74 resultados para daytime sleepiness
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo do presente artigo é investigar a relação fluorose/cáries em escolas, de acordo com o nível de fluoreto no abastecimento público de água. A amostra consistiu em 360 alunos de doze anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, que frequentam as escolas próximas da região em que nasceram. As escolas foram classificadas em três grupos de acordo com a presença de fluoreto no abastecimento de água: 1) fluoretação na Estação de Tratamento de Água (ETA); 2) fluoretação direta em poços; e 3) áreas não fluoretadas (ANF). Os testes deχe de Goodman (significância = 5%) foram utilizados para avaliar a associação entre a origem da água e o grau de fluorose. Os resultados mais predominantes foram presença de cáries em toda a amostra (P<0,05); ausência de fluorose em ambos gêneros, para indivíduos brancos e aqueles vivendo em áreas abastecidas com água fluoretada diretamente de poços e não fluoretadas (P<0,05). Não houve diferença no grau de severidade da fluorose entre as fontes de abastecimento de água (P>0,05). As cáries ainda são uma importante questão nessa população, apesar do estabelecimento de medida preventiva. A observação da fluorose em alunos vivendo em áreas não fluoretadas confirma a presença de outras fontes de fluorose.
Objetivou-se determinar a eficiência do teste da libido realizado em curral em comparação ao teste realizado a campo e relacioná-los à taxa de gestação em estação de monta de 120 dias. Treze touros aptos à reprodução foram submetidos ao teste da libido em curral por 3 horas. Desses touros, nove foram submetidos à avaliação a campo na proporção touro:vaca de 1:33. A cada 21 dias, foi diagnosticada a gestação por meio de avaliações ultra-sonográficas. No teste em curral, observou-se que, quanto maior o tempo, maiores foram os escores de classificação e que nenhum touro efetuou serviço completo nos 10 minutos iniciais do teste. Com um touro classificado como muito bom obteve-se 84,80% de prenhez, porém touros questionáveis proporcionaram taxas de prenhez de 86,67 e 96,55% ao final da estação. As correlações entre características físicas e morfológicas do sêmen mantiveram-se próximas de zero ou foram nulas. Os principais sinais fisiológicos do comportamento sexual foram o ato de cheirar ou lamber o corpo da fêmea, cheirar ou lamber a vulva, seguidos ou não por reflexo de Flehmen. em animais da raça Nelore, o tempo de 30 minutos de observação mostrou-se mais eficiente para a realização do teste da libido em curral. O teste da libido realizado a campo no período diurno não foi eficaz em predizer a libido de todos os animais estudados, em decorrência, provavelmente, do comportamento sexual noturno de alguns reprodutores.
This report describes the development of a behaviour chamber and the validation of the chamber to measure locomotor activity of a horse, Locomotor activity was detected by four Mini-beam sensors and recorded on a data logger every 5 min for 22 h. Horses were more active during daytime than in the evening, which was at least partially related to human activity in their surroundings. To validate the ability of the chambers to detect changes in activity, fentanyl citrate and xylazine HCl, agents well-characterized as a stimulant and a depressant, respectively, were administered to five horses. Fentanyl citrate (0.016 mg/kg) significantly increased locomotor activity which persisted for 30 min, Xylazine HCl (1 mg/kg) significantly reduced locomotor activity for 90 min. Amitraz produced a dose-dependent decrease in locomotor activity, lasting 75 min for the 0.05 mg/kg dose, 120 min for the 0.10 mg/kg dose, and 180 min for the 0.15 mg/kg dose, In a separate experiment, yohimbine administration immediately reversed the sedative effect of amitraz, This suggests there is a similarity in the mode of action of amitraz, xylazine and detomidine, as yohimbine acts primarily by blocking central alpha 2-adrenoceptors that are stimulated by agents like xylazine, There was also a significant decrease in locomotor activity following injection of detomidine (0.02, 0.04 and 0.08 mg/kg) for 1.5, 3.5 and 5.0 h, respectively, the locomotor chamber is a useful, sensitive and highly reproducible tool for measuring spontaneous locomotor activity in the horse, which allows investigators to determine an agent's average time of onset, duration and intensity of effect on movement.
