108 resultados para air temperature and relative humidity
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The foraging activity of Geotrigona mombuca Smith, 1863 was studied under natural conditions aiming to verify the influence of seasonal changes on daily flight activity and annual cycle of the colony. Daily flight activity was monitored for a year based on the observation and counting of foragers leaving and entering the hive, as well as the kind of material transported and meteorological factors such as day time, temperature and relative humidity. The influence of seasonal changes was evidenced by alterations on daily rhythm of flight activity and by differences on transportation of food resources, building material and garbage. These data indicate that forager behavior is related to daily microclimate conditions and it is synchronized with the requirements of colony annual cycle, which determines an intense pollen collection in the summer. Thus, the recomposition of the intranidal population in spring and summer can be ensured, which is characterized both for a higher intensity of flight activity and increase in garbage and resin transport, as well as the swarming process in the spring. In this way, an action targeting the preservation or management of the species in a natural environment should consider that survival and reproduction of the colony depends greatly on the amount of available pollen in late winter.
This study aimed to analyze the characteristics of temperature and air humidity from neighborhoods of Presidente Prudente according to the pattern of land use specific to each of them, over a representative period of winter (July 2011), at different times of day in order to identify the major changes in climatic elements and their causes in urban areas. The work is based mainly on the Monteiro’s theory (1976) of Urban Climate System and for its implementation was used data of temperature and relative humidity of the air in three urban neighborhoods and one rural area. With them, a Chart of Rhythmic Analysis was elaborated for identification of the operating atmospherics systems and basic climate conditions in the period. Were prepared, also, graphs and charts to evaluate and compare the data. There were significant differences in the characteristics of temperature and air humidity between the neighborhoods, especially when compared the urban areas with the rural area
Mirandópolis/SP appeared in 1934 from the railroad “the Brazil Northwest”, that there it served one of the points of its stretch that had as main function to drain the agricultural production northwestern native of São Paulo of that time. The installation of the town happened absent of concerns with initial urbanístico planning, thus modifying its natural landscape and modifying characteristic ambient without compensatory measures aiming at a future expansion of the urban mesh. Fact this that still causes today consequences the quality of life of the people and also the observed thermal comfort later. Ahead of this, the present work had for objective to identify through measurements of temperature and relative humidity of the city of Mirandópolis/SP the differences that in the fabric urban they corroborate for a comfort situation or thermal discomfort to the outdoors in accordance with the Diagram Bioclimático de Olgyay the collection of data was made throughout the month of July of 2011 involving the attainment of information of Temperature and relative humidity of air and questionnaire applied to the passer-bys in the act of the measurements. Also approaching the different thermal dynamic of the zones of housing in relation to the Urban Cannyon that develops the commerce as predominant activity. This research sample that, although a city to be small, the quality of life of its inhabitants is not only guaranteed by the transport or that its thermal comfort reveals inside homogeneous of the urban perimeter, but that it has yes heterogeneidade in the scope of the urban climate in these spaces
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
The optimization of energy generation systems has become a key issue for technological and social development, mainly in developing countries, where the electricity consumption rises sharply. Gas turbine cycle is an electricity generating system, which studies have demonstrated that inlet air cooling increases net power and thermal efficiency. Thus, this study intends to quantify these parameters for environments with different ambient temperature and relative humidity. Two types of air cooling were used: evaporative and absorption systems. The configuration parameters only with the gas turbine cycle were compared to those whose configuration allowed cooling. First, it was analyzed only evaporative cooling. Next, the absorption system was used for analysis. The last configuration mixed these two methods, dividing equally its flow. The results showed that thermal efficiency and net power increase in any case of cooling, with absorption system more advantageous in terms of generated energy, where an increase between 1 and 2 MW was observed, depending on the ambient conditions . When the two methods were working together at low relative humidity, it showed a thermal efficiency increase compared to absorption system, up to 2.4%. Evaporative cooling was less effective, but it is a good and cheap possibility to increase the cycle parameters at high temperature and low relative humidity
A temperatura interna das câmaras e o teor de água das sementes podem influenciar os resultados obtidos no teste de envelhecimento acelerado (EA) e, consequentemente, sua interpretação. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes teores iniciais de água de sementes de feijão nos resultados do teste de envelhecimento acelerado e as condições de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar no interior de duas câmaras de envelhecimento e das caixas plásticas (câmaras internas), durante a condução do teste. Utilizaram-se amostras de quatro lotes de sementes de feijão, cujo teor de água inicial foi ajustado para 8, 10 e 12%. As sementes foram submetidas ao envelhecimento em câmaras jaquetada de água e de germinação tipo BOD. Durante a realização do teste, foram monitorados, com um registrador de dados, os valores da temperatura e da umidade relativa do ar no interior das câmaras e das caixas plásticas, avaliados a cada 10 minutos, por sensores de cobre-constantan com bulbos seco e úmido, instalados no interior das mesmas. Verificou-se pequena variação de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar nas duas câmaras, sendo, porém, menor na jaquetada. em função da umidade relativa do ar na câmara jaquetada ter sido mais elevada, as sementes envelhecidas nessa câmara, apresentaram teor de água mais alto do que aquelas envelhecidas na BOD. Ambas as câmaras podem ser utilizadas para a realização do teste de envelhecimento acelerado de sementes de feijão.
