162 resultados para critérios de formulação


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O estudo avaliou a coerência do ideário do Programa UNI, em três projetos no Brasil, analisando a relação entre Propósitos, Métodos e Organização, à luz do Postulado de Coerência de Mario Testa. Bibliografia sobre o Programa UNI e entrevistas com doze atores do seu processo, agrupados como Formuladores do Programa UNI, Diretores de Projetos UNI e Avaliadores, compuseram o material empírico. Este foi recortado, sistematizado e analisado segundo categorias analíticas de determinação, condicionamento, sujeito coletivo e paradigma e segundo categorias empíricas de propósito, método e organização. Evidenciou-se uma formulação idealizada do espaço real de operacionalização dos Projetos e a presença de linhas de determinação e condicionamento construídas, dialeticamente, no espaço concreto de atuação dos atores e na relação entre sujeito e objeto, algumas vezes, em sentido contrário ao que previamente se supôs na formulação do Programa. A investigação conseguiu identificar movimentos de mudanças nas realidades dos Projetos UNI, tanto na universidade, como nos serviços de saúde e comunidade. As limitações presentes no referencial teórico funcionalista, adotado na formulação inicial do Programa e na pouca valorização dada às linhas de condicionamento ou determinação que partem das organizações podem ser apontadas como explicações para o não alcance de sua eficácia plena.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objectives of this study were to obtain heritability and genetic, phenotypic and environmental correlation estimates for birth (B), weaning (WW), yearling (YW) and 18 - (EW) and 24 - month (TW) weights, and to propose selection criteria for body weight in Canchim cattle. The data were analyzed by the least-squares method with models that included the fixed effects of herd, year and month of birth, sex of calf and age of cow at calving, and the random effects of sire within herd. The heritability estimates obtained were equal to 0.36 0.06 (BW), 0.47 0.06 (WW), 0.53 0.07 (YW), 0.54 0.08 (EW) and 0.27 0.06 (TW). The genetic correlations were equal to 0.51 (BW and WW), 0.36 (BW and YW), 0.14 (BW and EW), 0.00 (BW and TW), 0.92 (WW and YW), 0.77 (WW and EW), 0.75 (WW and TW), 0.94 (YW and EW), 0.86 (YW and TW) and 0.85 (EW and TW). The phenotypic correlations ranged from 0.19 to 0.72, and the environmental correlations from 0.11 to 0.61. The results showed that, in general, mass selection for weight will result in genetic progress, selection for weight at any age will result in correlated changes at other ages, and EW and TW are good selection criteria for increasing weight in the Canchim breed.


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The utilization of dentifrices with low fluorine concentration, for children under 6 years of age, has been suggested to reduce the risks of dental fluorosis. However, in order to have anticariogenic potential, the dentifrice should form loosely-bound fluorine (CaF2) on dental enamel. Considering that the formation of CaF2 is a function inversely related to pH, dentifrices with pH 5.5, with 275, 550 and 1,100 ppm F (NaF/silica) were developed in order to assess dose-response effects. A comparison between those dentifrices, a placebo product and the Crest toothpaste (positive control - standard) was carried out. Furthermore, the bioavailability of dentifrices, in terms of formation of total fluorine (TF), CaF2, and fluorapatite (FA) on human dental enamel, was evaluated. An ion-specific electrode was utilized for the determination of the dosage of fluorine. The results revealed that the dentifrice with 550 ppm F was more effective than both the placebo and the dentifrice with 275 ppm, presenting no difference in relation to the positive control (p > 0.05). A dose-effect correlation was observed as to the CaF2 formed. In conclusion, the modified formulation with 550 ppm F can be considered as effective as the standard dentifrice with 1,100 ppm, and its utilization would be safer with regard to dental fluorosis.


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In breeding programs, the complexity of economically outstanding characters, most of which highly influenced by the environment, makes selection difficult. Using genetic parameters, like heritability and gain with selection, it is possible to identify superior genotypes in early generations. Therefore, the aim of the present research was to compare different selection criteria by the estimated gains and the selected progenies, determining the superior and more similar methods. Augmented block design was used with three additional checks. Twelve hundred genotypes were evaluated. The most expressive expected gains were obtained with direct selection. However, the indices have shown to be more appropriate for selecting superior progenies because of their higher total gains, distributed among all the evaluated characters. The Sum of Ranks Index allowed the highest gains in most of the situations analysed.