[1] Surface-based measurements of atmospheric formic acid (HCOOH), acetic acid (CH3COOH), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen chloride (HCl), and nitric acid (HNO3) were made in central São Paulo State, Brazil, between April 1999 and March 2000. Mean concentrations were 9.0 ppb (HCOOH), 1.3 ppb (CH3COOH), 4.9 ppb (SO2), 0.3 ppb (HCl), and 0.5 ppb (HNO3). Concentrations in sugar cane burning plumes were 1160-4230 ppb (HCOOH), 360-1750 ppb (CH3COOH), 10-630 ppb (SO2), 4-210 ppb (HCl), and 14-90 ppb (HNO3). Higher ambient concentrations of SO2, HCl and HNO3 were measured during the burning season (May-November). Concentrations of SO2 and HCl increased during the evening, and of HCOOH and CH3COOH were lowest in the morning, with peak levels in the afternoon. Ratios obtained between different species showed either nighttime maxima (SO2/HCOOH, SO2/CH3COOH, SO2/HNO3, CH3COOH/HNO3, SO2/HCl and HCOOH/HNO3), daytime maxima (HCOOH/HCl, CH3COOH/HCl and HNO3/HCl), or no clear trends (HCOOH/CH3COOH). Correlation analysis showed that SO2 and HCl were primary emissions from biomass burning and road transport; HCOOH, HNO3 and CH3COOH were products of photochemistry; HCOOH and CH3COOH were emitted directly during combustion as well as from biogenic sources. Biomass burning affected atmospheric acidity on a regional scale, while vehicular emissions had greater impact in urban and adjacent areas. Atmospheric ammonia levels were insufficient to neutralize atmospheric acidity, which was mainly removed by deposition to the surface.
Background: Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a well-known predictor of cardiovascular mortality in patients who have end-stage renal disease and are maintained on hemodialysis (HD), and LVH is not always correlated with the severity of hypertension in these patients. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of other factors contributing to LVH.Methods: A total of 50 patients with HD were classified in three groups according to whether their LV mass index (LVMI) was higher than (n = 15), equal to (n = 20), or lower than (n = 15) that predicted by a formula based on their ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM).Results: Subjects with higher LVMI than predicted had significantly greater inter-HD weight gain (3.4 +/- 0.8 v 2.7 +/- 0.8 and 2.6 +/- 05 kg, respectively, in the other two groups, P < .05), and subjects with lower LVMI than predicted had a tendency toward a more pronounced nocturnal dipping pattern of BP (P = .07 v the other two groups), although daytime and night-time average BP levels did not differ between groups. All other clinical and laboratory parameters were similar among the three groups except higher cardiac output and various indices of LVH, which were more pronounced in the group with higher LVMI by ABPM. This group had also the lowest survival rate over the 2 to 3 years of follow-up, with five deaths versus two in each of the other two groups.Conclusions: the data suggest that correct management of inter-HD weight gain by nutritional counseling and shorter inter-HD intervals may prevent LVH and improve survival independently of BP control. (C) 2004 American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd.
The seasonal evolution of daily and hourly values of global and diffuse solar radiation at the surface are compared for the cities of São Paulo and Botucatu, both located in Southeast Brazil and representative of urban and rural areas, respectively. The comparisons are based on measurements of global and diffuse solar irradiance carried out at the surface during a six year simultaneous period in these two cities. Despite the similar latitude and altitude, the seasonal evolution of daily values indicate that São Paulo receives, during clear sky days, 7.8% less global irradiance in August and 5.1% less in June than Botucatu. on the other hand, São Paulo receives, during clear sky days, 3.6% more diffuse irradiance in August and 15.6% more in June than Botucatu. The seasonal variation of the diurnal cycle confirms these differences and indicates that they are more pronounced during the afternoon. The regional differences are related to the distance from the Atlantic Ocean, systematic penetration of the sea breeze and daytime evolution of the particulate matter in São Paulo. An important mechanism controlling the spatial distribution of solar radiation, on a regional scale, is the sea breeze penetration in São Paulo, bringing moisture and maritime aerosol that in turn further increases the solar radiation scattering due to pollution and further reduces the intensity of the direct component of solar radiation at the surface. Surprisingly, under clear sky conditions the atmospheric attenuation of solar radiation in Botucatu during winter - the biomass burning period due to the sugar cane harvest - is equivalent to that at São Paulo City, indicating that the contamination during sugar cane harvest in Southeast Brazil has a large impact in the solar radiation field at the surface.
