55 resultados para cooperia punctata


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de lesões cutâneas actínicas em portadores de carcinoma basocelular do segmento cefálico. MÉTODOS: Foi conduzido estudo tipo caso-controle. Os casos, constituídos por pacientes com carcinoma basocelular sólido, primário, menor que dois centímetros, no segmento cefálico; e controles, por pacientes com outras dermatoses. Foram analisadas variáveis constitucionais, comportamentais e lesões actínicas. RESULTADOS: Avaliaram-se 120 casos e 360 controles. Mílio facial (OR = 2,3), leucodermia puntacta de membros superiores (OR = 2,9) e cutis romboidalis nuchae (OR = 1,8) associaram-se à neoplasia independentemente das demais variáveis, sugerindo um fenótipo de risco. Houve ainda associação com fenótipos claros, genética familiar e exposição solar cumulativa. Queimadura solar, tabagismo e alcoolismo não foram identificados como fatores de risco. O uso de fotoprotetores não evidenciou proteção; porém, o grupo controle era composto por pacientes dermatológicos, aos quais são indicados fotoprotetores regularmente. CONCLUSÃO: Lesões actínicas foram mais prevalentes em portadores de carcinoma basocelular sólido do segmento cefálico que em controles, especialmente mílio, cutis romboidalis nuchae e leucodermia puntacta, independentemente dos demais fatores de risco conhecidos.


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The present study was carried out in the northwestern region of São Paulo State, Brazil, to determine the anthelmintic resistance status in cattle naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes. The anthelmintics tested were levamisole phosphate (Ripercol (R), Fort Dodge), albendazole sulphoxide (Ricobendazole, Fort Dodge), ivermectin (Ivomec (R), Merial) and moxidectin (Cydectin (R), Fort Dodge), administered at the doses recommended by the manufacturers. From April 2002 to May 2004, 25 cattle farms were evaluated. on each farm, steers were divided into treatment and control (not treated) groups based on fecal egg counts (FEC). Between 7 and 10 days after the anthelmintics administration, fecal samples were collected from each animal for post-treatment FEC. Fecal cultures from each group were also prepared for larval identification. After treatment, mean FEC reduction (FECR) in treatment groups (compared with control groups) was assessed on each farm. FECR was lower than 90% on 23 farms after ivermectin treatment. on 19 farms, FECR of 100% was recorded following moxidectin treatment; on the remaining 6, FECR ranged from 90% to 97.2%. After albendazole treatment, FECR was higher than 90% on 20 farms and ranged from 47.4% to 84.6% on other 5. After levamisole treatment, FECR was higher than 90% on 23 farms and equal to 47.4% and 73.7% on other 2 farms. Results indicated the presence of resistant Cooperia spp. and Haemonchus spp., especially to ivermectin; on some farms, resistance to albendazole and levamisole was also observed. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Breeds of sheep with resistance to nematode infection often display a reduced periparturient rise (PPR) in faecal egg counts (FEC) when compared with susceptible sheep. This trial was carried out to compare the resistance of Santa Ines, an indigenous Brazilian breed of sheep, and Ile de France ewes to natural infections by gastrointestinal nematodes, especially in the periparturient period. Twelve Santa lnes and 10 Ile de France ewes were estrus synchronized and then mated (December 2001). Lambing occurred from 30 April to 19 June 2002 and the lambs were weaned at 60 days of age. Faecal egg counts, packed cell volume (PCV), total plasma protein levels and peripheral eosinophils counts were determined from November 2001 to September 2002. To prevent deaths, individual treatment with anthelmintics was provided to ewes with FEC higher than 4000 eggs per gram (EPG) or with PCV lower than 21%. The percentage of Santa Ines ewes treated with anthelmintics was lower than that of Ile de France sheep. Eight of the 10 Ile de France ewes were treated, with one of them requiring four treatments, one requiring three treatments, and two requiring two treatments. The remaining four received a single treatment. In contrast, only 5 of the 12 Santa lnes ewes required treatment and for each this was done only once. The mean values of PCV were in the normal range in the Santa Ines ewes. In contrast, mean PCVs of Ile de France ewes reached a low of 24.5% in the second month after lambing and were significantly lower than Santa Ines 1 month before lambing (P < 0.05) and 2 months after lambing (P < 0.07). The mean plasma protein level was significantly lower in the Ile de France ewes in the second month after lambing (P < 0.01) coinciding with a reduction in PCV. The ewes of both breeds had high mean numbers of eosinophils in blood, which increased even further post-weaning when a marked reduction in FEC occurred. Haemonchus larvae were the most numerous genus in faecal cultures for both breeds followed by Trichostrongylus, Oesophagostomum and Cooperia. A periparturient rise in FEC was observed in both breeds. However, Santa Ines ewes showed a higher capacity to support the infection in an environment contaminated with large number of infective larvae of gastrointestinal nematodes. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Amostras fecais de cabritos machos e fêmeas, de diferentes raças e com até uma ano de idade, foram examinadas para determinação do número de ovos e oocistos por grama de fezes (OPG e OoPG, respectivamente) e coprocultura para identificação genérica dos nematódeos. Ovos de helmintos e oocistos de Eimeria spp. foram observados em 93,06% (188/202) e 77,22% (156/202) das amostras, respectivamente. Pelas coproculturas, foram identificados os gêneros Cooperia em 11,88% (24/202), Haemonchus em 51,98% (105/202), Oesophagostomum em 9,4% (19/202), Strongyloides em 5,94 (12/202) e Trichostrongylus em 20,79% (42/202) das amostras. As espécies de Eimeria encontradas foram E. alijevi em 25,24% (51/202), E. arloingi em 7,42% (15/202), E. caprina em 2,97% (6/202), E. caprovina em 10,39% (21/202), E. christenseni em 4,45% (9/202), E. joklchijevi em 11,38% (23/202), E. hirci em 9,4% (19/202) e E. ninakohlyakimovae em 28,71% (58/202) das amostras. Dentre os parasitas gastrintestinais, houve predominância do gênero Haemonchus e de duas espécies de Eimeria: E. ninakohlyakimovae e E. alijevi.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes sistemas de pastejo, com ovinos e bovinos, sobre a quantidade de larvas no estágio L3 de nematódeos de ruminantes. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial com quatro sistemas de pastejo e quatro períodos de rotação de pastagem. A duração do experimento foi de 91 dias, com sistema rotacionado (7 dias de ocupação e 21 de descanso), em 8 ha de Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia. Foram avaliados os sistemas de pastejo: alternado, simultâneo e isolado, com ovinos e com bovinos. Foram utilizados 20 bovinos (mestiços), 30 cordeiros e 15 ovelhas adultas (raça Santa Inês). As amostras do capim, para recuperação e identificação dos nematódeos, foram realizadas semanalmente no pré e pós-pastejo dos piquetes. Na média geral de todos os manejos, a ordem decrescente de número de larvas foi: Haemonchus spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Oesophagostomum spp., Strongyloides spp. e Cooperia spp. Correlações médias foram encontradas entre as quantidades de larvas L3 no pré e pós-pastejo. Com o aumento do número de rotações, houve aumento no grau de contaminação da pastagem pelas larvas, independentemente do sistema adotado. O sistema de pastejo simultâneo foi o que apresentou maior controle da carga parasitária de Haemonchus spp. na pastagem de capim-tanzânia.


