66 resultados para VOICE RESTORATION


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This paper presents some results of the application on Evolvable Hardware (EHW) in the area of voice recognition. Evolvable Hardware is able to change inner connections, using genetic learning techniques, adapting its own functionality to external condition changing. This technique became feasible by the improvement of the Programmable Logic Devices. Nowadays, it is possible to have, in a single device, the ability to change, on-line and in real-time, part of its own circuit. This work proposes a reconfigurable architecture of a system that is able to receive voice commands to execute special tasks as, to help handicapped persons in their daily home routines. The idea is to collect several voice samples, process them through algorithms based on Mel - Ceptrais theory to obtain their numerical coefficients for each sample, which, compose the universe of search used by genetic algorithm. The voice patterns considered, are limited to seven sustained Portuguese vowel phonemes (a, eh, e, i, oh, o, u).


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Caries of primary incisors is a common problem in paediatric dentistry in some countries. The restoration of primary incisors which have been severely damaged by early childhood caries or trauma is also a difficult challenge for clinicians. This case report describes an indirect technique for the restoration of primary anterior teeth using composite resin reinforced with a fibreglass post. Over a one-year period, the crowns have demonstrated good retention and aesthetic results. The restorations were provided in two short chair-side sections, with satisfactory patient cooperation. © 2005 BSPD and IAPD.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the accuracy of two working cast fabrication techniques using strain-gauge analysis. Methods: Two working cast fabrication methods were evaluated. Based on a master model, 20 working casts were fabricated by means of an indirect impression technique using polyether after splinting the square transfer copings with acrylic resin. Specimens were assigned to 2 groups (n=10): Group A (GA): type IV dental stone was poured around the abutment analogs in the conventional way; Group B (GB), the dental stone was poured in two stages. Spacers were used over the abutment analogs (rubber tubes) and type IV dental stone was poured around the abutment analogs in the conventional way. After the stone had hardened completely, the spacers were removed and more stone was inserted in the spaces created. Six strain-gauges (Excel Ltd.), positioned in a cast bar, which was dimensionally accurate (perfect fit) to the master model, recorded the microstrains generated by each specimen. Data were analyzed statistically by the variance analysis (ANOVA) and Tukey's test (α= 5%). Results: The microstrain values (με) were (mean±SD): GA: 263.7±109.07με, and GB: 193.73±78.83με. Conclusion: There was no statistical difference between the two methods studied.


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The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate demineralization around restorations. Class V preparations were made on the buccal and lingual surfaces of each tooth. TPH (Group 1), Fuji II LC (Group 2), Tetric (Group 3), Dyract (Group 4), GS 80 (Group 5) and Chelon Fil (Group 6) were randomly placed in equal numbers of teeth. The teeth were submitted to a pH-cycling model associated with a thermocycling model. Sections were made and the specimens were examined for the presence of demineralization under polarized light microscopy. Demineralization was significantly reduced with Chelon Fil (Group 6). Furthermore, a similar inhibitory effect on the development of demineralization was observed in Groups 2, 4 and 5.


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This paper proposes an alternative codification to solve the service restoration in electric power distribution networks using a SPEA2 multiobjective evolutionary algorithm, assuming the minimization of both the load not supplied and the number of switching operations involved in the restoration plan. Constrains as the line, power source and voltage drop limits in order to avoid the activation of protective devices are all included in the proposed algorithm. Experimental results have shown the convenience on considering these new representations in the sense of feasibility maintenance and also in the sense of better approximation to the Pareto set. ©2009 IEEE.


