149 resultados para freshwater sediments
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Information on endoparasites infecting Neotropical turtles is scarce. The present paper reports the occurrence of endoparasites in three adult individuals of Vanderhaege's Toad-Headed Turtle (Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei). The records include an undescribed nematode species in the genus Spiroxys, not previously reported for the family Chelidae, and the first South American record of a monogenetic trematode of the genus Neopolystoma.
A study on the nematode parasites of nine species of freshwater fishes from Peixe River São Paulo, State, Brazil. was conducted. Fish were collected between February 2010 and March 2011 and the following species were found: Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus and Contracaecum sp. (larvae) in Astyanax altiparanae; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Dioctophyma renale (larvae), Philometroides caudata, P. (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus, P. (Spirocamallanus) neocaballeroi (larvae) and P. (Spirocamallanus) saofranciscensis in Acestrorhynchus lacustris; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Guyanema sp., Hysterothylacium sp. (larvae) and Icthyouris sp. in Cyphocharax modestus; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Cosmoxynemoides aguirrei and Pharyngodonidae gen. sp. in C. nagelii; Dioctophyma renale (larvae), Hysterothylacium sp. (larvae) and Rhabdochona sp. in Gymnotus sylvius; Capillariidae gen. sp. in Hoplosternum littorale; Cosmoxynema vianai, Guyanema sp., Ichthyouris sp. and Travnema travnema in Steindachnerina insculpta; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) rebecae (larvae) in Triportheus angulatus and Rhabdochona acuminata in Triportheus nematurus. This is first study of nematode parasites from the Peixe River, therefore all the species found are new geographical records and 19 are new host records.
This paper describes a population of Aegla longirostri from Ibicui-Mirim River, Itaara, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, evaluating the size at onset of sexual maturity, relative growth, mean size, size-frequency distribution, sex ratio, ovigerous-rate, and recruitment. Samples were collected monthly from September 1996 to August 1997. Sex, carapace length (CL), cheliped length (ChL), abdomen width (AW), and front width (FW) were recorded for each crab. A total of 586 specimens were collected (277 males, 244 females, and 65 unsexed juveniles). The smallest specimen was 1.5 mm CL and the largest male was 23.8 mm CL. The relative growth analysis and the Mature software showed that the size at onset of sexual maturity was 13.7 mm CL in males and 10.7 mm CL in females. Females were smaller than males and were more abundant in adult classes, whereas males were more representative in juvenile classes. The sex ratio did not differ from 1:1 throughout the collecting period. Recruitment was observed throughout the entire sampling period, but it was higher in the winter months (from June to August). However, ovigerous females were present in spring and summer (from January to April). This population seemed to be at equilibrium during the study period. Recently, this area has been changed because of the construction of a reservoir, and a new study is required to evaluate the present condition of this population of A. longirostri.
Stingrays are elasmobranchs found along the seacoast and in some rivers of Brazil. Pain is the most conspicuous symptom observed in patients wounded by the bilaterally retroserrate stingers located in the tail, which are covered by glandular and integument tissues. In addition, cutaneous necrosis is commonly observed in injuries caused by freshwater stingrays. The aim of this work was to characterize and compare certain properties of tissue extracts obtained from the glandular tissues covering the stinger apparatus of Potamotrygon falkneri and Dasyatis guttata stingrays. By sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), tissue extracts have similar bands above 80kDa, but most differences were observed below this molecular mass. Lethal, dermonecrotic and myotoxic activities were detected only in P. falkneri tissue extract. Edematogenic activity was similar and dose dependent in both tissue extracts. Nociceptive activity was verified in both tissue extracts, but P. falkneri presented a two-fold higher activity than D. guttata tissue extract. No direct hemolysis, phospholipase A(2) and coagulant activities were observed in both tissue extracts. Antigenic cross-reactivity was noticed by ELISA and Western blotting, using antisera raised in rabbits. Species-specific sera reacted with several components of both tissue extracts, noticeably above 22 kDa. Both tissue extracts presented gelatinolytic, caseinolytic and fibrinogenolytic activities, which were not caused by the action of metalloproteinases. Hyaluronidase activity was detected only in P. falkneri tissue extract. Our experimental observations suggest that P. falkneri tissue extract is more toxic than D. guttata tissue extract. These results may explain why injuries caused by freshwater stingrays are more severe in human accidents. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Total phosphorus concentrations in the sediment of a cascade of 8 reservoirs located in the Paranapanema River (SE, Brazil) were analysed during two consecutive seasonal periods (2000 and 200 1). The reservoirs of Jurumirim, Chavantes, Salto Grande, Canoas 11, Canoas 1, Capivara, Taquarucu and Rosana were built during the last five decades with the purpose of hydroelectric generation. The sampling points were distributed along a 700 km of river stretch in 19 stations distributed in the river-reservoirs zones and main tributaries as well as in 5 stations representing the adjacent wetlands. The nutrient concentration was determined in samples from surface layers of sediment. Temporal and spatial changes were observed for both years. Three different areas could be identified along the river, considering not only Tot-P variations but also others physical and chemical characteristics such as organic matter concentration, nitrogen concentration of sediment and 02, pH, conductivity and Eh measured in the bottom layer of the water column. Higher values of Tot-P were found in the middle and lower region of the Paranapanema basin (maximum value of 1.96 mg g(-1) in Tibagi River in October/2001). Agricultural practices and cattle raising are the main external sources of nutrient in these regions. Superficial or sub-superficial watershed drainage and tributaries entrances are important nutrient contributors, leading to an increasing accumulation of nutrient in the sediment. This process seems to be especially important in the middle region of the Paranapanema Valley, were the values of Tot-P were higher comparing to the other areas.
