193 resultados para equivalence


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Recently, a group of researchers proposed the concept of entransy by analogy with the electrical energy stored in a capacitor, the entransy being a measure of the ability of a body or a system to transfer heat. In comparative terms, the entransy dissipation rate is related with the loss of heat transfer ability just like the exergy destruction rate is proportional to the loss of work ability, being these losses caused by the irreversibilities related to the thermodynamic processes. Some authors have questioned the need for the concept of entransy, claiming that this concept is only an extension of a well established theory of heat transfer. The objective of this work is show the equivalence between the application of the concepts of entransy and entropy generation rate, which can be verified using various application examples. The application examples used here are the thermodynamic modeling of three physical models of solar energy collectors and a physical model of a sensible heat storage system. Analytical results are shown and compared. The results showed that the application of the concept of entransy provided identical expressions obtained by the concept of entropy generation, indicating a duplication of concepts. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We show that the parametrized Wave-Packet Phase Space representation, which has been studied earlier by one of the authors, is equivalent to a Squeezed States Phase Space Representation of quantum mechanics. © 1988.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência de diferentes concentrações de ethephon na expressão precoce de sintomas de Guignardia citricarpa em frutos de laranjeira 'Pêra-Rio'. Para tal, frutos assintomáticos e isentos de aplicações com fungicidas, com 20 e 28 semanas após a queda de pétalas, foram coletados em área de comprovada existência da doença, no município de Conchal-SP e levados ao Laboratório de Fitopatologia da FCAV/UNESP, em Jaboticabal-SP, onde foram tratados com soluções nas seguintes doses de ethephon: i) 1,57 g L-1; ii) 2,10 g L-1; iii) 2,42 g L-1; iv) Testemunha (água). Todas acrescidas de imazalil a 0,25 g L-1, para prevenir podridões de pós-colheita. Após os tratamentos, os frutos foram mantidos em câmara incubadora para B.O.D., calibrada à temperatura de 25ºC ±1ºC, por 15 dias. Posteriormente, os frutos foram submetidos a quatro avaliações, em intervalos semanais, sendo atribuídas notas que variaram de zero (ausência de sintomas) a 6 (sintomas severos). Os dados da severidade da doença observados nos frutos colhidos prematuramente e submetidos aos diferentes tratamentos com ethephon foram comparados aos observados em frutos ensacados e não ensacados, mantidos no campo até a maturação natural. Constatou-se maior equivalência de sintomas nos frutos com idade entre 20 e 28 semanas, quando estes foram tratados com 2,10 g L-1 de ethephon e avaliados entre 28 e 35 dias. Concluiu-se que o emprego de ethephon, nestas condições, viabilizou a expressão precoce dos sintomas da mancha preta em frutos contendo infecções quiescentes de G. citricarpa, com antecedência de, pelo menos, 105 dias antes da colheita. Tal resultado constitui-se, portanto, em alternativa de grande aplicabilidade na detecção precoce de sintomas de mancha preta.


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Sete famílias S2 de minimilho foram cruzadas entre si em esquema dialélico completo. Os híbridos simples obtidos foram avaliados na Estação Experimental de São Manuel, da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade de São Paulo (UNESP-Botucatu). O experimento foi delineado em blocos casualizados com três repetições. As parcelas consistiram de fileiras de 5 m espaçadas entre si por 0,90 m, com 50 plantas cada uma. Avaliaram-se as seguintes características: número de espigas por parcela (NE), massa de espigas com palha (MECP) e sem palha (MESP), comprimento de espigas com palha (CECP) e sem palha (CESP), diâmetro de espigas com palha (DECP) e sem palha (DESP), altura da planta (AP) e da espiga (AE). Estimaram-se os efeitos da capacidade geral e específica de combinação das famílias pelo método 4, modelo estatístico 1, proposto por Griffing. Houve predominância dos efeitos gênicos aditivos para a massa de espigas com palha e sem palha. Entretanto, para o comprimento de espigas sem palha, diâmetro de espigas com palha e sem palha, altura de planta e altura de espigas, os efeitos gênicos aditivos e não aditivos foram equivalentes. Pelas estimativas das capacidades combinatórias para o número de espigas por parcela, massa de espigas com palha e sem palha, a família 27 é a indicada para obter genótipos superiores.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this work a method is proposed to allow the indirect orientation of images using photogrammetric control extracted through integration of data derived from Photogrammetry and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) system. The photogrammetric control is obtained by using an inverse photogrammetric model, which allows the projection of image space straight lines onto the object space. This mathematical model is developed based on the intersection between the collinearity-based straight line and a DSM of region, derived from LiDAR data. The mathematical model used in the indirect orientation of the image is known as the model of equivalent t planes. This mathematical model is based on the equivalence between the vector normal to the projection plane in the image space and to the vector normal to the rotated projection plane in the object space. The goal of this work is to verify the quality, efficiency and potential of photogrammetric control straight lines obtained with proposed method applied to the indirect orientation of images. The quality of generated photogrammetric control was statistically available and the results showed that proposed method is promising and it has potential for the indirect orientation of images.


