192 resultados para body temperature


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the present study we have investigated the effects of heat acclimation on brain and hepatic Hsp70 protein levels and body temperature of broiler chickens in response to gradual heat stress. Two groups of broilers were raised up to 47 days of age under distinct temperature conditions: thermoneutral (TN, according to bird age) or hot environmental (HS, 31-33°C). At 46 days of age, the birds reared at high ambient temperature were transferred to thermoneutrality conditions. After 18 h, these birds and the birds reared at thermoneutral temperature were submitted to gradual heat stress in a climatic chamber so that environment temperature was increased from 28 to 40ºC at a rate of 2ºC/h. Colonic temperature was measured using a thermometer sensor probe at each two hours, and hepatic and brain tissues were collected immediately after slaughter in order to assess Hsp70 protein level by Western blotting analysis. The colonic temperatures of birds reared at high temperature increased steeply during the first 2 h of heat stress (1.06ºC/h) and more slowly thereafter (0.59ºC/h). Broilers reared at thermoneutral temperature showed a small increase in the first 4 h of heat stress (0.18ºC/h) and then colonic temperature increased sharply (0.72ºC/h). Nevertheless, both groups presented similar final colonic temperature by the end of the stress period. Hsp70 levels (ng Hsp70 µg total protein-1) did not change in the liver or brain of the birds reared at high temperature. on the other hand, both liver and brain Hsp70 levels increased significantly during heat stress in the animals reared at thermoneutrality, with a higher expression of this peptide in brain tissue.


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O experimento foi conduzido em câmara climática para determinar os efeitos das vitaminas D3 e C sobre o desempenho, temperatura corporal e qualidade dos ovos de poedeiras em três temperaturas: termoneutra (24,8º a 27,0º C), estresse calórico cíclico (26,2º C por 16h e 32,1º C por 8h) e estresse calórico constante (30,0º a 32,0º C). Foram utilizadas 144 galinhas brancas com 31 semanas num delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em arranjo fatorial 3x3x3: vitamina D3 (2500, 3000 e 3500 UI/kg), vitamina C (0, 200 e 400 ppm) e temperatura ambiente (termoneutra, estresse calórico cíclico e constante). As características avaliadas foram: consumo de ração (CR), produção de ovos (PO), peso dos ovos (PE), massa de ovos (MO), conversão alimentar (CA), porcentagens de albúmem (AL) e de gema (GE), unidade Haugh (UH), índice de gema (IG), porcentagem de casca (PC), espessura de casca (EC), gravidade específica dos ovos (GO), temperaturas dorsal (TD) e retal (TR). A vitamina D3 interferiu nas características PC, EC, GO e TD; a vitamina C no IG, PC e GO. A temperatura ambiente não afetou somente a UH. Concluiu-se que níveis mais altos de vitamina D3 e níveis de 200 ou 400 ppm de vitamina C na dieta podem melhorar a qualidade da casca e que o estresse calórico prejudicou as principais características avaliadas.


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The marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) is an endangered species froth the marshlands of central South America. Its population has declined in several regions due to the loss of available habitat caused by human activities, especially the construction of hydroelectric darns. The capture of individual deer is critical for research programs and population management. This report describes a novel live-capture technique, which uses a helicopter to drive the animals into a terrain that restricts their movement such as thick vegetation or deep water (60-120 cm in depth). Following confinement, animals are manually restrained. The short pursuit time (median = 2 thin), low mortality rate (0.82-3.28%), and the absence of injury to both the capture team and animals suggest that this method is appropriate for the safe capture of this species. Body temperature correlated with the pursuit time (R-2 = 0.15) but was not significantly altered with pursuit times <3 min.


