85 resultados para Swallow Maneuvers


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Este trabalho apresenta dados acerca do comportamento de forrageamento e substratos usados para a captura de presas por 28 espécies de tiranídeos (Tyrannidae) no Brasil. Para seis espécies: Arundinicola leucocephala Linnaeus, 1764, Fluvicola nengeta Linnaeus, 1766, Machetornis rixosa Vieillot, 1819, Myiozetetes similis Spix, 1825, Pitangus sulphuratus Linnaeus, 1766 e Tyrannus melancholicus Vieillot, 1819 -, também são apresentados dados sobre a altura do poleiro usado para caça, tempo de procura por presas, distância e ângulo de ataque. Com raras exceções, manobras do tipo sally strike foram as mais freqüentes, enquanto folhas vivas e o ar foram os substratos mais comumente usados para capturar presas. Para as seis espécies acima citadas três grupos de altura de forrageamento puderam ser discernidos: F. nengeta e M. rixosa forrageiam no chão, A. leucocephala e P. sulphuratus ocupam um estrato médio e T. melancholicus e M. similis formam um terceiro grupo e geralmente atacam suas presas a partir de poleiros situados a 3 m ou mais do chão. Com exceção de P. sulphuratus, que apresentou o tempo de procura mais longo, as outras cinco espécies não diferiram nesse aspecto. Três grupos foram também discernidos em relação à distância de ataque: F. nengeta e M. rixosa atacam presas próximas (< 2 m) a eles, A. leucocephala, P. sulphuratus e M. similis formam um grupo de média distância (3-4 m) e T. melancholicus apresentou as mais longas distâncias de ataque (até 12 m). As aves diferiram em alguns aspectos do ângulo de ataque que, juntamente com diferenças sutis em outros aspectos do comportamento de forrageamento podem levar a diferenças importantes na seleção de presas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Realizou-se uma intoxicação experimental em bovinos, pela administração oral, com diferentes doses de toxina botulínica tipo D. O objetivo foi determinar o tempo de permanência da toxina no sangue circulante de bovinos, pela detecção da toxina no soro mediante bioensaio em camundongos, e de verificar a presença da toxina no fígado, no baço, nos rins e no coração, e no conteúdo ruminal de bovinos que morreram e/ou foram sacrificados. Utilizaram-se 12 bovinos, mestiços, divididos em quatro grupos de três animais cada. Os grupos I, II e III receberam 200DL50/ml, 21.300DL50/ml e 63.200DL50/ml de toxina botulínica, respectivamente, e o grupo IV manteve-se como controle. A toxina foi detectada principalmente no soro dos bovinos pertencentes aos grupos II e III que receberam altas doses do inóculo tóxico, nos quais a toxina permaneceu por um período de um a sete dias após o aparecimento dos primeiros sinais clínicos da doença. A toxina não foi detectada no fígado, no baço, nos rins e no coração, mas o foi no conteúdo ruminal de um bovino do grupo II. A toxina botulínica foi mais facilmente detectada no soro do que nos órgãos dos bovinos, sendo encontrada principalmente quando o animal ingeriu muita toxina, durante a fase inicial da doença e por um período de sete dias.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A parada cardíaca per-operatória é um evento grave, e sua incidência em nosso serviço é de 31:10.000 anestesias. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso de parada cardíaca durante anestesia geral em uma paciente submetida a colecistectomia. RELATO do CASO: Paciente feminina, 16 anos, 62 kg, estado físico ASA I, submetida à colecistectomia por via aberta. Midazolam (15 mg) por via oral foi a medicação pré-anestésica. Foi realizadas indução anestésica com sufentanil (50 µg), propofol (150 mg) e atracúrio (30 mg). A anestesia foi mantida com isoflurano e N2O. Após trinta minutos de cirurgia ocorreu bradicardia sinusal revertida com atropina (0,5 mg). Vinte minutos depois, ocorreu outra bradicardia com bloqueio átrio-ventricular de 3º grau evoluindo rapidamente para parada cardíaca (PCR) em assistolia, apesar da administração de atropina (1 mg). As manobras de reanimação foram iniciadas imediatamente, juntamente com a administração de adrenalina (1 mg), com retorno dos batimentos cardíacos espontâneos após aproximadamente cinco minutos da PCR. A cirurgia foi concluída e a paciente manteve-se estável hemodinami- camente. A paciente foi extubada duas horas após o término da cirurgia apresentando-se sonolenta, não contactante, com bom padrão ventilatório e hemodinâmico. Após doze horas de observação na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) a paciente apresentava-se agitada e desconexa. Vinte e quatro horas após a PCR a paciente recebeu alta da UTI consciente, orientada, sem queixas e sem déficit neurológico. Recebeu alta hospitalar no 4º dia do pós-operatório. CONCLUSÕES: Diversos fatores podem contribuir para a ocorrência de disritmias e parada cardíaca no per-operatório, destacando-se a estimulação vagal secundária às manobras cirúrgicas. O diagnóstico precoce e o rápido início das manobras de reanimação são de fundamental importância para a boa evolução neurológica desses pacientes


