectivamente. Obteve-se somente efeito do método de conservação dos grãos de sorgo (secos vs ensilados) sobre o TMR, em que o valor para as dietas com silagens de grãos ensilados e secos foi, respectivamente, de 40,08 e 37,9h. Concluiu-se que os grãos de sorgo secos de alto teor de tanino não devem ser usados como principal grão energético nos concentrados para eqüinos, por diminuírem a digestibilidade da proteína e fibra.
Three tropical legumes, namely Leucaena leucocephala, Sesbania sesban and Cajanus cajan, were subjected to chemical analysis plus in vitro, in situ and in vivo evaluations. Three different assays were used to determine total tannins: adsorption to polyvinyl pyrrolidine (PVPP-tannins), radial diffusion (RD-tannins) and protein precipitation capacity (BSA-tannins). Total phenols, total tannins and condensed tannins were highest for Sesbania. RD-tannins were correlated with total phenols (r(2) = 0.93), PVPP-tannins (r(2) = 0.92) and condensed tannins (r(2) = 0.99). The protein precipitation capacity of Sesbania, Leucaena and Cajanus were 25.9, 6.13 and 4.05 mu g BSA/g DM, respectively.Gas production at 24h was negatively correlated with total phenols (r(2) = 0.99), PVPP-tannins (r(2) = 0.99) and condensed tannins (r(2) = 0.91). The RD-, PVPP-tannins and the response to polyethylene glycol (PEG) in the gas production assay appeared to be useful as a first screen for tannins.In situ degradability did not reflect any adverse effects of tannins. However, in vivo experiments showed that the apparent DM digestibility of Sesbania and Leucaena was lower than the basal diet. The apparent protein digestibility was lower for all legumes compared to the basal diet. Most treatments caused a negative nitrogen balance. The problems associated with browse feeding were not only related to tannin contents, other factors such as inherently poor digestibility and low energy intake may also have lead to the poor animal performance on these diets. We propose, given the limitations of current tannin assays, that it is not possible to predict beneficial or harmful nutritional effects from total tannin concentrations per se. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study aimed at determining the influence of condensed tannins present in the Brazilian legume species Mimosa hostilis, Mimosa caesalpinifolia and Bauhinia cheilantha on ruminal degradability, microbial colonization and enzymatic activity. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) was used to reduce the astringency and concentration of soluble condensed tannins. Four ruminally-cannulated Saanen goats (60 +/- 8 kg BW) were fed, in two experimental periods, with a hay diet based on the studied legumes treated or non-treated with PEG. Voluntary intake, microbial colonization, DM, CP, NDF, and ruminal degradability of PEG treated and non-treated forage leaves, as well as pH, ammonia and 1,4 P-endoglucanase activity of the rumen content were evaluated. Astringency and soluble tannin concentration of the studied legumes were reduced by approximately 70% and 50%, respectively, with PEG treatment. Average DM intake was higher for the treated diet (16.76 g DM/kg BW/day against 13.06 g DM/kg BW/day). Percentile values for degradation parameters and for potential and effective degradabilities of DM, CP and NDF were also affected by the tannins, but at different intensities. Electron microscopic observations of ruminally-incubated legume leaves showed a more effective microbial colonization of PEG-treated leaves for all legume species. A decrease in pH and an increase in ammonia concentration and in endoglucanase activity in the ruminal content was also observed for PEG-treated diets at all sampling periods. Condensed tannins of the studied legume species have influenced the adhesion conditions, colonization and enzymatic activity of the microbial ecosystem, and consequently the ruminal degradation of the different dietary fractions. For this reason, the reduction in condensed tannin would be of great importance to improve the nutrition of ruminant feeding of these species. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Calcium plays a fundamental role in cell division and growth, and is an important constituent of the cell wall. An increase in Ca concentration in the tegument of peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) seeds in response to lime application can affect its structure. The tegument structure can also be affected by the drying method of the seeds. The effects of lime application and drying methods as affecting the peanut seed tegument structure were studied in seeds from a field experiment conducted in Sao Manuel, São Paulo, Brazil. Peanut (cv. Botutatu, Valencia Type) was grown in presence or absence of 2.1 Mg ha(-1) of lime and dried in an oven, in shade and in the field. The tegument anatomical features were described and its structure was analysed. Pectic substances, lipidic reserves and starch accumulation were studied. The peanut tegument exhibited well differentiated exotesta, mesotesta and endotesta rich in pectates and covered by a cuticle. Tannin was not observed but there was lipid accumulation in mature teguments. Lignin was observed in the vascular bundles. Lime increased the tegument thickness and decreased the central cavity mainly in the exotesta cells when the period of seed drying was shortened. The effect of drying method upon the tegument was more noticeable in seeds grown without lime. It can be inferred that liming increased the resistance of the tegument.
