173 resultados para cosmetic


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Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) is an enzyme that produces cyclodextrins from starch by an intramolecular transglycosylation reaction. Cyclodextrins have been shown to have a number of applications in the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. In the current study, the production of CGTase by Paenibacillus campinasensis strain H69-3 was examined in submerged and solid-state fermentations. P. campinasensis strain H69-3 was isolated from the soil, which grows at 45 C, and is a Gram-variable bacterium. Different substrate sources such as wheat bran, soybean bran, soybean extract, cassava solid residue, cassava starch, corn starch, and other combinations were used in the enzyme production. CGTase activity was highest in submerged fermentations with the greatest production observed at 48-72 h. The physical and chemical properties of CGTase were determined from the crude enzyme produced from submerged fermentations. The optimum temperature was found to be 70-75 degrees C, and the activity was stable at 55 degrees C for 1 h. The enzyme displayed two optimum pH values, 5.5 and 9.0 and was found to be stable between a pH of 4.5 and 11.0.


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BACKGROUND: Bioactive compounds are capable of providing health benefits, reducing disease incidence or favoring body functioning. There is a growing search for vegetable oils containing such compounds. This study aimed to characterize the pulp and kernel oils of the Brazilian palm species guariroba (Syagrus oleracea), jeriva (Syagrus romanzoffiana) and macauba (Acrocomia aculeata), aiming at possible uses in several industries.RESULTS: Fatty acid composition, phenolic and carotenoid contents, tocopherol composition were evaluated. The majority of the fatty acids in pulps were oleic and linoleic; macauba pulp contained 526 g kg(-1) of oleic acid. Lauric acid was detected in the kernels of all three species as the major saturated fatty acid, in amounts ranging from 325.8 to 424.3 g kg(-1). The jeriva pulp contained carotenoids and tocopherols on average of 1219 mu g g(-1) and 323.50 mg kg(-1), respectively.CONCLUSION: The pulps contained more unsaturated fatty acids than the kernels, mainly oleic and linoleic. Moreover, the pulps showed higher carotenoid and tocopherol contents. The kernels showed a predominance of saturated fatty acids, especially lauric acid. The fatty acid profiles of the kernels suggest that these oils may be better suited for the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries than for use in foods. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry


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Keloids are considered to be benign hyperproliferative growths of dense fibrous tissue and overabundant deposition of disorganized, thick, hyalinized collagen that result from an abnormal tissue response to cutaneous injury. Keloids do not have a specific cause, although genetic predisposition is heavily implicated. We present a case report of a patient with an earlobe keloid that was treated with carbon dioxide laser radiation (CO2) with an 0.8-mm focus, 7 W, a power density of 2.5 W/cm(2), in a continuous mode. The patient was seen for follow-up 6 months later. An intact hole for placement of an earring was observed with a very good esthetic and functional result.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A eficácia antimicrobiana de conservantes empregados em formulações cosméticas foi avaliada usando Phenova® e Imidazolinidil uréia que inibiram o crescimento de Bacillus subtilis no extrato de Achillea millefolium L. e Nipagin®/ Nipasol® 0,2% em propilenoglicol não apresentaram efeito microbicida.


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Ciclodextrinas (CDs) são oligossacarídeos cíclicos, não redutores, capazes de formar complexos de inclusão com outras moléculas, modificando suas características químicas e físicas. São de interesse industrial, mas o fator limitante para sua utilização ainda é o alto custo de produção. Devido à sua pureza e ao teor de amilopectina, a fécula de mandioca se apresenta como substrato potencial para a produção de CDs, tendo mais de 95% de amido. Outro substrato potencial é o farelo, resíduo da extração da fécula de mandioca, com cerca de 70% de amido e custo consideravelmente inferior ao da fécula. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de CDs usando fécula e farelo de mandioca como substratos, empregando ciclodextrina glucosiltransferase (CGTase; E. C. proveniente de Bacillus macerans. A conversão do amido em a-CDs foi de 19% para a fécula e 21% para o farelo. Para b-CDs, os valores foram de 27% e 15% para a fécula e o farelo, respectivamente. A proporção de a: b-CDs produzidas a partir da fécula foi de 1,0:1,4, enquanto que para o farelo foi de 1,5:1,0. Após 4 horas a 50ºC houve considerável perda da atividade enzimática, indicando tendência de estabilização da reação.


