57 resultados para fossil wood


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Biofuels and their blends with fossil fuel are important energy resources, whose production and application have been largely increased internationally. This study focuses on the evaluation of the activation energy of the thermal decomposition of three pure fuels: farnesane (renewable diesel from sugar cane), biodiesel and fossil diesel and their blends (20% farnesene and 80% of fossil diesel - 20F80D and 20% farnesane, 50% fossil diesel and 30% biodiesel - 20F50D30B). Activation energy has been determined from thermogravimetry and Model-Free Kinetics. Results showed that not only the cetane number is important to understand the behavior of the fuels regarding ignition delay, but also the profile of the activation energy versus conversion curves shows that the chemical reactions are responsible for the performance at the beginning of the process. In addition, activation energy seemed to be suitable in describing reactivity in the case of blends of renewable and fossil fuels. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Nutrient remobilizations in tree ligneous components have been little studied in tropical forests. A complete randomized block design was installed in Brazilian eucalypt plantations to quantify the remobilizations of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sodium (Na) within stem wood. Three treatments were studied: control with neither K nor Na addition (C), 3 kmol ha-1 K applied (+K), and 3 kmol ha-1 Na applied (+Na). Biomass and nutrient contents were measured in the stem wood of eight trees destructively sampled at 1, 2, 3 and 4 years after planting in each treatment and annual rings were localized on discs of wood sampled every 3 m in half of the trees. Chemical analyses and wood density measurements were performed individually for each ring per level and per tree sampled. Nutrient remobilizations in annual rings were calculated through mass balance between two successive ages. Our results show that nutrient remobilizations within stem wood were mainly source-driven. Potassium and Na additions largely increased their concentration in the outer rings as well as the amounts remobilized in the first 2 years after the wood formation. The amount of Na remobilized in annual rings was 15 % higher in +Na than in +K the fourth year after planting despite a 34 % higher production of stem wood in +K leading to a much higher nutrient sink. A partial substitution of K by Na in the remobilizations within stem wood might contribute to enhancing Eucalyptus grandis growth in K-depleted soils. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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In this study, we aimed evaluate the behavior of the brown-rot fungus Gloeophylum trabeum and white-rot fungus Pycnoporus sanguineus on thermally-modified Eucalyptus grandis wood. To this end, boards from five-year-eleven-month-old E. grandis trees, taken from the Duratex-SA company stock, were thermally-modified between 180 ºC and 220 ºC in the Laboratory of Wood Drying and Preservation at Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Botucatu, Sao Paulo state Brazil. Samples of each treatment were tested according to the ASTM D-2017 (2008) technical norm. The accelerated decay caused by the brown-rot fungus G. trabeum was compared with the decay caused by the white-rot fungus P. sanguineus, studied by Calonego et al. (2010). The results showed that (1) brown-rot fungus caused greater decay than white-rot fungus; and (2) the increase in temperature from 180 to 220 ºC caused reductions between 28.2% and 70.0% in the weight loss of E. grandis samples incubated with G. trabeum.


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This study aimed to investigate physical performance of particleboards produced with waste from sawmills, containing different wood species, and two adhesives: urea-formaldehyde (UF) based resin and castor-oil (PU) based bi-component polyurethane resin. Panels were produced with nominal density 0.8gcm(-3); pressing temperature 110 degrees C; pressing time 10 min; specific pressure 5 MPa. Water absorption (2 and 24h); thickness swelling (2 and 24h); density; and moisture content were investigated. Results confirmed that the produced panels presented compatible physical properties in comparison with other researches referred in literature, proving the feasibility of inputs employed. Panels produced PU showed better performance than those produced with UF.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Recycled polymer matrix composites reinforced with wood flour can be a viable alternative for the replacement of wood and virgin polymers in materials used in floors, door frames, windows and external cladding. The objective of this research was to determine some physical and mechanical parameters of composite made with Pinus taeda and elliottii wood flour (WF) and recycled polypropylene (PP), without the use of compatibilizers or additives. The composites were separated into four traits, namely 100% PP, 90% PP with 10%, WF 80% PP with 20% WF and 70 % PP with 30% WF. The characterization of the composite followed the standards ASTM D-638-10, ASTM D256-00, ASTM D570 -98, ASTM D1238 -10 and ASTM G 155-05, it was also employed the surface analysis by scanning electron microscopy. The dimensional stability tests showed satisfactory results. Even the composite with a higher percentage of wood flour (30%) had a flow index of 10 MFI, considered compatible with that observed for PP (polypropylene) virgin by standard ASTM D 1238-10. The inclusion of wood flour (FM) afforded composites with good mechanical characteristics which can be applied in manufacture of different materials, specifically employed outdoors.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fossil specimens of Heydrichia (?) poignantii, sp. nov. (Sporolithaceae, Sporolithales, Rhodophyta), representing the first confirmation of the genus in the fossil record, were discovered in thin sections of Albian limestones from the Riachuelo Formation, Sergipe Basin, and in thin sections of Albian -Cenomanian limestones from the Ponta do Mel Formation, Potiguar Basin in north-eastern Brazil. A detailed morphological-anatomical account of the species is provided, and its placement in Heydrichia is discussed in relation to current classification proposals. Comparisons with the four other known species of the genus, all non-fossil, show that H. poignantii is the only known species of Heydrichia in which thalli are encrusting to sparsely warty to horizontally layered with overlapping lamellate branches that commonly appear variously curved or arched, and in which thalli have sporangial complexes that become buried in the thallus. The evolutionary history of Heydrichia remains uncertain, but available data suggest that the genus may have diverged from the sporolithacean genus Sporolithon, known as early as Hauterivian times (c. 129.4-132.9 +/- 1 Ma) from Spain (and newly reported here from Switzerland), or it may have arisen from a graticulacean alga such as Graticula, dating from mid-Silurian times (c. 427-435 Ma). Current data also suggest that Heydrichia is more likely to have arrived in Brazil from Central Atlantic waters than from higher latitude South Atlantic waters. This implies that currently living species in southern Africa probably arose later from ancestors further equatorward in the South Atlantic, although confirming studies are needed. All non-fossil species of Heydrichia are known only from the southern hemisphere.


