116 resultados para apoptosis, ceramide, APC,p38, JNK, AKT, ASK, cell death


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In the present study, two alkaloids isolated from Pterogyne nitens, a plant native to Brazil, have been shown to induce apoptosis in human breast cancer cells. These compounds, pterogynine (PGN) and pterogynidine (PGD), were tested for their effect on a human infiltrating ductal carcinoma cell line (ZR-7531). The cell line was treated with each alkaloid at several concentrations. Time-dependence (with or without recuperation time) and concentration-dependence (in the range 0.25-10 mM) were investigated in cytotoxicity and apoptosis assays. The annexin assay indicated an apparently higher percentage of death by necrosis of malignant cells after 24 h exposure to both P. nitens extracts than the Hoechst assay. Thus, our results in the two tests demonstrated that the Hoechst assay can discriminate between late apoptotic cells and necrosis, whereas the flow cytometry-based annexin V assay cannot. We concluded that PGN and PGD have effective antineoplastic activity against human breast cancer cells in vitro, by inducing programmed cell death.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cimetidine, an H2 receptor antagonist used for treatment of gastric ulcers, exerts antiandrogenic and antiangiogenic effects. In the testes cimetidine impairs spermatogenesis, Sertoli cells and peritubular tissue, inducing apoptosis in the myoid cells. Regarding the importance of histamine and androgens for vascular maintenance, the effect of cimetidine on the structural integrity of the testicular vasculature was evaluated. Adult male rats received cimetidine (CMTG) and saline (CG) for 50 days. The testes were fixed in buffered 4% formaldehyde and embedded in historesin and paraffin. In the PAS-stained sections, the microvascular density (MVD) and the vascular luminal area (VLA) were obtained. TUNEL method was performed for detection of cell death. Testicular fragments embedded in Araldite were analyzed under transmission electron microscopy. A significant decrease in the MVD and VLA and a high number of collapsed blood vessel profiles were observed in CMTG. Endothelial cells and vascular muscle cells were TUNEL-positive and showed ultrastructural features of apoptosis. These results indicate that cimetidine induces apoptosis in vascular cells, leading to testicular vascular atrophy. A possible antagonist effect of cimetidine on the H2 receptors and/or androgen receptors in the vascular cells may be responsible for the impairment of the testicular microvasculature.


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Retinopathy, a common complication of diabetes, is characterized by an unbalanced production of nitric oxide (NO), a process regulated by nitric oxide synthase (NOS). We hypothesized that retinopathy might stem from changes in the insulin receptor substrate (IRS)/PI3K/AKT pathway and/or expression of NOS isoforms. Thus, we analysed the morphology and apoptosis index in retinas of obese rats in whom insulin resistance had been induced by a high-fat diet (HFD). Immunoblotting analysis revealed that the retinal tissue of HFD rats had lower levels of AKT1, eNOS and nNOS protein than those of samples taken from control animals. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analyses indicated higher levels of iNOS and 4-hydroxynonenal and a larger number of apoptotic nuclei in HFD rats. Finally, both the inner and outer retinal layers of HFD rats were thinner than those in their control counterparts. When considered alongside previous results, these patterns suggest two major ways in which HFD might impact animals: direct activity of ingested fatty acids and/or via insulin-resistance-induced changes in intracellular pathways. We discuss these possibilities in further detail and advocate the use of this animal model for further understanding relationships between retinopathy, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Apoptosis and its associated regulatory mechanisms are physiological events crucial to the maintenance of placental homeostasis; imbalance of these processes, however, such as occurs under various pathological conditions, may compromise placenta function and, consequently, pregnancy success. Increased apoptosis occurs in the placentas of pregnant women with several developmental disabilities, while increased Bcl-2 expression is generally associated with pregnancy-associated tumors. Herein, we tested the hypothesis that apoptosis-associated disturbs might be involved in the placental physiopathology subjected to different maternal hyperglycemic conditions.Thus, in the present study we investigated and compared the incidence of apoptosis using TUNEL reaction and Bcl-2 expression, in term-placentas of normoglycemic, diabetic and daily hyperglycemic patients. Tissue samples were collected from 37 placentas, being 15 from healthy mothers with normally delivered healthy babies, and 22 from mothers with glucose disturbances. From these latter 22 patients, 10 showed maternal daily hyperglycemia and 12 were clinically diabetics. Both Bcl-2 expression and apoptotic DNA fragmentation were established and quantified in the trophoblasts of healthy mothers. Compared to these reference values, a higher apoptosis index and lower Bcl-2 expression were disclosed in the placentas of the diabetic women, while in the daily hyperglycemic group, values were intermediate between the diabetic and normoglycemic patients. The TUNEL/Bcl-2 index ratio in the placentas varied from 0.02 to 0.09 for pregnant normoglycemic and diabetic women, respectively, revealing a predominance of apoptosis in the diabetic group. Our findings suggest that hyperglycemia may be a key factor evoking apoptosis in the placental trophoblast, and therefore, is relevant to diabetic placenta function. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of p53, caspase-3, bcl-2, MIB-1, and PCNA to validate more objective methods to differentiate squamous cell carcinoma and keratoacanthoma, as well as to understand their pathogenesis with accuracy. A total of 52 cases of histopathologically diagnosed keratoacanthoma in the proliferative stage and 56 cases of well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma were selected in this study. The expression was evaluated by means of immunohistochemistry. Bcl-2 immunoreactivity was weak or absent in the majority of cases, either in squamous cell carcinoma or in keratoacanthoma. PCNA-positive cells did not show differences between two lesions evaluated. on the other hand, MIB-1 was statistically significant (p<0.05) between squamous cell carcinomas and keratoacanthomas. Moreover, p53 and caspase-3 were overexpressed in squamous cell carcinomas. Together, these results suggest that the biological behavior of the well-differentiated squanous cell carcinomas of the skin may be associated with cellular proliferation and/or deregulation of cell death, indicated by increased expression of the MIB-1 and apoptotic proteins p53 and caspase-3, respectively. (C) 2007 Elsevier GrnbH. All rights reserved.