Biodiversity can be useful as an ecosystem indicator for conservation and monitoring, through continuous assessment of its main properties including stability, primary productivity, exploitation tolerance and even global environmental changes. The main purpose of this study was to provide a checklist of the crabs associated with subtidal rocky bottoms at the Vitoria Archipelago, southeastern Brazilian coast. Monthly collections were carried out from February 2004 through January 2006 on three islands at the Vitoria Archipelago (23[degree]44'S-45[degree]01'W). The crabs were hand-caught by SCUBA divers during the daytime, in rock subtidal. A total of 3084 individuals were caught, belonging to 42 species, 28 genera, and 12 families, highlighting Mithraculus forceps (1528) and Stenorhynchus seticornis (407) representing more than 60% of the sample. on the other hand, Dromia erythropus, Moreiradromia antilensis, Ebalia stimpsoni, Garthiope spinipes and Tumidotheres maculatus had only one individual sampled.
The work described was part of the programme, Innovative biological indicators to improve the efficiency of water and nitrogen use and the fruit quality in tree crops Project, a partnership between ISA and INRA. Field studies were conducted in Portugal on different irrigated plots of nectarine trees; a fully irrigated (unstressed plot) and a plot that was not irrigated for some days (stressed plot). The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of plant water stress on canopy temperature, to determine the nonwater-stressed baseline and to observe diurnal and seasonal variations of Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI). Canopy temperature, psychrometric and wind speed data were taken each half-hour, between 9:30 and 15:30 h. Results showed that canopy temperature was higher during the daytime, for both unstressed and stressed plots. A linear regression of canopy-air temperature differential and the vapor pressure deficit (non-water-stress baseline) showed a r2= 0.65. During the stress period, the average canopy temperature of the stressed plot was up to 5.4°C higher than the unstressed plot. Diurnal and seasonal average of CWSI values showed differences between unstressed and stressed plots, during the stress period.
Several studies show a crescent association between sleep-disordered breathing, excessive sleepiness and automobile accidents. Many countries already discussed about specific regulations for drivers with these conditions, including questionnaire and/or investigation by a qualified specialist. In Brazil, these discussions have barely begun. In view of that, we suggest some items to be included in our traffic law.
SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observations Zenithales) is a ground-based UV-Visible zenith-sky spectrometer installed between 1988 and 1995 at a number of NDSC stations at various latitudes on the globe. The instrument is providing ozone and NO2 vertical columns at sunrise and sunset using the Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) technique in the visible spectral range. The ERS-2 GOME Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) in 1995 was the first satellite mission to provide a global picture of atmospheric NO 2 with reasonable spatial and temporal resolution. It was then followed by SCanning ImAging spectroMeter for Atmospheric ChartographY (SCIAMACHY) onboard ENVISAT in 2002, and Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) onboard EOS-AURA in 2004, with a similar capacity to monitor total NO 2. All these instruments are nadir viewing mapping spectrometers, applying the DOAS technique in the visible for deriving the NO2 total column. Here we present the results of NO2 long-term comparisons between GOME and SAOZ for the whole period of GOME operation since 1995 at all latitudes - tropics, mid-latitudes and polar regions - in both hemispheres. Comparisons are also shown with the most recently available SCIAMACHY and OMI data in 2004-2005. Overall, the daytime satellite measurements (around noon) are found consistent with sunrise ground-based data, with an average smaller difference at the tropics and mid-latitudes than in the polar areas in the summer. The agreement is even improved after correcting for the NO2 photochemical change between sunrise and the satellite overpass using a box model. However, some seasonal dependence of the difference between ground-based and satellite total NO2 still remains, related to the accuracy of photochemical simulations and the set of NO2 air mass factors used in the retrievals of both systems.
