223 resultados para fibers and carotenoids


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The present study describes the short-term alterations in the prostate ventral and dorsal lobe of the adult Mongolian gerbil, in response to two different androgen suppression approaches. Groups (n = 6) of 16-week-old gerbils were maintained intact or subjected, either to the bilateral surgical castration I week previously or to daily subcutaneous injections of Flutamide (10 mg/kg body weight) for 7 days. The main microscopic features of both prostate lobes in these groups were compared using conventional paraffin tissue sections, measurements of acinar epithelial height and stereological data of main gland components (acini, collagen fibers and fibromuscular stroma). Marked alterations were observed in the basement membrane of the ventral lobe after both surgical and chemical castration, such as an increase in thickness and collagen staining. A low degree of epithelial atrophy was detected in the dorsal lobe following both androgen suppression approaches in comparison with that found in the ventral lobe, indicating that this lobe is not so responsive to testosterone ablation induced by castration or Flutamide treatment, at least insofar as secretory activity is concerned. However, the dorsal lobe exhibited marked stromal modification, such as an increase in collagen fibers following castration and an increase in fibromuscular stroma following Flutamide-treatment. Thus, the histological and quantitative data indicates a differential short-term response of the prostate dorsal lobe to surgical castration and Flutamide therapy, suggesting the existence of lobe-specific mechanisms for stromal remodeling. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, electrochemical and photo-assisted electrochemical processes are used for color, total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) degradation of one of the most abundant and strongly colored industrial wastewaters, which results from the dyeing of fibers and fabrics in the textile industry. The experiments were carried out in an 18L pilot-scale tubular low reactor with 70% TiO2/30% RuO2 DSA. A synthetic acid blue 40 solution and real dye house wastewater, containing the same dye, were used for the experiments. By using current density of 80 mA cm(-2) electrochemical process has the capability to remove 80% of color, 46% of TOC and 69% of COD. When used the photochemical process with 4.6 mW cm(-2) of 254nm UV-C radiation to assist the electrolysis, has been obtained 90% of color, 64% of TOC and 60% of COD removal in 90 minutes of processing; furthermore, 70% of initial color was degraded within the first 15 minutes. Experimental runs using dye house wastewater resulted in 78% of color, 26% of TOC and 49% of COD in electrolysis at 80 mA cm(-2) and 90 min; additionally, when photo-assisted, electrolysis resulted in removals of 85% of color, 42% of TOC and 58% of COD. For the operational conditions used in this study, color, TOC and COD showed pseudo-first-order decaying profiles. Apparent rate constants for degradation of TOC and COD were improved by one order of magnitude when the photo-electrochemical process was used.


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We have used a pharmacological approach to study the mechanisms underlying the rat lung injury and the airway reactivity changes induced by inhalation of formaldehyde (FA) (1% formalin solution, 90 min once a day, 4 days). The reactivity of isolated tracheae and intrapulmonary bronchi were assessed in dose-response curves to methacholine (MCh). Local and systemic inflammatory phenomena were evaluated in terms of leukocyte countings in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, blood, bone marrow lavage and spleen. Whereas the tracheal reactivity to MCh did not change, a significant bronchial hyporesponsiveness (BHR) was found after FA inhalation as compared with naive rats. Also, FA exposure significantly increased the total cell numbers in BAL, in peripheral blood and in the spleen, but did not modify the counts in bone marrow. Capsaicin hindered the increase of leukocyte number recovered in BAL fluid after FA exposure. Both compound 48/80 and indomethacin were able to prevent the lung neutrophil influx after FA, but indomethacin had no effect on that of mononuclear cells. Following FA inhalation, the treatment with sodium cromoglycate (SCG), but not with the nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor L-NAME, significantly reduced the total cell number in BAL. Compound 48/80, L-NAME and SCG significantly prevented BHR to MCh after FA inhalation, whereas capsaicin was inactive in this regard. on the other hand, indomethacin exacerbated BHR. These data suggest that after FA inhalation, the resulting lung leukocyte influx and BHR may involve nitric oxide, airway sensory fibers and mast cell-derived mediators. The effect of NO seemed to be largely restricted to the bronchial tonus, whereas neuropeptides appeared to be linked to the inflammatory response, therefore indicating that the mechanisms responsible for the changes of airway responsiveness caused by FA may be separate from those underlying its inflammatory lung effects. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study was conducted on vocal muscles removed at autopsy Rom adult individuals (10 men and 8 women, aes ranging from 48 to 78 years) with no laryngeal disease. Histologic analysis was performed with hematoxylin and eosin staining, and histochemical analysis was performed by nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase, succinate dehydrogenase, and acid and alkaline myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase reactions. The histochemical reactions showed that the muscle consists of slow-twitch oxidative (SO), fast-twitch glycolytic (FG), and fast-twitch glycolytic oxidative (FOG) fibers distributed in mosaic form. The frequencies of SO, FOG, and FG fibers were 40.50%, 54.75%, and 4.75%, respectively. The higher frequency of SO and FOG oxidative fibers characterizes the muscle as having aerobic metabolism, resistance to fatigue, and fast contraction. The mean minimum diameters were 31.37 mu m for SO fibers and 36.46 mu m for FOG and FG fibers.


