56 resultados para doença e sintomas
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A doença inflamatória intestinal (DII) é um quadro patológico marcado pela ocorrência de lesões de gravidade variável ao longo do trato intestinal. Os sintomas se manifestam na forma de duas variantes clínicas distintas: retocolite ulcerativa (RU) e doença de Crohn (DC). A DC pode afetar qualquer parte do trato gastrintestinal (TGI), desde a boca até o ânus, podendo em casos raros, acometer tecidos extraintestinais. A RU restringe-se ao intestino grosso. A predisposição para seu desenvolvimento e a causa da doença dependem de múltiplos fatores, incluindo a Genética, dieta, tabagismo, imunidade e a microbiota intestinal. Sendo uma das bactérias dominantes entre os aeróbios facultativos do cólon intestinal, a Escherichia coli tem sido foco da maioria dos estudos relacionados à microbiota. Diferentes trabalhos têm demonstrado que estas bactérias são aumentadas em pacientes com DII. Considerando-se o peso do fator genético e que pouco ou nenhum estudo equivalente tem sido realizado com a população brasileira, a proposta deste trabalho consistiu na avaliação quantitativa de alguns grupos bacterianos, em diferentes materiais clínicos de pacientes com DII. Para isto, foi investigado um total de 110 pacientes do atendimento de rotina do HC/UNESP, distribuídos em 3 categorias: 52 controles, 20 portadores de DC e 38 portadores de RU. Os espécimes clínicos consistiram majoritariamente de biópsias do reto e, em menor número, de fezes e biópsias de outros segmentos da mucosa intestinal. Análise da variação na concentração bacteriana aplicada às espécimes de um subgrupo destes pacientes (24 controles, 17 portadores de RU e 14 de DC) revelou que, em geral, portadores de DII apresentam uma maior concentração média de bactérias Gram negativas, Gram positivas e de outros microrganismos em diferentes segmentos da mucosa
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
The regular practice of physical therapy is indicated as a non-pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer's disease by promoting cognitive, behavioral and functional benefits. However, little is known about the protocols with home-based motor intervention for this population. Thinking about it, this review aimed to investigate and analyze the protocols for home-based motor intervention for elderly with Alzheimer's disease described in scientific articles. A systematic search was performed in the following databases: Web of Science, PubMed, PsycINFO, and Scopus, using the following keywords and Boolean operators: home-based exercise OR home-based physical exercise OR home-based physical fitness OR home-based rehabilitation OR home-based physical therapy OR home-based physical activity OR home-based engine Intervention and AD OR Alzheimer's disease OR AlzheimerOR Alzheimer's dementia. We also conducted a manual search of reference lists of selected articles. Of the five articles that met the inclusion criteria adopted, three performed a protocol for home motor intervention, achieving good compliance with the program, improvement of general health and reduction of depressive symptoms. The other two studies were limited to describing the protocols. Although more studies are needed, with detailed protocols, this review allowed to show that protocols for home motor intervention can also produce positive effects for both patients and caregivers.
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) accounts for approximately 56% of all cases of dementia. The present study aimed to report the perception of AD by students of Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy from Faculty of Philosophy and Science “Julio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP – Marília, with regard to the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, between 2011 and 2012. The questionnaire with open and closed questions was administered to 101 students, using as a criterion for exclusion those who refused to answer the survey and / or not signed the informed consent form. After the questionnaire application, the answers have undergone quantitative analysis, checking which information and concepts about Alzheimer’s disease these students acquired during the undergraduate years. The data shows that although students have knowledge about the signs and symptoms of the disease, few mention the importance of family, the caregiver and the relationship of the disease with dependence that commonly reaches this population.
Introduction: Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is characterized by a set of four motor symptoms: tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural instability. These defi cits may predispose individuals to limitations resulting from falls and their secondary consequences. Objective: To evaluate the functional balance and quality of life (QoL) in individuals with PD and determine whether there is correlation between performance on tests of balance with the QoL. Method: The project was referred to the Ethics Committee in Research of Universidade Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho” Campus de Marília and was approved under protocol number 1806/09. Participated in this study with individuals diagnosed with PD between levels one and four in the Hoen and Yahr scale. The subjects were evaluated according to functional balance and QoL, respectively by the instruments: Functional Balance Scale Berg (EEFB), Time Up and Go test (TUG), and Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire-39 (PDQ-39). To perform the statistical analysis used the GraphPad Prism 5. To perform the correlation analysis for the variables passed normality by the Shapiro-Wilk. Since the variables were non-parametric test was used Spearman. During the analysis the statistical signifi cance level was considered p ≤ 0, 05. Results: We studied 25 individuals aged between 54 and 85 years (71.20 ± 8.50), time of diagnosis between one and 39 years (6.54 ± 7.71) disease. Moderate correlation was found between the EEFB with QoL (r =- 0.6), and TUG with QoL (r = 0.6836). Among the aspects of QoL balance showed a higher correlation with the domains “mobility” (TUG r = 0, 6768; EEFB r = -0.6155) and “Activities of daily living” (TUG r = 0, 7357, and EEFB r = -0.6521). Conclusion: Patients with Parkinson’s disease show defi cits in balance and QoL. The balance disorders have a high correlation among themselves and show how aspects of QoL.