Venom phospholipase A(2)s (PLA(2)s) display a wide spectrum of pharmacological activities and, based on the wealth of biochemical and structural data currently available for PLA(2)S, mechanistic models can now be inferred to account for some of these activities. A structural model is presented for the role played by the distribution of surface electrostatic potential in the ability of myotoxic D49/K49 PLA(2)s to disrupt multilamellar vesicles containing negatively charged natural and non-hydrolyzable phospholipids. Structural evidence is provided for the ability of K49 PLA(2)s to bind phospholipid analogues and for the existence of catalytic activity in K49 PLA(2)s. The importance of the existence of catalytic activity of D49 and K49 PLA(2)s in myotoxicity is presented. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The golden-faced saki monkey Pithecia pithecia chrysocephala (Cebidae, Primates) was observed eating soil from termite nests during a long-term study of a family group in a Central Amazonian forest fragment. In this paper we describe the behaviour involved in the geophagy in these monkeys, and the results of geochemical and physical analyses of the termite nest material, as well as root mat and topsoil samples below the trees, in order to clarify the possible reasons for it. The sakis ate soil from nine arboreal termite nests on 26 soil feeding-bouts (in 853 observation hours); 25 soil feeding-bouts occurred in March 1987 (rainy season), during 19 days or 132 observation hours, and occupied 0.7% of the feeding time. Geophagy frequencies did not differ between sexes (17 feeding-bouts of four females and 8 for two males). Mineral composition was higher in arboreal termitaria than in the topsoil. Kaolinite was the major clay component. Tannin adsorptive capacity, tested through a modified radial diffusion method of Hagerman, was around 10-20%, similar to a control with kaolin (10-20%), but lower than bentonite or celite (30-45%). The observations reported here, although inconclusive as to the function of geophagy in this species, indicate that it is not a mineral supplement during times of scarcity or high consumption of leaves, as has been reported for other primates, nor that it is related to fruit consumption (redressing possible mineral imbalance), as has been suggested for some other frugivorous mammals. Our results do not rule out tannin adsorptive hypothesis for the ingestion of clays, but, being an irregular habit, we argue that it is most likely related to rare and occasional dietary components.