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This experiment was developed in order to evaluation the efficiency of pheromone to control the pink bollworm and the total time of its release in cotton field. The experiment was installed in field conditions, in Chapadao do Sul/SP/Brazil, from January to April, 1998. The treatments consisted of 2 areas, being one of 30ha, where it was applied the pheromone and another of 10ha that was chosen as control area and did not receive pheromone. In the treated area, the laboratory synthesized sex pheromone (PB-Rope) was used thought of dispensers that allowed the slow and gradual release of the active substance. A total of 250 dispenser per hectare were evenly hand distributed in the area. The dispensers were wrapped around the plants. Both areas (treated area and untreated area) were monitored by delta trap. For evaluation of the boll damage, the treatment area was divided into 4 sub-areas. Twenty five green bolls were collected at random from each sub-area at 48 and 65 days after pheromone treatment. Bolls were cracked open by hand, and number of the bolls with symptoms of pink bollworm attacks was recorded. For evaluation of the productivity four areas were demarcated in each treatment, where all fibers and seeds harvested were weighted. Release rate of pheromone from dispenser was evaluated through of the weigh of the dispensers. Were marked and weighed in analytic scale, 20 dispensers contend the pheromone, being placed 10 dispensers under the cotton plants in treated area and other 10 dispensers in an open area. To every 15 days the dispensers were retired and weighed in analytic scale and soon after put back in the field in the same places. The results showed that only one application of mating disrupt pheromone, used in a dosage of 250 dispenser/ha, reached 80% of control for pink bollworm. the release period of pheromone from dispenser, after the application, was 120 days.


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We reexamined the morphological and functional properties of the hyoid, the tongue pad, and hyolingual musculature in chameleons. Dissections and histological sections indicated the presence of five distinctly individualized pairs of intrinsic tongue muscles. An analysis of the histochemical properties of the system revealed only two fiber types in the hyolingual muscles: fast glycolytic and fast oxidative glycolytic fibers. In accordance with this observation, motor-endplate staining showed that all endplates are of the en-plaque type. All muscles show relatively short fibers and large numbers of motor endplates, indicating a large potential for fine muscular control. The connective tissue sheet surrounding the entoglossal process contains elastin fibers at its periphery, allowing for elastic recoil of the hyolingual system after prey capture. The connective tissue sheets surrounding the m. accelerator and m. hyoglossus were examined under polarized light. The collagen fibers in the accelerator epimysium are configured in a crossed helical array that will facilitate limited muscle elongation. The microstructure of the tongue pad as revealed by SEM showed decreased adhesive properties, indicating a change in the prey prehension mechanics in chameleons compared to agamid or iguanid lizards. These findings provide the basis for further experimental analysis of the hyolingual system. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Cyclosporin A is a selective immunosuppressant, used in organ transplants to prevent graft rejection. Cyclosporin A can cause various side effects including gingival overgrowth. The aim of this work was to evaluate gingival overgrowth of rats treated daily with 10 mg/kg body weight of Cyclosporin A for 60 days, as well as the regression after the interruption of treatment. All rats treated with Cyclosporin A developed gingival overgrowth, with increased thickness of the epithelium, height and width of the connective tissue. The density of fibroblasts and collagen fibers also increased. Five to 90 days after the interruption of treatment with Cyclosporin A, there was a progressive reduction of the gingival volume and of collagen fibers and fibroblast densities. The reduction was more pronounced in the initial periods and after 90 days did not return to the normal values.


