92 resultados para Tenement houses


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The aims of this study were to estimate the changes in total bacterial counts (TBC) in poultry litter samples, consisting of rice hulls, after storage, and to identify pathogenic bacteria. For the countings Plate Count agar (Difco) was used. Enrichment and selective media such as blood agar, MacConkey, Baird Parker, brain and heart agar, and egg yolk solid media, and cooked meat and brain and heart infusion, incubated under aerobic or anaerobic conditions were used to isolate Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella sp, Clostridium perfringens, C. botulinum, C. chauvoei, Campylobacter sp, Escherichia coli, and Corynebacterium sp. Litter samples were collected from the houses of the Veterinary School experimental aviary. A fully randomized experimental design was used with four treatments and four replications, for a total of 16 samples. A decrease in TBC was detected when treatment T1 (zero days of storage) was compared with treatments T2 (14 days of storage). on the other hand the treatments T3 (28 days of storage) and T4 (42 days of storage) presented significantly superior counting in relation to treatment T1. Some pathogenic bacteria of Enterobacteriaceae such as Escherichia coil, Proteus, Arizona, Providencia, Edwardsiella, as well as Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, different species of genus Clostridium as C. perfringens, C. sordelli, C. chauvoei, C. tetani and C. novyi as well as some strains of Corynebacterium pyogenes were isolated.


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A population boom of the millipede Plusioporus setigerhas been recorded in coffee crops in the district of Patrocinio-MG, Brazil on the last five years. The millipedes spread over dwelling houses and to vegetable gardens, orchards and small plantations. It was suggested that population increase occurred as a consequence of the organic materials in high scale and also periodic irrigation in the coffee crop.


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Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis-lysing bacteriophages isolated from poultry or human sewage sources were used to reduce Salmonella Enteritidis in vitro and in experimentally infected chicks. Cocktails of 4 different bacteriophages obtained from commercial broiler houses (CB4O) and 45 bacteriophages from a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WT45O) were evaluated. In experiment 1, an in vitro crop assay was conducted with selected bacteriophage concentrations (105 to 101 pfu/mL) to determine ability to reduce Salmonella Enteritidis in the simulated crop environment. Following 2 h at 37 degrees C, CB40 or WT45O reduced Salmonella Enteritidis recovery by 1.5 or 5 log, respectively, as compared with control. However, CB40 did not affect total SE recovery after 6 h, whereas WT45O resulted in up to a 6-log reduction of Salmonella Enteritidis. In experiment 2, day-of-hatch chicks were challenged orally with 3 x 103 cfu /chick Salmonella Enteritidis and treated cloacally with 1 X 109 WT45O pfu/chick I h postchallenge. One hour later, chicks were treated or not with a commercially available probiotic (Floramax-B11). Both treatments significantly reduced Salmonella Enteritidis recovery from cecal tonsils at 24 h following vent lip application as compared with controls, but no additive effect was observed with the combination of bacteriophages and probiotic. In experiment 3, day-of-hatch chicks were challenged orally with 9 x 103 cfu/chick Salmonella Enteritidis and treated via oral gavage with I X 108 CB40 pfu/chick, 1.2 x 108 WT45O pfu/chick, or a combination of both, I h postchallenge. All treatments significantly reduced Salmonella Enteritidis recovered from cecal tonsils at 24 h as compared with untreated controls, but no significant differences were observed at 48 h following treatment. These data suggest that some bacteriophages can be efficacious in reducing SE colonization in poultry during a short period, but with the bacteriophages and methods presently tested, persistent reductions were not observed.


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Planning control programs, for diseases such as rabies requires information on the size and structure of the dog and cat population. In order to evaluate the dog population of the urban area of Araçatuba city, S. Paulo State, Brazil, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire to interview members of households. Eighty-eight districts were visited (37,778 houses) and the interview was possible at 77.93% of these. Human population size evaluated was 113,157 inhabitants. Houses that owned animals represented 55.2%, 26,926 of the animals concerned were dogs and 5,755 were cats. Of the dogs, 56.64% were 1-4 year olds and males represented 56.2% of the total population. Dog: person ratio was estimated at 2.8 dogs to every 10 persons, almost 3 times the ratio hitherto estimated and used in the planning of rabies vaccination campaigns.


