207 resultados para Tratados de paz
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Os principais causadores de perdas da qualidade de figos são: colheita e embalagens inadequadas, falta de padronização do produto na classificação e péssimas condições de transporte e armazenamento. Com este trabalho objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da imersão em hipoclorito, tipo de embalagem e refrigeração na conservação pós-colheita de figos verdes, cv. Roxo de Valinhos, mediante as características físicas, físico-químicas e químicas, durante o armazenamento. Após seleção, os figos foram imersos ou não em solução de hipoclorito de sódio a 40 ppm conforme os tratamentos, secos ao ar e embalados em filme de PVC de 50 m ou sacos plásticos. Após os tratamentos, os frutos foram submetidos a armazenamento refrigerado (1ºC e 70% de UR em BOD), por um período de 35 dias, sendo avaliados a cada 7 dias. O uso da embalagem reduziu drasticamente a perda de massa dos figos. Frutos não embalados apresentaram-se mais ácidos e com menores teores de açúcares. Com o uso da embalagem, os figos podem ser comercializados até os 35 dias de armazenamento desde que armazenados a 1ºC e 70% de UR em BOD. Já os figos não embalados, estes podem ser comercializados somente até os 2 dias de armazenamento sob refrigeração.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Crotalaria spectabilis (crotalária) e a Senna occidentalis (fedegoso) podem crescer em plantações de milho e, durante a colheita, este cereal pode ser contaminado com as sementes dessas plantas, que apresenta toxicidade para os animais. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os parâmetros morfométricos dos eritrócitos, as variáveis hematológicas e a concentração plasmática hormonal dos frangos de corte tratados com ração de dois níveis de energia, que foi adicionada de 0,1% e 0,5% de sementes de Crotalaria spectabilis e Senna occidentalis, respectivamente. Cento e oitenta frangos de corte foram divididos em seis grupos, de acordo com uma análise fatorial 3 x 2 (controle, crotalária e fedegoso como tratamentos principais e dois níveis de energia, 2.900 e 3.200 kcal ME/kg de ração). Os resultados deste experimento mostraram que o efeito tóxico da crotalária determinou uma redução no número de hemácias, no valor do hematócrito e do VCM, não influenciando os parâmetros morfométricos avaliados. A semente de crotalária induziu, também, aumento na incidência de ascite, em função de sua toxicidade hepática. Já a semente de fedegoso não mostrou toxicidade suficiente para induzir ascite nos frangos.
O experimento foi conduzido para se avaliarem as alterações na composição química e na digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) dos fenos de Brachiaria decumbens Stapf, Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex. A. Rich) Stapf e jaraguá (Hyparrhenia rufa Ness Stapf), colhidos no estádio de maturação das sementes e tratados com amônia anidra (3,0% MS) ou uréia (5,4% MS). A análise dos dados demonstra que a amonização diminuiu os conteúdos de FDN e hemicelulose com a mesma eficiência. Os tratamentos químicos não alteraram os teores de FDA, celulose e lignina. Observou-se aumento nos teores de compostos nitrogenados, como N total e N insolúvel em detergente ácido (NIDA) em resposta à amonização. A relação NIDA/NT diminuiu com a amonização, aumentando a quantidade de N disponível para a digestão. A DIVMS aumentou em resposta às alterações observadas na composição química da fração fibrosa e incremento no conteúdo de N prontamente digestível dos fenos tratados.
A late survey of the renal function was performed in eighteen patients with paracoccidioidomycosis treated with amphotericin B, according to the glomerular filtration rate (RFG). The method was compartment analysis by single injection using EDTA Cr51, determined by its 'half biological life' and dosages of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. The patients were seventeen males and one female. They were from 22 to 76 years old. Ten of these patients received 2 g of amphotericin B and eight of them received 4 g. There were no expressive difference between the two groups, taking into account age, dose in mg/kg of weight/day, time of conclusion of the treatment, urea, creatinine, glomerular filtration was smaller than the normal, and average of the half biological life of the EDTA Cr51 was large than the normal. The achieved results permitted us to consider that the amphotericin B determines deficit of renal function. However, by the present study, it hasn't been possible to affirm if the modifications are definitive.
