75 resultados para bacterial antigen
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Realizaram-se mensurações sérica e urinária de fosfatase ácida prostática (PAP) e antígeno prostático específico (PSA) de 20 cães. Os testes de PAP e PSA foram feitos em um equipamento automatizado, com o uso de kits comerciais para humanos. A média de PAP sérico foi de 0,7U/l e urinário 0,U/l. As médias do PSA sérico e urinário foram 0,005ng/dL e 0,004ng/dl, respectivamente. A determinação do dois biomarcadores in vivo é uma nova opção de diagnóstico na medicina veterinária e os valores obtidos devem ser correlacionados com a lesão morfológica da próstata.
Agaricus blazei (Ab) has become popularly known for its medicinal properties. Scientifically, it has been tested with regard to its capacity to protect genetic material against damage. We examined different organic extracts (methanolic extract-ME, hexanic extract-HE and n-butanolic extract-BE) and an aqueous extract (AE) of Ab, for their capacity to induce DNA damage as well as for their protective effect. Genetic damage was determined by the chromosomal aberration assay (CA) in CHO-k1 cells for all extracts and the cytokinesis block micronucleus assay (CBMN) in non drug-metabolizing (CHO-k1) and drug-metabolizing (HTC) cell lines for extract BE only. The extracts did not show clastogenicity but showed anticlastogenicity. The greatest percent reduction obtained were with BE (105%) and AE (126%) treatments in CA. BE treatment did not display genotoxicity in CHO-k1, but was genotoxic in HTC. However, BE was shown to be antigenotoxic causing decreased micronucleus frequency in HTC and CHO-k1 cells. These results suggest that all the extracts contained protective substances, but in some cases they could show a genotoxic effect with regard to metabolism. Therefore, these findings warrant caution in the use of this mushroom by the population. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. The purpose of this study was to test the correlation of the amount of Atopobium vaginae with the most commonly used markers for bacterial vaginosis (BV).Materials and Methods. We enrolled 103 nonpregnant and premenopausal women that were positive for BV by Amsel criteria and with a Nugent score higher than 3. All women were negative for yeast, Chlamydia trachomatis, Trichomonas vaginalis, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. A. vaginae concentration was determined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction from samples of vaginal rinsings with 2 mL of sterile saline.Results. There was no difference in the median values of A. vaginae concentration when comparing samples with presence or absence of each individual Amsel criterion. In the case of a higher pH cutoff value of 4.9, greater amounts of this microorganism (p = .02) were found. In addition, correlation tests showed that A. vaginae concentration is positively correlated with pH (p < .001) and with Nugent scores (p = .003).Conclusions. The quantification of A. vaginae is useful for identification of the most severe cases of BV.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Amostras fecais de 203 bezerros com diarréia, idade inferior a 30 dias, de ambos os sexos e de diferentes propriedades do Estado de São Paulo foram examinadas num período de dois anos. Cultivos para pesquisa bacteriana foram feitos em agar acrescido de 10% de sangue bovino e agar Levine. As placas foram incubadas por até 96 horas, em condições aeróbias, a 37°C, com observação dos aspectos de colônia e estudos morfológicos, bioquímicos e realização de outros testes, quando pertinentes. O teste de ELISA foi aplicado para pesquisa de Rotavirus. Cryptosporidium spp. também foi pesquisado e identificado. Resultados revelaram envolvimento de vários patógenos de forma isolada, assim como associados. Rotavirus foi encontrado em 51 (25,1%) das amostras, sendo em 58,8% só, em 41.7% associado a outros microrganismos. Cryptosporydium spp foi isolado em 43 (21.3%) das amostras, sendo só em 65,1% delas e associado a outros enteropatógenos em 34,9%. No exame parasitológico foram encontrados ovos de estrongilídeos em 5 (2,5%) das amostras, não excedendo mais de dois ovos por campo examinado. Ao exame microbiológico, um ou mais microrganismos foram isolados. Escherichia coli foi encontrada em 100% das amostras. As pesquisas de toxina termoestável e do antígeno de aderência K99 realizada nas 73 amostras de E.coli foram negativas, e o grupo sorológico das mesmas foi determinado, sendo 34,2%, 17,8% e 47,9% das amostras pertencentes aos sorogrupos O8, O11 e O101, respectivamente. Salmonella Dublin e Salmonella typhimurium foram isoladas em 5,4% e 6,1% das amostras examinadas, respectivamente.