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This work deals with the initial applications and formulation of an aniscitropic plastic-damage constitutive model proposed for non-linear analysis of reinforced concrete structures submitted to a loading with change of the sign. The original constitutive model is based on the fundamental hypothesis of energy equivalence between real and continuous medium following the concepts of the Continuum Damage Mechanics. The concrete is assumed as an initial elastic isotropic medium presenting anisotropy, permanent strains and bimodularity (distinct elastic responses whether traction or compression stress states prevail) induced by damage evolution. In order to take into account the bimodularity, two damage tensors governing the rigidity in tension or compression regimes are introduced. Then, some conditions are introduced in the original version of the model in order to simulate the damage unilateral effect. The three-dimensional version of the proposed model is analyzed in order to validate its formulation when compared to micromechanical theory. The one-dimensional version of the model is applied in the analyses of a reinforced concrete beam submitted to a loading with change of the sign. Despite the parametric identification problems, the initial applications show the good performance of the model.


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Special diets are used to mitigate many human diseases. When these diets require changes in carbohydrate content, then sweetness becomes an important characteristic. The range of low-calorie sweeteners available to the food industry is expanding. It is essential to have an exact knowledge of the relative sweetness of various sweeteners in relation to different sucrose concentrations. The objective of this study was to determine the variation on the relative sweetness of aspartame (APM), stevia [Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Bertoni] leaf extract (SrB) and the mixture cyclamate/saccharin - two parts of cyclamate and one part of saccharin - (C/S) with the increase in their concentrations, and in neutral and acid pH in equi-sweet concentration to 10% sucrose, using magnitude estimation. Sweetness equivalence of SrB in relation to sucrose concentrations of 20% or higher and of APM and C/S to sucrose concentrations of 40% or higher could not be determined, because a bitter taste predominated. The potency of all sweeteners decreased as the level of sweetner increased. In equi-sweet concentration of sucrose at 10%, with pH 7.0 and pH 3.0, the potency was practically the same for all sweeteners evaluated.


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We explore here the issue of duality versus spectrum equivalence in dual theories generated through the master action approach. Specifically we examine a generalized self-dual (GSD) model where a Maxwell term is added to the self-dual model. A gauge embedding procedure applied to the GSD model leads to a Maxwell-Chern-Simons (MCS) theory with higher derivatives. We show here that the latter contains a ghost mode contrary to the original GSD model. By figuring out the origin of the ghost we are able to suggest a new master action which interpolates between the local GSD model and a nonlocal MCS model. Those models share the same spectrum and are ghost free. Furthermore, there is a dual map between both theories at classical level which survives quantum correlation functions up to contact terms. The remarks made here may be relevant for other applications of the master action approach.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper presents for the first time how to easily incorporate facts devices in an optimal active power flow model such that an efficient interior-point method may be applied. The optimal active power flow model is based on a network flow approach instead of the traditional nodal formulation that allows the use of an efficiently predictor-corrector interior point method speed up by sparsity exploitation. The mathematical equivalence between the network flow and the nodal models is addressed, as well as the computational advantages of the former considering the solution by interior point methods. The adequacy of the network flow model for representing facts devices is presented and illustrated on a small 5-bus system. The model was implemented using Matlab and its performance was evaluated with the 3,397-bus and 4,075-branch Brazilian power system which show the robustness and efficiency of the formulation proposed. The numerical results also indicate an efficient tool for optimal active power flow that is suitable for incorporating facts devices.


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Microhardness measurements were carried out in a low carbon lamination steel after 6% of temper rolling, in order to evaluate local variations of work hardening as a function of crystallographic orientation. EBSD (electron back scattered diffraction) was used to determine grain orientations with respect to individual rolling planes and rolling directions. Hardness was shown to increase with the local Taylor factor. TEM observations and a well-known dislocation hardening model were used to confirm the equivalence between hardness values and the stored energy of cold work. A definite correlation between stored energy and Taylor factors could therefore be established, being more consistent than previous data reported in the literature. The improvement was thought to be related to the rather small plastic deformation, during which Taylor factors could be considered to remain constant. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.