The authors studied the incidence of thrombophlebitis in 41 patients treated intravenously with amphotericin B. The patients were divided in two different group: Group 1: patients treated with amphotericin B and hydrocortisone with heparin (1000 UI); Group 2: patients treated with amphotericin B and hydrocortisone. The results showed 23.81% of incidence of thrombophlebitis in Group 1 and 90% in Group 2. Thrombophlebitis in Group 1 ranged from mild to moderate without any change during the drug therapy. In Group 2, the incidence was 66.67% and the thrombophlebitis were severe being necessary the withdrawn of the drugs in 35.0% of the cases. We concluded that heparin, in low doses, in association with amphotericin B, was an efficient drug preventing or reducing the development of thrombophlebitis.
The effect of intravenous infusion of hypertonic saline (HS) on the recovery of mean arterial pressure (MAP) during septic shock was studied in sham-operated rats and in rats with electrolytic lesion in the anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V) region. Our results show that intravenous HS infusion in rats treated with endotoxin (Etx) partially restores MAP, but when we have a severe shock produced by Etx, HS was not able to reverse the hypotension. We also show that the integrity of the AV3V region is essential for the protective action of HS in endotoxin shock. It is possible that NO production contributes to the deleterious effect of endotoxin. So, the unraveling of the release of NO by the vascular endothelium and their role as regulators of vascular tone is increasing our understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system and will therefore enhance the possibilities of preventing and treating endotoxin shock.
In order to analyze the reorganization of the condylar process after unilateral condylectomy in animals which have received AZT, 30 albino mice, 30 days old were used. The condylectomized animals were divided in two groups, one have received distilled water and the other AZT, orally during 10 days. After 5, 10, 15, 30 and 45 days of the surgery the animals of both groups were sacrificed, their heads removed and fixed in 10% formalin. After decalcification the pieces received histological routine treatment to be included in paraffin. The slices were stained by hematoxylin/eosin method. The analysis of results showed that: 1. the condylar repair is similar on both groups; 2. the results reaffirm those found in the literature, that the articulation after condylectomy is located in an anterior position and that the articular disc is not a determinant factor on condylar reorganization.
The propolis (bee glue) is a product rich in flavonoids, which are known for antioxidant activities, a protective action to the lipoproteins LDL-cholesterol against lipid peroxidation. Because they have antioxidant properties, we investigated the effect of the ethanolic extract propolis on the plasma level of cholesterol in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) submitted to hypercholesterolaemia. The animals were divided into 4 groups. G 1=received commercial feed and water, G 2=received enriched feed and water, G 3=received enriched feed and ethanol, G 4=received enriched feed and ethanolic extract of propolis. The hypercholesterolaemia was induced with commercial feed enriched with egg yolk. The animals received the ethanolic extract propolis at the concentration of 100 mg/kg daily. Weekly, after fast of 14 hours, the samples of blood were collected from the marginal vein of the ear. The plasma was used for the estimation total cholesterol. From the results obtained, we verified that the ethanolic extract propolis significantly reduced the plasma level cholesterol (109,59 mg/dL, p<0,05), compared to the animals treated with ethanol (331,38 mg/dL), and also to those receiving the commercial feed only, with cholesterol at 269,74 mg/dL.
Objective: To evaluate the influence of recombinant human erythropoietin (Epho) on carbohydrate metabolism, parathyroid hormone, calcium ionic, zinc, prolactin and blood pressure (BP) in chronic renal failure treated by hemodialysis. Methods: Ten patients in hemodialysis were followed during 24 weeks in two phases: 12 weeks pre-Epho (BP was measured pre and post hemodialysis sessions) and 12 weeks post-Epho (BP was measured as above and also the blood levels of glucose, insulin, parathyroid hormone, calcium ionic, prolactin, and zinc). Results: Patients were 39.8±8.5 y, 50% males. Hematocrit and hemoglobin presented a significant increase four weeks after Epho (22.3±2.3 to 28.1±2.6% and 7.4±0.8 to 9.4±0.9 g/dL, p<0.05). BP (mmHg) and weight pre-Epho: 158±99 and 59±13 (before hemodialysis), 147±96 and 55±13 (after hemo) and post-Epho: 161±100 and 59±13 (before hemo) 155±101 and 56±12 (after hemo) were all not statistically different in any moment. There are also no difference pre and post-Epho in fast glucose (91.8±6.5 and 90.8±6.1 mg/dL, p>0.05), parathyroid hormone (341.4±249.3 and 515.7±310 pg/ mL), calcium ionic (3,66±0.63 and 3.76±0.45 mmol/L), prolactin (males: 327±144.1 and 298.1 ±145.2 μg/mL; females: 666.2±426.6 and 659±395.3 μg/mL) and zinc (median of 0.73 and 0.71 μg\L). Basal insulin was lower after Epho (median of 9.1 to 3.8 μg/mL, p<0.05). Conclusion: These data suggest that recombinant human erythropoietin was effective to improve the anemia and the carbohydrate metabolism in patients with chronic renal failure treated by hemodialysis. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editors. Todos os direitos reservados.