Em agosto de 1983 foram observados 85 habitantes do Município de Humaitá, Estado do Amazonas, Brasil, com a finalidade de estudar a prevalência dos antígenos de HLA -A, -B, -C e DR, dentre os quais 38 eram doentes com malária causada pelo Plasmodium falciparum Todos eles foram examinados para avaliação de esplenomegalia, exame parasitológico de sangue e pesquisa de anticorpos de malária. Foram constituídos três grupos: (I) 25 indivíduos nascidos na região Amazônica que nunca tiveram malária; (II) 38 indivíduos naturais da Amazônia que tinham sido tratados de malária no passado, ou que estavam tendo malária atual, e (III) 22 doentes com malária que contraíram na Amazônia e eram procedentes de outras regiões do Brasil. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue de cada um deles, separados os linfôcitos e os antígenos de HLA foram tipados pelo teste de microlinfocitotoxidade. Houve elevada freqüência de antígenos não identificados, nos grupos estudados, o que sugere ou a existência de homozigoze, oufenôtipo não identificado nessa população. Houve alta freqüência fenotípica de antígeno deAg(W24) (44,7%) no Grupo II, quando comparado ao Grupo 1(32%) ou Grupo III (9%). Os indivíduos do Grupo II mostraram também elevada freqüência do antígeno DR4 (80%) quando comparado ao Grupo 1(36,3%) ou Grupo III(16,6%). Essas observações sugerem a possibilidade de suscetibilidadegenética ã malária entre os nativos da Amazônia e indicam a necessidade da realização de inquéritos mais extensos sobre a freqüência de antígenos de HLA em habitantes de zona endêmica de malária.
Considering the high incidence of dogs with acute bacterial cystitis (BC) and the relationship among inflammation, genotoxicity, and carcinogenesis, we conducted a case-control study comparing the frequency of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) lesions assessed by the comet assay between disease-free animals (13 males and 13 females) and cytology-confirmed cases of acute BC (12 males and 12 females), which was mainly caused by Staphylococcus sp. (40%) and Escherichia coli (35%). The results show no increase in DNA damage in cells obtained by bladder washings and no influence of age, sex, and breed due to acute BC. In conclusion, DNA damage was seemingly not associated with the infection by specific bacteria.
Isolation of Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis in Blue-Fronted Amazon Parrot (Amazona aestiva)
Avian salmonellosis is a disease caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella that can cause three distinct diseases in birds: pullorum diseases, fowl typhoid, and paratyphoid infection. Various wildlife species are susceptible to infections by Salmonella, regardless of whether they live in captivity or freely in the wild. The present study verified the presence of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis in three captive specimens of Amazona aestiva. The study involved a total of 103 birds undergoing rehabilitation to prepare for living in the wild, after having been captured from animal traffickers and delivered to the Centrofauna Project of the Floravida Institute in São Paulo, Brazil. This is the first report of Salmonella Enteritidis isolation in A. aestiva that originated from capture associated with animal trafficking; Salmonella was detected during the study by the serologic method of rapid serum agglutination on a plate with bacterial isolate. The antimicrobial profile exam of the isolated samples demonstrated sensitivity to ampicillin, cefaclor, ciprofloxacin, and cloranfenicol. The three samples also presented resistance to more than four antibiotics. The presence of the genes invA and spvC was verified by PCR technique and was associated with virulence and absence of class 1 integron, a gene related to antimicrobial resistance. The commercial antigen for pullorum disease was shown to be a useful tool for rapid detection in the screening of Salmonella of serogroup D(1) in Psittaciformes. New studies on Salmonella carriage in birds involved in trafficking must be performed to better understand their participation in the epidemiologic cycle of salmonellosis in humans and other animals.
Background: In human medicine, transfusion of ABO-mismatched platelets has been associated with shortened platelet survival and refractoriness to platelet transfusion because of expression of certain blood group antigens on platelets. It remains unknown if canine platelets express dog erythrocyte antigens (DEAs). Objective: The aim of this study was to develop a flow cytometric assay for DEA 1.1 and determine whether DEA 1.1 is present on canine platelets.Methods: Blood was collected from 172 clinically healthy dogs. Platelets and erythrocytes from each dog were tested for DEA 1.1 by flow cytometry using anti-DEA 1.1 blood-typing sera. Erythrocytes from each dog were also assessed for DEA 1.1 using a standard tube-typing test (T1) and using a second tube method (T2), if the flow cytometric and T1 results differed.Results: Using flow cytometry, DEA 1.1 was detected on erythrocytes of all 110 dogs shown by T1 or T2 testing to be DEA 1.1-positive. Initial results of the T1 test had a diagnostic accuracy of 93% (160 correct/ 172 tests). The frequency of erythrocyte DEA 1.1 positivity in previously untyped dogs (n = 118) was 56%. DEA 1.1 expression was not detected on platelets from DEA 1.1-positive dogs.Conclusions: Flow cytometry was a reliable method for detection of DEA 1.1 on canine erythrocytes. The absence of DEA 1.1 on platelets from DEA 1.1-positive dogs suggests that their platelets do not express DEA 1.1 and will not induce production of anti-DEA 1.1 antibodies that might lead to platelet refractoriness or reactions to a subsequent transfusion of DEA 1.1positive erythrocytes.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Propolis is a honeybee product that has been used since ancient times because of its therapeutic effects. It can be used in the development of alternative therapies for the treatment of many diseases, and because propolis shows antibacterial action, this work was carried out in order to investigate a possible synergism between propolis and antibiotics acting on DNA (ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin) and on the metabolism (cotrimoxazole) against Salmonella Typhi. Propolis samples collected in Brazil and Bulgaria were compared in these assays, and the synergism was investigated by using 1/2 and 1/4 of the minimal inhibitory concentration for propolis and antibiotics, evaluating the number of viable cells according to the incubation time. Brazilian and Bulgarian propolis showed antibacterial activity, but no synergistic effects with the three tested antibiotics were seen. Previous works by our laboratory have revealed that propolis has synergistic effects with antibiotics, acting on the bacterial wall and ribosome, but it does not seem to interact with antibiotics acting on DNA or folic acid, and only a bacteriostatic action was seen in these assay conditions.
