323 resultados para Vale do São Francisco


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Forest species with economic potential, such as aroeira (Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi.), require selection of individuals with superior characteristics for use in forest restoration projects and for establishment of commercial plantations. These plantations can contribute to the sustainability of natural populations of species in the remaining forest fragments, in areas of permanent preservation, legal reserves or other areas of ecological significance. It was evaluated the fruits' yield, morphometry and viability of seeds from 15 individuals of aroeira, collected in different fragments in the region of Lower São Francisco river, Sergipe State. The fruit yield was estimated by Fornier's intensity index, and the morphometric characteristics were obtained with a digital paquimeter and analytical balance. The viability and vigor were evaluated by germination percentage and germination speed index (GSI), under controlled conditions. The results of fruit yield were subjected to variance analysis, and the means were compared by Tukey (p <0.05). The other variables means were compared by Scott-Knott test (p<0.05). The individuals differed in Fournier's indices (indices 1, 2, 3 and 4) and in the size of fruits and seeds. The germination varied from 0 to 83% and the GSI from 0.00 to 0.98. The phenotypic differences observed among individuals for fruit yield, and morphophysiological characteristics can be used in forest restoration and establishment of provenances/progenies tests, aiming discrimination of superior material for future commercial plantations.


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The occurence of carbonatic rocks defines a typical type of relief, called karst, that, by its geomorphology and hydrology, usually differs from the surrounding landscape. In the upper São Francisco river basin, some striking remnants of vegetation associated to karst can be found, which are locally knwon as Mata de Pains. In this region, a mosaic of different physiognomies, including forests and open areas, which present noteworthy plant diversity, composes the vegetation. The aim of this study is to provide an inventory of angiosperm species in areas of carbonatic rocks outcrops in the upper São Francisco river basin karst region, as well as analyze the floristic relationship of the study area with different Brazilian phytogeographic domains. Fieldwork was performed during the period of 2002 a 2006, when collections of fertile speciemns were done in areas associated to carbonatic rock outcrops. During the study, 1512 exsicates were incorporated to BHCB herbarium collection. A total of 456 angiosperm species were inventoried, distributed in 299 genera and 77 families. Herbaceous habit was better represented, with 161 species, followed by shrubs and trees (111 species each) and lianas (73 species). The flora of the study area presents more influence of the Mata Atlântica domain (Atlantic Rain Forest), followed by, in order of importance, Cerrado, Amazonia, Caatinga, Pantanal and Pampa. Floristic surveys in different karst regions inserted in different phytogeographic domains may, together, provide useful information in understanding the phytogeografic history of Neotropical vegetation.


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The São Francisco river delta is an important sedimentation environment located between the States of Sergipe and Alagoas. Due to a set of factors (physical processes and anthropic interference), a process of coastal erosion is currently happening quickly in their mouth. The sedimentation dynamics and coastal erosion in São Francisco river mouth and the reasons for the process of erosion is occurring quickly were the elements of study in this work. For that, were analyzed rainfall historical data series and river flow, sediment contribution data, to examine aerial photos and satellite images, besides the use of the bibliography on the matter. The analyses made served as a basis to understand how the process is happening and to verify how the anthropic interference is contributing to the occurrence of accelerated erosion on the spot.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In Brazil, postharvest diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms are a major problem that causes damage to around 80% of the total fruit production. In the lower middle Sao Francisco river valley numerous studies on identification and control of fungal diseases during postharvest of grapes are needed, in order to minimize losses in this step. In this context, bunches of seedless varieties 'Crimson', 'Sonaka'; 'Superior' and 'Thompson' were collected from July to November 2009, in order to identify and quantify the incidence of pathogenic fungi. The grapes were collected on five farms which specialize in the production of table grapes for export, all located in Juazeiro - BA and Petrolina - PE. During this period, 10 samples were taken. In the fruit farm five plants were used for sampling, and removal of two bunches of grapes per plant, totaling 10 bunches per variety. Subsequently, they were sent to the laboratory of Plant Pathology at UNEB/DTCS where they were placed separately in a moist chamber for 48 hours at an average temperature of 23 degrees C. After this period, isolations of berries and stems in Petri plates containing PDA - potato-dextrose-agar were carried out with 10 repetitions, which were placed on benches under laboratory conditions. From the 8th day on, the presence of Aspergillus niger, Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium herbarum, Lasiodiploidia theobromae was observed, which presented the highest incidence, as well as Rhizopus stolonifer, Penicillium expansum.