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We studied changes in mitochondrial morphology and function in the smooth muscle of rat colon. Under confocal microscopy, tissues loaded with potentiometric dye displayed rapid and spontaneous depolarization. Cyclosporin A (CsA), inhibitor of the permeability transition pore (PTP), caused an increase in mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsi(m)) in tissues from adult young animals. In aged rats these changes were not observed. This suggests that physiological activation of PTP in aged rats is reduced. Electron microscopy showed alterations of the mitochondrial ultrastructure in tissues from aged rats involving a decreased definition of the cristae and fragmentation of the mitochondrial membranes. We also detected an increase in apoptotic cells in the smooth muscle from aged animals. Our results show that the aging process changes PTP activity, the ability to maintain DeltaPsi(m) and mitochondrial morphology. It is suggested that these can be associated with mitochondrial damage and cell death. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana, testicular weight is constant throughout the year, but the volume densities of germinative and interstitial compartments undergo inverse changes from winter (non-breeding) to summer (breeding). The occurrence of apoptosis in the seminiferous lobules of bullfrogs was investigated in these two periods using sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E), the TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labelling) method and transmission electron microscopy. TUNEL-positive cells were observed in the seminiferous lobules, and ultrastructural morphological details confirmed the occurrence of cell death by apoptosis. In summer, the occurrence of several spermatogenic processes (in addition to spermiogenesis and spermiation), and then the overconsumption of Sertoli cell-derived pro-survival factors, could be responsible for the increased density of apoptotic cells. Alternatively, the low apoptotic frequency in winter could be related to the constant homeostasis in the germinative compartment given that most lobules are filled with primary spermatocytes. As volume densities of interstitial and germinative compartments undergo inverse seasonal variations through the year, the incidence of apoptosis (in summer) could play a part in controlling the spermatogenic process, maintaining the lobular size when interstitial tissue is maximally developed. In winter, the low apoptotic cell density leads to spermatogenic recrudescence and, thereby, the production of an adequate quantity of spermatozoa for the next breeding period. Thus, apoptosis may participate not only in the maintenance of spermatogenic homeostasis, but also in the cyclical control of the different spermatogenic processes according to seasonal changes of the testicular compartments as a whole.