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This study described the formulation and characterisation of the viscoelastic, mechanical and mucoadhesive properties of thermoresponsive, binary polymeric systems composed of poloxamer (P407) and poly(acrylic acid, C974P) that were designed for use as a drug delivery platform within the oral cavity. Monopolymeric and binary polymeric formulations were prepared containing 10, 15 and 20% (w/w) poloxamer (407) and 0.10-0.25% (w/w) poly(acrylic acid, 934P). The flow theological and viscoelastic properties of the formulations were determined using controlled stress and oscillatory rheometry, respectively, the latter as a function of temperature. The mechanical and mucoadhesive properties (namely the force required to break the bond between the formulation and a pre-hydrated mucin disc) were determined using compression and tensile analysis, respectively. Binary systems composed of 10% (w/w) P407 and C934P were elastoviscous, were easily deformed under stress and did not exhibit mucoadhesion. Formulations containing 15 or 20% (w/w) Pluronic P407 and C934P exhibited a sol-gel temperature T(sol/gel), were viscoelastic and offered high elasticity and resistance to deformation at 37 degrees C. Conversely these formulations were elastoviscous and easily deformed at temperatures below the sol-gel transition temperature. The sol-gel transition temperatures of systems containing 15% (w/w) P407 were unaffected by the presence of C934P; however, increasing the concentration of C934P decreased the T(sol/gel) in formulations containing 20%(w/w) P407. Rheological synergy between P407 and C934P at 37 degrees C was observed and was accredited to secondary interactions between these polymers, in addition to hydrophobic interactions between P407 micelles. Importantly, formulations composed of 20% (w/w) P407 and C934P exhibited pronounced mucoadhesive properties. The ease of administration (below the T(sol/gel)) in conjunction with the viscoelastic (notably high elasticity) and mucoadhesive properties (at body temperature) render the formulations composed of 20% (w/w) P407 and C934P as potentially useful platforms for mucoadhesive, controlled topical drug delivery within the oral cavity. (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Objectives: Correlate arterial lactate levels during the intraoperative period of children undergoing cardiac surgery and the occurrence of complications in the postoperative period. Aim: Arterial lactate levels can indicate hypoperfusion states, serving as prognostic markers of morbidity and mortality in this population. Background: Anesthesia for cardiac pediatric surgery is frequently performed on patients with serious abnormal physiological conditions. During the intraoperative period, there are significant variations of blood volume, body temperature, plasma composition, and tissue blood flow, as well as the activation of inflammation, with important pathophysiological consequences. Methods/Materials: Chart data relating to the procedures and perioperative conditions of the patients were collected on a standardized form. Comparisons of arterial lactate values at the end of the intraoperative period of the patients that presented, or not, with postoperative complications and frequencies related to perioperative conditions were established by odds ratio and nonparametric univariate analysis. Results: After surgeries without cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), higher levels of arterial lactate upon ICU admission were observed in patients who had renal complications (2.96 vs 1.31 mm) and those who died (2.93 vs 1.40 mm). For surgeries with CPB, the same association was observed for cardiovascular (2.90 mm x 2.06 mm), renal (3.34 vs 2.33 mm), respiratory (2.98 vs 2.12 mm) and hematological complications (2.99 vs 1.95 mm), and death (3.38 vs 2.40 mm). Conclusion: Elevated intraoperative arterial lactate levels are associated with a higher morbidity and mortality in low- and medium-risk procedures, with or without CPB, in pediatric cardiac surgery.