Introduction: The pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is composed of aerobic and resisted exercises that improve the functional capacity to the exercise, life quality and decrease respiratory symptoms in subjects with chronic pulmonary disease. Objective: Assess the effects of a combined PR program in the cardiorespiratory function and peripheral muscle strength in subjects with chronic pulmonary disease. Method: Patients with chronic pulmonary disease were submitted to the PR program, which was developed on 24 sessions of 60 minutes (three times per week). The program was composed of aerobic exercises (two times per week) and resisted exercises (once a week). Before and after the PR the patients were submitted to manovacuometry in order to measure the maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and the maximum expiratory pressure (MEP), ventilometry, peek expiratory flow (PEF), six minute walking test (6MWT) and one maximum repetition (1RM). The data are presented in absolute frequency, percentage and mean±standard deviation. The t Student test was used to compare data before and after the PR and the ANOVA test to compare before, after and predicted distances in the 6MWT (p<0.05). Results: Seven patients were part of this study, 85.70% of women, 71.40% with pulmonary emphysema diagnosis. The mean age was 69.43±5.59 years old, the height was 1.61±0.07 m, the mean weight was 66.20±8.40 kg and the body mass index mean was 25.50±2.48 kg/m². From the variables assessed, the MEP increased from 79.71±13.69 to 84.42±12.83 cmH2O (p=0,03), the PEF increase from 255.71±66.3 to 320.00±93.63 l/min (p=0,03) and the distance in the 6MWT from 415.28±47.90 to 483,79±79,77 m (p=0,02). The load in the 1RM test in the reverse peck deck exercise (before - - 17.10±8.10kg; after – 210.40±9.00kg), knee in leg extension machine (before – 17.10±9.50kg; after – 26.40±13.10kg) and hip extensors (right before – 48.60±22.10kg; after – 62.90±19.30kg; and left before – 46.40±20.10kg; after – 62.10±18.20kg) increased significantly (p<0,05). Conclusion: After the PR program there was improvement in the expiratory muscular strength, in the lower limbs strength and in the functional capacity. Besides that, there was a reduction in the airflow obstruction of the subjects with chronic pulmonary disease.
The Alzheimer's dementia (AD) is a chronic, neurodegenerative and progressive disorder, characterized by cognitive decline, affecting brain functions like memory, reasoning and communication, occurrence of behavioral disturbances and difficulty in performing activities of daily living (ADLs). These conditions lead to patient’s dependence, which can cause depressive symptoms in caregivers, due to physical and mental burden caused by of the difficulties of the act of caring. Whereupon, it became necessary to find strategies to improve the caregivers’ quality of life. An interesting hypothesis is that physical activity can be considered a non-pharmacological alternative in reducing depressive symptoms, being an important factor for maintaining the physical and mental well-being of the general population, especially on positive changes in mood and social interaction. This study aimed to analyze the effects of a physical activity protocol on depressive symptoms and burden of caregivers of patients with AD. This experimental study, of longitudinal character, comprised a sample of 19 caregivers, of both genders, divided into two groups: a) intervention group – IG (10 caregivers who participated in a physical activity protocol) and b) control group – CG (9 caregivers who didn’t participate in the physical activity protocol). This protocol, which worked the components of functional ability and social interaction of participants, was held three times a week, being 48 sessions of 60 minutes each, for 16 weeks. Data collect was performed at pre and post-intervention for both groups. The assessment instruments used were: a) Zarit Burden Interview, b) Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) and c) battery of motor tests of the American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD). Nonparametric statistics was used, with intra-group comparison by Wilcoxon test... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
A demência de Alzheimer (DA) constitui o tipo mais comum de demência. Déficits de memória caracterizam a doença e causam comprometimento de sua qualidade de vida. Sintomas depressivos são comuns na DA e associam-se a um contexto de perda da qualidade de vida. Atualmente a literatura apresenta poucos estudos envolvendo a temática atividade física na DA. O presente estudo poderá orientar novas investigações acerca da DA e auxiliar profissionais da área da saúde na orientação de cuidados para o paciente que visam reduzir sintomas depressivos e aumentar a qualidade de vida de pacientes e cuidadores. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar os efeitos da atividade física sistematizada sobre os sintomas depressivos e a qualidade de vida de idosos com demência de Alzheimer e de seus cuidadores. Dezesseis sujeitos com diagnóstico de DA foram avaliados no início e após seis meses pelos testes: Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), escala de qualidade de vida (EQV) e Escala de Depressão em Geriatria (EDG). Seis participantes foram submetidos à sessões de um programa sistematizado de atividade física a ser realizado 3 vezes por semana, com duração de 60 minutos, por um período de 6 meses. Os demais formaram o grupo controle, que não realizou a intervenção motora. A análise dos dados consistiu da estatística descritiva, verificação da distribuição dos dados por meio do teste de Shapiro Wilk. Foi utilizada a Análise de Variância para medidas repetidas (ANOVA two-way) e o teste de correlação de Pearson. Admitiu-se nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05) para todas as análises. A ANOVA mostrou uma interação significativa entre grupos e momentos. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson apontou que há relação entre as visões de qualidade de vida, e entre as mesmas e os sintomas...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The policystycal kidney disease that's a disease congenital autossomal dominant , no connected with the sex , what affect equally manly and females, especially the from race Persian and intersections with animals of that race. The polycystical kidney disease is broadcast the all issue from the individuals affected due at your character hereditary dominant. Yours signals clinical is linked together at the classic signals of Insufficiency Renal Account, such as: nefromegaly, poliury, anorexic, hematury and anemia , because in as much as the animals affected they tend developing this pathology among others secondary systemic problems . The means diagnostic, to ide ntify this pathology as varied, being used principally the of image, permitting a precociou diagnostic. Your treatment consists in master the symptoms caused by kidney insufficiencies Account and furnish, comfort and quality of life for the animals bearers, because it doesn’t have cur. Know the etiology, signals clinical, mediums diagnostic and the treatment is essential tools about to the screening of that disease and also to the future from race Persian and yours intersections obtained across her. The main objective this study was realize a bibliographic review about polycystical kidney disease linking a traditional forms of the diagnostic, treatment and control with new studies recently published about affected felines populations
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC