51 resultados para Teoria do Núcleo Central
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
This paper analyzes the Psychology of Play developed by D. Elkonin and his followers through examining the central theses of the cultural-historical theory. The goal is to identify elements that can support the organization of early childhood education practices. The cultural-historical theses represent a solid theory about children's play, featuring an original contribution to understand the historical emergence of play and its social nature in ontogeny. Based on Cultural-historical theory of play, we conclude that early childhood education which considers play as the leading activity must relate to the experience of various spheres of social life and the content of human activities. It is understood that the goal of educational intervention in children play is the development of the social role represented in the game. It is argued that play should neither oppose nor prevail over other activities.
This text has the following aims: a) to discuss Gramsci and Horkheimer’s epistemological status, joined authors in an theoretical approach known as Critical Theory of International Relations; b) to draft an analysis in order to show the mentioned and joined authors’ different epistemological statuses in the theoretical approach in discussion; c) to begin a reflection pointing the absence of accuracy in this approach - whose beginning happened with Canadian political scientist Robert W. Cox – due to joining different epistemological statuses and ignoring the theoretical consequences put by respective central Gramsci and Horkheimer’s concepts: hegemony and emancipation.
Studies on activity and learning in the cultural-historical approach involves, most cases, the discussions on the higher psychological functions and areas of proximal and real development. Having said that our objective in this paper is to make a discussion about the activity of study and the concepts that involve the teaching of the mother language from the Historic-Cultural theory. We point this way, the importance of this approach in studies on literacy and knowledge of the activity of study as central to the creation of humanizing need of reading and writing, starting from the principle that the creation of needs requires the production of discourses, which have their materiality in the text.
Las neuronas de la raíz coclear son las primeras neuronas del sistema nervioso central a recibir la información auditiva proveniente de la cóclea y se conectan con centros de integración sensoriomotora del tronco encefálico, especialmente con el núcleo reticular caudal del puente. Funcionalmente las neuronas de la raíz coclear están envueltos en el circuito elemental del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto juntamente con las células ganglionares del órgano de Corti, el núcleo reticular caudal del puente y las motoneuronas de la médula espinal. El reflejo auditivo de sobresalto presenta una serie de modulaciones como la habituación, la sensibilización, la inhibición por estímulo previo y la potenciación por un estímulo adverso. Las alteraciones en la reacción refleja de sobresalto y sus diferentes modulaciones poseen valor diagnóstico en la clínica médica de enfermedades neurodegenerativas y psiquiátricas como Parkinson y Esquizofrenia. Las modulaciones del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto ocurren mediante la influencia de diversos núcleos sobre los componentes del circuito elemental de este reflejo. El núcleo menos estudiado del circuito neural del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto es el núcleo de la raíz coclear. El patrón de conectividad eferente de las neuronas de la raíz coclear es bien conocido, sin embargo poco se conoce sobre los orígenes de sus aferencias y la identidad neuroquímica de las mismas. Estudios previos demostraron que el soma y en las dendritas de las neuronas de la raíz coclear están cubiertos por botones sinápticos de cuatro tipos, sugiriendo que existan diversos orígenes para estos terminales axonales, con características neuroquímicas propias. El conocimiento de las aferencias a las neuronas de la raíz coclear es relevante para comprender cual el papel del núcleo de la raíz coclear en las modulaciones del reflejo auditivo de sobresalto. Por lo tanto, ...
No sistema nervoso central (SNC), mecanismos excitatórios e inibitórios atuam para controlar a ingestão de água e sódio. Importantes mecanismos inibitórios da ingestão de água e sódio foram recentemente descobertos no núcleo parabraquial lateral (NPBL). Um papel importante do NPBL seria integrar as informações ascendentes da porção medial do núcleo do trato solitário (NTSm) e da área postrema (AP) que por sua vez poderiam influenciar a atividade das áreas prosencefálicas envolvidas no controle do balanço hidroeletrolítico, como núcleos específicos do hipotálamo e amígdala. Estudos prévios sugerem a presença de um importante mecanismo serotonérgico inibitório da ingestão de água e sódio no NPBL. Além do mecanismo serotonérgico também já foi demonstrado no NPBL a existência de um mecanismo colecistocinérgico que também exerce um papel inibitório sobre a ingestão de água e sódio. Em um estudo anterior em que se injetou um agonista e um antagonista inespecíficos de receptores opióides (β-endorfina e naloxona, respectivamente) no NPBL foi demonstrado que mecanismos opióides no NPBL podem modular o mecanismo inibitório da ingestão de água e sódio, porém não se sabia qual ou quais dos três subtipos de receptores opióides (μ, δ ou κ) estariam envolvidos nesse mecanismo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This paper consists in applying the Modern Theory of Portfolio (MPT) using central position measurements for modeling the return on investment fund of a renowned financial institution and compare with the Medium- CVaR model. The measurement of risks and returns becomes increasingly important for investors to minimize their losses to maximize thus their possibilities of earnings, taking into account sudden change scenarios. We present concepts of investment funds used as data and research on central position measurements to determine which measure was more suitable. To assemble the Efficient Frontier of assets considering the method proposed measure of central position-CVaR position is used MatLab. Then, after getting the Frontier, it was possible to compare it with the Medium-CVaR model, already proven effective. Finally, we analyze the viability of the proposed model in portfolio management
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
By understanding the reader as a central link to the meaning of the literary text and with the opportunity to extend the relevance of such studies, this work aims at analyzing the short story A benfazeja, by João Guimarães Rosa, with subsidies from Aesthetic Response Theory, by Wolfgang Iser. It investigates how structures of the text conduct the reading, in a subversive manner, by technique, repertory of themes, allusions, inversions of expectations, determinations and “gaps”. It verifies that there is an allegorical court with a persuasive rhetoric, in which the defense lawyer not only intends to protagonist MulaMarmela’s absolution, but also an invitation to new ways to see and judge to implied reader, beyond obvious reason and prejudice.
This article aims at developing the so-called ontopolitics as G. Deleuze s innovative contribution to contemporary political philosophy. This objective will lead us to inspect the concept of power that Deleuze borrowed from Foucault and extended in order to assign to it an ontological adequacy. The concept of power opens access to another important element of the Deleuzean political philosophy, that is, the study of the historical diagrams of the power in the so-called discipline and control societies. With the combined dynamical diagram of both, we become aware of the portrait Deleuze draws for the democracy in contemporary societies. Digging into the Deleuzean ontopolitics, we will devote ourselves to the concepts of majority, minority and minor-becoming. It is in this point that the meeting between Deleuze s ontoplitics and Ch. Sanders Peirce s mathematical ontology becomes sound. It happens that Deleuze s ontopolitical concepts, besides their bond to an ontology of the power, receive also a mathematical treatment related to certain arithmetical (denumerable and nondenumerable) and geometrical notions (lines). The majorities and minorities are denumerable sets which are crossed by nondenumerable becomings. This step done, we will reach the stand point of the present paper, where we carry out initial approach with regard to an image for the concepts of majority and minority on the basis of Peirce s theory of collections and multitudes, mostly envisaging the mathematical ontology included in it. Accordingly, the main operation to be accomplished is that the Deleuzean distinction between the denumerable majorities/minorities and the nondenumerable mino-becoming may be mapped out in terms of discrete collections called enumerable, denumerable and abnumerable or postnumerable, in compliance with Peirce s terminology.
The aim of this study was to add to the debate about Family Health Support Centers (FHSCs), starting from reflections about the support function. Support is generally presented, in official documents from the Ministry of Health and in academic-scientific publications, accompanied by descriptors that characterize it. Differences in terminology are commonly encountered: “institutional support”, “managerial support”, “matrix support” and so on. With regard to FHSCs, published papers have highlighted the central role played by matrix support. However, we pose the question: what are the faces that the support function has been taking on in implementing such programs? To reflect on this and other issues, we developed a study of qualitative nature within a FHSC team in Paraná, outside of the state capital, using the methodological tools of participant observation, semi-structured interviews and discussion groups. We sought to demonstrate that the dynamics of the support function in FHSCs make it possible for both matrix support and institutional support to emerge.