As raias da família Potamotrygonidae representam um grupo singular da ictiofauna Neotropical. Apesar de serem antigos os relatos sobre o grupo, ainda são muitas as questões que permanecem sem resposta, sobretudo no que diz respeito à biologia das espécies que ocorrem na Bacia do Paraná-Paraguai. No presente trabalho foi analisada a dieta de Potamotrygon falkneri e Potamotrygon motoro, capturadas no Alto Rio Paraná, a jusante da Usina Hidrelétrica Engenheiro Souza Dias (UHE Jupiá). As duas espécies de raias apresentaram dieta diversificada, ingerindo 14 itens, entre moluscos, crustáceos, insetos e peixes, porém com predominância de insetos aquáticos em diversidade e abundância. Somente um indivíduo de cada espécie ingeriu peixe. Potamotrygon motoro consumiu principalmente Ephemeroptera, enquanto P. falkneri, principalmente Mollusca, Hemiptera e Trichoptera. Os dados aparentemente indicam uma dieta mais especializada de P. motoro, com maior consumo de Ephemeroptera (Baetidae), e uma dieta mais generalizada de P. falkneri. A análise dos indivíduos capturados em três micro-hábitats, que diferem quanto ao tipo de substrato e presença de vegetação marginal, sugere diferenças nos tipos de alimentos consumidos.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The consequences of introducing Cichla cf. monoculus Spix & Agassiz, Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz) and Pygocentrus nattereri Kner into lakes in the River Doce basin, Brazil, on richness, diversity and efficiency of aquatic macrophytes as natural refugia to native fishes was investigated. Samples were taken from lakes with and without alien fishes in areas with and without aquatic macrophytes. The presence of alien fishes reduced richness and diversity of the native fish community. The refugia function, which could be attributed to the clustering of aquatic macrophytes, does not exist in these lakes probably because the alien fishes exploit such habitats for reproduction. Since introductions threaten the native fish diversity of the region, studies on regional dispersion and factors that minimise the spread of alien fishes are needed.
The effects of habitat complexity, induced by construction of artificial reefs, on the fish assemblages in the Barra Bonita reservoir, Brazil, and in the lotic zone immediately below the dam were studied. Four artificial reefs were constructed in each habitat at variable distances from the shore. Multiple correspondence analysis showed that the factors distance from the shore and type of habitat were determinants for the group formation, and artificial reefs had a lesser effect. Fish species composition was about the same at locations with and without reefs.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Four records of potamotrygonids in the Uruguay River and its tributaries in Paysandu, Uruguay are reported in this paper. The first one was a specimen caught in 1934, of undetermined sex and weighing 120 kg and with a disc width of ca 150 cm. The second specimen, caught in 1998, was also of undetermined sex; it weighed 50 kg total weight and its disc width measured 103 cm. The third specimen was caught in 2001; it was an adult male, weighed 114 kg total weight and its disc width measured ca 110 cm. The fourth one, caught in 2004, was a female, 11 kg in total weight and with a disc width of 80 cm. According to the size and general description, specimens were identified as Potamotrygon brachyura, to date the only potamotrygonid confirmed for Uruguay.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)