248 resultados para Teleostei


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The chromosome complement of a local population of Astyanax scabripinnis in Brazil was investigated with emphasis on the study of the heterochromatin attached to the A-chromosomes and present in the macro B-chromosome. Analysis after C-banding, silver and CMA(3) staining, incorporation of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine and chromosome digestion with nine restriction endonucleases revealed that the heterochromatin in the B-chromosomes was different from that found in the A-chromosomes. A polymorphism due to the presence of a supernumerary heterochromatic chromosome segment was observed in the population investigated. Some aspects related to the origin of the heterochromatin polymorphism in Astyanax scabripinnis are discussed.


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The differentiation of spermatids in Hoplias malabaricus is characterized by chromatin compaction, flagellum development, nuclear rotation, nuclear fossa formation, and excess cytoplasm elimination. In the resulting spermatozoon, the head is round and the nucleus contains chromatin compacted in thick filaments, peripherically arranged, to a central electron-lucent area. The acrosome is absent. The nuclear fossa is eccentric but not pronounced. The proximal centriole penetrates it and is oblique to the flagellum. The long midpiece has several converging elongate vesicles, forming membranous hoops in the initial segment of the flagellum, but has no cytoplasmic channel. The mitochondria are elongate and branched or C-shaped and located around the initial segment of the axoneme. The lateral flagellum does not show lateral projections. The ultrastructural characteristics of H. malabaricus spermatozoa are similar to the Cypriniformes. (C) 2001 the Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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The Hoplias malabaricus primary spermatogonium shows a large nucleus, central nucleolus, and low electron-dense cytoplasm containing nuages. In cysts, they undergo several mitotic divisions with incomplete cytokinesis, giving rise to secondary spermatogonia. These are smaller than the primary spermatogonia and their nuclei have one or two eccentric nucleoli. Spermatocytes I can be identified by the presence of synaptonemal complexes. Spermatocytes II are smaller than spermatocytes 1, displaying roughly compacted chromatin. All these cell types remain interconnected by thick-walled intercellular bridges, which have membranous reinforcements during mitosis and meiosis. These cell types show a well-developed endomembranous system, one of the centrioles anchored to the plasma membrane and small nuages. Their mitochondria are large and circular, with few cristae. In the last generations of spermatogonia, the mitochondria are smaller, elongate and have more cristae. In the spermatocytes, the mitochondria are small and round. Similarities found in relation to germ cells of other teleosts are discussed.


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Neoplecostomus paranensis Langeam, 1990, from the upper Rio Parana, is the only Neoplecostomus species described in this basin and is distinguished from its congeners by the lack or reduction of the adipose fin. Neoplecostomus specimens with a normal and always present adipose fin were caught in the Rio Corumba, upper Rio Parana basin. In the present study two samples of populations, one from a tributary of Rio Paranapanema (identified as a typical N. paranensis) and the other from the Rio Corumba were compared through allozyme electrophoresis. Six diagnostic loci were found, Acp-A, Adh-A, Est-A, Gpi-A, Ldh-A and Ldh-B. In addition, the locus Gpi-B showed significant differences between allelic frequencies for the two samples. Nei's genetic identity between the populations was 0.731. The expressive genetic divergence together with the presence of an adipose fin show that the sample from the Rio Corumba is distinct from N. paranensis and probably represents a new species. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The morphological characteristics of Synbranchus marmoratus female germ cells in various development stages were described in details; then measurements of ovarian follicle diameters were taken from primary and secondary growth as during these development stages the oocyte size varied considerably along the fish growth. The results were correlated to total fish length, using the individuals division in six size classes. It was possible to group oocytes by stages according to histological characteristics but not according to morphometric diameter, as there was a wide variation in diameter in each stage and overlap between different maturation stages. These data make available new information on the reproductive biology of Synbranchidae. (c) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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In Salminus, spermiogenesis is cystic and gives origin to a type I aquasperm. Spermatid differentiation is characterized by chromatin condensed into thick fibres, nuclear rotation, nuclear fossa formation, cytoplasmic channel formation, mitochondrial fusion producing long and ramified mitochondria, and the presence of several membranous concentric rings around the plasma membrane that encircles the cytoplasmic channel. In Salminus and Brycon, spermatozoa are very similar. They exhibit a spherical nucleus and chromatin condensed into fibre clusters, and a deep nuclear fossa. They show a long midpiece with few elongate mitochondria at the initial region and a cytoplasmic channel completely encircled by one or two membranous concentric rings. The flagellar axis is perpendicular to the nucleus and exhibits the classic axoneme (9 + 2). The very strong similarity observed between Salminus and Brycon spermatozoa supports the hypothesis that these subfamilies are likely to have a monophyletic origin.