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Bone is a mineralized tissue that is under the influence of several systemic, local and environmental factors. Among systemic factors, estrogen is a hormone well known for its inhibitory function on bone resorption. As alveolar bone of young rats undergoes continuous and intense remodeling to accommodate the growing and erupting tooth, it is a suitable in vivo model for using to study the possible action of estrogen on bone. Thus, in an attempt to investigate the possibility that estrogen may induce the death of osteoclasts, we examined the alveolar bone of estrogen-treated rats.Fifteen, 22-d-old female rats were divided into estrogen, sham and control groups. The estrogen group received estrogen and the sham group received corn oil used as the dilution vehicle. After 8 d, fragments containing alveolar bone were removed and processed for light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-an osteoclast marker. Quantitative analysis of the number of TRAP-positive osteoclasts per mm of bone surface was carried out. For detecting apoptosis, sections were analyzed by the Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL) method; TUNEL/TRAP combined methods were also used.The number of TRAP-positive osteoclasts per mm of bone surface was significantly reduced in the estrogen group compared with the sham and control groups. TRAP-positive osteoclasts exhibiting TUNEL-positive nuclei were observed only in the estrogen group. In addition, in the estrogen group the ultrastructural images revealed shrunken osteoclasts exhibiting nuclei with conspicuous and tortuous masses of condensed chromatin, typical of apoptosis.Our results reinforce the idea that estrogen inhibits bone resorption by promoting a reduction in the number of osteoclasts, thus indicating that this reduction may be, at least in part, a consequence of osteoclast apoptosis.


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Cimetidine, referred as antiandrogenic agent, has caused alterations in the seminiferous tubules, including alterations in the peritubular tissue and death of myoid cells by apoptosis. Regarding the structural and functional importance of the peritubular tissue for the maintenance of Sertoli cells (SC), we purpose to investigate the SC-basement membrane interface, focusing the morphological features of SC and their interaction with the basement membrane in the affected tubules by cimetidine. Ten animals were distributed into two groups, control (CG) and cimetidine (CmG) which received saline solution and 50 mg of cimetidine per kg of body weight, respectively, for 52 days. The testes were fixed, dehydrated and embedded for analyses under light and transmission electron microscopy. Paraffin sections were submitted to the TUNEL method; sections of testes embedded in glycol methacrylate were submitted to PAS method and stained by H&E for morphological and quantitative analyses of Sertoli Cells. In the CmG, the SC nuclei were positive to the TUNEL method and showed typical morphological alterations of cell death by apoptosis (from early to advanced stages). A significant reduction in the number of Sertoli Cells was probably due to death of these cells by apoptosis. A close relationship between SC nuclear alterations (including a high frequency of dislocated nuclei from the basal portion) and damage in the peritubular tissue was observed. The ultrastructural analysis showed a parallelism between the gradual advancement of apoptotic process in SC and detachment of the anchoring sites (hemidesmosomes) of SC plasma membrane from the lamina densa. The presence of portions of lamina densa underlying the detached hemidesmosomes indicates a continuous deposition of lamina densa, resulting in the thickening of the basal lamina. The results indicate a possible disarrangement of the SC cytoskeleton, including the focal adhesion structure. These alterations are related to SC apoptosis and probably result from disturbs induced by cimetidine on the peritubular tissue.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background and Objectives: Epithelial rests of Malassez are clusters of cells derived from Hertwig's root sheath that remain in the periodontal ligament throughout life. Although it is known that the cells of Malassez proliferate, there are no studies showing that they undergo programmed cell death, i.e. apoptosis. In most tissues, proliferation is balanced by apoptosis. Thus we examined regions of the periodontium of young and adult rat molars in the hope of detecting apoptosis.Methods: Wistar rats aged 29, 45 and 120 days were killed with chloral hydrate (600 mg/kg). Fragments containing maxillary molars were removed and fixed in formaldehyde, decalcified, and embedded in paraffin and glycol methacrylate. Sections were stained with hematoxylin/eosin and the Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP Nick End Labeling (TUNEL) method for detection of apoptosis. Specimens were also fixed in glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde, decalcified and processed for transmission electron microscopy.Results: Epithelial rests of Malassez containing round/ovoid basophilic dense bodies and TUNEL-positive structures were found in all specimens examined. Ultrastructural examination revealed that some cells of Malassez contained masses of condensed peripheral chromatin and a shrunken cytoplasm exhibiting intact organelles - images typical of apoptosis. Moreover, round/ovoid electron-opaque structures appeared to be in the process of being engulfed by neighboring epithelial cells of Malassez.Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that epithelial cells of Malassez's rests undergo apoptosis in the developing and adult periodontium. Apoptosis may, together with proliferation, be part of the mechanism of turnover/remodelling of the cells of Malassez.