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O manejo de irrigação pode influenciar o comportamento ecofisiológico e a produção da videira. O objetivo desse trabalho, conduzido em 2010 em Petrolina – PE, no Submédio do Vale do São Francisco, foi avaliar a influência de diferentes estratégias de manejo de irrigação no potencial de água na folha e em aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos das uvas do primeiro ciclo de produção da videira cv. Syrah/Paulsen 1103. O sistema de irrigação utilizado foi gotejamento e a lâmina de água foi estimada com base na evapotranspiração da cultura. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, em 4 repetições e com 3 tratamentos: irrigação plena, realizada durante todo o ciclo de produção; a irrigação com déficit, onde a aplicação de água foi interrompida na fase fenológica de cacho fechado; e a irrigação com déficit controlado, onde a irrigação, também interrompida na fase de cacho fechado, foi eventualmente realizada após a interrupção, de acordo com o monitoramento da água no solo. A imposição de déficit hídrico às plantas favoreceu uma maior concentração de açúcares e a redução da acidez nos frutos, contribuindo para a melhoria da qualidade das uvas para vinificação.


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The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of propolis extracts diluted in different solvents against bacteria from Staphylococcus genus. The study was performed in the Immunology and Microbiology Laboratory from Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco. The propolis extracts were prepared using brown propolis diluted in different solvents such as chloroform, methanol, ethyl acetate and grain alcohol. In order to determine the antimicrobial potential of extracts, agar well diffusion method was used, with controls for each diluent. After that, Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) methods were used. All tests were performed in triplicate. In the agar well diffusion test, the measurements of the inhibition zone for propolis extract were as follows: grain alcohol and propolis (2.88mm), methanol and propolis (2.41mm), chloroform and propolis (2.40mm) and ethyl acetate and propolis (0.83mm). The MBC of propolis extracts in different solvents were 93.75 μg/mL for grain alcohol, 375 μg/mL for chloroform and methanol and 3,000 μg/ml for ethyl acetate. Statistically significant differences were achieved comparing the inhibition zones of propolis diluted in grain alcohol and ethyl acetate (2.88 and 0.83 mm, respectively). Considering the low cost of therapy and the activity of the propolis against caprine mastitis pathogens, other studies regarding in vivo activity and chemical characterization are necessary, in addition to evaluation of the toxicological aspects of propolis extracts.


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Trials were carried out in Juazeiro, Bahia State, Brazil, aiming to test plant regulators composed by gibberellin, cytokine and auxin effects on chemical quality of Superior Seedless grape berries. The first trial studied the effects of Stimulate (R) (bio regulator) and X-Cyte (R) (cytokine) associated to a new gibberellin formulation (N-Large (R)) and associated to Pro-Gibb (R), which is a product used as source of gibberellin. Products were sprayed at berries development phase (18, 21, 51 and 56 days after spur-pruning). Treatments were: T1: Pro-Gibb (R); T2: Stimulate (R) (Dose 1); T3: Stimulate (R) (Dose 2); T4: Stimulate (R) (Dose 3); T5: Pro-Gibb (R) + X-Cyte (R) (Low Dose - DB); T6: Pro-Gibb (R) + X-Cyte (R) (Intermediate Dose - DM); T7: Pro-Gibb (R) + X-Cyte (R) (High Dose - DA); T8: N-Large (R); T9: N-Large (R) + X-Cyte (R) (DB); T10: N-Large (R) + X-Cyte (R) (DM); T11: N-Large (R) + X-Cyte (R) (DA). The second trial aimed to assess the effect of the new gibberellin formulation (N-Large (R)) associated or not with cytokine (X-Cyte (R)) also sprayed straight over the bunches at berries development phase (17, 55 e 66 days after spur-pruning). Treatments were: T1: Pro-Gibb (R) - blank; T2: N-Large (R) (DB); T3: N-Large (R) (DM); T4: N-Large (R) (DA); T5: N-Large (R) (DB) + X-Cyte (R) (DB); T6: N-Large (R) (DB) + X-Cyte (R) (DM); T7: N-Large (R) (DB) + X-Cyte (R) (DA); T8: N-Large (R) (DM) + X-Cyte (R) (DB); T9: N-Large (R) (DM) + X-Cyte (R) (DM); T10: N-Large (R) (DM) + X-Cyte (R) (DA); T11: N-Large (R) (DA) + X-Cyte (R) (DB); T12: N-Large (R) (DA) + X-Cyte (R) (DM); T13: N-Large (R) (DA) + X-Cyte (R) (DA). Experimental design was random blocks with four repetitions with each repetition/parcel having three useful plants in the same row. At harvest, when bunches average had soluble solids over 15 degrees Brix, berries were collected for soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity analysis as well as (SS/AT) ratio calculation. In both trials, plant regulators evaluated did not provide significant changes on chemical quality of 'Superior Seedless' grape berries. Therefore, the lack of differences on response between the commercially used product (Pro-Gibb (R)) and the other products tested (Stimulate (R), X-Cyte (R) e N-Large (R)) prove the last as promising for the ` Superior Seedless' grape cultivation, leaving a larger range of alternative for grape farmers in the Sao Francisco Valley, Bahia.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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A região da Serra da Onça é localizada no nordeste do Estado de Minas Gerais, no vale formado pelos trabalhos dos rios São Francisco e seus afluentes Jequitaí e Rio das Velhas. Esta região é caracterizada por diversos ciclos erosivos. Uma topossequência representativa da área foi escolhida para este estudo, sendo constituida por 5 perfis de solos desenvolvidos de sedimentos Quaternários. 0 Perfil 1, um Typic Hapleustox, está localizado na superfície mais antiga. Os outros solos estão localizados no sedimento Holocênico, área aluvial do São Francisco. Estes solos são menos intemperizados e classificados como Plíntic Haplustult (Perfil 2), Oxic Plintaquult (Perfil 3); Fluventic Plinthustult (Perfil 4) e Fluventic Argiustol (Perfil 5). Análises mineralógicas foram efetuadas em todas as fraçõs do solo. O Perfil 1 apresenta, em sua fração areia, somente minerais resistentes ao intemperismo, enquanto que nos demais solos, menos intemperizados, ocorrem micas e plagioclásios. Tais minerais aumentam de acordo com a profundidade do solo e também do Perfil 1 ao Perfil 5 menos intemperizado. A caulinita é o mineral de argila dominante na fração argila de todos os solos estudados, com maior concentração no Perfil 1, mais intemperizado. Este mineral tende a decrescer em profundidade e na direção do Perfil 1. Micas, vermiculita e montmorilonita também ocorrem do Perfil 2 ao Perfil 5.