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The follicular epithelium and theca of oocytes in Serrasalmus spilopleura differentiates during the initial primary growth phase. The follicular cells are squamous and the thecal cells are disposed in two layers. During the secondary growth phase, follicular cells become cuboidal, acquire characteristics typical of protein- or glycoprotein-producing cells, and show dilated intercellular spaces. Formation of the egg envelope in S. spilopleura begins in the previtellogenic oocytes as a layer of amorphous electron-dense material is laid down on the oolemma. During vitellogenesis, another layer of electron-dense material appears beneath the first layer. Also during this phase, a layer of amorphous, less electron-dense material is formed adjacent to the follicular epithelium. The secondary egg envelope appears at the postvitellogenic phase and is composed of a filamentous and undulant material. The morphology of the egg envelopes in S. spilopleura reflects not only its oviparous nature but also the fact that its eggs are adhesive.


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Agarose gels stained with Ethidium bromide and Southern blot experiments of HindIII-digested genomic DNA of Achirus lineatus evidenced the presence of monomers and multimers of a DNA segment of about 200 bp, named here Al-HindIII sequence. No signals were observed in Southern blot experiments with genomic DNA of other flatfish species. The DNA sequencing of four recombinant clones showed that Al-HindIII sequences had 204 bp and were 63.72% AT-rich. FISH experiments using a Al-HindIII sequence as probe showed bright signals in the centromeric position of all chromosomes of A. lineatus.


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Spermatozoa ultrastructure was studied in five marines (Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Larimus breviceps, Cynoscion striatus, Micropogonias furnieri, Menticirrhus americanus, Umbrina coroides, Stellifer rastrifer), and one freshwater (Plagioscion squamosissimus) species of Sciaenidae and one species of Polynemidae (Polydactylus virginicus). The investigation revealed that, in all species, spermatozoa display a round head, a nucleus containing highly condensed, filamentous chromatin clusters, no acrosome, a short midpiece with a short cytoplasmic channel, and a flagellum showing the classic axoneme structure (9 + 2) and short irregular lateral fins. In Sciaenidae, the spermatozoa are type II, the flagellar axis is parallel to the nucleus, the lateral nuclear fossa is double arched, the centriolar complex is outside the nuclear fossa, the proximal centriole is anterior and perpendicular to the distal centriole, and no more than ten spherical (marine species) or elongate (freshwater species) mitochondria are observed. Polynemidae spermatozoa are of the intermediate type with the flagellar axis eccentric to the hemi-arc-shaped nucleus, and exhibit no nuclear fossa, the centriolar complex close to the upper nuclear end, the proximal centriole lateral and oblique to the distal centriole, and one large ring-shaped mitocondrion. The data available show that no characteristic is exclusively found in the spermatozoa of members of the Sciaenidae family when compared to other Percoidei with type II spermatozoa. However, three characteristics were exclusively found in Polynemidae: (1) the hemi-arched nucleus; the positioning of the centrioles; and (2) the ring-shaped mitocondrion. The interrelationships between Sciaenidae and Polynemidae as well as between these two families and other Percoidei are herein discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Leporinus elongatus represents an interesting model for studies on chromosome evolution since it possesses a conspicuous ZZ/ZW sex chromosome system that has been characterized mainly by basic cytogenetic techniques. In the present study we describe a dispersed repetitive element ( named Le SpeI) related to the sex chromosomes of L. elongatus. Females revealed clusters of Le SpeI on the long arm of the W chromosome and in the acrocentric NOR-bearing chromosome pair. In males, the signal was restricted to the pericentromeric region of the NOR-bearing chromosomes. Considering the results obtained in the present study using FISH, NOR and C-banding, together with findings from previous studies, it can be inferred that the sex chromosome system of L. elongatus is still undergoing an evolutionary process. The data suggest novelties in relation to the sex chromosomes of the genus Leporinus with the description of a multiple sex chromosome system involving the NOR-bearing chromosomes. Therefore, it is hypothesized that the simple ZW chromosome system previously described for L. elongatus rather is a multiple Z(1)Z(1)Z(2)Z(2)/Z(1)W(1)Z(2)W(2) system. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel