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Background. We sought to establish an anesthetic protocol to evaluate the hemodynamic, metabolic, and electrolytic changes after graft reperfusion in pigs undergoing orthotopic intestinal transplant (ITX).Methods. Fifteen pigs were distributed into two groups: GI (n = 6), without immunosuppression, and GII (n = 9), immunosuppressed before surgery with tacrolimus (0.3 mg/kg). The animals were premedicated at 1 hour before surgery with IM acepromazine (0.1 mg/kg), morphine (0.4 mg/kg), ketamine (10 mg/kg), and atropine (0.044 mg/kg IM). Anesthesia induction used equal proportions of diazepam and ketamine (0.1-0.15 mL/kg/IV) and for maintenance in IV infusion of xylazine (1 mg/mL), ketamine (2 mg/mL), and guaiacol glyceryl ether 5% (50 mg/mL), diluted in 250 mL of 5% glucose solution. In addition, recipient pigs were treated with isofluorane inhalation. Heart rate (HR), systolic (SAP), mean (MAP), and diastolic (DAP) arterial pressure, pulse oximetry, respiratory frequency (f), capnography, body temperature (T), blood gas analysis (pH, PaCO(2), PaO(2), base excess, BE; HCO(3)(-), SatO(2)), serum potassium (K), calcium (Ca), sodium, hematocrit (Hct), and glucose (Glu) were measured at four times; MO: after incision (basal value); M1: 10 minutes before reperfusion; and M2 and M3: 10 and 20 minutes after graft reperfusion.Results. All groups behaved in a similar pattern. There was significant hypotension after graft reperfusion in GI and GII (M2 = 56.2 +/- 6.4 and M3 = 57.2 +/- 8.3 mm Hg and M2 = 65.7 +/- 10.2 and M3 = 67.8 +/- 16.8 mm Hg, respectively), accompanied by elevated HR. The ETCO(2) was elevated at M2 (42 mm Hg) and M3 (40 mm Hg). Metabolic acidosis was observed after reperfusion, with significant increase in K levels.Conclusion. The anesthetic protocol for donors and recipients was safe to perform the procedure, allowing control of hemodynamic and metabolic changes after reperfusion without differences regarding immunosuppression.


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O estudo objetivou verificar a influência da temperatura corporal nos parâmetros fisiológicos e nos períodos de indução e recuperação anestésicos de cascavéis (Crotalus durissus) anestesiadas com cetamina. Os animais foram previamente submetidos à hipotermia (HIPO) (<22°C) e normotermia (30°C) (NORMO) e anestesiados com 80mg/kg IM de cetamina. Foram avaliados os períodos de latência e recuperação da anestesia por meio do tônus de cabeça, tônus muscular e reflexo de endireitamento. Mensurou-se a frequência cardíaca (FC), tempo de apnéia e temperatura corporal em 0 min e 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 min e análise dos gases sanguíneos em 0 min, 30 e 60 min. Não houve diferença em relação ao período de latência entre os grupos. A recuperação dos animais em HIPO foi mais prolongada (5,5 horas) que em NORMO (3,5 horas). Obteve-se FC no grupo NORMO superior que no grupo HIPO. O tempo de apnéia manteve o mesmo padrão em ambos os grupos. em relação ao basal, tanto em HIPO quanto em NORMO o tempo de apnéia diminuiu acentuadamente entre 5 e 30 min. Observou-se acidose respiratória no grupo NORMO apenas em 0 min. O SvO2 elevou-se significativamente após 30 min, o mesmo ocorrendo com a PvO2. A PvCO2 diminuiu em ambos os grupos após 30 min. Evidenciou-se que a temperatura corporal influencia intrinsecamente o período de recuperação de cascavéis anestesiadas com cetamina.


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To compare the effects of morphine (MOR), methadone (MET), butorphanol (BUT) and tramadol (TRA), in combination with acepromazine, on sedation, cardiorespiratory variables, body temperature and incidence of emesis in dogs.Prospective randomized, blinded, experimental trial.Six adult mixed-breed male dogs weighing 12.0 +/- 4.3 kg.Dogs received intravenous administration (IV) of acepromazine (0.05 mg kg(-1)) and 15 minutes later, one of four opioids was randomly administered IV in a cross-over design, with at least 1-week intervals. Dogs then received MOR 0.5 mg kg(-1); MET 0.5 mg kg(-1); BUT 0.15 mg kg(-1); or TRA 2.0 mg kg(-1). Indirect systolic arterial pressure (SAP), heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (f(R)), rectal temperature, pedal withdrawal reflex and sedation were evaluated at regular intervals for 90 minutes.Acepromazine administration decreased SAP, HR and temperature and produced mild sedation. All opioids further decreased temperature and MOR, BUT and TRA were associated with further decreases in HR. Tramadol decreased SAP whereas BUT decreased f(R) compared with values before opioid administration. Retching was observed in five of six dogs and vomiting occurred in one dog in MOR, but not in any dog in the remaining treatments. Sedation scores were greater in MET followed by MOR and BUT. Tramadol was associated with minor changes in sedation produced by acepromazine alone.When used with acepromazine, MET appears to provide better sedation than MOR, BUT and TRA. If vomiting is to be avoided, MET, BUT and TRA may be better options than MOR.