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The dynamics of the restricted three-body Earth-Moon-particle problem predicts the existence of direct periodic orbits around the Lagrangian equilibrium point L1. From these orbits, we derive a set of trajectories that form links between the Earth and the Moon and are capable of performing transfers between terrestrial and lunar orbits, in addition to defining an escape route from the Earth-Moon system. When we consider a more complex and realistic dynamical system - the four-body Sun-Earth-Moon-particle (probe) problem - the trajectories have an expressive gain of inclination when they penetrate in the lunar influence sphere, thus allowing the insertion of probes into low-altitude lunar orbits with high inclinations, including polar orbits. In this study, we present these links and investigate some possibilities for performing an Earth-Moon transfer based on these trajectories. (C) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The lunar sphere of influence, whose radius is some 66,300 km, has regions of stable orbits around the Moon and also regions that contain trajectories which, after spending some time around the Moon, escape and are later recaptured by lunar gravity. Both the escape and the capture occur along the Lagrangian equilibrium points L1 and L2. In this study, we mapped out the region of lunar influence considering the restricted three-body Earth-Moon-particle problem and the four-body Sun-Earth-Moon-particle (probe) problem. We identified the stable trajectories, and the escape and capture trajectories through the L I and L2 in plots of the eccentricity versus the semi-major axis as a function of the time that the energy of the osculating lunar trajectory in the two-body Moon-particle problem remains negative. We also investigated the properties of these routes, giving special attention to the fact that they supply a natural mechanism for performing low-energy transfers between the Earth and the Moon, and can thus be useful on a great number of future missions. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of COSPAR.


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The performance of the NORAD models for near Earth satellites (SGP, SGP4, SGP8) using two Brazilian flying satellites, SCD-1 and SCD-2, and the Chinese-Brazilian satellite CBERS-1 is compared. The achievable accuracy of such models is compared against the predicted 2-lines elements set for the satellites. Every week an updated fresh set of 2-lines elements for these satellites is made available through the Internet. About ten years of observations of the SCD-1 satellite are available and therefore solar activity influences on the orbit can be analyzed. Data are selected considering also orbital (for CBERS-1) and attitude (for SCD-2) maneuvers - (C) 2002 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We measured body temperatures in three species of Brazilian hummingbirds, the Versicolored Emerald (Amazilia versicolor; body mass 4.1 g), the Black Jacobin (Me lantrochilus fuscus; body mass 7.7 g) and the Swallow-tailed Hummingbird (Eupetomena macroura; body mass 8.6 g), during overnight exposure to natural conditions of photoperiod and ambient temperatures. All three species entered torpor. In both A. versicolor and E. macroura, individuals entered torpor even if they had access to feeders up to the time of sunset. In contrast, M. fuscus was less prone to enter torpor and did so mainly if it had been fasting for more than two hours before sunset. Furthermore, M. fuscus often spent the whole night in torpor, whereas the two other species entered torpor for a variable, often short, period of the night. We observed more than one torpor bout during a single night in all three species. We suggest that multiple nocturnal torpors result from interruption of the normal torpor pattern by some (unknown) external stimuli. Any interrupted torpor was always followed by a new entry into torpor, supporting the view that there is a body mass threshold below which the hummingbirds must enter torpor Our data also indicate that these hummingbird species might use torpor even if they are not energetically stressed.