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No intuito de avaliar o tempo necessário para redução dos valores de OPG visando identificar o início de atuação dos anti-helmínticos, cinco grupos de novilhos, naturalmente infectados por nematódeos gastrintestinais foram tratados com moxidectina, ivermectina, fosfato de levamisol e sulfóxido de albendazol. O levamisol promoveu redução no número de ovos de nematódeos eliminados nas fezes (R-OPG) de 97,4% 24 horas após a aplicação, a moxidectina de 98,3% após 36 horas, e o sulfóxido de albendazol de 95,9% após 36 horas. Foi registrada a presença de Cooperia spp. e Haemonchus spp. com resistência a ivermectina. A contagem de OPG realizada aos sete dias pós-tratamento apresentou resultados similares aos obtidos nas contagens realizadas 10 e 14 dias após a aplicação dos anti-helmínticos avaliados, demonstrando que o intervalo adequado entre o tratamento anti-helmíntico e o exame para verificar a redução do OPG pode ser de 7 dias.


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The goal of this work was to examine the occurrence of brachyurans in soft bottom sublittoral habitats and their association with some environmental factors. The relative abundance of crabs in two depth strata (from 4.5 to 9 m and from 9 to 18 m) was quantified. Crabs were collected with an otter-trawl with 3.7 m of mouth opening and 12-mm mesh in the cod end. Monthly sampling, consisted of a single trawl in each stratum during a 1-yr period, were carried out. Fifteen brachyuran and six anomuran species were found, including Callinectes ornatus Ordway, 1863; Callinectes danae Smith, 1869; Hepatus pudibundus (Herbst, 1785); Libinia spinosa H. Milne-Edwards, 1834; Persephona punctata (Linnaeus, 1758), and P. mediterranea (Herbst, 1794), which were the most abundant and frequent in the area. The most abundant swimming crabs in both strata were C. ornatus and C, dan(re. Size differences in C. ornatus were observed between strata, suggesting a spatial separation of juveniles and adult crabs.