Pearl millet is recommended to produce dry matter for no-tillage system, as forage or for grain yield. The sowing time affects the crop development; thus, it can affect seed quality and initial storage conditions. The present research had as objective to evaluate the effects of sowing time on pearl millet seeds quality during the storage. Pearl millet seeds from twelve monthly sowing times were stored in environmental conditions, with no temperature and relative humidity control, and evaluated by seed moisture content, germination and vigor (first count of the germination test and electrical conductivity) for 0, 27 and 42 months of storage. The completely random design was employed, as a factorial experiment 12 x 3 (sowing time x storage time), with four replications. Means were compared by Tukey test (p <= 0.05). Pearl millet seeds produced in September resulted in the production of seeds with high germination and vigor, evaluated by the electrical conductivity test. The capacity of quality conservation of pearl millet seeds, for different storage times, is related to crop sowing time.
A procedure for calculation of refrigerant mass flow rate is implemented in the distributed numerical model to simulate the flow in finned-tube coil dry-expansion evaporators, usually found in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems. Two-phase refrigerant flow inside the tubes is assumed to be one-dimensional, unsteady, and homogeneous. In themodel the effects of refrigerant pressure drop and the moisture condensation from the air flowing over the external surface of the tubes are considered. The results obtained are the distributions of refrigerant velocity, temperature and void fraction, tube-wall temperature, air temperature, and absolute humidity. The finite volume method is used to discretize the governing equations. Additionally, given the operation conditions and the geometric parameters, the model allows the calculation of the refrigerant mass flow rate. The value of mass flow rate is computed using the process of parameter estimation with the minimization method of Levenberg-Marquardt minimization. In order to validate the developed model, the obtained results using HFC-134a as a refrigerant are compared with available data from the literature.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Water sorption isotherms for vacuum-dried persimmon pulp (PP) powder were determined in the temperature range of 20-50C, and the effects of maltodextrin (MD) or gum arabic (GA) addition on the water sorption behavior of the dried powders were analyzed. Several models were evaluated to fit the experimental data and the Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer model was selected as the most adequate to describe the observed behavior. Addition of encapsulants affected the isotherms: at the same water activity, PP powder with added GA (PP + GA) or MD (PP + MD) presented lower equilibrium water content than pure PP and were less affected by temperature variations. Samples of PP + MD presented lower equilibrium moisture content than those of PP + GA. The isosteric heats of sorption of pulp powders with encapsulants were higher (less negative) than those of PP, suggesting that there are more active polar sites in PP than in pulp powder containing encapsulants.PRACTICAL APPLICATIONSThe choice of persimmon to carry out this work was due to the large persimmon production available in Brazil; moreover, persimmon pulp is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and iron, as well as in phenolic compounds. Drying of fruit pulps with high sugar content presents technical difficulties because the hygroscopicity and thermoplasticity of the resulting powders when exposed to high temperature and relative humidity. For this reason, addition of high-molar-mass biopolymers, such as maltodextrin or gum arabic, is a strategy to aid drying and to improve storage stability. Knowledge of water sorption isotherms and net isosteric heats of sorption is important to various food processing operations, including drying, storage and packaging. They are useful in calculating time and energy consumptions during drying, modeling moisture changes during storage and predicting shelf life of food products.
No Brasil, o uso de vários modelos de criação intensiva e semi-extensiva desfavorece a adoção generalizada de métodos de manejo do gado bovino, principalmente do gado leiteiro. Mesmo assim, a produção leiteira pode ser melhorada a partir do uso de tecnologias que possam garantir o manejo adequado do rebanho. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um índice de previsão de produção de leite para vacas Jersey em lactação, de genética de alta produtividade, em regime semi-estabulado, nas condições tropicais. Para a obtenção do índice, consideraram-se a temperatura e a umidade relativa do ambiente e a velocidade do ar, assim como valores de precipitação pluviométrica, temperatura do solo do pasto e a radiação solar como agentes estressores, os quais podem alterar a produção de leite. O experimento considerou dois tratamentos: A - as vacas permaneceram em sala de espera guarnecida com chuveiro e ventiladores, por um período 30 min antes da ordenha; B - as vacas não tiveram acesso a essa sala de espera (controle). Fora do período de ordenha, as vacas tiveram acesso ao pasto. Observou-se que as diferenças de médias de produção entre os tratamentos não foram estatisticamente significativas. Foram procedidas as análises para efeito de elaboração do modelo e chegou-se a um modelo factível, considerando a relação entre produção e a precipitação, assim como a temperatura máxima do solo do pasto.
Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar a influência das variáveis ambientais nos níveis de ruídos emitidos por suínos e quantificar as faixas em dB comparativamente às condições de conforto térmico estabelecidas pela literatura. O experimento foi conduzido em câmara climática, onde foram alojados cinco leitões em fase de creche, submetidos à variação na temperatura ambiente de 20°C a 38°C e umidade relativa de 50% a 80%. Decibelímetros foram instalados para o registro dos níveis de ruídos e sensores dataloggers para os dados de temperatura e umidade relativa. O nível de atividade foi utilizado para quantificar a movimentação dos animais por intermédio de análise de imagens. Análises de correlação e regressão foram aplicadas nos dados para análise estatística. As variáveis ambientais influenciam na emissão de ruídos pelos leitões quando expostos a diferentes condições térmicas. Os níveis de ruídos foram estabelecidos em faixas de acordo com a condição térmica a que animais foram submetidos. Para a condição de conforto (20 a 23°C), níveis de ruídos na faixa de 70 a 75dB; condição de alerta (23 a 30°C), níveis de ruídos na faixa de 60 a 70dB e para condição de estresse térmico (acima de 30°C), na faixa de 55 a 60dB.