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This study evaluated the Knoop hardness and polymerization depth of a dual-cured resin cement, light-activated at different distances through different thicknesses of composite resin. One bovine incisor was embedded in resin and its buccal surface was flattened. Dentin was covered with PVC film where a mold (0.8-mm-thick and 5 mm diameter) was filled with cement and covered with another PVC film. Light curing (40 s) was carried out through resin discs (2, 3, 4 or 5 mm) with a halogen light positioned 0, 1, 2 or 3 mm from the resin surface. After storage, specimens were sectioned for hardness measurements (top, center, and bottom). Data were subjected to split-plot ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). The increase in resin disc thickness decreased cement hardness. The increase in the distance of the light curing tip decreased hardness at the top region. Specimens showed the lowest hardness values at the bottom, and the highest at the center. Resin cement hardness was influenced by the thickness of the indirect restoration and by the distance between the light-curing unit tip and the resin cement surface.


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This paper proposes a heuristic constructive multi-start algorithm (HCMA) to distribution system restoration in real time considering distributed generators installed in the system. The problem is modeled as nonlinear mixed integer and considers the two main goals of the restoration of distribution networks: minimizing the number of consumers without power and the number of switching. The proposed algorithm is implemented in C++ programming language and tested using a large real-life distribution system. The results show that the proposed algorithm is able to provide a set of feasible and good quality solutions in a suitable time for the problem. © 2011 IEEE.


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With the arrival of self-etch adhesives systems, there has been a rise in interest among clinicians, making it imperative for health professionals to have knowledge of the properties, characteristics, the association as well as the dental structures of these materials, in order to select them and use them correctly. The self-etch adhesive systems show good values of bond strength, microleakage and performance, and have therefore become an option in direct adhesive restorations. In the regard, this case study aims to describe the technique involving the use of selfetch adhesives system for direct restoration of anterior teeth.


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Voice-based user interfaces have been actively pursued aiming to help individuals with motor impairments, providing natural interfaces to communicate with machines. In this work, we have introduced a recent machine learning technique named Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) for voice-based robot interface, which has been demonstrated to be similar to the state-of-the-art pattern recognition techniques, but much faster. Experiments were conducted against Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks and a Bayesian classifier to show the OPF robustness. The proposed architecture provides high accuracy rates allied with low computational times. © 2012 IEEE.


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In Brazil the intensive agriculture use, mainly pasture, is the main cause of the presence of extensive areas of degraded lands. This study aimed to assess the impact of different soil management practices in a pasture degraded area used as garbage disposal. The experiment was performed at the Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola, Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP, in Campinas, state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 1990 to 1996. This area has undergone a process of recovery through removal of trash deposited on the surface, in 1985, levelling of soil, followed by application of limestone, subsoiling, planting of legumes (Crotalaria juncea) and crop rotation (soybean and maize). Since 1990 only popcorn maize was grown and established plots managed with different soil tillage systems, including harrow, chisel plow, moldboard plow, no tillage, disk plow and revolving hoe. One plot was planted exclusively with guinea grass (Panicum maximum) to serve as a reference for minimum loss of soil and another grown on a downhill direction to correspond to the expected maximum erosion. There were differences in sediment loss, nutrient loss and productivity of the popcorn maize in the period analyzed. The chisel plow and no tillage treatments caused the slightest loss of soil and nutrients, compared to other tillage systems. The results show that the soil management systems influenced the physical and chemical characteristics of soil, allowing an economical and environmental recovery of the area, providing the conditions for grain agricultural production.


