36 resultados para Third age


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The results show that, in both groups, the mandibular premolars and molars had enhanced angulation in the mesial direction, when compared with a control group of 42 Caucasians ranging in age from 12 to 17 years with a 'normal' occlusion (P < 0.05), while the mesiodistal axial angulation of the mandibular canines was similar to the control group (P < 0.05). The two groups, when compared, exhibited similar angular values for the canines, premolars and mandibular molars (P < 0.05), indicating no influence of the third molars.


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The aim of this research was to evaluate dental age in 102 patients with Down Syndrome, using panoramic radiographs. A software program developed by the Discipline of Radiology, School of Dentistry of São José dos Campos, São Paulo State University (UNESP), was used. A table of mineralization chronology of permanent teeth among Brazilians conceived by Nicodemo, Moraes and Medici Filho was used within the software. Statistical analysis of the results showed that 70.91% of the males land 61.21% of the females presented advanced dental age. Only 32.09% of the males and 39.79% of the females presented delayed dental age. Regarding the differences between the dental and chronological ages, two thirds of the males and females presented dental age with differences of up to 12 months, which means that they can be considered to be within normal standards, whereas only 18.87% of the males and 10.21% of the females presented dental age outside normal standards, with differences of over 24 months. In conclusion, the majority of the patients with Down Syndrome were considered to be within the normal standards of mineralization chronology.


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Objectives. To compare maternal flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery and nitrite concentration between third trimester of pregnancy (3rdT) and postpartum (PP) period. Additionally, we will evaluate whether FMD correlates with nitrite concentration in both periods. Methods. Eligibility criteria was healthy women with singleton pregnancy, gestational age >28 weeks, nonsmokers, and no personal or family history of vascular disease. Each women was examined during 3rdT and between 8 and 12 weeks PP to evaluate FMD and nitrite concentration in whole blood. Women not examined in both periods were excluded. Values between both periods were compared using paired t tests. Correlation between FMD and nitrite was examined by Pearson correlation coefficient. Significance level set as p<0.05. Results. We invited 42 pregnant women. Among them, 35 were eligible and 7 of them were excluded for not attending the PP evaluation resulting in 28 participants analyzed. We found no significant change in FMD (10.39±5.57% vs. 8.42±4.21%; p=0.11; 3rdT vs. PP, respectively) and no significant change in nitrite concentration (257.41±122.95nmol/L vs. 237.16±90.01nmol/L; p=0.28). Baseline brachial artery diameter had a significant reduction (3.11±0.30 to 2.75±0.34mm; p<0.01). No significant correlation between FMD and nitrite during 3rdT (r=-0.13; p=0.50) or PP (r=0.14; p=0.48) was found. Conclusions. We did not observe significant changes in both FMD and nitrite concentration between third trimester and the PP period. FMD did not correlate with nitrite in both periods. More studies are needed to confirm our findings. © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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O trabalho teve por objetivo determinar, em casa-de-vegetação, a densidade adequada de adultos, a idade ideal das plantas e a distribuição vertical de ovos nas diferentes partes da planta, visando à realização de estudos de resistência e à melhoria das práticas de manejo de Spodoptera frugiperda em algodoeiro. Os experimentos de oviposição de S. frugiperda em relação à densidade de adultos, relação entre plantas de algodoeiro e oviposição de S. frugiperda e não preferência para oviposição de S. frugiperda em variedades de algodoeiro foram realizados com plantas da variedade de algodoeiro BRS Ita 90. A não preferência (antixenose) para oviposição foi acompanhada nas variedades FiberMax 966, FiberMax 977, DeltaOpal, DeltaPenta, Acala 90, Coodetec 408, Coodetec 409, Coodetec 410, BRS Cedro, BRS Ipê, BRS Aroeira, IPR 96, IPR 20, BRS Araçá, IAC 24 e BRS Ita 90. Concluiu-se que S. frugiperda prefere ovipositar em plantas com cerca de 60 dias de idade, na superfície inferior das folhas situadas no terço superior dos testes de plantas sob condições de estufa. Uma densidade de, pelo menos, três pares de adultos S. frugiperda por planta foi suficiente para realizar testes de não preferência para oviposição em casa de vegetação. As variedades Coodetec 408, BRS Aroeira, BRS Araçá, BRS Ita 90 e DeltaPenta apresentaram resistência do tipo não preferência para oviposição de S. frugiperda. Em regiões com altas infestações de S. frugiperda, seria prudente para o cultivo utilizar a variedade de algodão BRS Ita 90.


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Compared with human beings, the application of ultrasound in estimating fetal age in bitches is limited due to the large variation of breed and size in this species. Several formulas were developed to calculate the gestational age and to provide the date of birth in dogs, but the efficacy of these formulas on the different gestational stages and dog breeds is unknown. The aim of this study was to compare sonographic methods for assessment of gestational age and days before parturition in dogs with different body weights and pregnancy stages. Twenty seven bitches of several sizes were examined and divided into three groups according to the initial body weight (A: <10kg; B: 10.1 - 20kg; C: >20.1kg); then each group was divided into three subgroups according to pregnancy stage (1st: 18 to 30 days; 2nd: 31 to 40 days; 3rd: >40 days) estimated according to the first day of copulation. Ultrasonography was performed weekly from the first stage of pregnancy. In the first and second stage the following formulas were applied: GA = (6XGSD) + 20; DBP = 65 - IG; by Nyland & Matton (2002); GA: gestational age; DBP: days before parturition; DSG: gestational sac diameter; in the third stage: DBP = 61,2 - (24,6 X BD); DBP = 43,5 - (10,9 X CD); by Burk & Ackerman (1996); BD: biparietal diameter; CD: body diameter, and: GA = (15 X BD) + 20; GA = (7 X CD) + 29; GA = (6 X BD) + (3 X CD) + 30; DBP = 65 - GA; by Nyland & Matton (2002). Results were compared statistically. The equations proposed by Nyland & Matton (2002), were more accurate in all pregnancy stages, with a margin of error of only three days, regardless of the size of the animal; therefore these methods are the best option in veterinary practice.