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Clinical studies on nasal topical medications require the standardization of nasosinusal normality in order to establish control groups through a specific evaluation of the upper airways. Aim: to standardize the evaluation of candidates for control groups in clinical studies on nasal topical medications. Material and Methods: healthy male volunteers of 18 to 50 years of age, asymptomatic from the nasosinusal standpoint were subjected to a sequential and excluding assessment made up of clinical evaluation, immediate hypersensitivity skin test, saccharin test, flexible nasofibroscopy and nasal cytology. Study design: Crosssectional contemporary cohort. Results: Of the 33 people originally enrolled, 14 (42.4%) were excluded for clinical reasons. Of the 19 remaining, 2 (10.5%) had atopy diagnosed in the skin test and were excluded. 17 were tested with saccharin and presented normal mucociliary clearance. Evaluation by nasal endoscopy showed abnormality in 2 cases (11.8%) and these were excluded. The remaining 15 were submitted to nasal cytology, which proved normal, representing 45.5% of those initially included. Conclusion: The proposed protocol for sequential and excluding evaluation was effective in defining candidates for the establishment of control groups in clinical studies on nasal topical medications. © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia. All Rights reserved.


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Gymnema sylvestre extract (GSE) is a plant product widely used as an adjuvant in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and commercially available as a powder. Owing to its low flowability, the manufacturing of hard gelatin capsules containing GSE faces specific problems. The purpose of this study was to investigate the best excipient (starch, lactose or microcrystalline cellulose) for hard gelatin capsules containing GSE. The technological properties such us bulk density (ρβ); tapped density (ρt); inter-particle porosity (Ie); Carr index (CI); Hausner ratio (HR); loss on drying (%LOD) and particle size distribution (%Pf) of the various GSE mixtures were investigated with the aim of identifying the best excipient. The need for lubricants (talc/magnesium stearate) was also assessed. GSE was characterized as a fine powder with more than 50% of its particles between 0.149mm to 0.250mm; furthermore, CI=25.6%; RH=1.3 and Ie = 25.6% and, as expected with such properties, it showed poor flowability. All the excipients investigated were able to change the technological properties of GSE and the powder mixture containing microcrystalline cellulose gave the best results.


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This article aims to present a list of the main influences experimented by architects and urbanists to formulate an urban thought of Sao Paulo City. This way, it will be discussed the main issues raised between the first decades of the XX Century until the 1950s, trying to foresee how the engineers and architects worked to incorporate the urbanistic proposals from Europe and the United States. On the first three sections of this article, it will be presented the concepts that effectively impacted the paulista urban thought of the first half of the XX Century: Sanitarism, the pendulum design: between the Mesologic Theory and the Microbian Theory; Camillo Sitte's historicist formulation; Howard Garden Town and the French experience. Our analysis was formulated by having as a reference a broad and systematic literature, documents stored at Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Araraquara (SP), visits to Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da USP Library and to Faculdade de Ciências e Letras da Unesp, Araraquara. The analysis shows that two urbanistic planner streams that happened in São Paulo State were clearly influenced by the conceptions that led the urbanistic debates in the first half of the XX Century. So, these conceptions compose a painting of the urban interventions in São Paulo City.


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The present study aimed to determine which leave will be displayed and the time of collection of this leave. The treatments consisted on five doses of nitrogen, four times for collection sampling and three types of leaves, arranged in a randomized block design with three repetitions, totalizing one hundred and forty-four experimental units. The leaves collections took place every fifteen days at thirty, forty-five, sixty and seventy five days after budbreak (DAB), collecting the laminated / compound young leaf (first leave), newly mature (second leave) and the mature leave (third leave) from the set of terminal leaflets. For this was installed an experiment with the culture of potato (cv. Atlantic), in Barretos/SP, the period of march the june of 2010. According to this data collected in this study, the best time for collecting the leaves is at 30 days after the budbreak of the potato cultivation containing nitrogen concentrations in the leaves minus heterogeneous of plants from a fraction to another and with values R2 = 0.98 being higher to the all times of harvests. To the diagnostic leaf, the highest determination coefficient was observed in the newly mature (second leaf) with R2 = 0.98. It can be observed that the highest levels of nitrogen were found on the first leaf (39.01 kg-1). Nevertheless, the values were very heterogeneous and did not fit the curve being the second leave (newly mature) the one that best represents the nutritional status of the plant. Therefore the recommendation for nutritional diagnosis will collect the recently matured leaves (2nd leaf) 30 days after budbreak.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)