86 resultados para golden needle mushroom
Agaricus blazei Murrill, is an edible and medicinal mushroom which is popularly consumed due to its antitumoral properties. The immunomodulatory effects of methanol (METH), dichloromethane (DM) and n-hexane (HEX) extracts of this mushroom were evaluated in Ehrlich tumor-bearing mice. Subcutaneous inoculation of Ehrlich tumor cells inhibited the natural killer (NK) activity of spleen cells (specific lysis = 6.18 +/- 2.56%) compared with normal mice (17.59 +/- 7.77%). Treatment of tumor-bearing mice with the extracts for 10 days restored the natural killer activity against Yac-1 target cells and the best results were observed by treatment with the HEX extract (21.48 +/- 15.26%). Treatment of the animals with the HEX extract for 10 days was also able to stimulate the mitogen-induced lymphoproliferative activity of spleen cells. Thirty days after the treatment, all groups presented low proliferative activity. Specific antibody production was observed to be higher in the groups treated with the DM or METH extract 30 days after the treatment. Analysis of the 3 extracts by gas chromatography mass spectrum (GCMS) and magnetic nuclear resonance (MNR) showed that the HEX extract contains mainly sugar and fatty acids and that the METH extract also contains sugar and possibly amino acids. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Morphological and genetic data for the Iberian golden- striped salamander, Chioglossa lusitanica, demonstrate the existence of two groups with southern and northern ranges, connected by a zone of intergradation in central Portugal. Because reproductive isolation between them is incomplete we consider the groups to be subspecies. The type locality of C. lusitanica ( Bucaco near Lousa) is situated inside the mixed zone. This necessitates identification of the nominotypical subspecies. We sequenced a fragment of mitochondrial DNA from one of the species' syntypes and we determined what position over a latitudinal transect maximizes the morphological discrimination between the groups. Both approaches indicate that C. lusitanica from Bucaco represents the southern subspecies. A new subspecies of C. lusitanica is described from a northern locality ( Valongo near Porto in northwestern Portugal). A lectotype is designated for Chioglossa lusitanica.
The golden-striped salamander (Chioglossa lusitanica) is an endemic species inhabiting stream-side habitats in mountainous areas in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula. This salamandrid is listed in the IUCN Red Data Book as a threatened species. The combination of bioclimatic modeling of the species distribution and multivariate analysis of genetic and phenotypic data strengthens previous hypotheses concerning the historical biogeography of C. lusitanica: the Pleistocene subdivision of the species' range and a process of postglacial recolonization. Discrepancies between bioclimatic modeling predictions and the present-day distribution suggest that the species may still be expanding its range northwards. We propose the identification of two distinct units for the conservation of the species and suggest that this information should be taken into account in defining key areas for conservation in the Iberian Peninsula.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este trabalho avaliou o efeito das embalagens de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD), em diferentes espessuras, no prolongamento da vida útil pós-colheita de carambolas cv. 'Golden Star'. Os frutos foram colhidos fisiologicamente maturos, sendo selecionados pela ausência de defeitos e acondicionados nas embalagens de PEBD, constituindo os seguintes tratamentos: T1 - controle (sem embalagem); T2 - PEBD de 6 mim; T3 - PEBD de 10 mim; T4 - PEBD de 15 mim. Os frutos foram armazenados a 12 +/- 0,5 ºC e 95 +/- 5% de UR, por 45 dias, e mais 5 dias a 22 +/- 3ºC e 72 +/- 5% de UR. Vinte e quatro horas após a colheita e a cada nove dias, amostras eram retiradas do armazenamento refrigerado (AR), mantidas por 12 horas em condições ambiente (22 +/- 3ºC e 72 +/- 5% UR) e analisadas quanto à firmeza de polpa (FP), à perda de massa fresca, à coloração da epiderme, aos sólidos solúveis totais (SST), à acidez total titulável (ATT) e à ocorrência de distúrbios fisiológicos. Realizou-se também uma análise sensorial ao final do experimento. A maior firmeza de polpa e acidez total titulável, o melhor padrão de coloração, o menor conteúdo de sólidos solúveis totais, a ausência de manchas e podridões, e a melhor aceitabilidade pelos julgadores foram obtidos com os frutos acondicionados em embalagens de 10 mim.
No presente trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes concentrações de CaCl2 aplicadas na pós-colheita de carambolas cv. 'Golden Star, durante o armazenamento refrigerado (AR). Os frutos colhidos fisiologicamente maturos foram selecionados pela ausência de defeitos e imersos em soluções de CaCl2, em diferentes concentrações, em temperatura ambiente (22 °C) por 20 minutos. Após aplicação dos tratamentos T1 - controle (0% de CaCl2); T2 - CaCl2 a 1%; T3 - CaCl2 a 2%; T4 - CaCl2 a 3%, e T5 - CaCl2 a 4%, os frutos foram colocados em câmara frigorífica, por 35 dias, a 12 ± 0,5ºC e 95 ± 3%, e mais 3 dias a 22 ± 3°C e 72 ± 5% de umidade relativa (UR). 24 horas após a colheita e a cada sete dias, amostras foram retiradas da AR, mantidas por 12 horas em condições ambiente (22 ± 3°C e 72 ± 5% UR) e analisadas quanto ao teor de cálcio na polpa, perda de massa fresca, coloração da epiderme, firmeza de polpa (FP), sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (ATT) e a ocorrência de distúrbios fisiológicos. Ao final do experimento, foi feita uma análise sensorial. Observou-se que os frutos imersos em solução de CaCl2 a 2% apresentaram menor perda de massa fresca e maior firmeza de polpa. As carambolas deste tratamento também não apresentaram manchas e podridões e foram preferidas pelos julgadores no teste de preferência. Os sólidos solúveis totais, a acidez total titulável e a coloração não apresentaram diferença estatística entre os tratamentos. Na análise de teores de cálcio adsorvido pelos frutos, determinou-se que quanto, maior a concentração da solução de CaCl2 aplicada, maior a concentração de cálcio presente na polpa.
The Agaricus blazei Murill (ABM) mushroom, known as the sun mushroom, is native to Brazil and has become known for its medicinal properties. This study examined the anticlastogenic effect of Agaricus blazei in Chinese hamster ovary cells, CHO-k1, by means of a chromosome aberration test using methyl methanesulphonate (MMS, 10(-4)M) as the DNA damage inducing agent. Two mushroom lines were used, ABM 99/26 and ABM 97/11, and the latter was used in the young (Y) and sporulating (S) developmental phases. The cells were treated for 12 h with MMS alone or combined with aqueous extracts of A. blazei at a final concentration of 0.15%, which were prepared at three different temperatures: (a) hot (60 degreesC), (b) room temperature (25 degreesC) and (c) chilled (4 degreesC). Mushroom extracts showed a marked anticlastogenic effect against DNA damage, as evidenced by a decrease in the number of cells with breaks, regardless of the line used, or the developmental stage or the temperature at which the extract was prepared. Generally, the extracts were more effective in reducing the isochromatid type breaks. The data obtained suggest that extracts of A. blazei mushroom are anticlastogenic under the conditions tested, mainly during the G1 and S stages of the cell cycle, where chromosome breaks of the isochromatid type are produced by the MMS agent. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.