Fibre, crude protein and tannin concentrations were measured in browse species from the semi-arid region of Northeast Brazil during the dry and wet seasons. The effects of oven-, sun- and shade-drying and of urea treatment were also determined. Crude protein (CP) content varied from 103 to 161 g/kg dry matter (DM) and the browses had similar CP content in the two seasons (during 2002) (102-161 and 107-153 g/kg DM in the wet and dry seasons, respectively). Total tannin concentrations ranged from 13 to 201 g/kg DM amongst the browses and were higher in the dry season. A 30-d treatment with urea reduced extractable tannins significantly (P < 0.05). The urea treatment was also most effective at reducing the in vitro effects of tannins compared to the other drying treatments. This was demonstrated by measuring the effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on gas production. Addition of PEG increased gas production of oven- (81.4%), sun- (78.5%) and shade-dried (76.7%) samples much more compared to urea treated samples (10.9%). (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Bark extracts of Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart) Coville a Leguminosae species, well known in Brazil as barbatimao, are popularly used as healing agent. The objective of this work was to determine the genetic diversity of S. adstringens populations and to correlate genetic distances to the production of tannins. S. adstringens accessions from populations found in Cerrado regions in the states of Goias, Minas Gerais and São Paulo were analyzed using the AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) technique. A total of 236 polymorphic bands were scored and higher proportion of genetic diversity was found inter populations (70.9%), rather than intra populations (29.1%). F-ST value was found to be significantly greater than zero (0.2906), demonstrating the complex genetic structure of S. adstringens populations. Accessions collected in Cristalina, GO, showed higher percentage of polymorphic loci (87.3%) and the highest genetic diversity. The lowest genetic variability was detected among accessions from the population growing in Caldas Novas, GO. The genetic distance among populations was estimated using the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA), which grouped populations into 3 clusters. Moreover, chemotypes with tannin concentration above 40% showed higher genetic similarity. AFLP analysis proved to be an efficient gene mapping technique to determine the genetic diversity among remaining populations of S. adstringens. Obtained results may be employed to implement further strategies for the conservation of this medicinal plant. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In order to elucidate the position of the Swartzieae in Leguminosae, Swartzia langsdorffii was chosen as a representative of this tribe type genus and subjected to structural studies of immature ovaries (in the floral bud and flowers) and developing and mature fruits. The external epidermis of the ovary is characterized by one layer of thin-walled polyhedral cells with a thin cuticle. Parenchyma cells have a large quantity of tannin-containing idioblasts located inside a procambial ring. The one-layered inner epidermis consists of flattened cells. In fruits the one-layered exocarp is covered by a thick cuticle. The mesocarp consists of three distinct regions, the middle region being a sclerenchymatous layer. The one-layered endocarp shows cells with little cohesion. The occurrence of canals consisting of a net of resinous cells was also observed in the mesocarp. Secretion was of an elaborate composition. Differentiation of the secretory structures begin in the floral bud ovary, where they appear as idioblasts containing tannin. The taxonomic position of this tribe, as well as the function of the mesocarp secreting canals, are discussed.
Phosphorus (P) is an essential element in crop nutrition, which can be growth limiting or an environmental contaminant, if present in excess. Tillage practices have a direct effect on the behavior and availability of soil P. Sorption and availability of various P forms were evaluated in an incubation-fractionation study of three soils, a Typic Paleudults (CR soil) and two Cerrado Oxisols (Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo [LVA] and Latossolo Vermelho [LV]) with distinct biogeochemical characteristics and tillage management history. Phosphate and myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (mIPH) were strongly sorbed by the soils. Maximum adsorption capacities (S(max)) were 2.2-6.9, 3.3-7.8, and 1.6-19.8 mmol kg(-1) for phosphate in the 0-40 cm depths of the CR, LV, and LVA soils, respectively. For mIPH, S. were 1.2-3.7, 3.7-5.5, and 4.6-5.2 mmol kg(-1). Saturation indices reflected the long-term effect of repeated manure applications on the Paleudults and the near saturation of its P holding capacity, in contrast to the recently cultivated Cerrado soils. Tillage method appeared to have altered P retention characteristics of the near-surface zone very slightly, while increases in ligand-exchangeable (EEP;) and enzyme-labile organic P (EDTA-PHP) forms were observed in no-till Oxisols. In the Paleudults, added manure P increased bioactive P fractions and P saturation of no-till near-surface soil zone. Estimates of all bioactive P fractions using the ligand-based enzymatic assay showed it to be an effective method for assessing P availability in soil and developing sustainable P management strategies, particularly in Cerrado Oxisols that were low in organic matter while having an extensive P-fixing capacity. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)