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Foram atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Unesp - Campus de Botucatu, 11 animais (oito cães e três gatos), com alterações oftálmicas unilaterais graves que levaram à perda total da função ocular (protrusão de globo com injúria nervosa e estrutural, perfurações de córnea com perda de conteúdo intra-ocular e endoftalmites, entre outras). Os animais, com idades entre dois meses e 10 anos, foram submetidos à evisceração e posterior inclusão de esfera de resina acrílica (metilmetacrilato) na capa córneo-escleral ou escleral. As esferas foram previamente confeccionadas e esterilizadas por autoclavagem. No pós-operatório foram utilizados antiinflamatórios e antibioticoterapia tópica combinada ou não a sistêmica. O período de observação variou de 2 meses a 3 anos e os aspectos avaliados foram secreção ocular, blefarospasmo, sinais de desconforto e estética. Obtiveram-se resultados satisfatórios em oito casos. Concluiu-se que a resina acrílica pode ser uma alternativa para uso como inclusão em cavidade anoftálmica.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar a cola de fibrina (Tissucol®) e o plasma rico em plaquetas em enxertos cutâneos de espessura completa em malha em cães. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 18 cães, distribuídos em dois grupos, cola de fibrina (CF) e plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP). em todos os animais foi realizado um enxerto cutâneo de 3x3 cm, em malha de espessura completa. No membro esquerdo foi colocado o biomaterial entre o enxerto e o leito receptor, cada qual em seu grupo, o membro direito serviu como grupo controle. Todos os animais foram avaliados clinicamente a cada 48 horas até o décimo quarto dia, através das variáveis: exsudação, coloração, edema e aspecto cosmético; histologicamente em três animais, no terceiro, sétimo e décimo quarto dia de pós-operatório através das variáveis: fibroblastos, colágeno, tecido de granulação, integração-aderência microscópica e inflamação aguda. RESULTADOS: Avaliações clínicas demonstraram que o grupo CF apresentou melhor escores em todas variáveis quando comparado com o grupo PRP. Nas avaliações histológicas o grupo PRP apresentou maior presença de fibroblastos ao sétimo e décimo quarto dia. CONCLUSÃO: A cola de fibrina foi clinicamente superior ao grupo plasma rico em plaquetas quando usados em enxertos cutâneos de espessura completa em cães.


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A cúrcuma (Curcuma longa L.), espécie originária do sudeste asiático, é considerada uma preciosa especiaria. Com a proibição do uso de pigmentos sintéticos nos principais países da América do Norte e Europa, têm sido procuradas alternativas naturais. A cúrcuma, além de sua principal utilização como condimento, possui substâncias antioxidantes, antimicrobianas e corantes (curcumina) que lhe conferem possibilidade de emprego nas áreas de cosméticos, têxtil, medicinal e alimentício. Até o presente momento, poucos estudos foram realizados com a cúrcuma no Brasil, fato que determina baixa produtividade. Entretanto, recentes resultados de pesquisa mostram a possibilidade de obtenção de produtividades semelhantes às de seu país de origem, ainda que maiores estudos sejam necessários para definição de estande, adubação e outras práticas culturais. Os objetivos do presente trabalho são apresentar a versatilidade mercadológica da cúrcuma, caracterizar a espécie quanto a aspectos botânicos, nutricionais e químicos, bem como reunir e discutir informações técnicas para melhoria da produtividade e qualidade dos rizomas.


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Os frutos de Pachira aquatica Aublet apresentam sementes comestíveis com características organolépticas muito apreciadas pelas populações amazônicas, sendo pouco utilizados em outras regiões. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar as sementes quanto à composição centesimal e determinar as características físico-químicas e perfil de ácidos graxos. A determinação da composição centesimal das sementes (teores de umidade, lipídios, proteínas, cinzas e carboidratos) e análises do óleo extraído das mesmas (ácidos graxos livres, índices de peróxido, iodo, refração, saponificação, ponto de fusão e perfil de ácidos graxos) foram realizadas seguindo metodologia oficial. O teor de óleo nas sementes 38,39% demonstrou que estas têm potencial para aproveitamento industrial. Das características físico-químicas analisadas, o óleo extraído das sementes apresentou 39,2% de ácidos graxos livres (expresso em % ácido oleico), índice de iodo de 27,4 g I2.100 g-1, índice de saponificação de 208,0 mg.KOH g-1, índice de refração (40 °C) de 1,4569 e ponto de fusão de 41,9 °C. Quanto à composição de ácidos graxos do óleo predominaram os ácidos palmítico (44,93%), oleico (39,27%) e linoleico (11,35%). Tal fato favorece o uso deste óleo como matéria-prima para as indústrias alimentícia, farmacêutica e de cosméticos.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI isolated from petroleum-contaminated soil produced rhamnolipids (RLLBI) when cultivated on soapstock as the sole carbon source. HPLC-MS analysis of the purified culture supernatant identified 6 RL homologues (%): R-2 C-10 C-10 28.9; R-2 C-10 C-12:1 23.0; R-1 C-10 C-10 23.4; R-2 C-10 C-12 11.3; R-2 C-10 C-12 7.9; R-2 C-10 C-12 C-12 5.5. To assess the potential antimicrobial activity of the new rhamnolipid product, RLLBI, its physicochemical properties were studied. RLLBI had a surface tension of 24 mN m(-1) and an interfacial tension 1.31 mN m(-1); the cmc was 120 mg l(-1). RLLBI produced stable emulsions with hydrocarbons and vegetable oils. This product showed good antimicrobial behaviour against bacteria: MIC for Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus vulgaris was 8 mg l(-1), for Streptococcus faecalis 4 mg l(-1), and for Pseudomonas aeruginosa 32 mg l(-1). RLLBI was active against phytopathogenic fungal species, MIC values of 32 mg l(-1) being found against Penicillium, Alternaria, Gliocadium virens and Chaetonium globosum. Due to its physicochemical properties and antimicrobial behaviour, RLLBI could be used in bioremediation treatment and in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.