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The ultrastructure of Sorubim lima spermatogenesis during the premeiotic and meiotic periods was studied. Our observations showed that the germ cells in the cysts are connected by cytoplasmic bridges and the mitotic and meiotic divisions are slightly asynchronous, the first and the last spermatogonial generations differ in the cellular and nuclear volume, nucleolus, chromatin condensation, distribution, size, density, and shape of the mitochondria, presence of 'lamellae anulata', amount and dimension of the 'nuages', and movement of the centrioles. In addition to the nuclear prophase structures, the spermatocyte I shows changes in all other cellular organelles and elongated vesicles appear in the cytoplasm. The accentuated cytoplasmic density and thickened walled vesicles are morphological characteristics that differentiate spermatocytes II from the other germ cells in the cysts of Sorubim lima testis. (C) 1999 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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Spermiogenesis and spermatozoal structure were studied in Cichla intermedia, a primitive species of Neotropical cichlids. The analysis shows that spermiogenesis is characterized by chromatin compaction, flagellum development, nuclear rotation, nuclear fossa formation and residual cytoplasm elimination. In the spermatozoa, the head is round, the nucleus contains highly condensed filamentous clusters of chromatin and an acrosome is absent. The nuclear fossa is slightly eccentric and shows a projection that penetrates into the nuclear outline. The proximal centriole is located in the initial segment of the nuclear fossa. The midpiece and the cytoplasmic channel are long. The mitochondria, about 10 in number, are round or slightly elongated, disposed in two layers around the initial segment of the flagellum. The flagellum has a classical 9 + 2 axoneme and two lateral fins. The data available show that no characteristics of spermiogenesis or spermatozoa are exclusively found in members of the suborder Labroidei. However, three characteristics seem to be exclusively observed in Cichlidae: (1) compact filamentous clusters of chromatin; (2) slightly eccentric nuclear fossa; and, (3) number of mitochondria. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The original description of Mugil gaimardianus has created various taxonomic problems in the past since the description is ambiguous and the type specimen is apparently lost. The name M. gaimardianus could not be reliably applied to any known species and was suppressed by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) (Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 51: 286-287, 1994). Nevertheless, karyological evidence has shown that there is a species of mullet in Venezuelan coastal waters that does not conform to the description of any other mullet from the Western Central Atlantic and has the feature of a red eye that was often used by earlier authors to define nominal M. gaimardianus. The purpose of this study was to make a morphological description of these unusual specimens, provide a morphological diagnosis from other species of Mugil present in the Caribbean and Western Central Atlantic and establish a valid name for the species. (c) 2007 the Authors Journal complication (c) 2007 the Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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This paper describes the karyotype analysis of Haemulon aurolineatum, Haemulon bonariensis and Haemulon plumierii, by Giemsa staining, C-banding, Ag-staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), to locate the 18S and 5S rRNA genes. Diploid modal count in the three species was 2n = 48 acrocentric elements. Except for pair 24, which exhibited an unmistakable secondary constriction in all three species, it was not possible to classify them as homologous to each other because differences in chromosome size were too slight between adjacent pairs within a size-graded series. Ag-NOR clusters were located in pair 24 in the three species with signal located on the secondary constriction of these chromosomes. C-banding demonstrated that the three species share the same distribution pattern of the constitutive heterochromatin with centromeric heterochromatic blocks in the 23 chromosome pairs and a pericentromeric block in pair 24 which is coincident with the NORs. FISH experiments showed that 18S rDNA sequences were located coincident with the Ag-NOR site in the three species; however, differences in both the number and chromosome distribution of 5S-rDNA cluster were detected among them. Our data suggest that chromosome evolution of Haemulon has been preserved from major changes in the karyotypic macrostructure, whereas microstructural changes have occurred.


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Histochemical, ultrastructural and morphometric methods were used to study growth patterns of red, pink and white muscle fibres and their relation to body weight and total length in the fast-growing freshwater fish Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg. The correlations amongst body weight, body length and diameter of red, pink and white fibres were low. From 10-15 to 40 50 cm, body weight increased 102.7 times, while the diameter of each type of fibro increased by factors of 0.94, 0.74 and 0.70, respectively. Muscle fibres revealed different morphological and histochemical stages of maturation. The frequencies of < 20 mu-m fibres of red, pink and white muscle tissue in the youngest and oldest classes were 64.5 and 11.0, 38.2 and 7.7 and 24.0 and 1.4%, respectively. In 30-40 cm fish, the frequency of < 20 mu-m fibres in the red and pink tissue was 24.5 and 25.5%, while in the white tissue it was 11.5%. During sexual maturity (40-50 cm), the recruitment of < 20 pm fibres in white muscle was 1.4%. Muscle fibres of this species showed continuous growth by both hyperplastic and hypertrophic mechanisms, and hyperplasia was particularly active in the juvenile phase.