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Bothrops pubescens is a member of the neuwiedi complex that occurs in southern Brazil and Uruguay. We studied the ecology of B. pubescens from a field site (at Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) and based on preserved specimens from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. In Santa Maria, individuals were collected during visual encounter surveys (VES), in pitfall traps with drift fences and during incidental encounters. Most snakes found in the field were on the ground, mainly on leaf litter, in mosaics of light and shadow or in completely shaded areas. In disturbed areas, snakes were usually associated with country houses and agricultural fields. Snakes were found much more frequently in forests and forest edges than in open habitats. The diet of B. pubescens comprised small mammals (56.2% of individual prey found), anurans (21.2%), lizards (7.5%), snakes (7.5%), birds (5.0%), and centipedes (2.5%). Prey predator mass ratios ranged from 0.002-0.627, and larger snakes tended to consume larger prey. Bothrops pubescens seems to be able to survive in disturbed areas, mainly those close to forests, and this ability may be facilitated by its generalized feeding habits. Copyright 2005 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.


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The ant Paratrechina longicornis is a cosmopolitan ant species that has been accidentally spread by commerce around the world, and now is a pest of houses and hospitals. The morphology of its larval stages has been previously described without knowledge of the number of instars. The present study revisits the original description of P. longicornis larvae by adding differences observed among the three larval instars. Compared to other Paratrechina species studied so far, P. longicornis presents smaller larvae, less evident variation in mandible morphology, and clear variation in the morphology of head hairs between the analysed specimens of the second and third instar larvae. Ultrastructural images of the eggs, larval spiracle ornamentation, and pupae are also presented for the first time. Copyright © 2007 - Magnolia Press.


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The genus Paratrechina (Motschulsky) is composed of about 147 cosmopolitan ant species and subspecies, of which some were accidentally spread by commerce around the world, infesting houses and hospitals. In Brazil, two species are of remarkable economic importance: Paratrechina fulva (Mayr) and Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille). The present paper aims to report the following aspects on the biology of P. longicornis: number of larval instars, growth rates, duration and viability of the developmental stages and some observations on brood-care behaviour. Artificial colonies were kept under controlled temperature (25±2°C) and relative humidity (60±10%) conditions. To access the number of larval instars, we analyzed 1531 larvae fixed in Dietrich by measuring their maximum head capsule widths. We analysed ten artificial colonies daily to measure the developmental time and viability of immatures. We found P. longicornis presented three larval instars and a mean growth ratio of 1.2988. Egg stage was found to last 16.1 ±0.1 days, with a viability of 24.6%; larval stages were found to last 18.3±0.1 days, with a viability of 33.3% and the pupal stage was found to last 12.3±0.1 days, with a viability of 65.3%.


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The energy efficiency of buildings should be a goal at the pre-design phase, though the importance of the design variables is often neglected even during the design process. Highlighting the relevance of these design variables, this research studies the relationships of building location variables with the electrical energy consumption of residential units. The following building design parameters are considered: orientation, story height and sky view factor (SVF). The consideration of the SVF as a location variable contributes to the originality of this research. Data of electrical energy consumption and users' profiles were collected and several variables were considered for the development of an Artificial Neural Network model. This model allows the determination of the relative importance of each variable. The results show that the apartments' orientation is the most important design variable for the energy consumption, although the story height and the sky view factor play a fundamental role in that consumption too. We pointed out that building heights above twenty-four meters do not optimize the energy efficiency of the apartments and also that an increasing SVF can influence the energy consumption of an apartment according to their orientation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study proposes the development of thermal and energy consumption maps to generate useful planning information. A residential neighbourhood in a medium-sized city was selected as the study area. In this area, 40 points were taken as urban reference points where air temperatures at the pedestrian level were collected. At the same time, rural temperatures made available by the city meteorological station were registered. Data of electrical energy consumption of the building units (houses and apartments) were collected through a household survey that was also designed to identify the users' income levels. Then, maps were developed so that the configuration of urban heat islands and electrical energy consumption could be visualised, compared and analysed. The results showed that the income level was the most important variable influencing electrical energy consumption. However, a strong relationship of the consumption with the thermal environment was also observed.