Objective: the purpose of this prospective study was to cephalometrically analyze the dentoalveolar and soft tissue changes after the orthodontic treatment followed by the extraction of four premolars. Material and methods: the sample was comprised by 30 Class II division 1 patients with mean initial age of 12 years and 4 months. Two lateral cephalograms were obtained from each patient at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. The variables analyzed were the nasalabial changes and upper and lower incisors changes in relation to a vertical and horizontal x and y reference lines. Results: upper and lower incisors retraction was 3.4 and 1.8mm, respectively. The SNA angle was decresead by 1.7 degrees followed by a retraction of point A mainly due to the upper incisor retraction. There was a significant decrease of the Wits and ANB variables. There was an increase in the lower anterior facial height. Upper incisor retraction was followed by an increase in the nasolabial angle (ratio 1:2.8 degrees). However, a wide range of individual variability was found. Conclusions: the present study did not support the simple expectation that treatment with extractions of four premolars will result in a dished in face. It appeared that facial changes were more related to a normal facial growth, the amount of incisor retraction and the anchorage control during the upper and lower incisor.
Introduction: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is one of the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) of greatest incidence and prevalence worldwide, and it is presently considered to be a pre-neoplastic lesion. Human Papillomavirus infection has totaled 23.4% of the sexually transmitted diseases reported to the Department of Health, and it is currently the most common in our country. Many patients are asymptomatic carriers. Methods: Twenty patients who had been previously treated for HPV due to genital lesions were referred for the conduction of anuscopy and colposcopy of the perianal region. Results: Males (80%) prevailed over females (20%). Of the total number of patients, only 2 showed lesions as examined by anuscopy (10%). However, 3 other patients showed lesions by means of colposcopy, thus increasing to 5 (25%) the total number of asymptomatic patients who presented perianal lesions. Of the total number of patients with lesions, 4 were males and 1 was a female. Conclusion: The presence of perianal lesions was observed in 10% of the patients with genital lesions by means of simple anal inspection. This figure increased to 25% when anal colposcopy was associated, thus showing the importance of conducting such examination on all patients with increased risk factors for HPV infection in the anal region.
Objeti vo: Avaliar os efeitos da expansão lenta na maxila e na mandíbula com o aparelho ortodônti co removível superior com torno de expansão simétrico e mediano, nas regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar de pacientes jovens com atresia maxilar. Método: A amostra compreendeu 18 indivíduos leucodermas (11 meninas e 7 meninos; idade média: 8 anos e 10 meses no início do tratamento) que apresentavam atresia da maxila, acompanhadas ou não de mordida cruzada posterior uni ou bilateral na fase de denti ção mista. Todos os pacientes foram tratados com aparelho ortodônti co removível superior com torno de expansão simétrico e mediano, sendo o tempo médio de tratamento de 15,4 meses (± 7,6). Para avaliar a infl uência do tratamento nas mensurações dos pontos demarcados nas regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar, foram uti lizados os modelos de gesso dos arcos superior e inferior (36 pares) obti dos em dois tempos: T1: início do tratamento e T2: ao fi nal do tratamento. Para cada paciente em ambos os tempos, foram mensuradas as distâncias transversas na região oclusal entre caninos decíduos, 1o molares decíduos ou 1o pré-molares permanentes e entre 1o molares permanentes, superiores e inferiores. Para verifi car se a movimentação ocorreu por inclinação ou por movimento de corpo, foram uti lizadas também medidas nas regiões gengival e alveolar. Os dados foram avaliados estati sti camente pelo teste “t student para amostras pareadas (5%). Resultados: Observou-se que em T2, todas as distâncias mensuradas para as regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar apresentaram valores estati sti camente superiores às mesmas medidas em T1 (p<0,05). Conclusão: O aparelho ortodônti co removível superior é efeti vo nos casos de expansão lenta da maxila, agindo também indiretamente nas dimensões transversas do arco inferior.