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The effects of the herbicides atrazine, 2,4-D, glyphosate (direct and rodeo) and trifluralin were determined on the growth and death of fronds of the aquatic macrophytes Spirodela punctata (G.F.W. Meyer) Thompson and Salvinia minima Baker, through three series of concentrations of each herbicide in climatic chamber (3000 lux, 12/12 hours photoperiod, temperature 23 ± 1°C). After seven days, the concentrations of series 1 (0.025, 0.125, 0.625 and 3.125 mg.L -1) inhibited the growth of Salvinia minima. In Spirodela punctata, only the herbicides rodeo and trifluralin caused growth inhibition. These concentrations did not caused death of fronds in the species. The concentrations of series 2 (40, 60, 80 and 100 mg.L -1) of the herbicides 2,4-D, direct e trifluralin decreased growth of Salvinia minima; death of fronds was caused by 2,4-D and trifluralin to Salvinia minima, and by direct and trifluralin to Spirodela punctata. For the series 3 (200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 mg.L -1), the herbicide 2,4-D caused growth decrease of both species. The herbicides rodeo and trifluralin showed to be the most lethal for both species. The herbicide atrazine caused death of fronds in Spirodela punctata.


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The efficacy of the homeopathic treatment with the Fator Vermes, administered according to the manufacturer's recommendations, was evaluated against gastrointestinal nematodes infections in sheep. The experiment was divided into two phases: in the first phase (January/06/2004 to April/30/2004), the animals of the treated (n=10) and control (n=10) groups were treated individually with conventional anthelmintics to avoid deaths. In the second phase (April/30/2004 to July/06/2004), the sheep from the group that received the Fator Vermes were treated as they had been in the previous phase, while the control group animals were treated with conventional anthelmintics at 14 day intervals. In the first phase of the experiment, there was no significant difference (P>0.05) between group means regarding egg counts in feces (EPG), weight gain, or packed cell volume (PCV). Meanwhile, in the second phase, the control group sheep had a significantly higher weight gain, higher PCV values, and lower EPG counts. Infective larvae of Haemonchus spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Cooperia spp., and Oesophagostomum spp. were identified in the fecal cultures. After six months of daily treatment with the Fator Vermes, it was not possible to substantiate the product's benefits in both sheep health and productivity or in the prophylaxis of gastrointestinal nematode infections.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This experiment aimed to determine the influence of supplementation with protected fat on nematode infections in periparturient sheep or sheep in their final stage of pregnancy. Fifty Santa Ines ewes received 200 g of concentrate/animal/day, mineral salt and water and were grouped according to their weight, hematocrit and the number of eggs per gram of feces (EPG). Two diets were used: a control treatment and a treatment consisting of supplementation with 30 g/animal/day of protected fat in the concentrate. Three monthly evaluations were performed over a total of 84 days of testing. The variables analyzed were weight, body condition, EPG and coprocultures; blood tests were performed for the determination of packed cell volume, hemoglobin concentration and total plasma protein, and leukograms and eosinophil counts were performed. For weight and hemoglobin concentrations, interactions were observed between diet and collection date (P<0.05); body condition, total plasma protein, packed cell volume and total leukocytes did not differ statistically among treatments (P> 0. 05) but did differ by collection day (P <0.05). The EPG and eosinophil counts did not differ statistically by either diet or collection date (P>0.05). The genus Haemonchus was predominant, followed by the genera Cooperia, Trichostrongylus and Oesophagostomum. The protected fat did not decrease EPG and did not improve the blood parameters of infected sheep.