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The planar, circular, restricted three-body problem predicts the existence of periodic orbits around the Lagrangian equilibrium point L1. Considering the Earth-lunar-probe system, some of these orbits pass very close to the surfaces of the Earth and the Moon. These characteristics make it possible for these orbits, in spite of their instability, to be used in transfer maneuvers between Earth and lunar parking orbits. The main goal of this paper is to explore this scenario, adopting a more complex and realistic dynamical system, the four-body problem Sun-Earth-Moon-probe. We defined and investigated a set of paths, derived from the orbits around L1, which are capable of achieving transfer between low-altitude Earth (LEO) and lunar orbits, including high-inclination lunar orbits, at a low cost and with flight time between 13 and 15 days.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper made an analysis of some numerical integration methods that can be used in electromagnetic transient simulations. Among the existing methods, we analyzed the trapezoidal integration method (or Heun formula), Simpson's Rule and Runge-Kutta. These methods were used in simulations of electromagnetic transients in power systems, resulting from switching operations and maneuvers that occur in transmission lines. Analyzed the characteristics such as accuracy, computation time and robustness of the methods of integration.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The foraging behavior of two White-backed stilts (Himantopus melanurus) was studied in a lake at the municipality of Santa Gertrudes, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The foraging strategies observed were classified in two categories: pluging (65.8% of total maneuvers) and pecking (34.3%). Only in 26.8% of the foraging maneuvers the individuals captured preys (72.9% by plunging and 27.1% by pecking). When comparing both strategies, plunging was successful 29.7% of the times, but pecking only 21.2%. At the study site, individuals foraged only up to 20 m away from the lake margin. The foraging area exploited by the White-backed stilts was estimated in about 720 m 2. Foraging activities lasted since before sunrise until after sunset. © 2006 Instituto de Ciências Biológicas - UFMG.


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Swing-by techniques are extensively used in interplanetary missions to minimize fuel consumption and to raise payloads of spaceships. The effectiveness of this type of maneuver has been proven since the beginning of space exploration. According to this premise, we have explored the existence of a natural and direct links between low Earth orbits and the lunar sphere of influence, to obtain low-energy interplanetary trajectories through swing-bys with the Moon and the Earth. The existence of these links are related to a family of retrograde periodic orbits around the Lagrangian equilibrium point L1 predicted for the circular, planar, restricted three-body Earth-Moon-particle problem. The trajectories in these links are sensitive to small disturbances. This enables them to be conveniently diverted reducing so the cost of the swing-by maneuver. These maneuvers allow us a gain in energy sufficient for the trajectories to escape from the Earth-Moon system and to stabilize in heliocentric orbits between the Earth and Venus or Earth and Mars. On the other hand, still within the Earth sphere of influence, and taking advantage of the sensitivity of the trajectories, is possible to design other swing-bys with the Earth or Moon. This allows the trajectories to have larger reach, until they can reach the orbit of other planets as Venus and Mars.(3σ)Broucke, R.A., Periodic Orbits in the Restricted Three-Body Problem with Earth-Moon Masses, JPL Technical Report 32-1168, 1968.


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Background: The aim of this study was to analyze stable hypertrophied myocardial function and its response to inotropic maneuvers in rats submitted to renovascular hypertension for a 10-week period (RHT group, n=10). Material/Methods: Myocardial performance was studied in isolated left ventricle papillary muscles in isometric contraction under the following conditions: at postrest contraction of 30 seconds (PRC), at extracellular calcium (ECa 2+) chloride concentration of 1.25 and 5.20 mM, and after beta-adrenergic stimulation with 10 -6 M isoproterenol (ISOP). Results: The results were compared with normotensive Wistar controls rats (C group, n=10). In basal condition, resting tension, and contraction time (TPT) were greater, while relaxation time (RT 50) tended to be longer in RHT than C group. PRC and ISOP promoted a similar change in muscle function response intensity (Δ) in both groups. ECa 2+ shift did not change TPT in the C group and decreased TPT in the RHT animals; Δ was different between these groups. RT 50 increased in C and decreased in RHT, both without statistical significance; however, Δ was different. Conclusions: These results suggest that hypertrophied myocardial dysfunction may be attibuted to changes in intracellular calcium cycling. © Med Sci Monit, 2010.