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É estudado o relacionamento entre a fisiografia e os solos evoluídos a partir de sedimentos cenozóicos, de textura e composição variáveis, depositados sob a ação do rio São Francisco e tributários. A região (vale do rio Jequitai, MG) é caracterizada por um clima sub-úmido, onde o regime de umidade do solo é ústico e o de temperatura isotérmico. Foram coletados 5 pedons dispostos numa topossequência. Na posição mais antiga (pleistocênica), o solo apresenta-se em um estágio de intensa alteração (Typic Haplustox). Os demais solos encontram-se sobre sedimentos holocênicos, compondo a planície aluvial do rio São Francisco e são, mineralogicamente, mais jovens, com horizonte argílico, representado por ultissol e molissol, ocorrência esta pouco comum em situações de planície aluvial recente. No pedon 1 (Typic Haplustox), os minerais primários intemperizáveis inexistem na fração grosseira. O pedon 2 (Plinthic Haplustult) apresenta na fração areia um acréscimo em profundidade de minerais de fácil alteração. Na fração silte, os feldspatos já estão em fase de alteração. Os pedons 3 (Oxic Plintaquult), 4 (Fluventic Plinthustult) e 5 (Fluventic Argiustol) mostram elevadas proporções de minerais primários de fácil alteração (placioclásios calco-sódicos, hornblenda), principalmente nas frações areia e silte. A ocorrência destes minerais associa-se a um processo deposicional recente, aliado às condições de clima e drenagem locais.


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Objetivou-se, com o trabalho, avaliar alguns atributos de qualidade de diferentes genótipos de cebola (Allium cepa L.), cultivados em Mossoró-RN. O experimento foi realizado na horta experimental no Departamento de Ciências Vegetais da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA), em delineamento de blocos casualizados completos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelos genótipos de cebola CNPH 6415, CNPH 6047, CNPH 6244, CNPH 6400 Chata, CNPH 6400 Redonda, CPACT 1, CPACT 2, CPACT 3, Granex 429, Belém IPA 9, BRS Cascata, Crioula Alto Vale, Bola Precoce, Primavera, Régia, Valeouro IPA-11, Brisa e Alfa São Francisco. As características avaliadas foram teor de sólidos solúveis totais, acidez total titulável, teor de vitamina C e teor de ácido pirúvico (pungência). Foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os genótipos para todas as características avaliadas. Os genótipos apresentaram uma variação significativa para todas as características avaliadas, confirmando dessa forma que o fator genético é determinante na caracterização de cada material. O teor de sólidos solúveis totais variou de 6,67 a 11,63 (º Brix), vitamina C de 22,7 a 46,81 (mg ácido ascórbico/100 ml de suco) e a acidez total titulável de 0,19 a 0,45 (% de ácido pirúvico). Os genótipos apresentaram pungência intermediária com variação de 5,0 a 12,73 (µmol/g), sendo os menos pungentes Granex 429, CNPH 6047, Régia, Primavera e Belém IPA 9.