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It has previously been shown that, while cyclosporin A (CsA) and nifedipine both cause gingival overgrowth in the rat. the combined use of these drugs increases the severity of overgrowth. The aim of this study was to describe the histometry and densities of fibroblasts, collagen fibers and vessels in the gingival tissue of rats that were treated with CsA and nifedipine, either alone or in combination. Rats were treated for 60 days with a daily subcutaneous injection of 10 mg/kg body weight of CsA and/or with 50 mg/kg body weight of nifedipine added to the chow. The results confirmed that CsA causes a more severe overgrowth than nifedipine, and that the combined use of these drugs increases the overgrowth severity. All the rat groups that were studied showed that, as the severity of overgrowth increased, there was a parallel increase in fibroblasts and collagen, and a decrease in vessel content. Therefore, independently of whether the gingival overgrowth was caused by CsA alone, nifedipine alone, or both treatments in combination, the fibroblast and collagen density increased in parallel with the severity of the overgrowth. © Blackwell Munksgaard, 2002.


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Samples of the anterior and posterior regions of the masseter and temporal muscles and of the anterior belly of the digastric muscle of 4 adult male tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) were removed and stained with HE and submitted to the m-ATPase reaction (with alkaline and acid preincubation) and to the NADH-TR and SDH reactions. The results of the histoenzymologic reactions were similar, except for acid reversal which did not occur in fibers of the fast glycolytic (FG) type in the mandibular locomotor muscles. FG fibers had a larger area and were more frequent in all regions studied. No significant differences in frequency or area of each fiber type were detected, considering the anterior and posterior regions of the masseter and temporal muscles. The frequency of fibers of the fast oxidative glycolytic (FOG) and slow oxidative (SO) types and of FOG area differed significantly between the anterior belly of the digastric muscle and the mandibular locomotor muscle. The predominance of fast twitch (FG and FOG) fibers and the multipenniform and bipenniform internal architecture of the masseter and temporal muscles, respectively, are characteristics that permit the powerful bite typical of tufted capuchin monkeys.


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The glued-laminated lumber (glulam) technique is an efficient process for making rational use of wood. Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) associated with glulam beams provide significant gains in terms of strength and stiffness, and also alter the mode of rupture of these structural elements. In this context, this paper presents a theoretical model for designing reinforced glulam beams. The model allows for the calculation of the bending moment, the hypothetical distribution of linear strains along the height of the beam, and considers the wood has a linear elastic fragile behavior in tension parallel to the fibers and bilinear in compression parallel to the fibers, initially elastic and subsequently inelastic, with a negative decline in the stress-strain diagram. The stiffness was calculated by the transformed section method. Twelve non-reinforced and fiberglass reinforced glulam beams were evaluated experimentally to validate the proposed theoretical model. The results obtained indicate good congruence between the experimental and theoretical values.


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This work present a study of glulam beams reinforced with FRP. It was developed a theoretical model that calculates strength and stiffness of the beams. The model allows for the calculation of the bending moment, the hypothetical distribution of linear strains along the height of the beam, and considers the wood has a linear elastic fragile behavior in tension parallel to the fibers and bilinear in compression parallel to the fibers, initially elastic and subsequently inelastic, with a negative decline in the stress-strain diagram. The stiffness was calculated by the transformed section method. Twelve non-reinforced and fiberglass reinforced glulam beams were evaluated experimentally to validate the proposed theoretical model. The results obtained indicate good congruence between the experimental and theoretical values.


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A morphological and histochemical study of the human vestibular fold was carried out using routine histological techniques. Seven μm-thick histological sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Calleja showed the presence of elastic collagen fibers and seromucous glands in the vestibular fold. Muscle fibers forming the ventricular muscle were also identified. Ultrastructural analyses of the epithelial layer by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed ciliated cells and gland ducts opening on the epithelial surface. Histochemical analyses were performed on ventricular muscles submitted to nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase (mATPase) reactions. Based on these reactions, it was observed that the muscle is formed by three types of muscle fibers: slow-twitch oxidative (SO), fast-twitch oxydative glycolytic (FOG) and fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) fibers distributed in a mosaic pattern. The fiber frequency was 22.7%, 69.9% and 7.4%, respectively. The higher frequency of SO and FOG fibers characterized the muscle as having aerobic metabolism and resistance to fatigue. The ventricular muscle was considered fast. The study of the neuromuscular junctions performed after nonspecific esterase reaction showed that they are of the en-plaque type and have multiple occurrences in the ventricular muscle.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate if experimental alloxanic diabetes could cause qualitative changes in intestinal anastomoses of the terminal ileum and distal colon in rats, as compared to controls. 192 male Wistar rats, weighing ± 300g were split into four experimental groups of 48 animals each, after 3 months of follow-up: a control group with ileum anastomoses (G1), a control group with colon anastomoses (G2), a diabetic group with ileum anastomoses (G3) and a diabetic group with colon anastomoses (G4). Animals were evaluated and sacrificed on days 4, 14, 21 and 30 after surgery, and fragments of the small and large intestine where the anastomoses were performed were removed. Samples from 6 animals from each sacrifice moment were submitted to ultrastructural analysis of the collagen fibers using a scanning electron microscope and samples from another 6 animals were submitted to histopathology and optical microscopy studies using picrosirius red-staining. Histopathological analysis of picrosirius red-stained anastomosis slides using an optical microscope at 40x magnification showed that the distribution of collagen fibers was disarranged and also revealed a delay in scar tissue retraction. The morphometric study revealed differences in the collagen filled area for the ileum anastomoses 14 days post surgery whereas, in the case of colon anastomoses, differences were observed at days 4 and 30 post surgery, with higher values in the diabetic animals. Ultrastructure analysis of the ileum and colon anastomoses using a scanning electron microscope revealed fewer wide collagen fibers, the presence of narrower fibers and a disarranged distribution of the collagen fibers. We conclude that diabetes caused qualitative changes in scar tissue as well as in the structural arrangement of collagen fibers, what could explain the reduced wound strength in the anastomosis of diabetic animals. © J. A. Barth Verlag in Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart.