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Melanins are pigments of high molecular weight formed by oxidative polymerization of phenolic or indolic compounds. A number of fungi, including Aspergillus nidulans, produce pigments related or identical to melanin, which are located on cell walls or exist as extracellular polymers. The aim of the present study was to assess the antioxidant activity of synthetic melanin and of the pigment extracted from the mycelium and culture medium after growth of the highly melanized strain (MEL1) from A. nidulans. The ability of the melanin pigment to scavenge the oxidants HOCl and H2O2 was evaluated by inhibition of the oxidation of 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid (TNB) using several melanin concentrations. The results showed that the pigment of the MEL1 strain competes with TNB for H2O2 and HOCl, inhibiting TNB oxidation in a concentration-dependent manner. For the HOCl oxidant, this inhibition was comparable to that of synthetic melanin, whose IC50 values were quite close for both pigments. Thus, our results suggest that the melanin from A. nidulans is a potential HOCl scavenger and may be considered a promising material for the cosmetic industry for the formulation of creams that protect the skin against possible oxidative damage.


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Rheological characteristics of gels were studied, with the focus on their use as a cosmetic base. Some ideal characteristics can be predicted by the rheological characterization, such as the performance, with easy application and without dripping or forming lumps and bubbles. Moreover, it is possible to detect signs of physical instability. The gels were prepared with sodium carboxymethyl cellulose 3% and 5%, with Carbopol 940 (INCI: Carbomer) and with Carbopol Ultrez (INCI: Acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer). The tests performed were yield stress, stress sweep and creep and recovery. The gel with 3% of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose presented the most appropriated behavior and can be indicated as the most suitable cosmetic base.


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Background: Several studies have shown a reduction in enamel bond strengths when the bonding procedure is carried out immediately after vital bleaching with peroxides. This reduction in bond strengths has become a concern in cosmetic dentistry with the introduction of new in-office and waiting-room bleaching techniques. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of three bleaching regimens: 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP), 35% carbamide peroxide (CP), and 10% CP, on dentin bond strengths. Materials and Methods: One hundred and twenty fresh bovine incisors were used in this study. The labial surface of each tooth was ground flat to expose dentin and was subsequently polished with 600-grit wet silicon carbide paper. The remaining dentin thickness was monitored and kept at an average of 2 mm. The teeth were randomly assigned to four bleaching regimens (n = 30): (A) control, no bleaching treatment; (B) 35% HP for 30 minutes; (C) 35% CP for 30 minutes; and (D) 10% CP for 6 hours. For each group, half of the specimens (n = 15) were bonded with Single Bond/Z100 immediately after the bleaching treatment, whereas the other half was bonded after the specimens were stored for 1 week in artificial saliva at 37°C. The specimens were fractured in shear using an Instron machine. Results: For the groups bonded immediately after bleaching, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the Duncan's post hoc test revealed a statistically significant reduction in bond strengths in a range from 71% to 76%. For the groups bonded at 1 week, one-way ANOVA showed that group B (35% HP for 30 min) resulted in the highest bond strengths, whereas 10% CP resulted in the lowest bond strengths. Student's t-test showed that delayed bonding resulted in a significant increase in bond strengths for groups B (35% HP) and C (35% CP); whereas the group bleached with 10% CP (group D) remained in the same range obtained for immediate bonding. Storage in artificial saliva also affected the control group, reducing its bond strengths to 53% of the original. ©2000 BC Decker Inc.


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The skin pigmentation caused by ultraviolet light irradiation as a defense against the carcinogenic action of solar light may lead to early skin aging and to hyperchromia, which treatment requires the use of photo-protective, depigmenting and rejuvenating agents. Recently, there have been used many substances for the prevention and/or treatment of skin aging as well as to lowering the skin pigmentation. Glycolic acid is the alpha-hydroxy acid most commonly used in cosmetic and dermatological prepatations. This use is due to its depigmentating and rejuvenating properties and its efficacy at different concentrations, when incorporated to different kind of excipients.