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Objective To evaluate the effects of methadone, administered alone or in combination with acepromazine or xylazine, on sedation and on physiologic values in dogs.Study design Randomized cross-over design.Animals Six adult healthy mixed-breed dogs weighing 13.5 +/- 4.9 kg.Methods Dogs were injected intramuscularly with physiologic saline (Control), or methadone (0.5mg kg(-1)) or acepromazine (0.1 mg kg(-1)) or xylazine (1.0 mg kg(-1)), or acepromazine (0.05 mg kg(-1)) plus methadone (0.5 mg kg(-1)) or xylazine (0.5 mg kg(-1)) plus methadone (0.5 mg kg(-1)) in a randomized cross-over design, with at least 1-week intervals. Sedation, pulse rate, indirect systolic arterial pressure, respiratory rate (RR), body temperature and pedal withdrawal reflex were evaluated before and at 15-minute intervals for 90 minutes after treatment.Results Sedation was greater in dogs receiving xylazine alone, xylazine plus methadone and acepromazine plus methadone. Peak sedative effect occurred within 30 minutes of treatment administration. Pulse rate was lower in dogs that received xylazine either alone or with methadone during most of the study. Systolic arterial pressure decreased only in dogs receiving acepromazine alone. When methadone was administered alone, RR was higher than in other treatments during most of the study and a high prevalence of panting was observed. In all treatments body temperature decreased, this effect being more pronounced in dogs receiving methadone alone or in combination with acepromazine. Pedal withdrawal reflex was absent in four dogs receiving methadone plus xylazine but not in any dog in the remaining treatments.Conclusions Methadone alone produces mild sedation and a high prevalence of panting. Greater sedation was achieved when methadone was used in combination with acepromazine or xylazine. The combination xylazine-methadone appears to result in better analgesia than xylazine administered alone. Both combinations of methadone/sedative were considered effective for premedication in dogs.


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Objectives of this study were to evaluate factors that could affect pregnancy rate after embryo transfer (ET) in lactating dairy cow recipients. The trial was conducted at a dairy farm located in Descalvado, SP, Brazil from October 2003 to September 2004. From 1037 cows with CL that were treated with an injection of PGF(2 alpha), 43.3% were detected in heat; 263 were previously assigned at day of PGF(2 alpha) injection for AI and 186 for ET. Ovulation rate was 85.7% (385/449). Pregnancy rate for cows with CL for AI and embryo transfer recipients were 36.5% (84/230) and 58.7% (91/155) at day 25 and 33.0% (76/230) and 45.8% (71/155) at day 46, respectively. Embryonic loss were 9.5% (8/84) for the AI group and 21.9% (20/91) for the ET group. Average milk production was 31.4 L/day/cow. Average daily milk production from 7 days before PGFZ injection to 7 days after ET tended (P < 0.10) to influence pregnancy rate on days 25 and 46. Average daily milk production from the day of embryo transfer to 7 days after influenced embryonic loss (P < 0.05). Cows with higher milk production had lower probability of pregnancy and higher probability of embryonic loss. Cows with higher days in milk had higher probability of pregnancy. Cows with higher rectal body temperature had lower probability of pregnancy and higher probability of embryonic loss. The influence of high milk yield and body temperature on fertility in lactating dairy cow recipients suggests that these effects can occur also after embryo reaches the blastocyst stage. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.