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Stalked barnacles Octolasmis lowei Darwin, 1851 are frequently found attached to decapod crustaceans. Their epibiotic association depends on many factors, which are mainly related to characteristics of the host's biology. This study evaluated the infestation and distribution of stalked barnacles in the branchial chambers of crabs, and analyzed the data with respect to the host's sex, maturity stage, molt cycle and size. The crab species Arenaeus cribrarius Lamarck, 1818, Callinectes danae Smith, 1869, Callinectes ornatus Ordway, 1863, Hepatus pudibundus Herbst, 1785, Libinia ferreirae Brito Capello, 1871, and Persephona punctata Linnaeus, 1758 were sampled and found to be infested by O. lowei. No juvenile crabs were infested. The prevalence of infestation by O. lowei was significantly different among C. danae, C. ornatus, and H. pudibundus males and females. All infested hosts were in the intermolt period. The mean size of infested crabs was larger than that observed for non-infested individuals. Internally, stalked barnacles were concentrated on the central gills or walls and floor of branchial chambers, suggesting that these gills provide more favorable conditions for the settlement and development of these epibionts. These results highlight the relationship between epibiont infestation and host biology, as well as the role of decapod crustaceans as a suitable substrate for the development of stalked barnacle O. lowei. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia All rights reserved.


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The relative growths of Persephona lichtensteinii, P. mediterranea, and P. punctata were investigated on the south-eastern Brazilian coast, focusing on differences in the growth rates between immature and mature phases, the onset of morphological sexual maturity, and the breeding seasons of these species. Crabs were collected every two months from January 1991 through to November 1992, from a shrimp fishing boat equipped with two otter-trawl nets. Significant differences in the patterns of body growth were observed between immature and mature phases of all three species. Changes in the growth rates of the chelipeds (males) and abdomen (females) observed for P. lichtensteinii, P. mediterranea, and P. punctata, seem to be related to the puberty moult for both sexes. Males of P. mediterranea and P. punctata reached larger mean sizes of carapace width than females, whereas no difference was recorded for P. lichtensteinii. The body size at which 50% of males attained sexual maturity was also larger in P. mediterranea and P. punctata, and smaller in P. lichtensteinii. The absence of a pronounced sexual dimorphism and the size at the onset of sexual maturity observed only for P. lichtensteinii might be explained by distinct reproductive strategies of males. The presence of ovigerous females during the entire sampling period suggests that all three species have a continuous reproduction pattern at the Ubatuba region. Future studies on the population structure, functional maturity, and mating system should improve the understanding of factors driving the biology and ecology of these species at a subtropical region. © Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2013.


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The resistance to infestations by ectoparasites and infections by gastrointestinal nematodes was studied in 45 animals (males and females) of two genetic groups: purebred Nelore (NI, n=28) and Three-Cross (1/2 Angus+1/4 Canchim+1/4 Nelore - TC, n=17). The animals were monitored for 24months, during which they were left to graze in tropical pastures without receiving treatment for parasites. Each month the animals were examined for infestations by external parasites, to count the numbers of cattle ticks Rhipicephalus microplus with diameter greater than 4.5mm present on the left side, horn flies (Haematobia irritans) present in the lumbar region and botfly larvae (Dermatobia hominis) present on the entire body. The H. irritans counts were performed with the aid of digital photographs. At the time of examination, fecal samples were collected to count the eggs per gram (EPG) and to perform coprocultures, and peripheral blood samples were drawn to determine the packed cell volume (PCV) and to count the eosinophils. For statistical analysis, the count data were transformed into log10 (n+1), where n is the number of parasites. For PCV, significant effects (P<0.05) were found for collection month (CO), genetic group (GG) and gender (SX), with means and respective standard errors of 41.5±0.65% for the NI animals, 39.3±0.83% for the TC, 41.5±0.72% for the females and 39.3±0.77% for the males. Regarding the eosinophil counts, only the effect of sex was significant (P<0.01), with means and respective standard errors of 926.0±46.2/μL, for males and 1088.0±43.8/μL of blood, for females. The NI animals presented lower mean counts for all the external parasites compared to the TC animals (P<0.01). For ticks, the transformed means followed by standard errors for the NI and TC animals were 0.06±0.01 and 0.34±0.02, while for horn flies these were 0.92±0.05 and 1.36±0.06 and for botfly larvae they were 0.05±0.03 and 0.45±0.05, respectively. The average EPG values were only influenced by CO (P<0.01). The coprocultures revealed the presence of the following endoparasites: Haemonchus spp., Cooperia spp., Oesophagostomum spp. and Trichostrongylus spp., the last in smaller proportion. There were no significant differences between the genetic groups for the endoparasite loads, except for Cooperia spp., which were present in greater number (P<0.05) in the NI group. The results obtained in this experiment confirm previous findings of greater susceptibility of the Nelore breed to Cooperia spp. and high resistance to ectoparasites. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.