The objective was to determine whether the presence of fertility-associated antigen (FAA) on sperm collected from Nelore (Bos indicus) bulls can be used to assess potential fertility of sperm for use at first-service fixed-time AI (TAI). Six Nelore bulls were selected based on FAA status (FAA-negative: N = 3; FAA-positive: N = 3) and the ability to produce neat semen with >= 70% morphologically normal sperm and 60% estimated progressive motility before cryopmservation. In Experiment 1, suckled multiparous Nelore cows (N = 835) were evaluated for body condition score (BCS) and received an intravaginal progesterone device (CIDR) and 2.0 mg of estradiol benzoate (Day 0). on Day 9 the CIDR was removed, 12.5 mg of PGF(2 alpha) and 0.5 mg of estradiol cypionate were administered, and calves were removed for 48 h. All cows received TAI on Day II (48 h after CIDR removal). Pregnancy per TAI (P/TAI) was not different between FAA-positive and FAA-negative bulls (41.5% vs. 39.3%, respectively). There was an effect of AI technician on P/TAI (36.0% vs. 43.9%; P < 0.05) and BCS tended to affect P/TAI (P = 0.09), as cows with BCS >= 2.75 were 1.4 times more likely to become pregnant compared with cows with BCS < 2.75. In Experiment 2, nulliparous Nelore heifers (N = 617) were evaluated for BCS and received a CIDR and estradiol benzoate (2.0 mg) on Day 0. on Day 7, all heifers received PGF(2 alpha) (12.5 mg). on Day 9, CIDR inserts were removed and all heifers received estradiol cypionate (0.6 mg) and 200 IU eCG. All heifers received TAI on Day 11 (48 h after CIDR removal). Pregnancy/TAI was different (P = 0.04) between FAA-positive and FAA-negative bulls (33.7% vs. 40.7%, respectively). Presence of FAA on sperm was unsuccessful in assessing the potential fertility of sperm for use in TAI. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of probiotics and prebiotics of bacterial and yeast origin on the performance, development of the digestive system, carcass yield and meat quality of free-range broiler chickens. Five hundred and sixty male chicks of the strain ISA S757-N were reared from one to 84 days old. The birds were distributed in four treatments according to a completely randomized block design: T1 = Control, T2 = Probiotics and Prebiotics of bacterial origin, T3 = Probiotics and prebiotics of yeast origin, T4 = Probiotics and prebiotics of bacterial origin + probiotics and prebiotics of yeast origin. There were four repetitions with 35 birds per repetition, and the birds had access to a pasture area after 35 days of age. Characteristics evaluated were performance, development of the digestive system, carcass and parts yield, abdominal fat, breast meat physical measurements (length, width and height) and meat quality parameters (pH from breast and leg meat, cooking loss and shearing force from breast meat). Lower mortality (p<0.05) and higher weight gain from 64 to 77 and 64 to 84 days of age were seen in birds supplemented with probiotics and prebiotics of bacterial origin compared to the non-supplemented birds (control). There were significant differences (p<0.05) among treatments for carcass yield. Birds supplemented with both probiotics and prebiotics of microbial and yeast origin (T4) showed higher carcass yield than control birds. Supplementation with probiotics and prebiotics of bacterial origin (T2) or the supplementation of these together with those of yeast origin (T4) reduced mortality and increased the carcass yield in free-range broiler chickens.
Taenia solium cysticercosis is still a serious public health problem in several countries where poverty and lack of hygiene favor transmission. Because pigs are the primary intermediate hosts, prevalence of porcine cysticercosis is a reliable indicator of active transmission zones. Serological diagnostic methods are important tools for epidemiological studies since they can be applied to living animals on a large scale. Four antigen preparations (cyst fluid and crude) from T. solium and T. crassiceps metacestodes were compared for swine cysticercosis diagnosis by indirect ELISA (IE). Twenty-eight serum samples from swine naturally and experimentally infected by cysticerci of T. solium and 56 serum samples from swine reared in commercial herds were tested. Best results of overall sensitivity were obtained by the use of cyst fluid and crude antigen of T. crassiceps metacestode (100 and 96.4%, respectively). Using homologous antigen preparations we have observed higher specificity percentage (98.2% for cyst fluid and 96.4% for crude metacestode T. solium antigen). We concluded that sensitivity is of far more importance than specificity for identification of endemic areas in order to prevent transmission to man. We conclude, therefore, that IE performed with cyst fluid antigen of T. crassiceps metacestode is a better tool for that purpose. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.