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TIMPs in the prostates of male and female gerbils and evaluated the effects of testosterone on the expression of these enzymes. Ventral prostates from male gerbils that were either intact or had been castrated for 7 or 21 days, along with prostates from female gerbils that were either intact or had been treated with testosterone for 7 or 21 days, were submitted to histological, stereological and immunohistochemical analyses. Stereology of prostatic components showed significant alterations of tissue compartments in the ventral male prostate after castration, especially after 21 days, with a significant increase in stroma. Administration of testosterone led to disorganization in the female prostate, with a significant increase in collagen fibers and smooth muscle cells after 21 days, along with the development of epithelial lesions such as PINs. MMP-2 increased after 21 days of castration in males; however, the TIMP-2 immunoreaction for this group was weak or absent. In females, the expression of MMP-2 appeared to decrease after 7 days of treatment with testosterone, but after 21 days, both epithelium and stroma showed a stronger reaction for MMP-2 than the controls. The expression of TIMP-2 in the treated females was similar to its expression in the castrated males. We conclude that the distribution of MMPs and TIMPs in both male and female prostates is altered by androgen manipulation, but the mechanism of stromal regulation appears to be distinct between genders because both the lack of T in castrated males and the excess levels of T in treated females lead to the same effect.


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The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that skeletal muscle adaptations induced by long-term resistance training (RT) are associated with increased myogenic regulatory factors (MRF) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) mRNA expression in rats skeletal muscle. Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: 8-week control (C8), 8-week trained (T8), 12-week control (C12) and 12-week trained (T12). Trained rats were submitted to a progressive RT program (4 sets of 10-12 repetitions at 65-75% of the 1RM, 3 day/week), using a squat-training apparatus with electric stimulation. Muscle hypertrophy was determined by measurement of muscle fiber cross-sectional area (CSA) of the muscle fibers, and myogenin, MyoD and IGF-I mRNA expression were measured by RT-qPCR. A hypertrophic stabilization occurred between 8 and 12 weeks of RT (control-relative % area increase, T8: 29% vs. T12: 35%; p>0.05) and was accompanied by the stabilization of myogenin (control-relative % increase, T8: 44.8% vs. T12: 37.7%, p>0.05) and MyoD (control-relative % increase, T8: 22.9% vs. T12: 22.3%, p>0.05) mRNA expression and the return of IGF-I mRNA levels to the baseline (control-relative % increase, T8: 30.1% vs. T12: 1.5%, p<0.05). Moreover, there were significant positive correlations between the muscle fiber CSA and mRNA expression for MyoD (r=0.85, p=0.0001), myogenin (r=0.87, p=0.0001), and IGF-I (r=0.88, p=0.0001). The significant (p<0.05) increase in myogenin, MyoD and IGF-I mRNA expression after 8 weeks was not associated with changes in the fiber-type frequency. In addition, there was a type IIX/D-to-IIA fiber conversion at 12 weeks, even with the stabilization of MyoD and myogenin expression and the return of IGF-I levels to baseline. These results indicate a possible interaction between MRFs and IGF-I in the control of muscle hypertrophy during long-term RT and suggest that these factors are involved more in the regulation of muscle mass than in fiber-type conversion. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.