The aim of this work is to study the local impact on the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere air composition of an extreme deep convective system. For this purpose, we performed a simulation of a convective cluster composed of many individual deep convective cells that occurred near Bauru (Brazil). The simulation is performed using the 3-D mesoscale model RAMS coupled on-line with a chemistry model. The comparisons with meteorological measurements show that the model produces meteorological fields generally consistent with the observations. The present paper (part I) is devoted to the analysis of the ozone precursors (CO, NO x and non-methane volatile organic compounds) and HO x in the UTLS. The simulation results show that the distribution of CO with altitude is closely related to the upward convective motions and consecutive outflow at the top of the convective cells leading to a bulge of CO between 7 km altitude and the tropopause (around 17km altitude). The model results for CO are consistent with satellite-borne measurements at 700 hPa. The simulation also indicates enhanced amounts of NO x up to 2 ppbv in the 7-17 km altitude layer mainly produced by the lightning associated with the intense convective activity. For insoluble non-methane volatile organic compounds, the convective activity tends to significantly increase their amount in the 7-17km layer by dynamical effects. During daytime in the presence of lightning NO x, this bulge is largely reduced in the upper part of the layer for reactive species (e.g. isoprene, ethene) because of their reactions with OH that is increased on average during daytime. Lightning NO x also impacts on the oxydizing capacity of the upper troposphere by reducing on average HO x, HO 2, H 2O 2 and organic hydroperoxides. During the simulation time, the impact of convection on the air composition of the lower stratosphere is negligible for all ozone precursors although several of the simulated convective cells nearly reach the tropopause. There is no significant transport from the upper troposphere to the lower stratosphere, the isentropic barrier not being crossed by convection. The impact of the increase of ozone precursors and HO x in the upper troposphere on the ozone budget in the LS is discussed in part II of this series of papers.
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is important in regulating energy metabolism and in mediating responses to stressors, including increasing energy availability during physical exercise. In addition, glucocorticoids act directly on the central nervous system and influence behavior, including locomotor activity. To explore potential changes in the HPA axis as animals evolve higher voluntary activity levels, we characterized plasma corticosterone (CORT) concentrations and adrenal mass in four replicate lines of house mice that had been selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running (HR lines) for 34 generations and in four nonselected control (C) lines. We determined CORT concentrations under baseline conditions and immediately after exposure to a novel stressor (40 min of physical restraint) in mice that were housed without access to wheels. Resting daytime CORT concentrations were approximately twice as high in HR as in C mice for both sexes. Physical restraint increased CORT to similar concentrations in HR and C mice; consequently, the proportional response to restraint was smaller in HR than in C animals. Adrenal mass did not significantly differ between HR and C mice. Females had significantly higher baseline and postrestraint CORT concentrations and significantly larger adrenal glands than males in both HR and C lines. Replicate lines showed significant variation in body mass, length, baseline CORT concentrations, and postrestraint CORT concentrations in one or both sexes. Among lines, both body mass and length were significantly negatively correlated with baseline CORT concentrations, suggesting that CORT suppresses growth. Our results suggest that selection for increased locomotor activity has caused correlated changes in the HPA axis, resulting in higher baseline CORT concentrations and, possibly, reduced stress responsiveness and a lower growth rate. © 2007 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.
The Potoos form an exclusively neotropical family of nocturnal birds distributed throughout Central and South America, except Chile, and reaching their highest diversity in the Amazon region. The seven currently recognized species are certainly among the most poorly known birds of this region. They are characterized by a distinctive mimicry of vegetal trunks, where they remain almost motionless during daytime. For this reason, their nocturnal and cryptic habits make them exceedingly difficult to study. Published accounts on behavior and natural history of the family are scarce and contributions regarding its anatomy are rare. Here we sample six of the seven currently recognized species of Nyctibiidae, including Nyctibius grandis, N. aethereus, N. griseus, N. jamaicensis, N. leucopterus and N. bracteatus, in order to conduct a detailed and illustrated description of the skull and jaw osteology. High interspecific variation in skull osteology was observed in the family. Species of this family possess a highly modified skull, adapted to their life habits, which shelters their well developed eyes and permits a large mouth opening. The bones that form the palate structure exhibit a dorsoventral flattening, particularly in the pterigoid and parasphenoid bones, with the palatine bone being a broadly developed, wing-shaped structure. In the maxilar region, near the jugal arch, there is a tooth-like projection, unique among birds, which may assist in the retention of prey upon capture. The vomer bone is highly variable within the family, showing varying numbers of rostral projections amongst species. The broad occipital region exhibits large spacing between the quadrate bones, which are vertically disposed and possess a reduced processus orbitalis. The mandible, which is flexible and elastic, has an extremely short symphyseal region and sindesmotic joints in both mandibular rami. As a family, potoos possess a highly specialized skull which provides insight into the relationship between the form of the structures and the feeding habits of the species. Furthermore, the large interspecific variation in skull morphology emphasizes the needs for taxonomic revision within the family, which at present is lumped into a single genus.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)