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The need for housing in Brazil is very large, and despite government efforts to address this issue, the housing deficit is too large. When analyzing markets without this problem, it is concluded that one of the factors that influence this model is the construction adopted by Brazilian society that is in masonry. Alternatively, the system can be used in constructive Wood-frame. To apply this system in Brazil, one can say that the workmanship and the materials available to meet the demand would be created in a short period of adjustments and capabilities, but identifies himself as one of the biggest problems the planning and management of works. And one of the tools for solving this problem is to use a checklist of the activities of constructive process, avoiding forgetting or not aware of the activities necessary to complete the project


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It is clear today the ever-accelerating search for new fuels that will eventually replace those that will survive in our society, which are fossil fuels. For this reason, a fuel used since the dawn of humanity and much studied since then, considered the generator of clean, renewable energy, can earn more and more space in the power generation sector, which is biomass. We performed two experiments with two different types of biomass, one from the Amazon rainforest and other pine and eucalyptus as waste from the sawmill UNESP Itapeva. In the first experiment, conducted at the Laboratory of Combustion and Propulsion INPE Cachoeira Paulista were conducted three tests in a chimney with a fan creating forced ventilation, where the biomass was burned and deposited on a support beneath the hood. In the second experiment was conducted to analyze the emission of particulate matter using biomass (waste) from the sawmill on the campus of UNESP experimental Itapeva the burning of it in a burner for heating water for a wood oven. In these experiments we used a particle called DATARAM4 sampler that is capable of sampling both outdoors and inside of pipelines, which is the focus of this work. With this equipment it was possible to measure the concentration of particulate matter in all the firings as above, and compare them to levels acceptable in the current law, always trying to analyze the so-called fine particles, which are those with diameters less than 2.5 μm. Using data obtained from the equipment was also possible to evaluate the diametral distribution of particulate matter in question, and verify which phases of the flares in the concentration and the diameters of the particles are the most critical. In this work we concluded that in all firings conducted concentrations of particulate matter were higher than that allowed by the law, and the diameters were found that are more harmful to human health


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O presente trabalho consiste em demonstrar valores referentes ao conforto ambiental de dois modelos construtivos, sendo o primeiro um edifício já executado e o outro em fase de implantação, ambos no Campus Experimental de Itapeva, aplicando alguns conceitos em habitação mais sustentáveis de madeira na região de Itapeva, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. A edificação construída sedia duas salas de aula a partir da tipologia construtiva wood frame, constituída basicamente de paredes autoportantes compostas de ossatura de madeira tratada de pinus.sp, chapas estruturais em OSB, manta de isolamento térmico/acústico e fechamento interno e externo, respectivamente em gesso e sidding (lambris de madeira). A habitação em fase de início de implantação foi idealizada a partir da tipologia construtiva log-home, e atenderá a necessidade de espaço físico para abrigar o Centro Acadêmico e a empresa-júnior “PROMAD”, ambos do curso de Engenharia Industrial Madeireira do Campus Experimental da UNESP/Itapeva. Esta construção foi elaborada a partir de técnicas de baixo impacto ambiental, levando em consideração os resultados de análise térmica obtidos na edificação anterior. Em ambos modelos construtivos foram empregados recursos renováveis abundantes na região, como a madeira de reflorestamento de Pinus e de Eucalipto. Foi acrescentado ainda ao segundo modelo a utilização de resíduos industriais lignocelulósicos, como rolete de laminação e outros materiais locais disponíveis. A metodologia básica empregada para a obtenção de dados sobre o conforto térmico em relação as edificações foi, para o primeiro caso, a coleta de dados de temperatura e umidade utilizando um termo-higrômetro, a sistematização e análise de dados reais obtidos no interior da edificação. No segundo caso, o dimensionamento do conforto térmico... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)