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Objectives: It was previously reported the clinical results of placing subgingival resin-modified glass ionomer restoration for treatment of gingival recession associated with non-carious cervical lesions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of this treatment on the subgingival biofilm and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) inflammatory markers. Materials and methods: Thirty-four patients presenting the combined defect were selected. The defects were treated with either connective tissue graft plus modified glass ionomer restoration (CTG+R) or with connective tissue graft only (CTG). Evaluation included bleeding on probing and probing depth, 5 different bacteria targets in the subgingival plaque assessed at baseline, 45, and 180 days post treatments, and 9 inflammatory mediators were also assessed in the GCF. Results: The levels of each target bacterium were similar during the entire period of evaluation (p > 0. 05), both within and between groups. The highest levels among the studied species were observed for the bacterium associated with periodontal health. Additionally, the levels of all cyto/chemokines analyzed were not statistically different between groups (p > 0. 05). Conclusion: Within the limits of the present study, it can be concluded that the presence of subgingival restoration may not interfere with the subgingival microflora and with GCF inflammatory markers analyzed. Clinical relevance: This approach usually leads to the placement of a subgingival restoration. There is a lack of information about the microbiological and immunological effects of this procedure. The results suggest that this combined approach may be considered as a treatment option for the lesion included in this study. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Objectives: This study evaluated the reliability and failure modes of implants with a microthreaded or smooth design at the crestal region, restored with screwed or cemented crowns. The postulated null hypothesis was that the presence of microthreads in the implant cervical region would not result in different reliability and strength to failure than smooth design, regardless of fixation method, when subjected to step-stress accelerated life-testing (SSALT) in water. Materials and methods: Eighty four dental implants (3.3 × 10 mm) were divided into four groups (n = 21) according to implant macrogeometric design at the crestal region and crown fixation method: Microthreads Screwed (MS); Smooth Screwed (SS); Microthreads Cemented (MC), and Smooth Cemented (SC). The abutments were torqued to the implants and standardized maxillary central incisor metallic crowns were cemented (MC, SC) or screwed (MS, SS) and subjected to SSALT in water. The probability of failure versus cycles (90% two-sided confidence intervals) was calculated and plotted using a power law relationship for damage accumulation. Reliability for a mission of 50,000 cycles at 150 N (90% 2-sided confidence intervals) was calculated. Differences between final failure loads during fatigue for each group were assessed by Kruskal-Wallis along with Benferroni's post hoc tests. Polarized-light and scanning electron microscopes were used for failure analyses. Results: The Beta (β) value (confidence interval range) derived from use level probability Weibull calculation of 1.30 (0.76-2.22), 1.17 (0.70-1.96), 1.12 (0.71-1.76), and 0.52 (0.30-0.89) for groups MC, SC, MS, and SS respectively, indicated that fatigue was an accelerating factor for all groups, except for SS. The calculated reliability was higher for SC (99%) compared to MC (87%). No difference was observed between screwed restorations (MS - 29%, SS - 43%). Failure involved abutment screw fracture for all groups. The cemented groups (MC, SC) presented more abutment and implant fractures. Significantly higher load to fracture values were observed for SC and MC relative to MS and SS (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Since reliability and strength to failure was higher for SC than for MC, our postulated null hypothesis was rejected. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Background: The aim of this clinical study is to evaluate the 2-year term results of gingival recession (GR) associated with non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) treated by connective tissue graft (CTG) alone or in combination with a resin-modified glass ionomer restoration (CTG+R). Methods: Thirty-six patients with Miller Class I buccal GR associated with NCCLs completed the follow-up. The defects were randomly assigned to receive either CTG or CTG+R. Bleeding on probing (BOP), probing depth (PD), relative GR, clinical attachment level (CAL), and cervical lesion height coverage were measured at baseline, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years after treatment. Results: Both groups showed statistically significant gains in CAL and soft-tissue coverage. The differences between groups were not statistically significant in BOP, PD, relative GR, or CAL after 2 years. Cervical lesion height coverage was 79.31% ± 18.51% for CTG and 71.95% ± 13.25% for CTG+R (P >0.05). Estimated root coverage was 91.56% ± 11.74% for CTG and 93.29% ± 7.97% for CTG+R (P ≥0.05). Conclusions: Within the limits of the present study, it can be concluded that both procedures provide comparable soft tissue coverage after 2 years of follow-up.


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Image restoration is a research field that attempts to recover a blurred and noisy image. Since it can be modeled as a linear system, we propose in this paper to use the meta-heuristics optimization algorithm Harmony Search (HS) to find out near-optimal solutions in a Projections Onto Convex Sets-based formulation to solve this problem. The experiments using HS and four of its variants have shown that we can obtain near-optimal and faster restored images than other evolutionary optimization approach. © 2013 IEEE.