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Poulty house typology and the materials used (mainly for roofing) are the determining factors for an appropriate thermal condition aiming at production. In this context, the main point of this paper was to identify differences in the internal environment of two poultry houses, using monitoring and afterwards using statistics for comparing the environmental variables. The data analyzed did not show evidence of better thermal comfort for the house which was covered with ceramic roofing tile, because this house did not have ridged vents, making the hot air exit from the house difficult by the chimney effect. The ammonia concentration measured inside both houses was within the comfort limit. The temperature and humidity index of the house covered with ceramic roofing tiles was higher than the house which was covered with cement asbestos roofing tile, even though lower temperature on the tiles' surfaces was verified, showing the positive effects of the use of ridge vents at the housing. Based on the results obtained it is recommended for the Bastos, SP region, that poulty houses should be built with the ridge vent and long eaves beyond the roof of ceramic tiles.


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The growth of large cities is usually accelerated and disorganized, which causes social, economical and infrastructural conflicts and frequently, occupation in illegal areas. For a better administration of these areas, the public manager needs information about their location. This information can be obtained through land utilization and land cover maps, where orbital images of remote sensing are used as one of the most traditional sources of data. In this context, the present work tested the applicability of the object-based classification to categorize two slum areas, taking into account the structure of the streets, size of the huts, distance between the houses, among other parameters. These area combinations of physical aspects were analyzed using the image IKONOS II and the software eCognition. Slum areas tend to be, to the contrary of the planned areas, disarranged, with narrow streets, small houses built with a variety of materials and without definition of blocks. The results of land cover classification for slum areas are encouraging because they are accurate and little ambiguous in the classification process. Thus, it would allow its utilization by urban managers.


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Objective Determining conditions regarding possible zoonosis transmission risk based on Ilha Solteira-São Paulo citizens' habits aimed at establishing concrete recommendations for the corresponding local authorities to reduce some risk factors. Methods100 focalized interviews were held on Ilha Solteira's urban perimeter during April 2008. The people interviewed were adults who lived or worked in houses in the study area. Results This research found a significant number of cat and/or dog owners who allowed their pets to stay in internal areas of their houses. They did not define a specific place for animals to defecate and/or urinate or did not arrange appropriate final disposal of such waste. Conclusion Local authorities must make greater efforts at educating Ilha Solteira pets' owners and providing them with information and encouraging greater citizen commitment and awareness to improve habits related to caring for pets/animal sand reducing zoonosis transmission risk factors.


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There are several difficulties in the control of quick spreading and highly contagious poultry diseases such as avian influenza and Newcastle disease, which require large numbers of poultry to be rapidly killed inside the poultry houses in order to minimize human exposure and disease spreading. We have built and tested an equipment that uses a waterbased foam from high expansion fire detergent that induces poultry anoxia measured by sensorial signs, time to death, lethality and macro and microscopically lesions. Two hundred 78-weeks old hens were divided into ten groups and exposed to different times of death according to exposure to water-foam varying from 5min30s to 8min15s. All poultry died after six minutes of water-foam cover. Foam bubbles were observed in oral cavity and trachea of all poultry at each time of exposure to foam, revealing physical asphyxia. Macroscopically, congestion in oral cavity and in trachea mucosa was observed. Histopathology revealed diffuse and moderate hemorrhage in lungs and no lesion in trachea. The efficacy of water-foam procedure for poultry depopulation was demonstrated validating its recommendation in case of emergency.


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Increased urbanization typically leads to an increase in abundance of a few species and a reduction in bird species richness. Understanding the structure of biotic communities in urban areas will allow us to propose management techniques and to decrease conflicts between wild species and human beings. The objective of this study was to describe the structure of the bird community in an urban ecosystem. The study was carried out in the city of Taubaté in southeastern Brazil. Point-counts were established in areas with different levels of tree density ranging from urban green spaces to predominantly built-up areas. We looked for a correlation between the richness/abundance of birds and the size of the area surveyed, the number of houses, the number of tree species and the number of individual trees. The results of multiple regression showed that bird richness had a direct relationship with vegetation complexity. The abundance and diversity of tree species were better predictors of bird species than the number of houses and size of the area surveyed. We discuss implications of this study for conservation and management of bird diversity in urban areas, such as the need to increase green areas containing a large diversity of native plant species. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.